

Option Explicit




Public Type POINTAPI

        x As Long

        y As Long

End Type

Public Type BITMAP

        bmType As Long

        bmWidth As Long

        bmHeight As Long

        bmWidthBytes As Long

        bmPlanes As Integer

        bmBitsPixel As Integer

        bmBits As Long

End Type


Public Declare Function DeleteDC Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long) As Long

Public Declare Function CreateCompatibleDC Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long) As Long

Public Declare Function CreateCompatibleBitmap Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long) As Long

Public Declare Function BitBlt Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDestDC As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal hSrcDC As Long, ByVal xSrc As Long, ByVal ySrc As Long, ByVal dwRop As Long) As Long

Public Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long

Public Declare Function SelectObject Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal hObject As Long) As Long

Public Declare Function MyGetObject Lib "gdi32" Alias "GetObjectA" (ByVal hObject As Long, ByVal nCount As Long, lpObject As Any) As Long

Public Declare Function DeleteObject Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long

Public Declare Function GetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long


Public Const SRCAND = &H8800C6

Public Const SRCINVERT = &H660046

Public Const SRCCOPY = &HCC0020




Global Const LR_LOADFROMFILE = 10






Type tCardElement

 Pos                    As POINTAPI     'Position inside the card

 Flag                   As Byte         '0 = not in use; 1 = normal; 2 = upside-down

End Type

Type tCard

 Elmt10(1 To 4)         As tCardElement 'The imgs on the card showing the sort. 10x10 pixels.

 Elmt15(1 To 10)        As tCardElement 'The imgs on the card showing the sort & value. 15x15 pixels.

 Value                  As Byte         'The card's value

 Sort                   As Byte         'The card type

 Flag                   As Byte         '0 = facedown; 1 = faceup

End Type

Type tPlaceHolder

 Pos                    As POINTAPI     'Placeholder position in gamefield

 Cards()                As Byte         'The cards in the placeholder. Not all may be in use.

 nCards                 As Byte         'The number of cards in the placeholder.

End Type

Type tResource

 fPath                  As String       'The path of the img file

 hBMP                   As Long         'The handle to the memory BMP

 hOldBMP                As Long         'The handle to the old BMP

 hdc                    As Long         'The Device Context handle

 nW                     As Integer      'The width of the BMP

 nH                     As Integer      'The height of the BMP

End Type

Type tUndo

 nCards As Byte

 nSrc As Byte

 nDest As Byte

 Available As Boolean

End Type

Type tGameField

 Card()                 As tCard        'The cards.

 CardNone               As tCard        'The no-card card

 CardBack               As tCard        'The upside-down card

 PlaceHolder(1 To 7)    As tPlaceHolder 'The placeholders in the middle

 GoalCell(1 To 4)       As tPlaceHolder 'The placeholders at the top

 Deck(1 To 2)           As tPlaceHolder 'The deck

 Img15                  As tResource    '15x15 img resource

 ImgCardBack            As tResource    'Card back images

 ImgCardFront           As tResource    'Card front images

 ImgGoal                As tResource    'Goal Cell Images

 ImgSign                As tResource    'Number/letter resource (10x10 pixels)

 ImgCard                As tResource    'Images on the img cards

 BB                     As tResource    'Back Buffer

 BG                     As tResource    'Background Image(in memory)

 TmpBG                  As tResource    'Temporary Background buffer(for tiling)

 BufTmp                 As tResource    'A temporary buffer

 nW                     As Long         'Width of gamefield

 nH                     As Long         'Height of gamefield

 Pos790                 As POINTAPI     'Position of the 790 robot head

 Win2Snd                As String       'Buffer for winning applause

End Type

Type tInfo

 ACPos                  As POINTAPI

 ClickPos               As POINTAPI

 DblClickPos            As POINTAPI

 Undo                   As tUndo

 AppPath                As String

 ActiveCard(1 To 13)    As Byte

 nActive                As Byte

 srcPH                  As Byte

 srcType                As Byte

 StartTime              As Long

 ThisTime               As Long

 nCardFront             As Integer

 nCardfronts            As Integer

 nCardBack              As Integer

 nCardBacks             As Integer

 nBG                    As Integer

 nBGs                   As Integer

 nDefSnd                As Integer

 nGoalSnd               As Integer

 nSnds                  As Integer

 MouseButton            As Byte

 nDrawCards             As Byte

 nRemoved               As Byte

 Moving                 As Boolean

 Interrupt              As Boolean

 CheckingWinner         As Boolean

 Debugging              As Boolean

 Show790                As Boolean

 UserName               As String

 Language               As String

End Type




Global GameField        As tGameField          'The Gamefield!!

Global Info             As tInfo                    'Some info for the app

Global Cards()          As tCard                   'The predefined cards

'Menu Item Captions:

    'Top Menus:


    Global cWINDOWCAPTION As String

    Global cTOPFILE As String

    Global cTOPOPTIONS As String

    Global cTOPHELP As String


    'File Sub Menu:


    Global cNEWGAME As String

    Global cUNDO As String

    Global cEXIT As String


    'Options Sub Menu:


    Global cLANG As String

        Global cLANG_EN As String

        Global cLANG_DE As String

        Global cLANG_NO As String

    Global cLAYOUT As String

        Global cCARDFRONT As String

            Global cCARDFRONTFRONT As String

        Global cCARDBACK As String

            Global cCARDBACKBACK As String

        Global cBG As String

            Global cBGBG As String

    Global cRULES As String

        Global cRULESDRAW As String

            Global cRULESDRAWONE As String

            Global cRULESDRAWTHREE As String

    Global cSHOW790 As String

    'Help Sub Menu:


    Global cABOUT As String

    Global cINDEX As String


    'Misc Items:


    Global cNEWGAMECAPTION As String

    Global cNEWGAMEMSG As String



Public Sub Init_Menus()

Dim Cnt As Integer

With frmMain

    'Top Menus:


    .mnuTopFile.Caption = cTOPFILE

    .mnuTopOptions.Caption = cTOPOPTIONS

    .mnuTopHelp.Caption = cTOPHELP


    'File Sub Menu:


    .mnuFileNewgame.Caption = cNEWGAME

    .mnuFileUndo.Caption = cUNDO

    .mnuFileExit.Caption = cEXIT


    'Options Sub Menu:


    .mnuOptionsLanguage.Caption = cLANG

        .mnuOptionsLanguageEnglish.Caption = cLANG_EN

    .mnuOptionsLayout.Caption = cLAYOUT

        .mnuOptionsLayoutFront.Caption = cCARDFRONT

            For Cnt = 0 To Info.nCardfronts - 1

                .mnuOptionsLayoutFrontFront(Cnt).Caption = cCARDFRONTFRONT & Trim(Str(Cnt + 1))

            Next Cnt

        .mnuOptionsLayoutBack.Caption = cCARDBACK

            For Cnt = 0 To Info.nCardBacks - 1

                .mnuOptionsLayoutBackBack(Cnt).Caption = cCARDBACKBACK & Trim(Str(Cnt + 1))

            Next Cnt

        .mnuOptionsLayoutBg.Caption = cBG

            For Cnt = 0 To Info.nBGs - 1

                .mnuOptionsLayoutBgBg(Cnt).Caption = cBGBG & Trim(Str(Cnt + 1))

            Next Cnt

    .mnuOptionsRules.Caption = cRULES

        .mnuOptionsRulesDraw.Caption = cRULESDRAW

            .mnuOptionsRulesDrawOne.Caption = cRULESDRAWONE

            .mnuOptionsRulesDrawThree.Caption = cRULESDRAWTHREE


    'Help Sub Menu:


    .mnuHelpAbout.Caption = cABOUT


    'Window Caption:

    frmMain.Caption = cWINDOWCAPTION

    End With

End Sub

Public Sub Init_Language()

    'Top Menus:


    cWINDOWCAPTION = "VB6纸牌游戏"

    cTOPFILE = "&游戏"

    cTOPOPTIONS = "&选择"

    cTOPHELP = "&说明"


    'File Sub Menu:


    cNEWGAME = "&新游戏"

    cUNDO = "&悔牌"

    cEXIT = "退出"


    'Options Sub Menu:


    cLANG = "语言"

        cLANG_EN = "中文"

    cLAYOUT = "设置"

        cCARDFRONT = "牌颜色"

            cCARDFRONTFRONT = "颜色 "

        cCARDBACK = "牌背面"

            cCARDBACKBACK = "背景 "

        cBG = "背景"

            cBGBG = "游戏背景 "

    cRULES = "&规则"

        cRULESDRAW = "显示牌"

            cRULESDRAWONE = "单张牌"

            cRULESDRAWTHREE = "三张牌"

    cSHOW790 = "精灵动画"


    'Help Sub Menu:


    cABOUT = "&关于游戏"


    'Misc Items:


    cNEWGAMECAPTION = "是否开始新的游戏?"

    cNEWGAMEMSG = "重新开始游戏? 继续?"


End Sub

Public Function CheckMouseUp_Placeholders(x As Single, y As Single) As Boolean

Dim Xpos        As Integer, Ypos        As Integer

Dim SrcX        As Integer, SrcY        As Integer

Dim DestX       As Integer, DestY       As Integer

Dim FrameCnt    As Integer, nFrames     As Integer

Dim nPlaceH     As Byte, Cnt            As Byte

CheckMouseUp_Placeholders = False

If Info.Moving Then

    'Find out if the card has landed in a placeholder or a goalcell, and if it is a valid move:


    For Cnt = 1 To 7

        If x - Info.ClickPos.x >= GameField.PlaceHolder(Cnt).Pos.x - 37 And _

            x - Info.ClickPos.x < GameField.PlaceHolder(Cnt).Pos.x + 37 And _

            y - Info.ClickPos.y >= GameField.PlaceHolder(Cnt).Pos.y - 25 And _

            y - Info.ClickPos.y <= GameField.PlaceHolder(Cnt).Pos.y + ((GameField.PlaceHolder(Cnt).nCards + 5) * 14) + 25 _


            nPlaceH = Cnt

            Info.Moving = True

            Exit For

        End If

    Next Cnt

    If nPlaceH = 0 Then Exit Function

    If GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH).nCards = 0 And GameField.Card(Info.ActiveCard(1)).Value <> 13 Then Exit Function

    If nPlaceH > 0 And GameField.Card(Info.ActiveCard(1)).Flag = 1 And _

    GameField.Card(Info.ActiveCard(1)).Sort \ 2 <> GameField.Card(GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH).Cards(GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH).nCards)).Sort \ 2 And _

    GameField.Card(Info.ActiveCard(1)).Value = GameField.Card(GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH).Cards(GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH).nCards)).Value - 1 Or _

    (GameField.Card(Info.ActiveCard(1)).Value = 13 And GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH).nCards = 0) _


        'Valid Move: Transfer the cards to the placeholder/goalcell:


        For Cnt = 1 To Info.nActive

            GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH).nCards = GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH).nCards + 1

            GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH).Cards(GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH).nCards) = Info.ActiveCard(Cnt)


        Info.Undo.nCards = Info.nActive

        Info.Undo.nSrc = Info.srcPH

        Info.Undo.nDest = nPlaceH

        Info.Undo.Available = True

                'Remove the active cards:

        Info.nActive = 0

        Info.Moving = False

        'Set function to true:

        CheckMouseUp_Placeholders = True

        'Draw the placeholder:

        DrawPlaceHolder nPlaceH, GameField.BB.hdc


    End If

End If

End Function

Public Sub MoveBack()

Dim SrcX As Long, SrcY As Long, DestX As Long, DestY As Long, Xpos As Long, Ypos As Long

Dim nFrames As Byte, FrameCnt As Byte

Dim SrcPlaceHolder As Byte, Cnt As Long

Select Case Info.srcType

Case 1

    With GameField.PlaceHolder(Info.srcPH)

        SrcX = Info.ACPos.x

        DestX = .Pos.x

        SrcY = Info.ACPos.y

        DestY = .Pos.y + (.nCards * 14)

    End With

Case 2

    With GameField.GoalCell(Info.srcPH - 7)

        SrcX = Info.ACPos.x

        DestX = .Pos.x

        SrcY = Info.ACPos.y

        DestY = .Pos.y

    End With

Case 3

    With GameField.Deck(2)

        SrcX = Info.ACPos.x

        If Info.nDrawCards = 3 Then

        'Three Card option.


            'If Info.nRemoved > 0 And Info.nRemoved + GameField.Deck(2).nCards >= 3 Then

            '    If GameField.Deck(2).nCards >= 3 Then

            '        DestX = .Pos.X + ((3 - Info.nRemoved) * 15)

            '    Else

            '        DestX = .Pos.X + (((GameField.Deck(2).nCards + 1) - (4 - Info.nRemoved)) * 15)

            '    End If


            '    DestX = .Pos.X

            'End If

            Dim XtraPix As Integer

            If GameField.Deck(2).nCards >= 3 Then

                XtraPix = (3 - Info.nRemoved) * 15


                'XtraPix = (GameField.Deck(2).nCards - 1) * 15

                If Info.nRemoved + GameField.Deck(2).nCards >= 3 Then

                    XtraPix = (3 - Info.nRemoved) * 15


                XtraPix = (GameField.Deck(2).nCards) * 15

                End If

            End If

            DestX = .Pos.x + XtraPix



            DestX = .Pos.x

        End If

        SrcY = Info.ACPos.y

        DestY = .Pos.y

    End With

End Select

nFrames = 25

Info.ClickPos.x = 0

Info.ClickPos.y = 0

    For FrameCnt = 1 To nFrames

    Xpos = SrcX + (((DestX - SrcX) * FrameCnt) \ nFrames)

    Ypos = SrcY + (((DestY - SrcY) * FrameCnt) \ nFrames)

    DrawActiveCard CSng(Xpos), CSng(Ypos)


Select Case Info.srcType

Case 1

    For Cnt = 1 To Info.nActive

        GameField.PlaceHolder(Info.srcPH).nCards = GameField.PlaceHolder(Info.srcPH).nCards + 1

        GameField.PlaceHolder(Info.srcPH).Cards(GameField.PlaceHolder(Info.srcPH).nCards) = Info.ActiveCard(Cnt)

    Next Cnt

    DrawPlaceHolder Info.srcPH, GameField.BB.hdc

Case 2

    For Cnt = 1 To Info.nActive

        GameField.GoalCell(Info.srcPH - 7).nCards = GameField.GoalCell(Info.srcPH - 7).nCards + 1

        GameField.GoalCell(Info.srcPH - 7).Cards(GameField.GoalCell(Info.srcPH - 7).nCards) = Info.ActiveCard(Cnt)

    Next Cnt

    DrawGoalCell Info.srcPH - 7, GameField.BB.hdc

Case 3

    For Cnt = 1 To Info.nActive

        GameField.Deck(2).nCards = GameField.Deck(2).nCards + 1

        GameField.Deck(2).Cards(GameField.Deck(2).nCards) = Info.ActiveCard(Cnt)

        If Info.nRemoved > 0 Then

            Info.nRemoved = Info.nRemoved - 1


            Info.nRemoved = 2

        End If

    Next Cnt

    DrawDeck GameField.BB.hdc

End Select

Info.nActive = 0

Info.Moving = False


    End Sub

Public Sub DrawActiveCard(x As Single, y As Single)

Dim cPos As POINTAPI, TmpPos As POINTAPI, TmpPos2 As POINTAPI, sX As Long, sY As Long, MinX As Long, MinY As Long

Dim MaxX As Long, MaxY As Long

Dim Cnt As Integer

TmpPos.x = x - Info.ClickPos.x

TmpPos.y = y - Info.ClickPos.y

If Not Info.nActive > 0 Then Exit Sub

If Abs(TmpPos.x - Info.ACPos.x) < 64 And Abs(TmpPos.y - Info.ACPos.y) < 104 Then

    If TmpPos.x > Info.ACPos.x Then

        sX = 0

        cPos.x = TmpPos.x - Info.ACPos.x

        MinX = Info.ACPos.x

        MaxX = TmpPos.x + 64


        cPos.x = 0

        sX = Info.ACPos.x - TmpPos.x

        MinX = TmpPos.x

        MaxX = Info.ACPos.x + 64

    End If

    If TmpPos.y > Info.ACPos.y Then

        sY = 0

        cPos.y = TmpPos.y - Info.ACPos.y

        MinY = Info.ACPos.y

        MaxY = TmpPos.y + 104 + (14 * (Info.nActive - 1))


        cPos.y = 0

        sY = Info.ACPos.y - TmpPos.y

        MinY = TmpPos.y

        MaxY = Info.ACPos.y + 104 + (14 * (Info.nActive - 1))

    End If

    BitBlt GameField.BufTmp.hdc, 0, 0, 128, 376, GameField.BB.hdc, MinX, MinY, SRCCOPY

    Info.ACPos = TmpPos

        For Cnt = 1 To Info.nActive

        DrawCard GameField.BufTmp.hdc, cPos, GameField.Card(Info.ActiveCard(Cnt))

        cPos.y = cPos.y + 14

    Next Cnt

    BitBlt frmMain.hdc, MinX, MinY, MaxX - MinX, MaxY - MinY, GameField.BufTmp.hdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY


    BitBlt frmMain.hdc, Info.ACPos.x, Info.ACPos.y, 64, 104 + (14 * Info.nActive), GameField.BB.hdc, Info.ACPos.x, Info.ACPos.y, SRCCOPY

    Info.ACPos = TmpPos

    TmpPos.x = 0

    TmpPos.y = 0

    For Cnt = 0 To Info.nActive - 1

        With GameField.Card(Info.ActiveCard(Cnt + 1))

            If .Flag = 1 Then

                TmpPos2.x = 0

                TmpPos2.y = Cnt * 14

                DrawCard GameField.BufTmp.hdc, TmpPos2, GameField.Card(Info.ActiveCard(Cnt + 1))


                DrawCard GameField.BufTmp.hdc, TmpPos2, GameField.CardNone

            End If

        End With

    Next Cnt

    TmpPos.x = 0

    TmpPos.y = 14 * (Info.nActive - 1)

    DrawCard GameField.BufTmp.hdc, TmpPos, GameField.Card(Info.ActiveCard(Info.nActive))

    BitBlt frmMain.hdc, Info.ACPos.x, Info.ACPos.y, 64, 104 + (14 * (Info.nActive - 1)), GameField.BufTmp.hdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY

End If

End Sub

Public Sub DrawCard(hdc As Long, Pos As POINTAPI, cCard As tCard)

Dim nCnt As Byte, SrcX As Long, SrcY As Long

If cCard.Flag = 0 Then

    'Blit the back:

    BitBlt hdc, Pos.x, Pos.y, 64, 104, GameField.ImgCardBack.hdc, 0, Info.nCardBack * 104, SRCCOPY

ElseIf cCard.Flag = 1 Then

      'Blit the card front:


    BitBlt hdc, Pos.x, Pos.y, 64, 104, GameField.ImgCardFront.hdc, 0, Info.nCardFront * 104, SRCCOPY


    'Card imgs on image cards:


    If cCard.Value > 10 Then

        BitBlt hdc, Pos.x + 12, Pos.y + 17, 40, 70, GameField.ImgCard.hdc, (cCard.Value - 11) * 40, 0, SRCCOPY

    End If


    'The 15x15 imgs:


    For nCnt = 1 To 10

        With cCard.Elmt15(nCnt)

            SrcX = cCard.Sort * 15

            If .Flag = 1 Then

                BitBlt hdc, Pos.x + .Pos.x, Pos.y + .Pos.y, 15, 15, GameField.Img15.hdc, SrcX, 30, SRCAND

                BitBlt hdc, Pos.x + .Pos.x, Pos.y + .Pos.y, 15, 15, GameField.Img15.hdc, SrcX, 0, SRCINVERT

            ElseIf .Flag = 2 Then

                BitBlt hdc, Pos.x + .Pos.x, Pos.y + .Pos.y, 15, 15, GameField.Img15.hdc, SrcX, 45, SRCAND

                BitBlt hdc, Pos.x + .Pos.x, Pos.y + .Pos.y, 15, 15, GameField.Img15.hdc, SrcX, 15, SRCINVERT


                Exit For

            End If

        End With



        'The Numbers/Letters:

    SrcX = (cCard.Value - 1) * 10

    SrcY = ((cCard.Sort \ 2) * 40)

    BitBlt hdc, Pos.x + 4, Pos.y + 4, 10, 10, GameField.ImgSign.hdc, SrcX, SrcY + 20, SRCAND

    BitBlt hdc, Pos.x + 4, Pos.y + 4, 10, 10, GameField.ImgSign.hdc, SrcX, SrcY, SRCINVERT

        BitBlt hdc, Pos.x + 50, Pos.y + 88, 10, 10, GameField.ImgSign.hdc, SrcX, SrcY + 30, SRCAND

    BitBlt hdc, Pos.x + 50, Pos.y + 88, 10, 10, GameField.ImgSign.hdc, SrcX, SrcY + 10, SRCINVERT

ElseIf cCard.Flag = 2 Then

        'Blit the "no cards"(faded) image:

    BitBlt hdc, Pos.x, Pos.y, 64, 104, GameField.ImgCardBack.hdc, 64, Info.nCardBack * 104, SRCCOPY

End If

End Sub

Public Sub Init_Cards()

Dim SortCnt As Byte, CardCnt As Byte, nCard As Byte

ReDim Cards(1 To 13)

ReDim GameField.Card(0 To 52) 'Base 0 to avoid subscript out of range errors



'Card 1:

Cards(1).Elmt15(1).Pos.x = 24: Cards(1).Elmt15(1).Pos.y = 44: Cards(1).Elmt15(1).Flag = 1

'Card 2:

Cards(2).Elmt15(1).Pos.x = 24: Cards(2).Elmt15(1).Pos.y = 24: Cards(2).Elmt15(1).Flag = 1

Cards(2).Elmt15(2).Pos.x = 24: Cards(2).Elmt15(2).Pos.y = 64: Cards(2).Elmt15(2).Flag = 2

'Card 3:

Cards(3).Elmt15(1).Pos.x = 24: Cards(3).Elmt15(1).Pos.y = 18: Cards(3).Elmt15(1).Flag = 1

Cards(3).Elmt15(2).Pos.x = 24: Cards(3).Elmt15(2).Pos.y = 44: Cards(3).Elmt15(2).Flag = 1

Cards(3).Elmt15(3).Pos.x = 24: Cards(3).Elmt15(3).Pos.y = 70: Cards(3).Elmt15(3).Flag = 2

'Card 4:

Cards(4).Elmt15(1).Pos.x = 14: Cards(4).Elmt15(1).Pos.y = 20: Cards(4).Elmt15(1).Flag = 1

Cards(4).Elmt15(2).Pos.x = 35: Cards(4).Elmt15(2).Pos.y = 20: Cards(4).Elmt15(2).Flag = 1

Cards(4).Elmt15(3).Pos.x = 14: Cards(4).Elmt15(3).Pos.y = 69: Cards(4).Elmt15(3).Flag = 2

Cards(4).Elmt15(4).Pos.x = 35: Cards(4).Elmt15(4).Pos.y = 69: Cards(4).Elmt15(4).Flag = 2

'Card 5:

Cards(5).Elmt15(1).Pos.x = 14: Cards(5).Elmt15(1).Pos.y = 20: Cards(5).Elmt15(1).Flag = 1

Cards(5).Elmt15(2).Pos.x = 35: Cards(5).Elmt15(2).Pos.y = 20: Cards(5).Elmt15(2).Flag = 1

Cards(5).Elmt15(3).Pos.x = 14: Cards(5).Elmt15(3).Pos.y = 69: Cards(5).Elmt15(3).Flag = 2

Cards(5).Elmt15(4).Pos.x = 35: Cards(5).Elmt15(4).Pos.y = 69: Cards(5).Elmt15(4).Flag = 2

Cards(5).Elmt15(5).Pos.x = 24: Cards(5).Elmt15(5).Pos.y = 44: Cards(5).Elmt15(5).Flag = 1

'Card 6:

Cards(6).Elmt15(1).Pos.x = 14: Cards(6).Elmt15(1).Pos.y = 18: Cards(6).Elmt15(1).Flag = 1

Cards(6).Elmt15(2).Pos.x = 35: Cards(6).Elmt15(2).Pos.y = 18: Cards(6).Elmt15(2).Flag = 1

Cards(6).Elmt15(3).Pos.x = 14: Cards(6).Elmt15(3).Pos.y = 44: Cards(6).Elmt15(3).Flag = 1

Cards(6).Elmt15(4).Pos.x = 35: Cards(6).Elmt15(4).Pos.y = 44: Cards(6).Elmt15(4).Flag = 1

Cards(6).Elmt15(5).Pos.x = 14: Cards(6).Elmt15(5).Pos.y = 70: Cards(6).Elmt15(5).Flag = 2

Cards(6).Elmt15(6).Pos.x = 35: Cards(6).Elmt15(6).Pos.y = 70: Cards(6).Elmt15(6).Flag = 2

'Card 7:

Cards(7).Elmt15(1).Pos.x = 14: Cards(7).Elmt15(1).Pos.y = 18: Cards(7).Elmt15(1).Flag = 1

Cards(7).Elmt15(2).Pos.x = 35: Cards(7).Elmt15(2).Pos.y = 18: Cards(7).Elmt15(2).Flag = 1

Cards(7).Elmt15(3).Pos.x = 14: Cards(7).Elmt15(3).Pos.y = 48: Cards(7).Elmt15(3).Flag = 1

Cards(7).Elmt15(4).Pos.x = 35: Cards(7).Elmt15(4).Pos.y = 48: Cards(7).Elmt15(4).Flag = 1

Cards(7).Elmt15(5).Pos.x = 14: Cards(7).Elmt15(5).Pos.y = 70: Cards(7).Elmt15(5).Flag = 2

Cards(7).Elmt15(6).Pos.x = 35: Cards(7).Elmt15(6).Pos.y = 70: Cards(7).Elmt15(6).Flag = 2

Cards(7).Elmt15(7).Pos.x = 24: Cards(7).Elmt15(7).Pos.y = 34: Cards(7).Elmt15(7).Flag = 1

'Card 8:

Cards(8).Elmt15(1).Pos.x = 14: Cards(8).Elmt15(1).Pos.y = 14: Cards(8).Elmt15(1).Flag = 1

Cards(8).Elmt15(2).Pos.x = 35: Cards(8).Elmt15(2).Pos.y = 14: Cards(8).Elmt15(2).Flag = 1

Cards(8).Elmt15(3).Pos.x = 14: Cards(8).Elmt15(3).Pos.y = 34: Cards(8).Elmt15(3).Flag = 1

Cards(8).Elmt15(4).Pos.x = 35: Cards(8).Elmt15(4).Pos.y = 34: Cards(8).Elmt15(4).Flag = 1

Cards(8).Elmt15(5).Pos.x = 14: Cards(8).Elmt15(5).Pos.y = 54: Cards(8).Elmt15(5).Flag = 2

Cards(8).Elmt15(6).Pos.x = 35: Cards(8).Elmt15(6).Pos.y = 54: Cards(8).Elmt15(6).Flag = 2

Cards(8).Elmt15(7).Pos.x = 14: Cards(8).Elmt15(7).Pos.y = 74: Cards(8).Elmt15(7).Flag = 2

Cards(8).Elmt15(8).Pos.x = 35: Cards(8).Elmt15(8).Pos.y = 74: Cards(8).Elmt15(8).Flag = 2

'Card 9:

Cards(9).Elmt15(1).Pos.x = 10: Cards(9).Elmt15(1).Pos.y = 14: Cards(9).Elmt15(1).Flag = 1

Cards(9).Elmt15(2).Pos.x = 39: Cards(9).Elmt15(2).Pos.y = 14: Cards(9).Elmt15(2).Flag = 1

Cards(9).Elmt15(3).Pos.x = 10: Cards(9).Elmt15(3).Pos.y = 34: Cards(9).Elmt15(3).Flag = 1

Cards(9).Elmt15(4).Pos.x = 39: Cards(9).Elmt15(4).Pos.y = 34: Cards(9).Elmt15(4).Flag = 1

Cards(9).Elmt15(5).Pos.x = 10: Cards(9).Elmt15(5).Pos.y = 54: Cards(9).Elmt15(5).Flag = 2

Cards(9).Elmt15(6).Pos.x = 39: Cards(9).Elmt15(6).Pos.y = 54: Cards(9).Elmt15(6).Flag = 2

Cards(9).Elmt15(7).Pos.x = 10: Cards(9).Elmt15(7).Pos.y = 74: Cards(9).Elmt15(7).Flag = 2

Cards(9).Elmt15(8).Pos.x = 39: Cards(9).Elmt15(8).Pos.y = 74: Cards(9).Elmt15(8).Flag = 2

Cards(9).Elmt15(9).Pos.x = 24: Cards(9).Elmt15(9).Pos.y = 44: Cards(9).Elmt15(9).Flag = 1

'Card 10:

Cards(10).Elmt15(1).Pos.x = 10: Cards(10).Elmt15(1).Pos.y = 14: Cards(10).Elmt15(1).Flag = 1

Cards(10).Elmt15(2).Pos.x = 39: Cards(10).Elmt15(2).Pos.y = 14: Cards(10).Elmt15(2).Flag = 1

Cards(10).Elmt15(3).Pos.x = 10: Cards(10).Elmt15(3).Pos.y = 34: Cards(10).Elmt15(3).Flag = 1

Cards(10).Elmt15(4).Pos.x = 39: Cards(10).Elmt15(4).Pos.y = 34: Cards(10).Elmt15(4).Flag = 1

Cards(10).Elmt15(5).Pos.x = 10: Cards(10).Elmt15(5).Pos.y = 54: Cards(10).Elmt15(5).Flag = 2

Cards(10).Elmt15(6).Pos.x = 39: Cards(10).Elmt15(6).Pos.y = 54: Cards(10).Elmt15(6).Flag = 2

Cards(10).Elmt15(7).Pos.x = 10: Cards(10).Elmt15(7).Pos.y = 74: Cards(10).Elmt15(7).Flag = 2

Cards(10).Elmt15(8).Pos.x = 39: Cards(10).Elmt15(8).Pos.y = 74: Cards(10).Elmt15(8).Flag = 2

Cards(10).Elmt15(9).Pos.x = 24: Cards(10).Elmt15(9).Pos.y = 24: Cards(10).Elmt15(9).Flag = 1

Cards(10).Elmt15(10).Pos.x = 24: Cards(10).Elmt15(10).Pos.y = 64: Cards(10).Elmt15(10).Flag = 2

'Card 11:

 Cards(11).Elmt15(1).Pos.x = 14: Cards(11).Elmt15(1).Pos.y = 19: Cards(11).Elmt15(1).Flag = 1

 Cards(11).Elmt15(2).Pos.x = 35: Cards(11).Elmt15(2).Pos.y = 70: Cards(11).Elmt15(2).Flag = 2

'Card 12:

 Cards(12).Elmt15(1).Pos.x = 14: Cards(12).Elmt15(1).Pos.y = 19: Cards(12).Elmt15(1).Flag = 1

 Cards(12).Elmt15(2).Pos.x = 35: Cards(12).Elmt15(2).Pos.y = 70: Cards(12).Elmt15(2).Flag = 2

'Card 13:

 Cards(13).Elmt15(1).Pos.x = 14: Cards(13).Elmt15(1).Pos.y = 19: Cards(13).Elmt15(1).Flag = 1

 Cards(13).Elmt15(2).Pos.x = 35: Cards(13).Elmt15(2).Pos.y = 70: Cards(13).Elmt15(2).Flag = 2


For SortCnt = 0 To 3: For CardCnt = 1 To 13

    nCard = (SortCnt * 13) + CardCnt

    GameField.Card(nCard) = Cards(CardCnt)

    GameField.Card(nCard).Sort = SortCnt

    GameField.Card(nCard).Value = CardCnt

Next CardCnt: Next SortCnt

'Misc cards:

GameField.CardBack.Flag = 0

GameField.CardNone.Flag = 2

End Sub

Public Sub LoadRes(MyRes As tResource)


If Dir(MyRes.fPath) = "" Then

    Exit Sub

End If

'Free res:

FreeRes MyRes

With MyRes

    .hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(0)

    frmMain.imgLoad.Picture = LoadPicture(.fPath)

    .hBMP = CreateCompatibleBitmap(frmMain.hdc, frmMain.imgLoad.ScaleWidth, frmMain.imgLoad.ScaleHeight)

    '.hBMP = LoadImage(0, .fPath, 0, 0, 0, LR_LOADFROMFILE Or LR_CREATEDIBSECTION)

    .hOldBMP = SelectObject(.hdc, .hBMP)

    BitBlt .hdc, 0, 0, frmMain.imgLoad.ScaleWidth, frmMain.imgLoad.ScaleHeight, frmMain.imgLoad.hdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY

    MyGetObject .hBMP, Len(MyBMP), MyBMP

    .nW = MyBMP.bmWidth

    .nH = MyBMP.bmHeight

    Set frmMain.imgLoad.Picture = Nothing

    'If Info.Debugging Then frmMain.Caption = frmMain.Caption & " " & Trim(Str(MyBMP.bmBitsPixel))

    If .hBMP = 0 Then MsgBox "Error: Unable to load " & .fPath & "!!!"

End With

End Sub

Public Sub FreeRes(MyRes As tResource)

With MyRes

    SelectObject .hdc, .hOldBMP

    DeleteObject .hBMP

    DeleteObject .hOldBMP

    DeleteDC .hdc

End With

End Sub

Public Sub CleanUp()

'Free All Resources:


With GameField

    FreeRes .Img15

    FreeRes .ImgCard

    FreeRes .ImgCardFront

    FreeRes .ImgCardBack

    FreeRes .ImgSign

    FreeRes .TmpBG

    FreeRes .BufTmp

    FreeRes .ImgGoal

    FreeRes .BB

    FreeRes .BG

End With

Erase GameField.Card

Erase GameField.PlaceHolder

Erase GameField.GoalCell

'Remove menu items(if debugging is enabled and the user just wishes to reload the GFX)

Dim nCnt As Long

For nCnt = 1 To Info.nCardfronts - 1

    Unload frmMain.mnuOptionsLayoutFrontFront(nCnt)


For nCnt = 1 To Info.nCardBacks - 1

    Unload frmMain.mnuOptionsLayoutBackBack(nCnt)


For nCnt = 1 To Info.nBGs - 1

    Unload frmMain.mnuOptionsLayoutBgBg(nCnt)



frmMain.Caption = cWINDOWCAPTION

'Save the current settings:



End Sub

Public Sub Main()

Dim WrongRes As Boolean, WrongColDepth As Boolean, ErrMsg As String

Dim Ret As Integer: Ret = 0

'Check screen resolution:


WrongRes = False: WrongColDepth = False

If Screen.Width \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelX < 800 Or _

Screen.Height \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelY < 600 Then

    WrongRes = True

    ErrMsg = ErrMsg & "请把你的显示器分辨率设置成800 X 600 或更高才能运行本游戏"

End If

If ErrMsg <> "" Then ErrMsg = ErrMsg & vbLf & vbLf & "请把你的显示器分辨率设置成800 X 600 或更高才能运行本游戏"

If ErrMsg <> "" Then Ret = MsgBox(ErrMsg, vbYesNo Or vbExclamation, "请把你的显示器分辨率设置成800 X 600 或更高才能运行本游戏")

If Ret = 7 Then End


'Move Main window into position:


Load frmMain

frmMain.Move 0, 0, (640 + 3 + 3) * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX, (480 + 40 + 4) * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY

frmMain.Left = (Screen.Width \ 2) - (frmMain.Width \ 2)

frmMain.Top = 0 '(Screen.Height \ 2) - (frmMain.Height \ 2)

GameField.nW = frmMain.ScaleWidth

GameField.nH = frmMain.ScaleHeight



'Fix app path:


If Len(App.Path) = 3 Then

    Info.AppPath = App.Path


    Info.AppPath = App.Path & "\"

End If


'Get the user's logon name:

Info.UserName = Space$(255): GetUserName Info.UserName, 255

Info.UserName = Trim(Info.UserName)

If Info.UserName <> "" Then

    Info.UserName = Left(Info.UserName, Len(Info.UserName) - 1)


    Info.UserName = "$Default$"

End If









'Make Undo unavailable:

Info.Undo.Available = False

'Place the 790 robot head:

GameField.Pos790.x = 195 '189

GameField.Pos790.y = 15


frmMain.tmr790Blink.Enabled = True

frmSplash.tmrEffect.Enabled = True

End Sub

Public Sub DrawGoalCells(hdc As Long)

Dim Cnt As Byte

For Cnt = 1 To 4

    With GameField.GoalCell(Cnt)

        If .nCards > 0 Then

            DrawCard hdc, .Pos, GameField.Card(.Cards(.nCards))


            BitBlt hdc, .Pos.x, .Pos.y, 64, 104, GameField.BG.hdc, .Pos.x, .Pos.y, SRCCOPY

            BitBlt hdc, .Pos.x, .Pos.y, 64, 104, GameField.ImgGoal.hdc, (Cnt - 1) * 64, 104, SRCAND

            BitBlt hdc, .Pos.x, .Pos.y, 64, 104, GameField.ImgGoal.hdc, (Cnt - 1) * 64, 0, SRCINVERT

        End If

    End With


End Sub

Public Sub DrawGoalCell(nGoalCell As Byte, hdc As Long)

With GameField.GoalCell(nGoalCell)

    If .nCards > 0 Then

        DrawCard hdc, .Pos, GameField.Card(.Cards(.nCards))


        BitBlt hdc, .Pos.x, .Pos.y, 64, 104, GameField.BG.hdc, .Pos.x, .Pos.y, SRCCOPY

        BitBlt hdc, .Pos.x, .Pos.y, 64, 104, GameField.ImgGoal.hdc, (nGoalCell - 1) * 64, 104, SRCAND

        BitBlt hdc, .Pos.x, .Pos.y, 64, 104, GameField.ImgGoal.hdc, (nGoalCell - 1) * 64, 0, SRCINVERT

    End If

End With

End Sub

Public Sub Init_Placeholders()

Dim x       As Integer, y       As Integer

Dim Cnt     As Integer, CardCnt As Integer, nCard As Integer

nCard = 1

x = 100

y = 30 + 104 + 30

For Cnt = 1 To 7

    With GameField.PlaceHolder(Cnt)

        ReDim .Cards(0 To 20)

        .Pos.x = x

        .Pos.y = y

        .nCards = Cnt

        x = x + 75

        For CardCnt = 1 To Cnt

            .Cards(CardCnt) = nCard

            nCard = nCard + 1

            GameField.Card(.Cards(CardCnt)).Flag = 2

        Next CardCnt

        GameField.Card(.Cards(.nCards)).Flag = 1

    End With


x = 100 + (3 * 75)

y = 30

For Cnt = 1 To 4

    With GameField.GoalCell(Cnt)

        ReDim .Cards(0 To 13)

        .Pos.x = x

        .Pos.y = y

        .nCards = 0

    End With

    x = x + 75


With GameField.Deck(1)

    ReDim .Cards(0 To 52)

    .Pos.x = 100 - 75

    .Pos.y = 30

    .nCards = 52 - (nCard - 1)

    For CardCnt = nCard To 52

        .Cards(CardCnt - (nCard - 1)) = CardCnt

        GameField.Card(CardCnt).Flag = 1


End With

With GameField.Deck(2)

    ReDim .Cards(0 To 52)

    .Pos.x = (100 - 75) + 75

    .Pos.y = 30

    .nCards = 0

End With

Info.Interrupt = True

End Sub

Public Sub DrawPlaceHolders(hdc As Long)

Dim PHcnt       As Integer, CardCnt     As Integer

Dim MyPos       As POINTAPI, nY         As Integer

For PHcnt = 1 To 7

    If GameField.PlaceHolder(PHcnt).nCards > 0 Then

        MyPos.x = 0

        MyPos.y = 0

        nY = 0

        BitBlt hdc, GameField.PlaceHolder(PHcnt).Pos.x, GameField.PlaceHolder(PHcnt).Pos.y, 64, (GameField.PlaceHolder(PHcnt).nCards * 14) + 104, GameField.BG.hdc, GameField.PlaceHolder(PHcnt).Pos.x, GameField.PlaceHolder(PHcnt).Pos.y, SRCCOPY

        For CardCnt = 1 To GameField.PlaceHolder(PHcnt).nCards - 1 Step 1

            MyPos.x = GameField.PlaceHolder(PHcnt).Pos.x

            MyPos.y = GameField.PlaceHolder(PHcnt).Pos.y + nY

            If GameField.Card(GameField.PlaceHolder(PHcnt).Cards(CardCnt)).Flag = 1 Then

                DrawCard hdc, MyPos, GameField.Card(GameField.PlaceHolder(PHcnt).Cards(CardCnt))


                DrawCard hdc, MyPos, GameField.CardBack

            End If

            nY = nY + 14


        MyPos.x = GameField.PlaceHolder(PHcnt).Pos.x

        MyPos.y = GameField.PlaceHolder(PHcnt).Pos.y + nY

        If GameField.Card(GameField.PlaceHolder(PHcnt).Cards(CardCnt)).Flag = 1 Then

            DrawCard hdc, MyPos, GameField.Card(GameField.PlaceHolder(PHcnt).Cards(CardCnt))


            DrawCard hdc, MyPos, GameField.CardBack

        End If

        nY = nY + 14


        With GameField.PlaceHolder(PHcnt)

            BitBlt hdc, .Pos.x, .Pos.y, 64, GameField.nH - .Pos.y, GameField.BG.hdc, .Pos.x, .Pos.y, SRCCOPY

        End With

    End If

Next PHcnt

End Sub

Public Sub DrawPlaceHolder(nPlaceH As Byte, hdc As Long)

Dim CardCnt     As Integer

Dim MyPos       As POINTAPI, nY     As Integer

BitBlt hdc, GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH).Pos.x, GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH).Pos.y, 64, GameField.nH - GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH).Pos.y, GameField.BG.hdc, GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH).Pos.x, GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH).Pos.y, SRCCOPY

If GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH).nCards > 0 Then

    MyPos.x = 0

    MyPos.y = 0

    nY = 0

    For CardCnt = 1 To GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH).nCards - 1 Step 1

        MyPos.x = GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH).Pos.x

        MyPos.y = GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH).Pos.y + nY

        If GameField.Card(GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH).Cards(CardCnt)).Flag = 1 Then

            DrawCard hdc, MyPos, GameField.Card(GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH).Cards(CardCnt))


            DrawCard hdc, MyPos, GameField.CardBack

        End If

        nY = nY + 14


    MyPos.x = GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH).Pos.x

    MyPos.y = GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH).Pos.y + nY

    If GameField.Card(GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH).Cards(CardCnt)).Flag = 1 Then

        DrawCard hdc, MyPos, GameField.Card(GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH).Cards(CardCnt))


        DrawCard hdc, MyPos, GameField.CardBack

    End If

    nY = nY + 14


    With GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH)

        BitBlt hdc, .Pos.x, .Pos.y, 64, GameField.nH - .Pos.y, GameField.BG.hdc, .Pos.x, .Pos.y, SRCCOPY

    End With

End If

    End Sub

Public Sub DrawDeck(hdc As Long)

Dim nLines As Byte, Cnt As Integer


'Restore Background:


With GameField.Deck(1)

    BitBlt hdc, .Pos.x, .Pos.y, 64, 104, GameField.BG.hdc, .Pos.x, .Pos.y, SRCCOPY

End With

With GameField.Deck(2)

    BitBlt hdc, .Pos.x - 11, .Pos.y, 11, 104, GameField.BG.hdc, .Pos.x - 11, .Pos.y, SRCCOPY

    BitBlt hdc, .Pos.x, .Pos.y, 64 + (15 * 2), 104, GameField.BG.hdc, .Pos.x, .Pos.y, SRCCOPY

End With


'Draw sidelines:


nLines = GameField.Deck(1).nCards \ 10

For Cnt = 1 To nLines

    BitBlt hdc, GameField.Deck(1).Pos.x + 64 + (3 * (Cnt - 1)), GameField.Deck(1).Pos.y, 3, 104, GameField.ImgCardBack.hdc, 64 - 3, Info.nCardBack * 104, SRCCOPY

Next Cnt


'Draw deck1 card:


If GameField.Deck(1).nCards > 0 Then

    DrawCard hdc, GameField.Deck(1).Pos, GameField.CardBack


    DrawCard hdc, GameField.Deck(1).Pos, GameField.CardNone

End If


'Draw deck2 card(s):


With GameField.Deck(2)

    'Code for drawing three cards:


    Dim nStart As Integer

    If Info.nDrawCards = 3 Then

        If .nCards > 0 Then

            Dim nCards As Integer

            If .nCards >= 3 Then

                If Info.nActive = 1 And Info.srcType = 3 Then

                    nStart = .nCards - (2 - Info.nRemoved)

                    nCards = .nCards


                    nStart = .nCards - 2

                    nCards = .nCards

                End If

                For Cnt = nStart To nCards

                    TmpPos = .Pos

                    TmpPos.x = TmpPos.x + ((Cnt - nStart) * 15)

                    DrawCard hdc, TmpPos, GameField.Card(.Cards(.nCards - (nCards - Cnt)))

                Next Cnt


                If Info.nActive = 1 And Info.srcType = 3 And Info.nRemoved > 0 Then

                    nStart = (.nCards - 2) + Info.nRemoved


                    nStart = 1

                End If

                nCards = .nCards

                For Cnt = nStart To nCards

                    TmpPos = .Pos

                    TmpPos.x = TmpPos.x + ((Cnt - nStart) * 15)

                    DrawCard hdc, TmpPos, GameField.Card(.Cards(.nCards - (nCards - Cnt)))

                Next Cnt

            End If

            'Draw sidelines:


            If Info.nDrawCards = 1 Then

                nLines = .nCards \ 10

                For Cnt = 1 To nLines

                    BitBlt hdc, GameField.Deck(2).Pos.x - (3 * Cnt), GameField.Deck(2).Pos.y, 3, 104, GameField.ImgCardFront.hdc, 0, Info.nCardBack * 104, SRCCOPY

                Next Cnt

            End If



                        BitBlt hdc, .Pos.x, .Pos.y, 64 + (15 * 2), 104, GameField.BG.hdc, .Pos.x, .Pos.y, SRCCOPY

                End If


    'Code for drawing one card:



            If .nCards > 0 Then

            nLines = .nCards \ 10

            DrawCard hdc, .Pos, GameField.Card(.Cards(.nCards))

            For Cnt = 1 To nLines

                BitBlt hdc, GameField.Deck(2).Pos.x - (3 * Cnt), GameField.Deck(2).Pos.y, 3, 104, GameField.ImgCardFront.hdc, 0, Info.nCardBack * 104, SRCCOPY

            Next Cnt


            BitBlt hdc, .Pos.x, .Pos.y, 64, 104, GameField.BG.hdc, .Pos.x, .Pos.y, SRCCOPY

        End If

    End If


End With


End Sub

Public Sub CreateGame(Flag As Byte)

If Flag = 1 Then

    'Shuffle Cards:

    Dim Cnt As Long, Cnt2 As Long

    Dim A As Single, B As Single

    Dim Tmp As tCard

    Dim Num(1 To 2) As Long

    Randomize 'Start random number generator:

    'Shuffle through all the cards some times:

    For Cnt2 = 1 To 50

        For Cnt = 1 To 52

            A = Cnt

            B = Int(Rnd * 52) + 1


            Tmp = GameField.Card(B)

            GameField.Card(B) = GameField.Card(A)

            GameField.Card(A) = Tmp

        Next Cnt

    Next Cnt2

    'Pick random cards and switch 'em:

    For Cnt = 1 To 10000

        A = Int(Rnd * 52) + 1

        B = Int(Rnd * 52) + 1

            Tmp = GameField.Card(B)               '   \

        GameField.Card(B) = GameField.Card(A) '    }Switch

        GameField.Card(A) = Tmp               '   /


End If

Info.Undo.Available = False



'Restart game timer:

Info.StartTime = GetTickCount

frmMain.tmrUpdateTime.Enabled = True


End Sub

Public Sub FlipScreen()

'Blit the backcuffer to screen:

BitBlt frmMain.hdc, 0, 0, GameField.nW, GameField.nH, GameField.BB.hdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY

End Sub

Public Sub Init_Res()

With GameField

    'If Info.Debugging Then frmMain.Caption = frmMain.Caption & "  [BitsPerPixel]:"

    .Img15.fPath = Info.AppPath & "BG\SORT.BMP"            'Sort specific signs

    .ImgCardFront.fPath = Info.AppPath & "BG\FRONT.BMP"    'Card fronts

    .ImgCardBack.fPath = Info.AppPath & "BG\BACK.BMP"      'Card backs

    .ImgSign.fPath = Info.AppPath & "BG\SIGN.BMP"          'Card Signs (number/letters)

    .ImgCard.fPath = Info.AppPath & "BG\IMGCARD.BMP"       'Image cards

    .ImgGoal.fPath = Info.AppPath & "BG\GOAL.BMP"          'Goal Cell Images

        LoadRes .Img15

    LoadRes .ImgCardFront

    LoadRes .ImgCardBack

    LoadRes .ImgSign

    LoadRes .ImgCard

    LoadRes .ImgGoal

    .BG = MakeMemBMP(frmMain.ScaleWidth, frmMain.ScaleHeight)

    .BB = MakeMemBMP(frmMain.ScaleWidth, frmMain.ScaleHeight)

    .BufTmp = MakeMemBMP(128, 208 + (14 * 12))

End With



Dim nDecks As Byte, Cnt As Byte

nDecks = GameField.ImgCardFront.nH \ 104

Info.nCardfronts = nDecks

If nDecks > 1 Then

    For Cnt = 2 To nDecks

        Load frmMain.mnuOptionsLayoutFrontFront(Cnt - 1)

        frmMain.mnuOptionsLayoutFrontFront(Cnt - 1).Caption = cCARDFRONTFRONT & Trim(Str(Cnt))

    Next Cnt

End If




nDecks = GameField.ImgCardBack.nH \ 104

Info.nCardBacks = nDecks

If nDecks > 1 Then

    For Cnt = 2 To nDecks

        Load frmMain.mnuOptionsLayoutBackBack(Cnt - 1)

        frmMain.mnuOptionsLayoutBackBack(Cnt - 1).Caption = cCARDBACKBACK & Trim(Str(Cnt))

    Next Cnt

End If




Dim nBGs As Byte, strPath As String

strPath = Info.AppPath & "BG\BG1.BMP"

While Dir(strPath) <> vbNullString

    nBGs = nBGs + 1

    strPath = Info.AppPath & "BG\BG" & Trim(Str(nBGs)) & ".BMP"


nBGs = nBGs - 1

Info.nBGs = nBGs

If nBGs > 1 Then

    For Cnt = 2 To nBGs

        Load frmMain.mnuOptionsLayoutBgBg(Cnt - 1)

        frmMain.mnuOptionsLayoutBgBg(Cnt - 1).Caption = cBGBG & Trim(Str(Cnt))

    Next Cnt

End If


GameField.TmpBG.fPath = Info.AppPath & "BG\BG" & Trim(Str(Info.nBG + 1)) & ".BMP"

LoadRes GameField.TmpBG



End Sub

Public Function MakeMemBMP(nW As Long, nH As Long) As tResource


With MakeMemBMP

    .hdc = 0

    .hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(0)

    .hBMP = 0

    .hBMP = CreateCompatibleBitmap(frmMain.hdc, nW, nH)

    .hOldBMP = SelectObject(.hdc, .hBMP)

    MyGetObject .hBMP, Len(MyBMP), MyBMP

    'If Info.Debugging Then frmMain.Caption = frmMain.Caption & " " & Trim(Str(MyBMP.bmBitsPixel))

    .nW = nW: .nH = nH

    If .hBMP = 0 Then MsgBox "Failed to create memory bitmap!"

End With

End Function

Public Sub DrawGameField()

'Draw Background:

BitBlt GameField.BB.hdc, 0, 0, GameField.BB.nW, GameField.BB.nH, GameField.BG.hdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY

'Draw Placeholders w/cards:

DrawPlaceHolders GameField.BB.hdc

DrawGoalCells GameField.BB.hdc

DrawDeck GameField.BB.hdc

'Fix Statusbar:

With frmMain.Status

    .Panels(1).Width = 100

    .Panels(2).Width = GameField.nW - .Panels(1).Width

End With

'Blit backbuffer to screen:


End Sub

Public Function CheckMouseDown_Placeholders(x As Single, y As Single) As Boolean

Dim Cnt As Byte, nX As Integer, nY As Integer, nCard As Integer, nPlaceH As Byte

Dim CardCnt As Integer

CheckMouseDown_Placeholders = False

'Check if the point is inside one of the placeholders or goalcells:

For Cnt = 1 To 7

    If x >= GameField.PlaceHolder(Cnt).Pos.x And _

       x < (GameField.PlaceHolder(Cnt).Pos.x + 64) And _

       y >= GameField.PlaceHolder(Cnt).Pos.y And _

       y <= (GameField.PlaceHolder(Cnt).Pos.y + 104 + (GameField.PlaceHolder(Cnt).nCards * 14)) _


        'User clicked inside one of them, set up active card:

        nX = x - GameField.PlaceHolder(Cnt).Pos.x

        nY = y - GameField.PlaceHolder(Cnt).Pos.y

        For CardCnt = 1 To GameField.PlaceHolder(Cnt).nCards - 1

            If nY >= ((CardCnt - 1) * 14) And nY < ((CardCnt * 14)) Then

                nCard = CardCnt

                nPlaceH = Cnt

            End If


        If nY >= (GameField.PlaceHolder(Cnt).nCards - 1) * 14 And nY < ((GameField.PlaceHolder(Cnt).nCards - 1) * 14) + 104 Then

            nCard = GameField.PlaceHolder(Cnt).nCards

            nPlaceH = Cnt

        End If

        Info.Moving = True

    End If


If nPlaceH < 1 Or nCard < 1 Then Exit Function

If GameField.Card(GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH).Cards(nCard)).Flag = 1 Then

    For Cnt = nCard To GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH).nCards

        Info.ActiveCard(Cnt - (nCard - 1)) = GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH).Cards(Cnt)


    Info.nActive = GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH).nCards - (nCard - 1)

    GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH).nCards = GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH).nCards - (Info.nActive)

    Info.ClickPos.x = nX

    Info.ClickPos.y = nY - ((nCard - 1) * 14)

    Info.srcPH = nPlaceH

    Info.srcType = 1

    Info.Moving = True

    DrawPlaceHolder nPlaceH, GameField.BB.hdc

    DrawActiveCard x, y


    If nCard = GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH).nCards Then

        'Turn the card:

        GameField.Card(GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH).Cards(nCard)).Flag = 1

        DrawPlaceHolder nPlaceH, GameField.BB.hdc


        Info.Moving = False

        Info.nActive = 0

        Info.Undo.Available = False 'If the user has turned a card, things will be messed up after Undo..

    End If

End If

CheckMouseDown_Placeholders = True

End Function

Public Function CheckMouseDown_GoalCells(x As Single, y As Single) As Boolean

Dim Cnt As Byte, nX As Integer, nY As Integer, nCard As Integer, nPlaceH As Byte

Dim CardCnt As Integer

CheckMouseDown_GoalCells = False

'Check if the point is inside one of the goalcells:

For Cnt = 1 To 4

    If x >= GameField.GoalCell(Cnt).Pos.x And _

        x < (GameField.GoalCell(Cnt).Pos.x + 64) And _

        y >= GameField.GoalCell(Cnt).Pos.y And _

        y <= (GameField.GoalCell(Cnt).Pos.y + 104) _


        'User clicked inside one of them, set up active card:

        nPlaceH = Cnt

        nCard = GameField.GoalCell(Cnt).nCards

        nX = x - GameField.GoalCell(Cnt).Pos.x

        nY = y - GameField.GoalCell(Cnt).Pos.y

    End If


If nPlaceH = 0 Or nCard = 0 Then Exit Function

Info.ActiveCard(1) = GameField.GoalCell(nPlaceH).Cards(nCard)

Info.nActive = 1

GameField.GoalCell(nPlaceH).nCards = GameField.GoalCell(nPlaceH).nCards - 1

Info.ClickPos.x = nX

Info.ClickPos.y = nY

Info.srcPH = nPlaceH + 7

Info.srcType = 2

Info.Moving = True

DrawGoalCell nPlaceH, GameField.BB.hdc

DrawActiveCard x, y

CheckMouseDown_GoalCells = True

End Function

Public Function CheckMouseUp_GoalCells(x As Single, y As Single) As Boolean

Dim Xpos As Integer, Ypos As Integer

Dim SrcX As Integer, SrcY As Integer

Dim DestX As Integer, DestY As Integer

Dim FrameCnt As Integer, nFrames As Integer

Dim nPlaceH As Byte, Cnt As Byte

'Set the function to false temporarily:

CheckMouseUp_GoalCells = False

'Do stuff:

If Info.Moving Then

    'Find out if the card has landed in a goalcell, and if it is a valid move:


    For Cnt = 1 To 4

        If x - Info.ClickPos.x >= GameField.GoalCell(Cnt).Pos.x - 37 And _

            x - Info.ClickPos.x < (GameField.GoalCell(Cnt).Pos.x + 37) And _

            y - Info.ClickPos.y >= GameField.GoalCell(Cnt).Pos.y - 57 And _

            y - Info.ClickPos.y <= GameField.GoalCell(Cnt).Pos.y + 57 _


            nPlaceH = Cnt

            Info.Moving = True

            Exit For

        End If

    Next Cnt


    If nPlaceH = 0 Then Exit Function

    If Info.nActive > 1 Then Exit Function

    If GameField.GoalCell(nPlaceH).nCards = 0 And _

       GameField.Card(Info.ActiveCard(1)).Value <> 1 Then Exit Function

    If nPlaceH > 0 And GameField.Card(Info.ActiveCard(1)).Flag = 1 And _

    GameField.Card(Info.ActiveCard(1)).Sort + 1 = nPlaceH And _

    GameField.Card(Info.ActiveCard(1)).Value = GameField.Card(GameField.GoalCell(nPlaceH).Cards(GameField.GoalCell(nPlaceH).nCards)).Value + 1 Or _

    (GameField.Card(Info.ActiveCard(1)).Value = 1 And GameField.GoalCell(nPlaceH).nCards = 0) And _

    GameField.Card(Info.ActiveCard(1)).Sort + 1 = nPlaceH _


        'Valid Move: Transfer the card to the goalcell:


        GameField.GoalCell(nPlaceH).nCards = GameField.GoalCell(nPlaceH).nCards + 1

        GameField.GoalCell(nPlaceH).Cards(GameField.GoalCell(nPlaceH).nCards) = Info.ActiveCard(1)

        Info.Undo.nCards = 1

        Info.Undo.nSrc = Info.srcPH

        Info.Undo.nDest = nPlaceH + 7

        Info.Undo.Available = True

                'Remove the active card:

        Info.nActive = 0

        Info.Moving = False

        'Draw the placeholder:

        DrawGoalCell nPlaceH, GameField.BB.hdc

                If Info.srcType = 3 And Info.nRemoved = 3 Then

            Info.nRemoved = 0

            DrawDeck GameField.BB.hdc

        End If


        CheckMouseUp_GoalCells = True

        End If

End If

'Check if the user has won:


End Function

Public Sub CheckWinner()

Dim Win As Boolean, Cnt As Byte

If Info.CheckingWinner Then Exit Sub

Info.CheckingWinner = True

Win = True

For Cnt = 1 To 4

    If GameField.GoalCell(Cnt).nCards <> 13 Then Win = False

Next Cnt

If Win = True Then

    DoEffect 'Show winning effect

        If MsgBox("你是否继续下一轮游戏?", vbQuestion Or vbYesNo, "新游戏?") = 6 Then

        CreateGame 1






    End If

End If

Info.CheckingWinner = False

End Sub

Public Sub DoEffect()

'Do winning effect:


Dim x As Single, y As Single, MyPos As POINTAPI

Dim XSpeed As Single, YSpeed As Single

'Dim T1 As Long, T2 As Long

Dim nCard As Byte, TmpCard As tCard

Dim MaxSpeed As Single

Dim nDir As Single

'Disable 790:

frmMain.tmr790Blink.Enabled = False

Randomize 'Initialize random number generator

MaxSpeed = 20

Info.Interrupt = False

nCard = 1

x = GameField.GoalCell(1).Pos.x '= Int((GameField.nW \ 2) - 32)

y = GameField.GoalCell(1).Pos.y '= Int((GameField.nH \ 2) - 52)

XSpeed = 4

YSpeed = 3

'T1 = GetTickCount

'While T2 - T1 < 60000 And Not Info.Interrupt

While Not Info.Interrupt

    MyPos.x = x

    MyPos.y = y

    TmpCard = GameField.Card(nCard)

    TmpCard.Flag = 1

    DrawCard GameField.BB.hdc, MyPos, TmpCard

    BitBlt frmMain.hdc, x, y, 64, 104, GameField.BB.hdc, x, y, SRCCOPY

        If x + XSpeed > (GameField.nW - 64) Or x + XSpeed < 0 Then

        XSpeed = (-XSpeed) + ((Int(Rnd * 9) + 1) - 5)

        YSpeed = YSpeed + ((Int(Rnd * 9) + 1) - 5)

    End If

    If y + YSpeed > (GameField.nH - 104) Or y + YSpeed < 0 Then

        YSpeed = (-YSpeed) + ((Int(Rnd * 9) + 1) - 5)

        XSpeed = XSpeed + ((Int(Rnd * 9) + 1) - 5)

    End If

        x = x + XSpeed

        y = y + YSpeed

        XSpeed = XSpeed + ((Int(Rnd * 3) + 1) - 2)

    YSpeed = YSpeed + ((Int(Rnd * 3) + 1) - 2)


    nCard = nCard + 1

    If nCard > 52 Then nCard = 1: DoEvents

    'T2 = GetTickCount



'Update Gamefield:


'Enable 790:

frmMain.tmr790Blink.Enabled = True

End Sub

Public Function CheckMouseDown_Deck(x As Single, y As Single) As Boolean

Dim Cnt As Integer, nX As Integer, nY As Integer, nCard As Integer, nPlaceH As Byte

Dim CardCnt As Integer

Dim XtraPix As Integer

If Info.nDrawCards = 3 Then

    If GameField.Deck(2).nCards >= 3 Then

        XtraPix = (2 - Info.nRemoved) * 15


        'XtraPix = (GameField.Deck(2).nCards - 1) * 15

        If Info.nRemoved + GameField.Deck(2).nCards >= 3 Then

            XtraPix = (2 - Info.nRemoved) * 15


            XtraPix = (GameField.Deck(2).nCards - 1) * 15

        End If

    End If

End If


CheckMouseDown_Deck = False

'Check if the point is inside one of the goalcells:

    If x >= GameField.Deck(1).Pos.x And _

        x < (GameField.Deck(1).Pos.x + 64) And _

        y >= GameField.Deck(1).Pos.y And _

        y <= (GameField.Deck(1).Pos.y + 104) Then

        'User clicked inside deck 1

        nPlaceH = 1

        nCard = GameField.Deck(1).nCards

        nX = x - GameField.Deck(1).Pos.x

        nY = y - GameField.Deck(1).Pos.y


    ElseIf x >= GameField.Deck(2).Pos.x + XtraPix And _

        x < (GameField.Deck(2).Pos.x + 64 + XtraPix) And _

        y >= GameField.Deck(2).Pos.y And _

        y <= (GameField.Deck(2).Pos.y + 104) Then

        'User clicked inside deck 1

        nPlaceH = 2

        nCard = GameField.Deck(2).nCards

        nX = x - GameField.Deck(2).Pos.x

        nY = y - GameField.Deck(2).Pos.y

    End If

If nPlaceH = 0 And nCard = 0 Then Exit Function

Select Case nPlaceH

Case 1

     If Info.nDrawCards = 3 Then

    'Code for drawing three cards:


        If GameField.Deck(1).nCards >= 3 Then

            Info.nRemoved = 0

            For Cnt = 1 To 3

                GameField.Deck(2).nCards = GameField.Deck(2).nCards + 1

                GameField.Deck(2).Cards(GameField.Deck(2).nCards) = GameField.Deck(1).Cards(GameField.Deck(1).nCards)

                GameField.Deck(1).nCards = GameField.Deck(1).nCards - 1

            Next Cnt

            DrawDeck GameField.BB.hdc

            BitBlt frmMain.hdc, GameField.Deck(1).Pos.x, GameField.Deck(1).Pos.y, 75 + 64 + (15 * 2), 104, GameField.BB.hdc, GameField.Deck(1).Pos.x, GameField.Deck(1).Pos.y, SRCCOPY

        ElseIf GameField.Deck(1).nCards > 0 Then

            For Cnt = 1 To GameField.Deck(1).nCards

                GameField.Deck(2).nCards = GameField.Deck(2).nCards + 1

                GameField.Deck(2).Cards(GameField.Deck(2).nCards) = GameField.Deck(1).Cards(Cnt)

            Next Cnt

            GameField.Deck(1).nCards = 0

            DrawDeck GameField.BB.hdc

            BitBlt frmMain.hdc, GameField.Deck(1).Pos.x, GameField.Deck(1).Pos.y, 75 + 64 + (15 * 2), 104, GameField.BB.hdc, GameField.Deck(1).Pos.x, GameField.Deck(1).Pos.y, SRCCOPY


            If GameField.Deck(2).nCards > 0 Then

                For Cnt = 1 To GameField.Deck(2).nCards

                    GameField.Deck(1).Cards(Cnt) = GameField.Deck(2).Cards(GameField.Deck(2).nCards - (Cnt - 1))

                Next Cnt

                GameField.Deck(1).nCards = GameField.Deck(2).nCards

                GameField.Deck(2).nCards = 0

                DrawDeck GameField.BB.hdc

                BitBlt frmMain.hdc, GameField.Deck(1).Pos.x, GameField.Deck(1).Pos.y, 75 + 64 + (15 * 2), 104, GameField.BB.hdc, GameField.Deck(1).Pos.x, GameField.Deck(1).Pos.y, SRCCOPY

            End If

        End If



    'Code for drawing one card at at time:


        If GameField.Deck(1).nCards > 0 Then

            GameField.Deck(2).nCards = GameField.Deck(2).nCards + 1

            GameField.Deck(2).Cards(GameField.Deck(2).nCards) = GameField.Deck(1).Cards(GameField.Deck(1).nCards)

            GameField.Deck(1).nCards = GameField.Deck(1).nCards - 1

            DrawDeck GameField.BB.hdc

            BitBlt frmMain.hdc, GameField.Deck(1).Pos.x, GameField.Deck(1).Pos.y, 75 + 64, 104, GameField.BB.hdc, GameField.Deck(1).Pos.x, GameField.Deck(1).Pos.y, SRCCOPY


            If GameField.Deck(2).nCards > 0 Then

                For Cnt = 1 To GameField.Deck(2).nCards

                    GameField.Deck(1).Cards(Cnt) = GameField.Deck(2).Cards(GameField.Deck(2).nCards - (Cnt - 1))

                Next Cnt

                GameField.Deck(1).nCards = GameField.Deck(2).nCards

                GameField.Deck(2).nCards = 0

                DrawDeck GameField.BB.hdc

                BitBlt frmMain.hdc, GameField.Deck(1).Pos.x, GameField.Deck(1).Pos.y, 75 + 64, 104, GameField.BB.hdc, GameField.Deck(1).Pos.x, GameField.Deck(1).Pos.y, SRCCOPY

            End If

        End If

    End If

        Info.Undo.Available = False


Case 2  'User wants to drag a card from the deck:

    'Code for drawing three cards:


    If Info.nDrawCards = 3 Then

        If GameField.Deck(2).nCards > 0 Then

            Info.ActiveCard(1) = GameField.Deck(2).Cards(nCard)

            Info.nActive = 1

            GameField.Deck(2).nCards = GameField.Deck(2).nCards - 1

            Info.ClickPos.x = nX - XtraPix

            Info.ClickPos.y = nY

            Info.srcPH = nPlaceH + 11

            Info.srcType = 3

            Info.Moving = True

            Info.nRemoved = Info.nRemoved + 1

            'If Info.nRemoved = 3 Then Info.nRemoved = 0

            DrawDeck GameField.BB.hdc

            With GameField.Deck(2)

                BitBlt frmMain.hdc, .Pos.x, .Pos.y, (3 - Info.nRemoved) * 15, 104, GameField.BB.hdc, .Pos.x, .Pos.y, SRCCOPY

            End With

            DrawActiveCard x, y

        End If


    'Code for drawing one card at a time:



        If GameField.Deck(2).nCards > 0 Then

            Info.ActiveCard(1) = GameField.Deck(2).Cards(nCard)

            Info.nActive = 1

            GameField.Deck(2).nCards = GameField.Deck(2).nCards - 1

            Info.ClickPos.x = nX

            Info.ClickPos.y = nY

            Info.srcPH = nPlaceH + 11

            Info.srcType = 3

            Info.Moving = True

            DrawDeck GameField.BB.hdc

            DrawActiveCard x, y

    End If

    End If


End Select

'If the function wasn't left previously, it returns true:

CheckMouseDown_Deck = True

End Function

Public Function CheckDoubleClick(x As Long, y As Long) As Boolean

Dim Cnt As Byte, nX As Long, nY As Long, nCard As Byte, nPlaceH As Byte, CardCnt As Integer

Dim TmpCard(1 To 2) As tCard

'Set function temporarily to false:

CheckDoubleClick = False

If Info.Moving Then Exit Function

For Cnt = 1 To 7

    If x >= GameField.PlaceHolder(Cnt).Pos.x And _

        x < (GameField.PlaceHolder(Cnt).Pos.x + 64) And _

        y >= GameField.PlaceHolder(Cnt).Pos.y And _

        y <= (GameField.PlaceHolder(Cnt).Pos.y + 104 + (GameField.PlaceHolder(Cnt).nCards * 14)) _


        'User clicked inside one of them, set up active card:

        nX = x - GameField.PlaceHolder(Cnt).Pos.x

        nY = y - GameField.PlaceHolder(Cnt).Pos.y

        For CardCnt = 1 To GameField.PlaceHolder(Cnt).nCards - 1

            If nY >= ((CardCnt - 1) * 14) And nY < ((CardCnt * 14)) Then

                nCard = CardCnt

                nPlaceH = Cnt

            End If


        If nY >= (GameField.PlaceHolder(Cnt).nCards - 1) * 14 And nY < ((GameField.PlaceHolder(Cnt).nCards - 1) * 14) + 104 Then

            nCard = GameField.PlaceHolder(Cnt).nCards

            nPlaceH = Cnt

        End If

    End If


If nPlaceH > 0 Then

    With GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH)

        If Not GameField.Card(.Cards(.nCards)).Flag = 1 Then Exit Function

    End With

End If

If nPlaceH > 0 Then

    If nCard = GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH).nCards Then

        TmpCard(1) = GameField.Card(GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH).Cards(GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH).nCards))

        TmpCard(2) = GameField.Card(GameField.GoalCell(TmpCard(1).Sort + 1).Cards(GameField.GoalCell(TmpCard(1).Sort + 1).nCards))

        If TmpCard(1).Value = TmpCard(2).Value + 1 Then

            GameField.GoalCell(TmpCard(1).Sort + 1).nCards = GameField.GoalCell(TmpCard(1).Sort + 1).nCards + 1

            GameField.GoalCell(TmpCard(1).Sort + 1).Cards(GameField.GoalCell(TmpCard(1).Sort + 1).nCards) = GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH).Cards(GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH).nCards)

            GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH).nCards = GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH).nCards - 1

            DrawGoalCell TmpCard(1).Sort + 1, GameField.BB.hdc

            DrawGoalCell TmpCard(1).Sort + 1, frmMain.hdc

            DrawPlaceHolder nPlaceH, GameField.BB.hdc

            With GameField.PlaceHolder(nPlaceH)

                BitBlt frmMain.hdc, .Pos.x, .Pos.y, 64, GameField.nH - .Pos.y, GameField.BB.hdc, .Pos.x, .Pos.y, SRCCOPY

            End With

            Info.Undo.nCards = 1

            Info.Undo.nSrc = nPlaceH

            Info.Undo.nDest = 7 + TmpCard(1).Sort + 1

            Info.Undo.Available = True

            CheckDoubleClick = True

        End If

    End If


    'Check deck:

    If x >= GameField.Deck(2).Pos.x And x <= GameField.Deck(2).Pos.x + 64 And y >= GameField.Deck(2).Pos.y And y <= GameField.Deck(2).Pos.y + 104 Then

        TmpCard(1) = GameField.Card(GameField.Deck(2).Cards(GameField.Deck(2).nCards))

        TmpCard(2) = GameField.Card(GameField.GoalCell(TmpCard(1).Sort + 1).Cards(GameField.GoalCell(TmpCard(1).Sort + 1).nCards))

        If TmpCard(1).Value = TmpCard(2).Value + 1 Then

            GameField.GoalCell(TmpCard(1).Sort + 1).nCards = GameField.GoalCell(TmpCard(1).Sort + 1).nCards + 1

            GameField.GoalCell(TmpCard(1).Sort + 1).Cards(GameField.GoalCell(TmpCard(1).Sort + 1).nCards) = GameField.Deck(2).Cards(GameField.Deck(2).nCards)

            GameField.Deck(2).nCards = GameField.Deck(2).nCards - 1

            DrawGoalCell TmpCard(1).Sort + 1, GameField.BB.hdc

            DrawGoalCell TmpCard(1).Sort + 1, frmMain.hdc

            Info.nRemoved = Info.nRemoved + 1

            If Info.nRemoved = 3 Then Info.nRemoved = 0

            Info.nActive = 1

            DrawDeck GameField.BB.hdc


            'DrawDeck frmMain.hDC

            Info.nActive = 0

            'With GameField.Deck(1)

                'BitBlt frmMain.hDC, .Pos.X, .Pos.Y, 139 + (15 * 2), 104, GameField.BB.hDC, .Pos.X, .Pos.Y, SRCCOPY

            'End With

            Info.Undo.nCards = 1

            Info.Undo.nSrc = 13

            Info.Undo.nDest = 7 + TmpCard(1).Sort + 1

            Info.Undo.Available = True

            CheckDoubleClick = True

        End If


        'Check other deck:

        If x >= GameField.Deck(1).Pos.x And x <= GameField.Deck(1).Pos.x + 64 And y >= GameField.Deck(1).Pos.y And y <= GameField.Deck(1).Pos.y + 104 Then

            frmMain.TriggerClick x, y

            CheckDoubleClick = True

        End If

    End If

End If

CheckWinner 'Check if the player has won:

End Function

Public Sub SaveSettings()

Dim Section As String

Section = Info.UserName

SaveSetting APPNAME, Section, "Front", Info.nCardFront

SaveSetting APPNAME, Section, "Deck", Info.nCardBack

SaveSetting APPNAME, Section, "BG", Info.nBG

SaveSetting APPNAME, Section, "Draw", Info.nDrawCards

SaveSetting APPNAME, Section, "OrdinaryMove", Info.nDefSnd

SaveSetting APPNAME, Section, "GoalMove", Info.nGoalSnd

SaveSetting APPNAME, Section, "Language", Info.Language

If Info.Show790 Then

    SaveSetting APPNAME, Section, "Show790", 1


    SaveSetting APPNAME, Section, "Show790", 0

End If

If Info.Debugging Then

    SaveSetting APPNAME, Section, "Version", "Debug"


    SaveSetting APPNAME, Section, "Version", "Release"

End If

End Sub

Public Sub ReadSettings()

Dim Section As String

Section = Info.UserName

Info.nCardFront = GetSetting(APPNAME, Section, "Front", 0)

Info.nCardBack = GetSetting(APPNAME, Section, "Deck", 0)

Info.nBG = GetSetting(APPNAME, Section, "BG", 0)

Info.nDrawCards = GetSetting(APPNAME, Section, "Draw", 1)

Info.nDefSnd = GetSetting(APPNAME, Section, "OrdinaryMove", 0)

Info.nGoalSnd = GetSetting(APPNAME, Section, "GoalMove", 1)

If Info.nDrawCards <> 1 And Info.nDrawCards <> 3 Then Info.nDrawCards = 1

If GetSetting(APPNAME, Section, "Show790", 1) = 0 Then

    Info.Show790 = False

    frmMain.tmr790Blink.Enabled = False


    Info.Show790 = True

    frmMain.tmr790Blink.Enabled = True

End If

If GetSetting(APPNAME, Section, "Version", "Release") = "Release" Then

    Info.Debugging = False

    frmMain.mnuTopDebug.Visible = False


    Info.Debugging = True

    frmMain.mnuTopDebug.Visible = True

End If

Info.Language = GetSetting(APPNAME, Section, "Language", "EN")

If Info.Language <> "EN" And Info.Language <> "NO" And Info.Language <> "DE" Then Info.Language = "EN"

End Sub

Public Sub CheckSettings()

If Info.nCardFront + 1 > Info.nCardfronts Or Info.nCardFront + 1 < 0 Then Info.nCardFront = 0

If Info.nCardBack + 1 > Info.nCardBacks Or Info.nCardBack + 1 < 0 Then Info.nCardBack = 0

If Info.nDefSnd + 1 > Info.nSnds Or Info.nDefSnd + 1 < 0 Then Info.nDefSnd = 0

If Info.nGoalSnd + 1 > Info.nSnds Or Info.nGoalSnd + 1 < 0 Then Info.nGoalSnd = 0

If Dir(Info.AppPath & "BG\BG" & Trim(Str(Info.nBG + 1)) & ".BMP") = "" Then

    Info.nBG = 0

End If

End Sub

Public Sub MakeBG()

Dim nTilesX As Long, nTilesY As Long

Dim Xpos As Long, Ypos As Long

Dim ScrW As Long, ScrH As Long, BGW As Long, BGH As Long

Dim SrcDC As Long, DestDC As Long

BGW = GameField.TmpBG.nW

BGH = GameField.TmpBG.nH

ScrW = GameField.nW

ScrH = GameField.nH

nTilesX = ScrW \ BGW

If nTilesX * BGW < ScrW Then nTilesX = nTilesX + 1

nTilesY = ScrH \ BGH

If nTilesY * BGH < ScrH Then nTilesY = nTilesY + 1

SrcDC = GameField.TmpBG.hdc

DestDC = GameField.BG.hdc

Dim nRes As Long

For Ypos = 1 To nTilesY

    For Xpos = 1 To nTilesX

        nRes = BitBlt(DestDC, (Xpos - 1) * BGW, (Ypos - 1) * BGH, BGW, BGH, SrcDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY)

    Next Xpos

Next Ypos

FreeRes GameField.TmpBG

End Sub

Public Sub LoadSnd(fPath As String, Buffer As String)

Dim fNum As Integer

If Dir(fPath) = vbNullString Then GoTo Error_LoadSnd

fNum = FreeFile

Open fPath For Binary As fNum

    Buffer = Space$(FileLen(fPath))

    Get #fNum, 1, Buffer

Close #fNum

Exit Sub


MsgBox "Unable to load file " & fPath

Call CleanUp: End

End Sub

Public Sub Undo()

Dim Cnt As Byte

Dim Cards() As Byte

If Not Info.Undo.Available Then Exit Sub

With Info.Undo

    ReDim Cards(1 To .nCards)

    If .nDest < 8 Then

        For Cnt = 1 To .nCards

            Cards(Cnt) = GameField.PlaceHolder(.nDest).Cards(GameField.PlaceHolder(.nDest).nCards)

            GameField.PlaceHolder(.nDest).nCards = GameField.PlaceHolder(.nDest).nCards - 1

        Next Cnt

        DrawPlaceHolder .nDest, GameField.BB.hdc

    ElseIf .nDest < 12 Then

        For Cnt = 1 To .nCards

            Cards(Cnt) = GameField.GoalCell(.nDest - 7).Cards(GameField.GoalCell(.nDest - 7).nCards)

            GameField.GoalCell(.nDest - 7).nCards = GameField.GoalCell(.nDest - 7).nCards - 1

        Next Cnt

        DrawGoalCell (.nDest - 7), GameField.BB.hdc

    ElseIf .nDest < 14 Then

        For Cnt = 1 To .nCards

            Cards(Cnt) = GameField.Deck(2).Cards(GameField.Deck(2).nCards)

            GameField.Deck(2).nCards = GameField.Deck(2).nCards - 1

        Next Cnt

        DrawDeck GameField.BB.hdc

    End If

        If .nSrc < 8 Then

        For Cnt = 1 To .nCards

            GameField.PlaceHolder(.nSrc).Cards(GameField.PlaceHolder(.nSrc).nCards + 1) = Cards(Cnt)

            GameField.PlaceHolder(.nSrc).nCards = GameField.PlaceHolder(.nSrc).nCards + 1

        Next Cnt

        DrawPlaceHolder .nSrc, GameField.BB.hdc

    ElseIf .nSrc < 12 Then

        For Cnt = 1 To .nCards

            GameField.GoalCell(.nSrc - 7).Cards(GameField.GoalCell(.nSrc - 7).nCards + 1) = Cards(Cnt)

            GameField.GoalCell(.nSrc - 7).nCards = GameField.GoalCell(.nSrc - 7).nCards + 1

        Next Cnt

        DrawGoalCell .nSrc - 7, GameField.BB.hdc

    ElseIf .nSrc < 14 Then

        For Cnt = 1 To .nCards

            GameField.Deck(2).Cards(GameField.Deck(2).nCards + 1) = Cards(Cnt)

            GameField.Deck(2).nCards = GameField.Deck(2).nCards + 1

        Next Cnt

        DrawDeck GameField.BB.hdc

    End If

    End With


Info.Undo.Available = False

End Sub

Public Sub Find_Res()

End Sub


posted @ 2012-04-20 07:01  牧涛  阅读(481)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报