一、input 框限制
1. 只能输入数字代码(小数点也不能输入)
<input onkeyup="this.value=this.value.replace(/\D/g,'')" onafterpaste="this.value=this.value.replace(/\D/g,'')">
2. 只能输入数字,能输小数点
<input onkeyup="if(isNaN(value))execCommand('undo')" onafterpaste="if(isNaN(value))execCommand('undo')"> <input name="txt1" οnchange="if(/\D/.test(this.value)){alert('只能输入数字');this.value='';}">
3. 只能输入英文字母和数字,不能输入中文
<input onkeyup="value=value.replace(/[^\w\.\/]/ig,'')">
4. 小数点后只能有最多两位(数字,中文都可输入),不能输入字母和运算符号
<input onkeypress="if((event.keyCode<48 || event.keyCode>57) && event.keyCode!=46 || /\.\d\d$/.test(value))event.returnValue=false">
5. 数点后只能有最多两位(数字,字母,中文都可输入),可以输入运算符号
<input onkeyup="this.value=this.value.replace(/^(\-)*(\d+)\.(\d\d).*$/,'$1$2.$3')">
6. 输入数字
<input type="text" onkeyup="this.value=this.value.replace(/\D/g,'')">
7. 输入中文
<input type="text" onkeyup="this.value=this.value.replace(/[^\u4e00-\u9fa5]/g,'')">
8. 输入英文
<input type="text" onkeyup="this.value=this.value.replace(/[^a-zA-Z]/g,'')">
9. 只输入数字和字母
<input class="input" maxlength="12" size="15" name="username" id="username" οnkeyup="value=value.replace(/[\W]/g,'')">
1. 实时获取下来选项做出显示判断
<label>报名组别:<span style="color: red;"> *</span></label> <div class="item item-password"> <select class="txt-input txt-username RegistrationGroup" id="RegistrationGroup"> <option value="">请选择...</option> <option value="混合团体赛">混合团体赛</option> <option value="嘉宾赛">嘉宾赛</option> </select> </div>
<div class="Project"> <label>项目名称:<span style="color: red;"> *</span></label> <div class="item item-password"> <select class="txt-input txt-username ProjectName" id="ProjectName"> </select> </div> </div> <div class="IntimateYC"> <label>搭档:<span style="color: red;"> *</span></label> <div class="item item-username"> <input id="Intimate" class="txt-input txt-username" type="text" placeholder="例:张三" value="" name="Intimate" autocomplete="off" onkeyup="this.value=this.value.replace(/[^\u4e00-\u9fa5]/g,'')" /> </div> </div>
.Project { display: none; } .IntimateYC { display: none; }
<script> /*控制可报名的项目名称*/ var RegistrationGroupSS = document.getElementById("RegistrationGroup"); RegistrationGroupSS.onchange = function () { if (RegistrationGroupSS.options[RegistrationGroupSS.selectedIndex].value == '') {
$('.IntimateYC').hide(); $('.Project').hide(); } else if (RegistrationGroupSS.options[RegistrationGroupSS.selectedIndex].value != '') { $('.Project').show(); if ($("#RegistrationGroup").val() == "嘉宾赛") { $("#ProjectName").empty(); let arr = ['请选择..', '男双', '女双', '混双'] let com = document.getElementById("ProjectName"); for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { com.options.add(new Option(arr[i], arr[i])); } } else { $("#ProjectName").empty(); let arr = ['请选择..', '男双', '女双', '混双', '青年男单', '中年男单'] let com = document.getElementById("ProjectName"); for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { com.options.add(new Option(arr[i], arr[i])); } } } } /*实时获取选中的项目名称,根据项目名称判断是否需要‘搭档’字段输入*/ var selects = document.getElementById("ProjectName"); selects.onchange = function () { if ((selects.options[selects.selectedIndex].value).indexOf("双") !== -1) { $('.IntimateYC').show(); } else { $('.IntimateYC').hide(); } } </script>
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Laugh“【按钮倒计时】</title> </head> <body> <input type="button" id="testList" value="获取验证码" /> </body> <script type="text/javascript"> var countdown = 5; var id; function setTime(targetElement) { if (countdown == 0) { targetElement.removeAttribute("disabled"); targetElement.value = "获取验证码"; countdown = 5; clearTimeout(id);//关闭定时执行函数 } else { targetElement.setAttribute("disabled", true); targetElement.value = "重新发送(" + countdown + "s)"; countdown--; id = setTimeout(function () { setTime(targetElement) }, 1000); } } document.getElementById("testList").onclick = function () { setTime(this); } </script> </html>
var uploadListIns = upload.render({ elem: '#testList', elemList: $('#demoList'), url: '../Ajax/Layui_FileUpload.ashx', accept: 'file', multiple: true, number: 3, auto: true, before: function (obj) { console.log(obj); }, choose: function (obj) { var that = this; var files = this.files = obj.pushFile(); //读取本地文件 obj.preview(function (index, file, result) { tr = $(['<tr id="upload-' + index + '">' , '<td>' + timestamp + '' + file.name + '</td>' , '<td>' + (file.size / 1014).toFixed(1) + 'kb</td>' , '<td><div class="layui-progress" lay-filter="progress-demo-' + index + '"><div class="layui-progress-bar" lay-percent=""></div></div></td>' , '<td>' , '<button class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs demo-reload layui-hide" style="border:1px solid #d0c9c2;">重传</button>' , '<button class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs layui-btn-danger demo-delete" style="border:1px solid #d0c9c2;">删除</button>' , '</td>' , '</tr>'].join('')); //单个重传 tr.find('.demo-reload').on('click', function () { obj.upload(index, file); }); //删除 tr.find('.demo-delete').on('click', function () { delete files["upload-" + index]; delete Filess[index]; dell("upload-" + index); uploadListIns.config.elem.next()[0].value = ''; }); that.elemList.append(tr); element.render('progress'); }); } , done: function (res, index, upload) { //成功的回调 var that = this; var tr = that.elemList.find('tr#upload-' + index), tds = tr.children(); Filess[index] = res.data.src; console.log(res.data.src); delete this.files[index]; //删除文件队列已经上传成功的文件 return; this.error(index, upload); } , allDone: function (obj) { //多文件上传完毕后的状态回调 console.log(obj) } , error: function (index, upload) { //错误回调 var that = this; var tr = that.elemList.find('tr#upload-' + index) , tds = tr.children(); tds.eq(3).find('.demo-reload').removeClass('layui-hide'); //显示重传 } , progress: function (n, elem, e, index) { //注意:index 参数为 layui 2.6.6 新增 element.progress('progress-demo-' + index, n + '%'); //执行进度条。n 即为返回的进度百分比 } });
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Web; namespace kmvc.WEB.Ajax { /// <summary> /// Layui_FileUpload 的摘要说明 /// </summary> public class Layui_FileUpload : IHttpHandler { public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; context.Response.Write(Save()); } public string Save() { try { HttpPostedFile file = HttpContext.Current.Request.Files["file"]; string localname = file.FileName; if (localname.IndexOf("\\") != -1) { string[] a = localname.Split('\\'); localname = a[a.Length - 1]; } string file1 = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(localname);//获取上传文件名字 不获取后缀名 //处理文件的异常符号 file1 = file1.Replace("+", "_").Replace("/", "_").Replace("“", "_").Replace("”", "_"); //获取文件名后缀 string wjhz = Path.GetExtension(localname); //获取文件后缀名 aspx Random random = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond); string sfilename = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd");//获取当前年月 string sfilenameYaSuo = "YaSuo" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff");//获取当前年月日时分秒毫秒 //更改文件名 //string filename = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss") + random.Next(10000) + "." + GetFileExt(localname); string filename = file1 + wjhz;//拼接 获取的“文件名”和文件“后缀” //获得文件保存路径 string FilePath = HttpContext.Current.Request.MapPath("../UploadFileNew/" + sfilename); //压缩保存路径 string FilePathYaSuo = HttpContext.Current.Request.MapPath("../UploadFileNew/" + sfilenameYaSuo); CreateFolder(FilePath);//创建文件夹 CreateFolder(FilePathYaSuo);//创建文件夹 压缩后图片存储 if (file != null) { //不存在则创建文件路径 正常图片存在路径 if (!Directory.Exists(FilePath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(FilePath); } //不存在则创建文件路径 压缩图存在路径 if (!Directory.Exists(FilePathYaSuo)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(FilePathYaSuo); } //file.SaveAs(uploadpath + filename); FilePath = FilePath + "\\" + filename;//文件的保存路径 本地路径FilePath + 下载文件名filename file.SaveAs(FilePath);//可理解为 映射网络启动器 并保存 FilePath = FilePath.Replace("\\", "/"); FilePathYaSuo = FilePathYaSuo + "\\" + filename;//文件的保存路径 本地路径FilePath + 下载文件名filename file.SaveAs(FilePathYaSuo);//可理解为 映射网络启动器 并保存 FilePathYaSuo = FilePathYaSuo.Replace("\\", "/"); FileInfo firstFileInfo = new FileInfo(FilePath); if (firstFileInfo.Length > 300 * 1024) { LaughCompressImage(FilePath, FilePathYaSuo); } string returnstring = "/UploadFileNew/" + sfilenameYaSuo + "/" + filename; return "{ \"code\": 0 ,\"msg\": \"\" ,\"data\": { \"src\": \""+ returnstring + "\" } } "; } else { return "{\"error\":\"加载数据失败:" + " " + "\"}"; } } catch { return ""; } } /// <summary> /// 无损压缩图片 /// </summary> /// <param name="sFile">原图片地址</param> /// <param name="dFile">压缩后保存图片地址</param> /// <param name="flag">压缩质量(数字越小压缩率越高)1-100</param> /// <param name="size">压缩后图片的最大大小</param> /// <param name="sfsc">是否是第一次调用</param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool LaughCompressImage(string sFile, string dFile, int flag = 90, int size = 300, bool sfsc = true) { //如果是第一次调用,原始图像的大小小于要压缩的大小,则直接复制文件,并且返回true FileInfo firstFileInfo = new FileInfo(sFile); if (sfsc == true && firstFileInfo.Length < size * 1024) { firstFileInfo.CopyTo(dFile); return true; } Image iSource = Image.FromFile(sFile); ImageFormat tFormat = iSource.RawFormat; int dHeight = iSource.Height / 2; int dWidth = iSource.Width / 2; int sW = 0, sH = 0; //按比例缩放 Size tem_size = new Size(iSource.Width, iSource.Height); if (tem_size.Width > dHeight || tem_size.Width > dWidth) { if ((tem_size.Width * dHeight) > (tem_size.Width * dWidth)) { sW = dWidth; sH = (dWidth * tem_size.Height) / tem_size.Width; } else { sH = dHeight; sW = (tem_size.Width * dHeight) / tem_size.Height; } } else { sW = tem_size.Width; sH = tem_size.Height; } Bitmap ob = new Bitmap(dWidth, dHeight); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(ob); g.Clear(Color.WhiteSmoke); g.CompositingQuality = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingQuality.HighQuality; g.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality; g.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic; g.DrawImage(iSource, new Rectangle((dWidth - sW) / 2, (dHeight - sH) / 2, sW, sH), 0, 0, iSource.Width, iSource.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); g.Dispose(); //以下代码为保存图片时,设置压缩质量 EncoderParameters ep = new EncoderParameters(); long[] qy = new long[1]; qy[0] = flag;//设置压缩的比例1-100 EncoderParameter eParam = new EncoderParameter(System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder.Quality, qy); ep.Param[0] = eParam; try { ImageCodecInfo[] arrayICI = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageEncoders(); ImageCodecInfo jpegICIinfo = null; for (int x = 0; x < arrayICI.Length; x++) { if (arrayICI[x].FormatDescription.Equals("JPEG")) { jpegICIinfo = arrayICI[x]; break; } } if (jpegICIinfo != null) { ob.Save(dFile, jpegICIinfo, ep);//dFile是压缩后的新路径 FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(dFile); if (fi.Length > 1024 * size) { flag = flag - 10; LaughCompressImage(sFile, dFile, flag, size, false); } } else { ob.Save(dFile, tFormat); } return true; } catch { return false; } finally { iSource.Dispose(); ob.Dispose(); } } } }
{ display: '合同编号', name: '合同编号', align: 'centen', height: 27, width: 170, frozen: true, render: function (rowdata, rowindex, value) { return "<a style='color:green;font-weight:800;' href='javascript:void()' onclick=\"ProjectSchedule('" + rowdata.合同编号 + "','" + rowdata.合同状态 + "','" + rowdata.地市 + "','" + rowdata.项目金额 + "','" + rowdata.客户经理 + "','" + rowdata.STATE + "','" + rowdata.售中 + "','" + rowdata.售后 + "','" + rowdata.合同标题 + "')\" >" + rowdata.合同编号 + "</a>"; } },
//流程进度 function ProjectSchedule(HTBH, HTZT, XMDS, XMJE, KHJL, STATE, InSale, AfterSale, ContractTitle) { layer.open({ type: 2, title: '合同编码:【' + escape(HTBH) + '】;项目状态:【' + decodeURI(HTZT) + '】;项目地市:【' + decodeURI(XMDS) + '】;客户经理:【' + decodeURI(KHJL) + '】 ;', resize: true, area: ['99%', '97%'], content: 'LiangYi_LiuChengJinDu.html?V_HTBM=' + escape(HTBH) + '&V_XMJE=' + decodeURI(XMJE) + '&V_KHJL=' + decodeURI(KHJL) + '&V_STATE=' + escape(STATE) + '&V_InSale=' + escape(InSale) + '&V_AfterSale=' + escape(AfterSale) + '&V_ContractTitle=' + escape(ContractTitle) , success: function (layero, index) { layero.addClass('layui-form'); layero.find('.layui-layer-btn0').attr({ 'lay-filter': 'demo1', 'lay-submit': '' }); }, yes: function (index, layero) { var iframeWin = window[layero.find('iframe')[0]['name']]; console.log(iframeWin); var flag = iframeWin.mySubmit(index); } , btn2: function (index, layero) { layer.close(index); } }); }
var url = document.location.toString(); //获取url地址
var urlParmStr = url.slice(url.indexOf('?') + 1); //获取问号后所有的字符串
var arr = urlParmStr.split('&'); //通过&符号将字符串分割转成数组
var V_HTBM = arr[0].split("=")[1]; //第一个参数
var V_XMJE = arr[1].split("=")[1]; //第二个参数
var V_KHJL = arr[2].split("=")[1]; //第三个参数
var V_STATE = arr[3].split("=")[1]; //第四个参数
var V_InSale = arr[4].split("=")[1]; //第五个参数
var V_AfterSale = arr[5].split("=")[1]; //第六个参数
var V_ContractTitle = arr[6].split("=")[1]; //第六个参数
unescape(V_ContractTitle.replace(/\\/g, "%"))