摘要: From: http://ifedora.diandian.com/post/2012-02-28/15816554sudo 命令默认是通过终端设备读取密码,这样每次执行命令都需要用户输入密码后才能继续运行。但对于需要定时执行的脚本,就只能修改 sudo 读取密码的方法了。下面分别是一个关机和一个重启脚本的例子:采用重定向的方法(关机)#!/bin/bashsudo -S shutdown -h now <<EOFpasswordEOF利用管道(重启)#!/bin/bashecho password | sudo -S shutdown -r now其中选项 -S(S是大写的)是使 阅读全文
posted @ 2012-05-16 14:34 super119 阅读(532) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
摘要: hardfp compiles inline FP instructions. If you have an FPU this will be fastest. If you don't, every FP instruction will trap to an emulation routine (assuming your runtime supports this).softfp will compile a library call for every FP operation. Use this if you never run on a system with an FPU 阅读全文
posted @ 2012-05-16 09:11 super119 阅读(784) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑