Bash script example - 使用parted可以非交互式的做磁盘分区操作
#!/bin/bash # Startup check case "$#" in 2) echo "Install package: ${1} on device: ${2}, start working..." ;; *) echo "Usage: ${0} <l4t buildbrain file path> <SD card device file>" exit ;; esac function get_disk_info() { # look for a "given" file somewhere in the path upwards from the device local dev_path=/sys/block/${1}/device while [ -d "${dev_path}" -a "${dev_path}" != "/sys" ]; do if [ -f "${dev_path}/${2}" ]; then cat "${dev_path}/${2}" return fi dev_path=$(readlink -f ${dev_path}/..) done echo '[Unknown]' } # Generates a descriptive string of a removable device. Includes the # manufacturer (if non-empty), product and a human-readable size. function get_disk_string() { local disk="${1##*/}" local manufacturer_string=$(get_disk_info $disk manufacturer) local product_string=$(get_disk_info $disk product) local disk_size=$(sudo fdisk -l /dev/$disk 2>/dev/null | grep Disk | head -n 1 | cut -d' ' -f3-4 | sed 's/,//g') # I've seen one case where manufacturer only contains spaces, hence the test. if [ -n "${manufacturer_string// }" ]; then echo -n "${manufacturer_string} " fi echo "${product_string}, ${disk_size}" } # Prompt for user confirmation. Default is no, which will gracefully terminate # the script. function are_you_sure() { local sure read -p "Are you sure (y/N)? " sure if [ "${sure}" != "y" ]; then echo "Ok, better safe than sorry." exit fi } echo "Checking l4t buildbrain package exists..." if [ ! -f "${1}" ]; then echo "L4T buildbrain package: ${1} doesn't exist, quit..." exit fi echo "Checking device file exists..." if [ ! -b "${2}" ]; then echo "SD card device file: ${2} doesn't exist OR is not a block device file, quit..." exit fi # Enter sudo passwd first sudo ls /root >& /dev/null echo -n "WARNING: This will erase all data in ${2}: " get_disk_string ${2} are_you_sure # Umount any mounts of the disk mount_list=$(mount | grep ^"${2}" | awk '{print $3}') if [ -n "${mount_list}" ]; then echo "Attempting to unmount any mounts on the target device..." for i in ${mount_list}; do sudo umount "$i" >& /dev/null done sleep 3 fi echo "Repartition ${2}..." sudo parted -s ${2} mklabel msdos sudo parted -s ${2} mkpart primary ext3 0 1024 >& /dev/null echo "Formating ${2}1..." sudo mkfs.ext3 ${2}1 >& /dev/null echo "Start preparing the l4t disk..." sudo rm -rf full_linux_for_tegra pkgdir=$(dirname ${1}) cd ${pkgdir} tar -xpf ${1} cd full_linux_for_tegra tar -xpf linux_for_tegra.tbz2 cd Linux_for_Tegra/rootfs/ sudo tar xpf sudo tar jxpf sudo tar jxpf sudo tar jxpf sudo tar zxpf cd ../ sudo chown -R `cat rootfs/etc/passwd | grep ubuntu | cut -d : -f 3-4` rootfs/home/ubuntu/ sudo ./ # Start writing to sd card echo "Start writing to ${2}..." sudo mount ${2}1 /mnt cd rootfs sudo tar -cpf - * | ( cd /mnt/ ; sudo tar -xpf - ) sudo umount /mnt cd .. echo "Done."
1. 使用parted这个工具可以以非交互的方式来对磁盘分区进行操作。而且parted支持GPT partition table。命令parted -s /dev/sdb mklabel msdos可以将当前的分区表全部清空,然后创建成指定的分区表格式,这个非常有用。之前网上的方法:dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=512 count=1这种方式是不能支持GPT table的,普通分区表可以。