ProblemN*N matrix is given with input red or black.You can move horizontally, vertically or diagonally. If 3 consecutive samecolor found, that color w... 阅读全文
ProblemIn 1-9 keypad one key is not working. If someone enters a password then not working key will not be entered. You have given expected password a... 阅读全文
ProblemYou know a password is well-ordered string. Well-ordered string means that the order of the characters is in an alphabetical increasing order. ... 阅读全文
ProblemPrint all valid phone numbers of length n subject to following constraints:If a number contains a 4, it should start with 4No two consecutive d... 阅读全文
25.Matrix PositionGiven an NxN matrix with unique integers :Find and print positions of all numbers such that it is the biggest in its row and also th... 阅读全文
1. Colorful Number:A numbercan be broken into different sub-sequence parts. Suppose a number 3245 can bebroken into parts like 3 2 4 5 32 24 45 324 24... 阅读全文
1. Get number of digits in an intvar length = (int)Math.Floor(Math.Log10(n) + 1);2. Keyword SuperUse super to refer superclass method if the method ha... 阅读全文
1. Count and SayThe count-and-say sequence is the sequence of integers beginning as follows:1, 11, 21, 1211, 111221, ...1is read off as"one 1"or11.11i... 阅读全文
36. Set Matrix ZerosConstant space solutionuse first row and first col as flag space which save the zeros row & col info. Store the first row & col o... 阅读全文