
//appium java-client-api 介绍


A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z 


AccessibilityId(String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy
About Android accessibility About iOS accessibility UIAccessibilityIdentification_Protocol/index.html
ACTION_DOWN - Static variable in interface
ACTION_MULTIPLE - Static variable in interface
ACTION_UP - Static variable in interface
activateEngine(String) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.ImeHandler
Make an engines that is available (appears on the list returned by getAvailableEngines) active.
activeElement() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.TargetLocator
Switches to the element that currently has focus within the document currently "switched to", or the body element if this cannot be detected.
ADB_PORT - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Port used to connect to the ADB server (default 5037).
add(TouchAction) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MultiTouchAction
Add a TouchAction to this multi-touch gesture.
addCookie(Cookie) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.Options
Add a specific cookie.
addOutPutStream(OutputStream) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumDriverLocalService
Adds other output stream which should accept server output data
addOutPutStreams(List<OutputStream>) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumDriverLocalService
Adds other output streams which should accept server output data
afterAlertAccept(WebDriver, Alert) - Method in interface
This action will be performed each time after Alert.accept()
afterAlertDismiss(WebDriver, Alert) - Method in interface
This action will be performed each time before Alert.dismiss()
afterAlertSendKeys(WebDriver, Alert, String) - Method in interface
This action will be performed each time after Alert.sendKeys(String)
afterAuthentication(WebDriver, Alert, Credentials) - Method in interface
This action will be performed each time after Alert.setCredentials(Credentials) and Alert.authenticateUsing(Credentials)
afterChangeValueOf(WebElement, WebDriver) - Method in interface
afterClickOn(WebElement, WebDriver) - Method in interface
Called after
afterFindBy(By, WebElement, WebDriver) - Method in interface
afterNavigateBack(WebDriver) - Method in interface
Called after navigate().back().
afterNavigateForward(WebDriver) - Method in interface
Called after navigate().forward().
afterNavigateRefresh(WebDriver) - Method in interface
Called after navigate().refresh().
afterNavigateTo(String, WebDriver) - Method in interface
Called after get(String url) respectively navigate().to(String url).
afterRotation(WebDriver, ScreenOrientation) - Method in interface
Called after Rotatable.rotate(ScreenOrientation).
afterScript(String, WebDriver) - Method in interface
Called after RemoteWebDriver.executeScript(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object[]).
afterSwitchingToContext(WebDriver, String) - Method in interface
Called after ContextAware.context(String).
afterWindowChangeSize(WebDriver, WebDriver.Window, Dimension) - Method in interface
This action will be performed each time after WebDriver.Window#setSize(Dimension)
afterWindowIsMaximized(WebDriver, WebDriver.Window) - Method in interface
This action will be performed each time after WebDriver.Window#maximize()
afterWindowIsMoved(WebDriver, WebDriver.Window, Point) - Method in interface
This action will be performed each time after WebDriver.Window#setPosition(org.openqa.selenium.Point)
alert() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.TargetLocator
Switches to the currently active modal dialog for this particular driver instance.
AlertEventListener - Interface in
ANDROID - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobilePlatform
ANDROID_COVERAGE - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Fully qualified instrumentation class.
ANDROID_DEVICE_READY_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Timeout in seconds used to wait for a device to become ready after booting.
ANDROID_DEVICE_SOCKET - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Devtools socket name.
AndroidDeviceActionShortcuts - Interface in
AndroidDriver<T extends WebElement> - Class in
AndroidDriver(HttpCommandExecutor, Capabilities) - Constructor for class
AndroidDriver(URL, Capabilities) - Constructor for class
AndroidDriver(URL, HttpClient.Factory, Capabilities) - Constructor for class
AndroidDriver(AppiumDriverLocalService, Capabilities) - Constructor for class
AndroidDriver(AppiumDriverLocalService, HttpClient.Factory, Capabilities) - Constructor for class
AndroidDriver(AppiumServiceBuilder, Capabilities) - Constructor for class
AndroidDriver(AppiumServiceBuilder, HttpClient.Factory, Capabilities) - Constructor for class
AndroidDriver(HttpClient.Factory, Capabilities) - Constructor for class
AndroidDriver(Capabilities) - Constructor for class
AndroidElement - Class in
AndroidElement() - Constructor for class
AndroidFindAll - Annotation Type in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
Used to mark a field on a Page/Screen Object to indicate that lookup should use a series of AndroidFindBy tags It will then search for all elements that match any criteria.
AndroidFindBy - Annotation Type in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
Used to mark a field on a Page Object to indicate an alternative mechanism for locating the element or a list of elements.
AndroidFindBys - Annotation Type in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
Used to mark a field on a Page Object to indicate that lookup should use a series of AndroidFindBy tags.
AndroidKeyCode - Interface in
Some common key codes for Android Key Events.
AndroidKeyMetastate - Interface in
Metastates for Android Key Events.
AndroidMobileCapabilityType - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote
The list of Android-specific capabilities.
AndroidMobileCommandHelper - Class in
This util class helps to prepare parameters of Android-specific JSONWP commands.
AndroidMobileCommandHelper() - Constructor for class
AndroidServerFlag - Enum in io.appium.java_client.service.local.flags
Here is the list of Android specific server arguments.
AndroidUIAutomator(String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy
Read index.html#uia-apis
AnnotatedElementContainer - Class in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder
This is the POJO for the setting/getting of an AnnotatedElement instances.
AnnotatedElementContainer() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.AnnotatedElementContainer
annotatedElementContainer - Variable in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.AppiumByBuilder
APP - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileCapabilityType
The absolute local path or remote http URL to an .ipa or .apk file, or a .zip containing one of these.
APP_ACTIVITY - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Activity name for the Android activity you want to launch from your package.
APP_ADDRESS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.YouiEngineCapabilityType
IP address of the app to execute commands against.
APP_NAME - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
The display name of the application under test.
APP_PACKAGE - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Java package of the Android app you want to run.
APP_WAIT_ACTIVITY - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Activity name for the Android activity you want to wait for.
APP_WAIT_PACKAGE - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Java package of the Android app you want to wait for.
APPIUM - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AutomationName
APPIUM_PATH - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServiceBuilder
The environmental variable used to define the path to executable appium.js (1.4.x and lower) or main.js (1.5.x and higher).
APPIUM_VERSION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileCapabilityType
AppiumByBuilder - Class in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder
It is the basic handler of Appium-specific page object annotations About the Page Object design pattern please read these documents: - -
AppiumByBuilder(String, String) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.AppiumByBuilder
AppiumCommandExecutor - Class in io.appium.java_client.remote
AppiumCommandExecutor(Map<String, CommandInfo>, URL, HttpClient.Factory) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.remote.AppiumCommandExecutor
AppiumCommandExecutor(Map<String, CommandInfo>, DriverService, HttpClient.Factory) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.remote.AppiumCommandExecutor
AppiumCommandExecutor(Map<String, CommandInfo>, URL) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.remote.AppiumCommandExecutor
AppiumCommandExecutor(Map<String, CommandInfo>, DriverService) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.remote.AppiumCommandExecutor
AppiumDriver<T extends WebElement> - Class in io.appium.java_client
AppiumDriver(HttpCommandExecutor, Capabilities, Class<? extends JsonToWebElementConverter>) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
AppiumDriver(URL, Capabilities, Class<? extends JsonToWebElementConverter>) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
AppiumDriver(URL, HttpClient.Factory, Capabilities, Class<? extends JsonToWebElementConverter>) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
AppiumDriver(AppiumDriverLocalService, Capabilities, Class<? extends JsonToWebElementConverter>) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
AppiumDriver(AppiumDriverLocalService, HttpClient.Factory, Capabilities, Class<? extends JsonToWebElementConverter>) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
AppiumDriver(AppiumServiceBuilder, Capabilities, Class<? extends JsonToWebElementConverter>) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
AppiumDriver(AppiumServiceBuilder, HttpClient.Factory, Capabilities, Class<? extends JsonToWebElementConverter>) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
AppiumDriver(HttpClient.Factory, Capabilities, Class<? extends JsonToWebElementConverter>) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
AppiumDriver(Capabilities, Class<? extends JsonToWebElementConverter>) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
AppiumDriverLocalService - Class in io.appium.java_client.service.local
AppiumExecutionMethod - Class in io.appium.java_client
AppiumExecutionMethod(AppiumDriver<?>) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumExecutionMethod
AppiumFieldDecorator - Class in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
Default decorator for use with PageFactory.
AppiumFieldDecorator(SearchContext, long, TimeUnit) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.AppiumFieldDecorator
AppiumFieldDecorator(SearchContext, TimeOutDuration) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.AppiumFieldDecorator
AppiumFieldDecorator(SearchContext) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.AppiumFieldDecorator
AppiumServerHasNotBeenStartedLocallyException - Exception in io.appium.java_client.service.local
AppiumServerHasNotBeenStartedLocallyException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServerHasNotBeenStartedLocallyException
AppiumServerHasNotBeenStartedLocallyException(String) - Constructor for exception io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServerHasNotBeenStartedLocallyException
AppiumServiceBuilder - Class in io.appium.java_client.service.local
AppiumServiceBuilder() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServiceBuilder
AppiumSetting - Enum in io.appium.java_client
Enums defining constants for Appium Settings which can be set and toggled during a test session.
AppiumWebDriverEventListener - Interface in
apply(Object) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.internal.JsonToMobileElementConverter
This method converts a command result.
apply(Object) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.internal.MobileElementToJsonConverter
Converts RemoteWebElement objects, which may be wrapped, into their JSON representation as defined by the WebDriver wire protocol.
assertValidAnnotations() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.AppiumByBuilder
AUTO_ACCEPT_ALERTS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Accept all iOS alerts automatically if they pop up.
AUTO_DISMISS_ALERTS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Dismiss all iOS alerts automatically if they pop up.
AUTO_WEBVIEW - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileCapabilityType
Move directly into Webview context.
AUTO_WEBVIEW_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Amount of time to wait for Webview context to become active, in ms.
automation - Variable in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.AppiumByBuilder
AUTOMATION_NAME - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileCapabilityType
Which automation engine to use.
AutomationName - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote
AVD - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Name of avd to launch.
AVD_ARGS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Additional emulator arguments used when launching an avd.
AVD_LAUNCH_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
How long to wait in milliseconds for an avd to launch and connect to ADB (default 120000).
AVD_READY_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
How long to wait in milliseconds for an avd to finish its boot animations (default 120000).


BACK - Static variable in interface
back() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.Navigation
Move back a single "item" in the browser's history.
BACKSPACE - Static variable in interface
beforeAlertAccept(WebDriver, Alert) - Method in interface
This action will be performed each time before Alert.accept()
beforeAlertDismiss(WebDriver, Alert) - Method in interface
This action will be performed each time after Alert.dismiss()
beforeAlertSendKeys(WebDriver, Alert, String) - Method in interface
This action will be performed each time before Alert.sendKeys(String)
beforeAuthentication(WebDriver, Alert, Credentials) - Method in interface
This action will be performed each time before Alert.setCredentials(Credentials) and Alert.authenticateUsing(Credentials)
beforeChangeValueOf(WebElement, WebDriver) - Method in interface
beforeClickOn(WebElement, WebDriver) - Method in interface
Called before
beforeFindBy(By, WebElement, WebDriver) - Method in interface
beforeNavigateBack(WebDriver) - Method in interface
Called before navigate().back().
beforeNavigateForward(WebDriver) - Method in interface
Called before navigate().forward().
beforeNavigateRefresh(WebDriver) - Method in interface
Called before navigate().refresh().
beforeNavigateTo(String, WebDriver) - Method in interface
Called before get(String url) respectively navigate().to(String url).
beforeRotation(WebDriver, ScreenOrientation) - Method in interface
Called before Rotatable.rotate(ScreenOrientation).
beforeScript(String, WebDriver) - Method in interface
Called before JavascriptExecutor.executeScript(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object[])
beforeSwitchingToContext(WebDriver, String) - Method in interface
Called before ContextAware.context(String).
beforeWindowChangeSize(WebDriver, WebDriver.Window, Dimension) - Method in interface
This action will be performed each time before WebDriver.Window.setSize(Dimension)
beforeWindowIsMaximized(WebDriver, WebDriver.Window) - Method in interface
This action will be performed each time before WebDriver.Window#maximize()
beforeWindowIsMoved(WebDriver, WebDriver.Window, Point) - Method in interface
This action will be performed each time before WebDriver.Window#setPosition(org.openqa.selenium.Point)
BROWSER - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileBrowserType
BROWSER_NAME - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileCapabilityType
Name of mobile web browser to automate.
buildBy() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.AppiumByBuilder
Defines how to transform given object (field, class, etc) into By class used by webdriver to locate elements.
buildDefaultBy() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.AppiumByBuilder
buildDefaultService() - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumDriverLocalService
buildMobileNativeBy() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.AppiumByBuilder
buildService(AppiumServiceBuilder) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumDriverLocalService
BUNDLE_ID - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Bundle ID of the app under test.


CacheableElementLocatorFactory - Interface in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.locator
CacheableLocator - Interface in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.locator
CALENDAR_FORMAT - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
(Sim-only) Calendar format to set for the iOS Simulator.
cancel() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction
Cancel this action, if it was partially completed by the driver.
CHROME - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileBrowserType
CHROME_OPTIONS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Allows passing chromeOptions capability for ChromeDriver.
CHROMEDRIVER_EXECUTABLE - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
The absolute local path to webdriver executable (if Chromium embedder provides its own webdriver, it should be used instead of original chromedriver bundled with Appium).
CHROMIUM - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileBrowserType
clear() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebElement
If this element is a text entry element, this will clear the value.
clearParameters() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction
click() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebElement
Click this element.
close() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver
Close the current window, quitting the browser if it's the last window currently open.
CLOSE_APP - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
closeApp() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
closeApp() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.InteractsWithApps
Close the app which was provided in the capabilities at session creation.
CommandExecutionHelper - Class in io.appium.java_client
CommandExecutionHelper() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.CommandExecutionHelper
commandRepository - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
COMPLEX_FIND - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
Connection - Enum in
for use with setting Network Connections on a mobile device.
ContentMappedBy - Class in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys
ContentMappedBy(Map<ContentType, By>) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.ContentMappedBy
ContentType - Enum in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys
context(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
ContextEventListener - Interface in
createArgs() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServiceBuilder
createBy(Annotation[], HowToUseSelectors) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.AppiumByBuilder
createDriverService(File, int, ImmutableList<String>, ImmutableMap<String, String>) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServiceBuilder
createLocator(Field) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.locator.CacheableElementLocatorFactory
createLocator(AnnotatedElement) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.locator.CacheableElementLocatorFactory
CURRENT_ACTIVITY - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
currentActivity() - Method in class
Get the current activity being run on the mobile device.
currentActivityCommand() - Static method in class
This method forms a Map of parameters for the getting of the current activity.


deactivate() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.ImeHandler
De-activate IME input (turns off the currently activated engine).
decorate(ClassLoader, Field) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.AppiumFieldDecorator
DEFAULT_IMPLICITLY_WAIT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.AppiumFieldDecorator
DEFAULT_LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServiceBuilder
DEFAULT_TIMEUNIT - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.AppiumFieldDecorator
defaultContent() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.TargetLocator
Selects either the first frame on the page, or the main document when a page contains iframes.
DEL - Static variable in interface
deleteAllCookies() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.Options
Delete all the cookies for the current domain.
deleteC(String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
This methods forms DELETE commands.
deleteCookie(Cookie) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.Options
Delete a cookie from the browser's "cookie jar".
deleteCookieNamed(String) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.Options
Delete the named cookie from the current domain.
DEVICE_NAME - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileCapabilityType
The kind of mobile device or emulator to use.
DEVICE_READY_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Timeout in seconds while waiting for device to become ready.
DeviceActionShortcuts - Interface in io.appium.java_client
DISABLE_ANDROID_WATCHERS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Disables android watchers that watch for application not responding and application crash, this will reduce cpu usage on android device/emulator.
DONT_STOP_APP_ON_RESET - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Doesn't stop the process of the app under test, before starting the app using adb.
doSwipe(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
driver - Variable in class io.appium.java_client.internal.JsonToMobileElementConverter
driver - Variable in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.interceptors.InterceptorOfASingleElement
DriverMobileCommand - Interface in io.appium.java_client
An empty interface defining constants for the standard commands defined in the Mobile JSON wire protocol.


ElementEventListener - Interface in
ENABLE_PERFORMANCE_LOGGING - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
(Chrome and webview only) Enable Chromedriver's performance logging (default false).
END_TEST_COVERAGE - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
endTestCoverage(String, String) - Method in class
Get test-coverage data.
endTestCoverageCommand(String, String) - Static method in class
This method forms a Map of parameters for the ending of the test coverage.
ENTER - Static variable in interface
ErrorCodesMobile - Class in io.appium.java_client
Defines common error codes for the mobile JSON wire protocol.
ErrorCodesMobile() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ErrorCodesMobile
EventFiringWebDriverFactory - Class in
EventFiringWebDriverFactory() - Constructor for class
execute(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
execute(String, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumExecutionMethod
This method executes a command supported by Appium JSONWP.
execute(MobileElement, Map.Entry<String, Map<String, ?>>) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.CommandExecutionHelper
execute(MobileDriver, Map.Entry<String, Map<String, ?>>) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.CommandExecutionHelper
execute(String, Map<String, ?>) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.MobileDriver
execute(Command) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.AppiumCommandExecutor


fileDetector - Variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileElement
finalize() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServiceBuilder
findDefaultExecutable() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServiceBuilder
findElement(By) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.generic.searchcontext.GenericSearchContext
findElement(SearchContext) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy.ByAccessibilityId
findElement(SearchContext) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy.ByAndroidUIAutomator
findElement(SearchContext) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy.ByIosUIAutomation
findElement(By) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.MobileDriver
findElement(By) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.Widget
findElement(By) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.TouchableElement
findElement(By) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.SearchContext
Find the first WebElement using the given method.
findElement(By) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver
Find the first WebElement using the given method.
findElement(By) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebElement
Find the first WebElement using the given method.
findElementByAccessibilityId(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.FindsByAccessibilityId
findElementByAndroidUIAutomator(String) - Method in class
findElementByAndroidUIAutomator(String) - Method in class
findElementByAndroidUIAutomator(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.FindsByAndroidUIAutomator
findElementByClassName(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.generic.searchcontext.GenericFindsByClassName
findElementByClassName(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.MobileDriver
findElementByClassName(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.TouchableElement
findElementByClassName(String) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.internal.FindsByClassName
findElementByCssSelector(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.generic.searchcontext.GenericFindsByCssSelector
findElementByCssSelector(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.MobileDriver
findElementByCssSelector(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.TouchableElement
findElementByCssSelector(String) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.internal.FindsByCssSelector
findElementById(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.generic.searchcontext.GenericFindsById
findElementById(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.MobileDriver
findElementById(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.TouchableElement
findElementById(String) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.internal.FindsById
findElementByIosUIAutomation(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.FindsByIosUIAutomation
findElementByIosUIAutomation(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver
findElementByIosUIAutomation(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSElement
findElementByLinkText(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.generic.searchcontext.GenericFindsByLinkText
findElementByLinkText(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.MobileDriver
findElementByLinkText(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.TouchableElement
findElementByLinkText(String) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.internal.FindsByLinkText
findElementByName(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.generic.searchcontext.GenericFindsByName
findElementByName(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.MobileDriver
findElementByName(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.TouchableElement
findElementByName(String) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.internal.FindsByName
findElementByPartialLinkText(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.generic.searchcontext.GenericFindsByLinkText
findElementByPartialLinkText(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.MobileDriver
findElementByPartialLinkText(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.TouchableElement
findElementByPartialLinkText(String) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.internal.FindsByLinkText
findElementByTagName(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.generic.searchcontext.GenericFindsByTagName
findElementByTagName(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.MobileDriver
findElementByTagName(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.TouchableElement
findElementByTagName(String) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.internal.FindsByTagName
findElementByXPath(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.generic.searchcontext.GenericFindsByXPath
findElementByXPath(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.MobileDriver
findElementByXPath(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.TouchableElement
findElementByXPath(String) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.internal.FindsByXPath
findElements(By) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
findElements(String, String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
findElements(By) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.generic.searchcontext.GenericSearchContext
findElements(SearchContext) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy.ByAccessibilityId
findElements(SearchContext) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy.ByAndroidUIAutomator
findElements(SearchContext) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy.ByIosUIAutomation
findElements(By) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.MobileDriver
findElements(By) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileElement
findElements(String, String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileElement
findElements(SearchContext) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.ContentMappedBy
findElements(By) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.Widget
findElements(By) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.TouchableElement
findElements(By) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.SearchContext
Find all elements within the current context using the given mechanism.
findElements(By) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver
Find all elements within the current page using the given mechanism.
findElements(By) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebElement
Find all elements within the current context using the given mechanism.
findElementsByAccessibilityId(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
findElementsByAccessibilityId(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.FindsByAccessibilityId
findElementsByAccessibilityId(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileElement
findElementsByAndroidUIAutomator(String) - Method in class
findElementsByAndroidUIAutomator(String) - Method in class
findElementsByAndroidUIAutomator(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.FindsByAndroidUIAutomator
findElementsByClassName(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
findElementsByClassName(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.generic.searchcontext.GenericFindsByClassName
findElementsByClassName(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.MobileDriver
findElementsByClassName(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileElement
findElementsByClassName(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.TouchableElement
findElementsByClassName(String) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.internal.FindsByClassName
findElementsByCssSelector(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
findElementsByCssSelector(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.generic.searchcontext.GenericFindsByCssSelector
findElementsByCssSelector(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.MobileDriver
findElementsByCssSelector(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileElement
findElementsByCssSelector(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.TouchableElement
findElementsByCssSelector(String) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.internal.FindsByCssSelector
findElementsById(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
findElementsById(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.generic.searchcontext.GenericFindsById
findElementsById(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.MobileDriver
findElementsById(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileElement
findElementsById(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.TouchableElement
findElementsById(String) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.internal.FindsById
findElementsByIosUIAutomation(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.FindsByIosUIAutomation
findElementsByIosUIAutomation(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver
findElementsByIosUIAutomation(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSElement
findElementsByLinkText(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
findElementsByLinkText(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.generic.searchcontext.GenericFindsByLinkText
findElementsByLinkText(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.MobileDriver
findElementsByLinkText(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileElement
findElementsByLinkText(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.TouchableElement
findElementsByLinkText(String) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.internal.FindsByLinkText
findElementsByName(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
findElementsByName(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.generic.searchcontext.GenericFindsByName
findElementsByName(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.MobileDriver
findElementsByName(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileElement
findElementsByName(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.TouchableElement
findElementsByName(String) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.internal.FindsByName
findElementsByPartialLinkText(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
findElementsByPartialLinkText(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.generic.searchcontext.GenericFindsByLinkText
findElementsByPartialLinkText(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.MobileDriver
findElementsByPartialLinkText(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileElement
findElementsByPartialLinkText(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.TouchableElement
findElementsByPartialLinkText(String) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.internal.FindsByLinkText
findElementsByTagName(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
findElementsByTagName(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.generic.searchcontext.GenericFindsByTagName
findElementsByTagName(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.MobileDriver
findElementsByTagName(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileElement
findElementsByTagName(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.TouchableElement
findElementsByTagName(String) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.internal.FindsByTagName
findElementsByXPath(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
findElementsByXPath(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.generic.searchcontext.GenericFindsByXPath
findElementsByXPath(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.MobileDriver
findElementsByXPath(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileElement
findElementsByXPath(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.TouchableElement
findElementsByXPath(String) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.internal.FindsByXPath
FindsByAccessibilityId<T extends WebElement> - Interface in io.appium.java_client
FindsByAndroidUIAutomator<T extends WebElement> - Interface in io.appium.java_client
FindsByClassName - Interface in org.openqa.selenium.internal
FindsByCssSelector - Interface in org.openqa.selenium.internal
FindsById - Interface in org.openqa.selenium.internal
FindsByIosUIAutomation<T extends WebElement> - Interface in io.appium.java_client
FindsByLinkText - Interface in org.openqa.selenium.internal
FindsByName - Interface in org.openqa.selenium.internal
FindsByTagName - Interface in org.openqa.selenium.internal
FindsByXPath - Interface in org.openqa.selenium.internal
FIREFOX_OS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobilePlatform
FLAG_CANCELED - Static variable in interface
FLAG_CANCELED_LONG_PRESS - Static variable in interface
FLAG_EDITOR_ACTION - Static variable in interface
FLAG_FALLBACK - Static variable in interface
FLAG_FROM_SYSTEM - Static variable in interface
FLAG_KEEP_TOUCH_MODE - Static variable in interface
FLAG_LONG_PRESS - Static variable in interface
FLAG_SOFT_KEYBOARD - Static variable in interface
FLAG_TRACKING - Static variable in interface
FLAG_VIRTUAL_HARD_KEY - Static variable in interface
FLAG_WOKE_HERE - Static variable in interface
forward() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.Navigation
Move a single "item" forward in the browser's history.
frame(int) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.TargetLocator
Select a frame by its (zero-based) index.
frame(String) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.TargetLocator
Select a frame by its name or ID.
frame(WebElement) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.TargetLocator
Select a frame using its previously located WebElement.
FULL_RESET - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileCapabilityType
(iOS) Delete the entire simulator folder.
fullscreen() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.Window
Fullscreen the current window if it is not already fullscreen


GeneralServerFlag - Enum in io.appium.java_client.service.local.flags
Here is the list of common Appium server arguments.
GenericFindsByClassName<T extends WebElement> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.generic.searchcontext
GenericFindsByCssSelector<T extends WebElement> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.generic.searchcontext
GenericFindsById<T extends WebElement> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.generic.searchcontext
GenericFindsByLinkText<T extends WebElement> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.generic.searchcontext
GenericFindsByName<T extends WebElement> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.generic.searchcontext
GenericFindsByTagName<T extends WebElement> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.generic.searchcontext
GenericFindsByXPath<T extends WebElement> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.generic.searchcontext
GenericSearchContext<T extends WebElement> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.generic.searchcontext
get(String) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver
Load a new web page in the current browser window.
GET_DEVICE_TIME - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
GET_NETWORK_CONNECTION - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
GET_SESSION - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
GET_SETTINGS - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
GET_STRINGS - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
getActiveEngine() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.ImeHandler
Get the name of the active IME engine.
getAnnotated() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.AnnotatedElementContainer
getAppStringMap() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
getAppStringMap(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
getAppStringMap(String, String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
getAppStringMap() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.HasAppStrings
Get all defined Strings from an app for the default language.
getAppStringMap(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.HasAppStrings
Get all defined Strings from an app for the specified language.
getAppStringMap(String, String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.HasAppStrings
Get all defined Strings from an app for the specified language and strings filename.
getArgument() - Method in enum io.appium.java_client.service.local.flags.AndroidServerFlag
getArgument() - Method in enum io.appium.java_client.service.local.flags.GeneralServerFlag
getArgument() - Method in enum io.appium.java_client.service.local.flags.IOSServerFlag
getArgument() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.service.local.flags.ServerArgument
getAttribute(String) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebElement
Get the value of a the given attribute of the element.
getAutomation(WebDriver) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.utils.WebDriverUnpackUtility
getAvailableEngines() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.ImeHandler
All available engines on the machine.
getC(String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
This methods forms GET commands.
getCenter() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileElement
Method returns central coordinates of an element.
getConnection() - Method in class
getConnection() - Method in interface
Get the current network settings of the device.
getContext() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
getContextHandles() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
getCookieNamed(String) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.Options
Get a cookie with a given name.
getCookies() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.Options
Get all the cookies for the current domain.
getCssValue(String) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebElement
Get the value of a given CSS property.
getCurrentContentType(SearchContext) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.utils.WebDriverUnpackUtility
getCurrentUrl() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver
Get a string representing the current URL that the browser is looking at.
getDeviceTime() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
getDeviceTime() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.DeviceActionShortcuts
getEnhancedProxy(Class<T>, MethodInterceptor) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.utils.ProxyFactory
getEnhancedProxy(Class<T>, Class<?>[], Object[], MethodInterceptor) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.utils.ProxyFactory
It returns some proxies created by CGLIB.
getEventFiringWebDriver(T) - Static method in class
This method makes an event firing instance of WebDriver
getEventFiringWebDriver(T, Listener...) - Static method in class
This method makes an event firing instance of WebDriver
getEventFiringWebDriver(T, Collection<Listener>) - Static method in class
This method makes an event firing instance of WebDriver
getExceptionType(int) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ErrorCodesMobile
Returns the exception type that corresponds to the given statusCode.
getExceptionType(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ErrorCodesMobile
getExecuteMethod() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
getLocation() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebElement
Where on the page is the top left-hand corner of the rendered element?
getLocatorString() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy
getNetworkConnectionCommand() - Static method in class
This method forms a Map of parameters for the getting of a network connection value.
getObject(List<WebElement>, Method, Object[]) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.interceptors.InterceptorOfAListOfElements
getObject(WebElement, Method, Object[]) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.interceptors.InterceptorOfASingleElement
getOrientation() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
getPageSource() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver
Get the source of the last loaded page.
getParameters() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MultiTouchAction
getParameters() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction
Get the mjsonwp parameters for this Action.
getPlatform(WebDriver) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.utils.WebDriverUnpackUtility
getPosition() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.Window
Get the position of the current window, relative to the upper left corner of the screen.
getRect() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebElement
getRemoteAddress() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
getSelfReference() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.Widget
getSessionDetails() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
getSettings() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
Get settings stored for this test session It's probably better to use a convenience function, rather than use this function directly.
getSize() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.Window
Get the size of the current window.
getSize() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebElement
What is the width and height of the rendered element?
getStdOut() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumDriverLocalService
getTagName() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebElement
Get the tag name of this element.
getText() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebElement
Get the visible (i.e. not hidden by CSS) innerText of this element, including sub-elements, without any leading or trailing whitespace.
getTime() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.TimeOutDuration
getTimeUnit() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.TimeOutDuration
getTitle() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver
The title of the current page.
getUrl() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumDriverLocalService
getWindowHandle() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver
Return an opaque handle to this window that uniquely identifies it within this driver instance.
getWindowHandles() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver
Return a set of window handles which can be used to iterate over all open windows of this WebDriver instance by passing them to WebDriver.switchTo().
getWrappedDriver() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.Widget
getWrappedElement() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.Widget


HasAppStrings - Interface in io.appium.java_client
HasNetworkConnection - Interface in
HIDE_KEYBOARD - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
hideKeyboard() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
hideKeyboard() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.DeviceActionShortcuts
Hides the keyboard if it is showing.
hideKeyboard(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDeviceActionShortcuts
Hides the keyboard by pressing the button specified by keyName if it is showing.
hideKeyboard(String, String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDeviceActionShortcuts
Hides the keyboard if it is showing.
hideKeyboard(String, String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver
hideKeyboard(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver
hideKeyboardCommand(String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSMobileCommandHelper
This method forms a Map of parameters for the keyboard hiding.
hideKeyboardCommand(String, String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSMobileCommandHelper
This method forms a Map of parameters for the keyboard hiding.
HideKeyboardStrategy - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote
HOME - Static variable in interface
HowToUseSelectors - Enum in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder


IGNORE_UNIMPORTANT_VIEWS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Calls the setCompressedLayoutHierarchy() uiautomator function.
ignoreUnimportantViews(Boolean) - Method in class
Set the `ignoreUnimportantViews` setting.
IllegalCoordinatesException - Exception in io.appium.java_client
IllegalCoordinatesException(String) - Constructor for exception io.appium.java_client.IllegalCoordinatesException
ime() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.Options
implicitlyWait(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.Timeouts
Specifies the amount of time the driver should wait when searching for an element if it is not immediately present.
INSTALL_APP - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
installApp(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
installApp(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.InteractsWithApps
Install an app on the mobile device.
INTENT_ACTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Intent action which will be used to start activity (default android.intent.action.MAIN).
INTENT_CATEGORY - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Intent category which will be used to start activity (default android.intent.category.LAUNCHER).
INTENT_FLAGS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Flags that will be used to start activity (default 0x10200000).
INTER_KEY_DELAY - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
The delay, in ms, between keystrokes sent to an element when typing.
InteractsWithApps - Interface in io.appium.java_client
InteractsWithFiles - Interface in io.appium.java_client
intercept(Object, Method, Object[], MethodProxy) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.interceptors.InterceptorOfAListOfElements
Look at MethodInterceptor.intercept(Object, Method, Object[], MethodProxy)
intercept(Object, Method, Object[], MethodProxy) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.interceptors.InterceptorOfASingleElement
Look at MethodInterceptor.intercept(Object, Method, Object[], MethodProxy)
InterceptorOfAListOfElements - Class in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.interceptors
InterceptorOfAListOfElements(ElementLocator) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.interceptors.InterceptorOfAListOfElements
InterceptorOfASingleElement - Class in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.interceptors
InterceptorOfASingleElement(ElementLocator, WebDriver) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.interceptors.InterceptorOfASingleElement
InvalidNodeJSInstance - Exception in io.appium.java_client.service.local
InvalidNodeJSInstance(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.appium.java_client.service.local.InvalidNodeJSInstance
InvalidServerInstanceException - Exception in io.appium.java_client.service.local
InvalidServerInstanceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.appium.java_client.service.local.InvalidServerInstanceException
io.appium.java_client - package io.appium.java_client - package - package - package - package - package - package
io.appium.java_client.generic.searchcontext - package io.appium.java_client.generic.searchcontext
io.appium.java_client.internal - package io.appium.java_client.internal
io.appium.java_client.ios - package io.appium.java_client.ios
io.appium.java_client.ios.internal - package io.appium.java_client.ios.internal
io.appium.java_client.pagefactory - package io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys - package io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys
io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder - package io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder
io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.interceptors - package io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.interceptors
io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.locator - package io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.locator
io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.utils - package io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.utils
io.appium.java_client.remote - package io.appium.java_client.remote
io.appium.java_client.service.local - package io.appium.java_client.service.local
io.appium.java_client.service.local.flags - package io.appium.java_client.service.local.flags
io.appium.java_client.youiengine - package io.appium.java_client.youiengine
io.appium.java_client.youiengine.internal - package io.appium.java_client.youiengine.internal
IOS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobilePlatform
IOSDeviceActionShortcuts - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios
IOSDriver<T extends WebElement> - Class in io.appium.java_client.ios
IOSDriver(HttpCommandExecutor, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver
IOSDriver(URL, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver
IOSDriver(URL, HttpClient.Factory, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver
IOSDriver(AppiumDriverLocalService, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver
IOSDriver(AppiumDriverLocalService, HttpClient.Factory, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver
IOSDriver(AppiumServiceBuilder, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver
IOSDriver(AppiumServiceBuilder, HttpClient.Factory, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver
IOSDriver(HttpClient.Factory, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver
IOSDriver(Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver
IOSElement - Class in io.appium.java_client.ios
IOSElement() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSElement
iOSFindAll - Annotation Type in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
Used to mark a field on a Page/Screen Object to indicate that lookup should use a series of iOSFindBy tags It will then search for all elements that match any criteria.
iOSFindBy - Annotation Type in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
Used to mark a field on a Page Object to indicate an alternative mechanism for locating the element or a list of elements.
iOSFindBys - Annotation Type in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
Used to mark a field on a Page Object to indicate that lookup should use a series of iOSFindBy tags.
IOSMobileCapabilityType - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote
The list of iOS-specific capabilities.
IOSMobileCommandHelper - Class in io.appium.java_client.ios
IOSMobileCommandHelper() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSMobileCommandHelper
IOSServerFlag - Enum in io.appium.java_client.service.local.flags
Here is the list of iOS specific server arguments.
IosUIAutomation(String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy
Read Conceptual/InstrumentsUserGuide/UIAutomation.html
IS_APP_INSTALLED - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
IS_LOCKED - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
isActivated() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.ImeHandler
Indicates whether IME input active at the moment (not if it's available).
isAndroid() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.AppiumByBuilder
isAppInstalled(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
isAppInstalled(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.InteractsWithApps
Checks if an app is installed on the device.
isDisplayed() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebElement
Is this element displayed or not?
isEnabled() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebElement
Is the element currently enabled or not?
isIOS() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.AppiumByBuilder
isLocked() - Method in class
Check if the device is locked.
isLockedCommand() - Static method in class
This method forms a Map of parameters for the checking of the device state (is it locked or not).
isLookupCached() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.AppiumByBuilder
Defines whether or not given element should be returned from cache on further calls.
isLookUpCached() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.locator.CacheableLocator
isRunning() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumDriverLocalService
isSelected() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebElement
Determine whether or not this element is selected or not.
isSelendroidAutomation() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.AppiumByBuilder


JavaScriptEventListener - Interface in
JsonToAndroidElementConverter - Class in
JsonToAndroidElementConverter(RemoteWebDriver) - Constructor for class
JsonToIOSElementConverter - Class in io.appium.java_client.ios.internal
JsonToIOSElementConverter(RemoteWebDriver) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.internal.JsonToIOSElementConverter
JsonToMobileElementConverter - Class in io.appium.java_client.internal
Reconstitutes WebElements from their JSON representation.
JsonToMobileElementConverter(RemoteWebDriver) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.internal.JsonToMobileElementConverter
JsonToYouiEngineElementConverter - Class in io.appium.java_client.youiengine.internal
JsonToYouiEngineElementConverter(RemoteWebDriver) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.youiengine.internal.JsonToYouiEngineElementConverter


KEEP_KEY_CHAINS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
(Sim-only) Whether to keep keychains (Library/Keychains) when appium session is started/finished.
KEY_ALIAS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Alias for key.
KEY_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Password for key.
KEYCODE_0 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_1 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_11 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_12 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_2 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_3 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_3D_MODE - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_4 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_5 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_6 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_7 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_8 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_9 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_A - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_ALT_LEFT - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_ALT_RIGHT - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_APOSTROPHE - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_APP_SWITCH - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_ASSIST - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_AT - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_AVR_INPUT - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_AVR_POWER - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_B - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_BACK - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_BACKSLASH - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_BOOKMARK - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_BREAK - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_BRIGHTNESS_DOWN - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_BRIGHTNESS_UP - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_BUTTON_1 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_BUTTON_10 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_BUTTON_11 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_BUTTON_12 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_BUTTON_13 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_BUTTON_14 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_BUTTON_15 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_BUTTON_16 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_BUTTON_2 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_BUTTON_3 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_BUTTON_4 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_BUTTON_5 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_BUTTON_6 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_BUTTON_7 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_BUTTON_8 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_BUTTON_9 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_BUTTON_A - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_BUTTON_B - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_BUTTON_C - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_BUTTON_L1 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_BUTTON_L2 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_BUTTON_MODE - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_BUTTON_R1 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_BUTTON_R2 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_BUTTON_SELECT - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_BUTTON_START - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_BUTTON_THUMBL - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_BUTTON_THUMBR - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_BUTTON_X - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_BUTTON_Y - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_BUTTON_Z - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_C - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_CALCULATOR - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_CALENDAR - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_CALL - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_CAMERA - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_CAPS_LOCK - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_CAPTIONS - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_CHANNEL_DOWN - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_CHANNEL_UP - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_CLEAR - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_COMMA - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_CONTACTS - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_CTRL_LEFT - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_CTRL_RIGHT - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_D - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_DEL - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_DPAD_UP - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_DVR - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_E - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_EISU - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_ENDCALL - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_ENTER - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_ENVELOPE - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_EQUALS - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_ESCAPE - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_EXPLORER - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_F - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_F1 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_F10 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_F11 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_F12 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_F2 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_F3 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_F4 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_F5 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_F6 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_F7 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_F8 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_F9 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_FOCUS - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_FORWARD - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_FORWARD_DEL - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_FUNCTION - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_G - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_GRAVE - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_GUIDE - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_H - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_HEADSETHOOK - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_HELP - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_HENKAN - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_HOME - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_I - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_INFO - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_INSERT - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_J - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_K - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_KANA - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_KATAKANA_HIRAGANA - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_L - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_LANGUAGE_SWITCH - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_LAST_CHANNEL - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_LEFT_BRACKET - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_M - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_MANNER_MODE - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_MEDIA_AUDIO_TRACK - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_MEDIA_CLOSE - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_MEDIA_EJECT - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_MEDIA_FAST_FORWARD - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_MEDIA_NEXT - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_MEDIA_PAUSE - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAY - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_MEDIA_PREVIOUS - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_MEDIA_RECORD - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_MEDIA_REWIND - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_MEDIA_STOP - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_MEDIA_TOP_MENU - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_MENU - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_META_LEFT - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_META_RIGHT - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_MINUS - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_MOVE_END - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_MOVE_HOME - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_MUHENKAN - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_MUSIC - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_MUTE - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_N - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_NOTIFICATION - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_NUM - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_NUM_LOCK - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_NUMPAD_0 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_NUMPAD_1 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_NUMPAD_2 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_NUMPAD_3 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_NUMPAD_4 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_NUMPAD_5 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_NUMPAD_6 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_NUMPAD_7 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_NUMPAD_8 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_NUMPAD_9 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_NUMPAD_ADD - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_NUMPAD_COMMA - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_NUMPAD_DIVIDE - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_NUMPAD_DOT - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_NUMPAD_ENTER - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_NUMPAD_EQUALS - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_NUMPAD_LEFT_PAREN - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_NUMPAD_MULTIPLY - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_NUMPAD_RIGHT_PAREN - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_NUMPAD_SUBTRACT - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_O - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_P - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_PAGE_DOWN - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_PAGE_UP - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_PAIRING - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_PERIOD - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_PICTSYMBOLS - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_PLUS - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_POUND - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_POWER - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_PROG_BLUE - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_PROG_GREEN - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_PROG_RED - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_PROG_YELLOW - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_Q - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_R - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_RIGHT_BRACKET - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_RO - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_S - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_SCROLL_LOCK - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_SEARCH - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_SEMICOLON - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_SETTINGS - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_SHIFT_LEFT - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_SHIFT_RIGHT - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_SLASH - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_SLEEP - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_SOFT_LEFT - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_SOFT_RIGHT - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_SPACE - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_STAR - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_STB_INPUT - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_STB_POWER - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_SWITCH_CHARSET - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_SYM - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_SYSRQ - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_T - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_TAB - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_TV - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_TV_ANTENNA_CABLE - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_TV_AUDIO_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_TV_AUDIO_DESCRIPTION_MIX_DOWN - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_TV_AUDIO_DESCRIPTION_MIX_UP - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_TV_CONTENTS_MENU - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_TV_DATA_SERVICE - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_TV_INPUT - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_TV_INPUT_COMPONENT_1 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_TV_INPUT_COMPONENT_2 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_TV_INPUT_COMPOSITE_1 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_TV_INPUT_COMPOSITE_2 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_TV_INPUT_HDMI_1 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_TV_INPUT_HDMI_2 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_TV_INPUT_HDMI_3 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_TV_INPUT_HDMI_4 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_TV_INPUT_VGA_1 - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_TV_MEDIA_CONTEXT_MENU - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_TV_NETWORK - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_TV_NUMBER_ENTRY - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_TV_POWER - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_TV_RADIO_SERVICE - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_TV_SATELLITE - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_TV_SATELLITE_BS - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_TV_SATELLITE_CS - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_TV_SATELLITE_SERVICE - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_TV_TELETEXT - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_TV_TERRESTRIAL_ANALOG - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_TV_TERRESTRIAL_DIGITAL - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_TV_TIMER_PROGRAMMING - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_TV_ZOOM_MODE - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_U - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_V - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_VOICE_ASSIST - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_VOLUME_MUTE - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_W - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_WAKEUP - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_WINDOW - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_X - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_Y - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_YEN - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_Z - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_ZENKAKU_HANKAKU - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_ZOOM_IN - Static variable in interface
KEYCODE_ZOOM_OUT - Static variable in interface
KEYSTORE_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Password for custom keystore.
KEYSTORE_PATH - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Path to custom keystore, default ~/.android/debug.keystore.


LANGUAGE - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileCapabilityType
(Sim/Emu-only) Language to set for the simulator / emulator.
LAUNCH_APP - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
LAUNCH_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Amount of time in ms to wait for instruments before assuming it hung and failing the session.
launchApp() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
launchApp() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.InteractsWithApps
Launch the app which was provided in the capabilities at session creation.
Listener - Interface in
This interface just marks event listeners.
ListensToException - Interface in
LOCALE - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileCapabilityType
(Sim/Emu-only) Locale to set for the simulator / emulator.
LOCALIZABLE_STRINGS_DIR - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Where to look for localizable strings.
location() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
LOCATION_SERVICES_AUTHORIZED - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
(Sim-only) Set location services to be authorized or not authorized for app via plist, so that location services alert doesn't pop up.
LOCATION_SERVICES_ENABLED - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
(Sim-only) Force location services to be either on or off.
locator - Variable in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.interceptors.InterceptorOfAListOfElements
locator - Variable in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.interceptors.InterceptorOfASingleElement
LOCK - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
lockDevice() - Method in class
This method locks a device.
lockDevice(int) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver
Lock the device (bring it to the lock screen) for a given number of seconds.
lockDeviceCommand() - Static method in class
This method forms a Map of parameters for the device locking.
lockDeviceCommand(int) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSMobileCommandHelper
This method forms a Map of parameters for the device locking.
logs() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.Options
Gets the Logs interface used to fetch different types of logs.
LONG_PRESS_KEY_CODE - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
longPress(WebElement) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction
Press and hold the at the center of an element until the contextmenu event has fired.
longPress(WebElement, int) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction
Press and hold the at the center of an element until the contextmenu event has fired.
longPress(int, int) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction
Press and hold the at an absolute position on the screen until the contextmenu event has fired.
longPress(int, int, int) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction
Press and hold the at an absolute position on the screen until the contextmenu event has fired.
longPress(WebElement, int, int) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction
Press and hold the at an elements upper-left corner, offset by the given amount, until the contextmenu event has fired.
longPress(WebElement, int, int, int) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction
Press and hold the at an elements upper-left corner, offset by the given amount, until the contextmenu event has fired.
longPressKeyCode(int) - Method in interface
Send a long key event to the device.
longPressKeyCode(int, Integer) - Method in interface
Send a long key event along with an Android metastate to an Android device.
longPressKeyCode(int) - Method in class
Send a long key event to the device.
longPressKeyCode(int, Integer) - Method in class
longPressKeyCodeCommand(int) - Static method in class
This method forms a Map of parameters for the long key event invocation.
longPressKeyCodeCommand(int, Integer) - Static method in class
This method forms a Map of parameters for the long key event invocation.


manage() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver
Gets the Option interface
MAX_KEYCODE - Static variable in interface
maximize() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.Window
Maximizes the current window if it is not already maximized
MENU - Static variable in interface
META_ALT_LEFT_ON - Static variable in interface
META_ALT_LEFT_ON - Static variable in interface
META_ALT_MASK - Static variable in interface
META_ALT_ON - Static variable in interface
META_ALT_ON - Static variable in interface
META_ALT_RIGHT_ON - Static variable in interface
META_ALT_RIGHT_ON - Static variable in interface
META_CAPS_LOCK_ON - Static variable in interface
META_CAPS_LOCK_ON - Static variable in interface
META_CTRL_LEFT_ON - Static variable in interface
META_CTRL_LEFT_ON - Static variable in interface
META_CTRL_MASK - Static variable in interface
META_CTRL_ON - Static variable in interface
META_CTRL_ON - Static variable in interface
META_CTRL_RIGHT_ON - Static variable in interface
META_CTRL_RIGHT_ON - Static variable in interface
META_FUNCTION_ON - Static variable in interface
META_FUNCTION_ON - Static variable in interface
META_META_LEFT_ON - Static variable in interface
META_META_LEFT_ON - Static variable in interface
META_META_MASK - Static variable in interface
META_META_ON - Static variable in interface
META_META_ON - Static variable in interface
META_META_RIGHT_ON - Static variable in interface
META_META_RIGHT_ON - Static variable in interface
META_NUM_LOCK_ON - Static variable in interface
META_NUM_LOCK_ON - Static variable in interface
META_SCROLL_LOCK_ON - Static variable in interface
META_SCROLL_LOCK_ON - Static variable in interface
META_SHIFT_LEFT_ON - Static variable in interface
META_SHIFT_LEFT_ON - Static variable in interface
META_SHIFT_MASK - Static variable in interface
META_SHIFT_ON - Static variable in interface
META_SHIFT_ON - Static variable in interface
META_SHIFT_RIGHT_ON - Static variable in interface
META_SHIFT_RIGHT_ON - Static variable in interface
META_SYM_ON - Static variable in interface
META_SYM_ON - Static variable in interface
MissingParameterException - Exception in io.appium.java_client
MissingParameterException(String) - Constructor for exception io.appium.java_client.MissingParameterException
MissingParameterException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.appium.java_client.MissingParameterException
MobileBrowserType - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote
MobileBy - Class in io.appium.java_client
MobileBy(String) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy
MobileBy.ByAccessibilityId - Class in io.appium.java_client
MobileBy.ByAccessibilityId(String) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy.ByAccessibilityId
MobileBy.ByAndroidUIAutomator - Class in io.appium.java_client
MobileBy.ByAndroidUIAutomator(String) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy.ByAndroidUIAutomator
MobileBy.ByIosUIAutomation - Class in io.appium.java_client
MobileBy.ByIosUIAutomation(String) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy.ByIosUIAutomation
MobileCapabilityType - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote
The list of common capabilities.
MobileCommand - Class in io.appium.java_client
The repository of mobile commands defined in the Mobile JSON wire protocol.
MobileCommand() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
MobileDriver<T extends WebElement> - Interface in io.appium.java_client
MobileElement - Class in io.appium.java_client
MobileElement() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.MobileElement
MobileElementToJsonConverter - Class in io.appium.java_client.internal
Converts RemoteWebElement objects, which may be wrapped, into their JSON representation as defined by the WebDriver wire protocol.
MobileElementToJsonConverter() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.internal.MobileElementToJsonConverter
MobilePlatform - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote
moveTo(WebElement) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction
Move current touch to center of an element.
moveTo(int, int) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction
Move current touch to a new position relative to the current position on the screen.
moveTo(WebElement, int, int) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction
Move current touch to an element, offset from upper left corner.
MultiTouchAction - Class in io.appium.java_client
Used for Webdriver 3 multi-touch gestures See the Webriver 3 spec The MultiTouchAction object is a collection of TouchAction objects (remember that TouchAction objects are in turn, a chain of individual actions) Add multiple TouchAction objects using the add() method.
MultiTouchAction(MobileDriver) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.MultiTouchAction


NATIVE_INSTRUMENTS_LIB - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Use native intruments lib (ie disable instruments-without-delay).
NATIVE_WEB_TAP - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
(Sim-only) Enable "real", non-javascript-based web taps in Safari.
navigate() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver
An abstraction allowing the driver to access the browser's history and to navigate to a given URL.
NavigationEventListener - Interface in
NEW_COMMAND_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileCapabilityType
How long (in seconds) Appium will wait for a new command from the client before assuming the client quit and ending the session.
newMobileElement() - Method in class
newMobileElement() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.internal.JsonToMobileElementConverter
newMobileElement() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.internal.JsonToIOSElementConverter
newMobileElement() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.youiengine.internal.JsonToYouiEngineElementConverter
NO_RESET - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileCapabilityType
Don't reset app state before this session.
NO_SIGN - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Skip checking and signing of app with debug keys, will work only with UiAutomator and not with selendroid, default false.
NO_SUCH_CONTEXT - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.ErrorCodesMobile
NODE_PATH - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServiceBuilder
The environmental variable used to define the path to executable NodeJS file (node.exe for WIN and node for Linux/MacOS X).
NoSuchContextException - Exception in io.appium.java_client
NoSuchContextException(String) - Constructor for exception io.appium.java_client.NoSuchContextException
NoSuchContextException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.appium.java_client.NoSuchContextException


onException(Throwable, WebDriver) - Method in interface
Called whenever an exception would be thrown.
OPEN_NOTIFICATIONS - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
openNotifications() - Method in class
Open the notification shade, on Android devices.
openNotificationsCommand() - Static method in class
This method forms a Map of parameters for the notification opening.
OPTIONAL_INTENT_ARGUMENTS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Additional intent arguments that will be used to start activity.
org.openqa.selenium - package org.openqa.selenium
org.openqa.selenium.internal - package org.openqa.selenium.internal
ORIENTATION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileCapabilityType
(Sim/Emu-only) start in a certain orientation.
OverrideWidget - Annotation Type in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
This annotation should mark an abstract/certain Widget object class or field that declares some abstract/certain Widget object class.


pageLoadTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.Timeouts
Sets the amount of time to wait for a page load to complete before throwing an error.
parentFrame() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.TargetLocator
Change focus to the parent context.
perform() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MultiTouchAction
Perform the multi-touch action on the mobile driver.
perform() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction
Perform this chain of actions on the driver.
PERFORM_MULTI_TOUCH - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
PERFORM_TOUCH_ACTION - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
performMultiTouchAction(MultiTouchAction) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
performMultiTouchAction(MultiTouchAction) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.PerformsTouchActions
Performs multiple TouchAction gestures at the same time, to simulate multiple fingers/touch inputs.
PerformsTouchActions - Interface in io.appium.java_client
performTouchAction(TouchAction) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
performTouchAction(TouchAction) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.PerformsTouchActions
Performs a chain of touch actions, which together can be considered an entire gesture.
pinch(WebElement) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
Convenience method for pinching an element on the screen.
pinch(int, int) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
Convenience method for pinching an element on the screen.
pinch() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileElement
pinch() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.TouchableElement
Convenience method for pinching the given element.
pinch(int, int) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.TouchShortcuts
Convenience method for pinching an element on the screen.
pinch(WebElement) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.TouchShortcuts
Convenience method for pinching an element on the screen.
platform - Variable in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.AppiumByBuilder
PLATFORM_NAME - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileCapabilityType
Which mobile OS platform to use.
PLATFORM_VERSION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileCapabilityType
Mobile OS version.
postC(String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
This methods forms POST commands.
prepareArguments(String, Object) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
prepareArguments(String[], Object[]) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
press(WebElement) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction
Press on the center of an element.
press(int, int) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction
Press on an absolute position on the screen.
press(WebElement, int, int) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction
Press on an element, offset from upper left corner by a number of pixels.
PRESS_KEY - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.HideKeyboardStrategy
PRESS_KEY_CODE - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
pressKeyCode(int) - Method in interface
Send a key event to the device.
pressKeyCode(int, Integer) - Method in interface
Send a key event along with an Android metastate to an Android device.
pressKeyCode(int) - Method in class
Send a key event to the device.
pressKeyCode(int, Integer) - Method in class
pressKeyCodeCommand(int) - Static method in class
This method forms a Map of parameters for the key event invocation.
pressKeyCodeCommand(int, Integer) - Static method in class
This method forms a Map of parameters for the key event invocation.
PROCESS_ARGUMENTS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Arguments to pass to the AUT using instruments.
ProxyFactory - Class in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.utils
Original class is a super class of a proxy object here.
PULL_FILE - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
PULL_FOLDER - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
pullFile(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
pullFile(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.InteractsWithFiles
pullFolder(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
pullFolder(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.InteractsWithFiles
Pull a folder from the simulator/device.
PUSH_FILE - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
PushesFiles - Interface in
pushFile(String, byte[]) - Method in class
pushFile(String, File) - Method in class
pushFile(String, byte[]) - Method in interface
Saves base64 encoded data as a file on the remote mobile device.
pushFile(String, File) - Method in interface
Saves given file as a file on the remote mobile device.
pushFileCommandCommand(String, byte[]) - Static method in class
This method forms a Map of parameters for the file pushing


quit() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver
Quits this driver, closing every associated window.


RECREATE_CHROME_DRIVER_SESSIONS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Kill ChromeDriver session when moving to a non-ChromeDriver webview.
refresh() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.Navigation
Refresh the current page
release() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction
Remove the current touching implement from the screen (withdraw your touch).
REMOVE_APP - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
removeApp(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
removeApp(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.InteractsWithApps
Remove the specified app from the device (uninstall).
REPLACE_VALUE - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
replaceElementValueCommand(HasIdentity, String) - Static method in class
This method forms a Map of parameters for the element value replacement.
replaceValue(String) - Method in class
This method replace current text value.
RESET - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
RESET_KEYBOARD - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Reset keyboard to its original state, after running Unicode tests with unicodeKeyboard capability.
resetApp() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
resetApp() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.InteractsWithApps
Reset the currently running app for this session.
rotate(ScreenOrientation) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
RotationEventListener - Interface in
RUN_APP_IN_BACKGROUND - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
runAppInBackground(int) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
runAppInBackground(int) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.InteractsWithApps
Runs the current app as a background app for the number of seconds requested.


SAFARI - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileBrowserType
SAFARI_ALLOW_POPUPS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
(Sim-only) Allow javascript to open new windows in Safari.
SAFARI_IGNORE_FRAUD_WARNING - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
(Sim-only) Prevent Safari from showing a fraudulent website warning.
SAFARI_INITIAL_URL - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
(Sim-only) (>= 8.1) Initial safari url, default is a local welcome page.
SAFARI_OPEN_LINKS_IN_BACKGROUND - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
(Sim-only) Whether Safari should allow links to open in new windows.
SCREENSHOT_WAIT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Max timeout in sec to wait for a screenshot to be generated. default: 10.
SearchContext - Interface in org.openqa.selenium
SearchingEventListener - Interface in
SELENDROID - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AutomationName
SELENDROID_PORT - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
SelendroidFindAll - Annotation Type in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
Used to mark a field on a Page/Screen Object to indicate that lookup should use a series of SelendroidFindBy tags It will then search for all elements that match any criteria.
SelendroidFindBy - Annotation Type in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
Used to mark a field on a Page Object to indicate an alternative mechanism for locating the element or a list of elements.
SelendroidFindBys - Annotation Type in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
Used to mark a field on a Page Object to indicate that lookup should use a series of SelendroidFindBy tags.
SEND_KEY_STRATEGY - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
strategy to use to type test into a test field.
sendKeys(CharSequence...) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebElement
Use this method to simulate typing into an element, which may set its value.
ServerArgument - Interface in io.appium.java_client.service.local.flags
SET_NETWORK_CONNECTION - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
SET_SETTINGS - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
SET_VALUE - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
setAnnotated(AnnotatedElement) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.AppiumByBuilder
This method should be used for the setting up of AnnotatedElement instances before the building of By-locator strategies
setConnection(Connection) - Method in class
setConnection(Connection) - Method in interface
Set the network connection of the device.
setConnectionCommand(Connection) - Static method in class
This method forms a Map of parameters for the setting of device network connection.
setLocation(Location) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
setPosition(Point) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.Window
Set the position of the current window.
setScriptTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.Timeouts
Sets the amount of time to wait for an asynchronous script to finish execution before throwing an error.
setSetting(AppiumSetting, Object) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
Set a setting for this test session It's probably better to use a convenience function, rather than use this function directly.
setSize(Dimension) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.Window
Set the size of the current window.
setTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.TimeOutDuration
setTime(long) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.TimeOutDuration
setTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.TimeOutDuration
SETTINGS - Static variable in interface
setValue(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileElement
This method sets the new value of the attribute "value".
shake() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDeviceActionShortcuts
Simulate shaking the device.
shake() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver
SHAKE - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
shakeCommand() - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSMobileCommandHelper
This method forms a Map of parameters for the device shaking.
SHOW_IOS_LOG - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Whether to show any logs captured from a device in the appium logs.
SPACE - Static variable in interface
start() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumDriverLocalService
Starts the defined appium server
START_ACTIVITY - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
startActivity(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class
startActivity(String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class
startActivity(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
startActivity(String, String) - Method in class
startActivity(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class
startActivity(String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface
This method should start arbitrary activity during a test.
startActivity(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface
This method should start arbitrary activity during a test.
startActivity(String, String) - Method in interface
This method should start arbitrary activity during a test.
startActivity(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface
This method should start arbitrary activity during a test.
startActivity(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface
This method should start arbitrary activity during a test.
startActivityCommand(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class
This method forms a Map of parameters for the activity starting.
StartsActivity - Interface in
stop() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumDriverLocalService
Stops this service is it is currently running.
submit() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebElement
If this current element is a form, or an element within a form, then this will be submitted to the remote server.
substituteMobilePlatform(Capabilities, String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
swipe(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class
swipe(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
swipe(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver
swipe(SwipeElementDirection, int) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileElement
swipe(SwipeElementDirection, int, int, int) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileElement
swipe(SwipeElementDirection, int) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.TouchableElement
Convenience method for swiping on the given element to the given direction.
swipe(SwipeElementDirection, int, int, int) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.TouchableElement
Convenience method for swiping on the given element to the given direction.
swipe(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.TouchShortcuts
Convenience method for swiping across the screen.
swipe(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.youiengine.YouiEngineDriver
SwipeElementDirection - Enum in io.appium.java_client
switchTo() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver
Send future commands to a different frame or window.


tap(int, WebElement, int) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
tap(int, int, int, int) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
tap(int, int) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileElement
tap(int, int) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.TouchableElement
Convenience method for tapping the center of the given element.
tap(WebElement) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction
Tap the center of an element.
tap(int, int) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction
Tap an absolute position on the screen.
tap(WebElement, int, int) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction
Tap an element, offset from upper left corner.
tap(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.TouchShortcuts
Convenience method for tapping a position on the screen.
tap(int, WebElement, int) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.TouchShortcuts
Convenience method for tapping the center of an element on the screen.
TAP_OUTSIDE - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.HideKeyboardStrategy
TimeOutDuration - Class in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
Represents an duration of waiting for element rendering.
TimeOutDuration(long, TimeUnit) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.TimeOutDuration
timeouts() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.Options
to(String) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.Navigation
Load a new web page in the current browser window.
to(URL) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.Navigation
Overloaded version of that makes it easy to pass in a URL.
TOGGLE_LOCATION_SERVICES - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
toggleLocationServices() - Method in class
toggleLocationServicesCommand() - Static method in class
This method forms a Map of parameters for the toggling of location services.
toStatusCode(Throwable) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ErrorCodesMobile
Converts a thrown error into the corresponding status code.
toString() - Method in enum io.appium.java_client.AppiumSetting
toString() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy.ByAccessibilityId
toString() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy.ByAndroidUIAutomator
toString() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy.ByIosUIAutomation
toString() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.ContentMappedBy
TouchableElement<T extends WebElement> - Interface in io.appium.java_client
It supposed that mobile elements could be tappable, swipeable, zoomable and so on.
TouchAction - Class in io.appium.java_client
Used for Webdriver 3 touch actions See the Webriver 3 spec The flow is to chain individual touch actions into an entire gesture. e.g.
TouchAction(MobileDriver) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction
TouchShortcuts - Interface in io.appium.java_client


UDID - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileCapabilityType
Unique device identifier of the connected physical device.
UNICODE_KEYBOARD - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Enable Unicode input, default false.
UNLOCK - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
unlockCommand() - Static method in class
This method forms a Map of parameters for the device unlocking.
unlockDevice() - Method in class
This method unlocks a device.
unpackWebDriverFromSearchContext(SearchContext) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.utils.WebDriverUnpackUtility
This method extract an instance of WebDriver from the given SearchContext.
USE_KEYSTORE - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Use a custom keystore to sign apks, default false.
usingAnyFreePort() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServiceBuilder
Configures the appium server to start on any available port.
usingDriverExecutable(File) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServiceBuilder
Sets which Node.js the builder will use.
usingPort(int) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServiceBuilder
Sets which port the appium server should be started on.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.AppiumSetting
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.HowToUseSelectors
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.ContentType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.service.local.flags.AndroidServerFlag
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.service.local.flags.GeneralServerFlag
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.service.local.flags.IOSServerFlag
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.SwipeElementDirection
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.AppiumSetting
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.HowToUseSelectors
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.ContentType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.service.local.flags.AndroidServerFlag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.service.local.flags.GeneralServerFlag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.service.local.flags.IOSServerFlag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.SwipeElementDirection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


WAIT_FOR_APP_SCRIPT - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
The ios automation script used to determined if the app has been launched, by default the system wait for the page source not to be empty.
waitAction() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction
A wait action, used as a NOP in multi-chaining.
waitAction(int) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction
Waits for specified amount of time to pass before continue to next touch action.
WebDriver - Interface in org.openqa.selenium
The main interface to use for testing, which represents an idealised web browser.
WebDriver.ImeHandler - Interface in org.openqa.selenium
An interface for managing input methods.
WebDriver.Navigation - Interface in org.openqa.selenium
WebDriver.Options - Interface in org.openqa.selenium
An interface for managing stuff you would do in a browser menu
WebDriver.TargetLocator - Interface in org.openqa.selenium
Used to locate a given frame or window.
WebDriver.Timeouts - Interface in org.openqa.selenium
An interface for managing timeout behavior for WebDriver instances.
WebDriver.Window - Interface in org.openqa.selenium
WebDriverUnpackUtility - Class in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.utils
WebDriverUnpackUtility() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.utils.WebDriverUnpackUtility
WebElement - Interface in org.openqa.selenium
Represents an HTML element.
WEBVIEW_CONNECT_RETRIES - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Number of times to send connection message to remote debugger, to get webview.
Widget - Class in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
It is the Appium-specific extension of the Page Object design pattern.
Widget(WebElement) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.Widget
window() - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.Options
window(String) - Method in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.TargetLocator
Switch the focus of future commands for this driver to the window with the given name/handle.
WindowEventListener - Interface in
withAppiumJS(File) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServiceBuilder
withArgument(ServerArgument) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServiceBuilder
Boolean arguments have a special moment: the presence of an arguments means "true".
withArgument(ServerArgument, String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServiceBuilder
withCapabilities(DesiredCapabilities) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServiceBuilder
withEnvironment(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServiceBuilder
Defines the environment for the launched appium server.
withIPAddress(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServiceBuilder
withLogFile(File) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServiceBuilder
Configures the appium server to write log to the given file.
withStartUpTimeOut(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServiceBuilder
WithTimeout - Annotation Type in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory


YouiEngineCapabilityType - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote
The list of youiengine-specific capabilities.
YouiEngineDriver<T extends WebElement> - Class in io.appium.java_client.youiengine
YouiEngineDriver(URL, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.youiengine.YouiEngineDriver
Constructor takes in the Appium Server URL and the capabilities you want to use for this test execution.
YouiEngineElement - Class in io.appium.java_client.youiengine
YouiEngineElement() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.youiengine.YouiEngineElement


zoom(WebElement) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
Convenience method for "zooming in" on an element on the screen.
zoom(int, int) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
Convenience method for "zooming in" on an element on the screen.
zoom() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileElement
zoom() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.TouchableElement
Convenience method for "zooming in" on the given element.
zoom(int, int) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.TouchShortcuts
Convenience method for "zooming in" on an element on the screen.
zoom(WebElement) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.TouchShortcuts
Convenience method for "zooming in" on an element on the screen.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z 

posted @ 2016-11-28 13:43  超级宝宝11  阅读(1996)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报