

2016-12-14 11:35  supper_Ho  阅读(734)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报


//  main.m

//  02-字符串的获取


//  Created by apple on 14-3-20.

//  Copyright (c) 2014年 apple. All rights reserved.



#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>









int main(int argc, const char * argv[])



    @autoreleasepool {



        NSString * str = @"abcd";

        NSUInteger length =   [str length]; //str.length;

        NSLog(@"字符串长度 %lu",length);



        NSString * str2 = @"www.itcast.cn";

        //如果你给定的索引值,超出了字符串的长度,就会导致异常Range or index out of bounds


        unichar c = [str2 characterAtIndex:2];//索引值是从 0 开始的

        NSLog(@"获得字符 %c",c);



        NSString * str3 = @"www.itcast.com";

        //substringFromIndex 从给定的索引开始(包含该索引位置)截取到字符串末尾

        NSString * tmpStr = [str3 substringFromIndex:3];

        NSLog(@"substringFromIndex %@ ",tmpStr);



        NSString * tmpStr2 = [str3 substringToIndex:3];

        NSLog(@"substringToIndex %@",tmpStr2);





        NSRange rang = {4,6};

        //location (起始索引的位置,包含该索引) length(要截取的长度)

        NSString * tmpStr3 = [str3 substringWithRange:rang];


        NSLog(@"substringWithRange %@",tmpStr3);


        NSString * tmpStr4 = @"it";//@"itcast";

        NSRange tmpRange = [str3 rangeOfString:tmpStr4];

        //可以使用NSStringFromRange 把一个Range结构体转换成字符串


//        NSLog(@"location = %d,length = %d",tmpRange.location,tmpRange.length);

        //NSNotFound 没有找到

        if (tmpRange.location == NSNotFound)


            NSLog(@"tmpStr4 不在 Str3中");



            NSLog(@"rangeOfString %@",NSStringFromRange(tmpRange));



        NSRange tmpRange2 = [str3 rangeOfString:@"itcast" options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch];


        NSLog(@"rangeOfString1 %@",NSStringFromRange(tmpRange2));



    return 0;






2016-12-14 11:34:00.723 02-字符串的获取[653:186979] 字符串长度 4

2016-12-14 11:34:00.724 02-字符串的获取[653:186979] 获得字符 w

2016-12-14 11:34:00.724 02-字符串的获取[653:186979] substringFromIndex .itcast.com 

2016-12-14 11:34:00.724 02-字符串的获取[653:186979] substringToIndex www

2016-12-14 11:34:00.725 02-字符串的获取[653:186979] substringWithRange itcast

2016-12-14 11:34:00.725 02-字符串的获取[653:186979] rangeOfString {4, 2}

2016-12-14 11:34:00.725 02-字符串的获取[653:186979] rangeOfString1 {4, 6}

Program ended with exit code: 0