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so、such 放句首時,後方句需用倒裝句型,但關代 that 後方句則不需倒裝。so、such 倒裝句型結構如下:

例句:他是如此地驚訝,以至於說不出話來。 [正常句] He was so surprised that he couldn't say a word.  [倒裝句] So surprised was he that he couldn't say a word.  [倒裝句] Such was his surprise that he couldn't say a word. 

例句:Amy是如此地傷心,她痛哭失聲。 [正常句] Amy was so sad that she cried her heart out.  [倒裝句] So sad was Amy that she cried her heart out.  [倒裝句] Such was Amy's sadness that she cried her heart out.

Only (只要…) 放句首時,後方句需用倒裝句型。only 後方可搭配副詞、副詞子句或片語。only 為首的倒裝句句型結構如下:

posted on 2013-09-25 01:34  supershow  阅读(3621)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报