关于 UE4 委托写法
1 // Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings. 2 3 #pragma once 4 5 #include "CoreMinimal.h" 6 #include "GameFramework/Actor.h" 7 #include "DelegateActor.generated.h" 8 9 // 声明一个没有参数,没有返回值的委托 10 DECLARE_DELEGATE(FNoParamNoReturn); 11 // 带参数的委托,给与参数时只需要指定类型 12 DECLARE_DELEGATE_OneParam(FParam1NoReturn, const FString&); 13 DECLARE_DELEGATE_TwoParams(FParam2NoReturn, const FString&, float); 14 // 带参数,并且有返回值的委托 15 DECLARE_DELEGATE_RetVal_TwoParams(float, FParam2Return, const FString&, float); 16 17 UCLASS() 18 class COINCOLLECTOR_API ADelegateActor : public AActor 19 { 20 GENERATED_BODY() 21 22 public: 23 // Sets default values for this actor's properties 24 ADelegateActor(); 25 26 protected: 27 // Called when the game starts or when spawned 28 virtual void BeginPlay() override; 29 30 public: 31 // Called every frame 32 virtual void Tick(float DeltaTime) override; 33 34 public: 35 FNoParamNoReturn DelegateNoParamNoReturn; // 使用声明过的委托名称定义一个委托对象 36 FParam1NoReturn DelegateOneParamNoReturn; 37 FParam2NoReturn DelegateTwoParamNoReturn; 38 FParam2Return DelegateTwoParamReturn; 39 40 private: 41 // 没有参数和返回值的委托函数 42 void TestNoParamNoReturn(); 43 // 带一个参数和没有返回值的委托函数 44 void TestOneParamNoReturn(const FString&); 45 // 带两个参数和没有返回值的委托函数 46 void TestTwoParamNoReturn(const FString&, float); 47 // 带两个参数和 Float 返回值的委托函数 48 float TestTwoParamReturn(const FString&, float); 49 50 private: 51 float TimerMax = 3.f; 52 float TimerCount = 0; 53 };
1 // Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings. 2 3 #include "DelegateActor.h" 4 #include "MoveActor.h" 5 #include "NewTypes.h" 6 7 // Sets default values 8 ADelegateActor::ADelegateActor() 9 { 10 // Set this actor to call Tick() every frame. You can turn this off to improve performance if you don't need it. 11 PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true; 12 } 13 14 // Called when the game starts or when spawned 15 void ADelegateActor::BeginPlay() 16 { 17 Super::BeginPlay(); 18 19 // 对于我们需要执行的委托对象,我们需要给他指定存在的真实函数(绑定委托) 20 DelegateNoParamNoReturn.BindUObject(this, &ADelegateActor::TestNoParamNoReturn); 21 DelegateOneParamNoReturn.BindUObject(this, &ADelegateActor::TestOneParamNoReturn); 22 DelegateTwoParamNoReturn.BindUObject(this, &ADelegateActor::TestTwoParamNoReturn); 23 DelegateTwoParamReturn.BindUObject(this, &ADelegateActor::TestTwoParamReturn); 24 } 25 26 // Called every frame 27 void ADelegateActor::Tick(float DeltaTime) 28 { 29 Super::Tick(DeltaTime); 30 31 if (TimerCount >= TimerMax) 32 { 33 DelegateNoParamNoReturn.ExecuteIfBound(); // 执行委托 34 DelegateOneParamNoReturn.ExecuteIfBound(TEXT("ABC")); 35 DelegateTwoParamNoReturn.ExecuteIfBound(TEXT("ABC"), TimerCount); // ExecuteIfBound 只能是执行没有返回值的委托 36 if (DelegateTwoParamReturn.IsBound()) 37 { 38 TimerCount = DelegateTwoParamReturn.Execute(FString("CDE"),TimerCount); // 执行有返回值的委托 39 } 40 else 41 { 42 UE_LOG(SZYLog, Display, TEXT(" DelegateTwoParamReturn.IsBound() == NULL ")); 43 } 44 UE_LOG(SZYLog, Display, TEXT("TimerCount: %f"), TimerCount); 45 UE_LOG(SZYLog, Display, TEXT(" ===================== ")); 46 TimerCount = 0; 47 } 48 TimerCount += DeltaTime; 49 } 50 51 void ADelegateActor::TestNoParamNoReturn() 52 { 53 UE_LOG(SZYLog, Display, TEXT("TestNoParamNoReturn Go!!!")); 54 } 55 56 void ADelegateActor::TestOneParamNoReturn(const FString& Param) 57 { 58 UE_LOG(SZYLog, Display, TEXT("TestNoParamNoReturn Go!!! FString: %s"), *Param); 59 } 60 61 void ADelegateActor::TestTwoParamNoReturn(const FString& Param1, float Param2) 62 { 63 UE_LOG(SZYLog, Display, TEXT("TestTwoParamNoReturn Go!!! param1: %s, param2: %f"), *Param1, Param2); 64 } 65 66 float ADelegateActor::TestTwoParamReturn(const FString& Param1, float Param2) 67 { 68 static float Tmp = 0; 69 Tmp += Param2; 70 UE_LOG(SZYLog, Display, TEXT("TestTwoParamReturn Go!!! param1: %s, param2: %f"), *Param1, Param2); 71 if (Tmp >= 30.f) 72 { 73 // 解委托 74 DelegateTwoParamReturn.Unbind(); 75 } 76 return Tmp; 77 }