玩转matlab之如何将矩阵市场(matrix market)下载的矩阵格式转换为matlab稀疏矩阵

矩阵市场收集了很多科学与工程实际问题离散后得到的大型稀疏矩阵,但是为了统一存储方式和提高效率,矩阵市场存储的矩阵格式并不是我们matlab可以直接使用的,本文介绍如何将下载的矩阵转化为matlab可以直接使用的稀疏矩阵。同时矩阵市场也提供转化为其他语言数据的方式,如Python,C语言、Fortran等等 。
假如我们要查找一个矩阵叫作 fidap036


如图所示,点击by matrix name 按名字查找。
点击by matrix name
第一种是Matrix Market (.mtx 格式),中间right hand side 是方程组 Ax=b 的右端项b。
第二种是 Harwell—Boeing 即(HB 格式) .rua 格式 。



将两种格式都下载,解压到一个文件夹,例如 E:/work/,如图:



第一种mtx格式使用如下:需要子函数 mmread.m (文末有下载链接),新建一个脚本文件main.m,复制如下代码运行。

filename = 'fidap036.mtx';
[A,rows,cols,entries,rep,field,symm] = mmread(filename);

同理,第二种Harwell 格式 (.rua) 使用如下:需要子函数 hb_to_msm(文末有下载链接)

%%  HB to matlab matrix

 filename = 'fidap036.rua';
 A = hb_to_msm ( filename );


注意:有的矩阵是对称矩阵,所以加载后得到的它的上三角或者下三角部分,需要自己在进行处理例如:如果得到的是下三角矩阵,那么需要A=A+tril(A,-1);    即,将其上三角部分补上。


mmread.m 下载网址
hb_to_msm.m 下载

提示:使用ctrl+A 和 ctrl+C 复制代码



%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 增加于2019.12.7,由于 hb_to_msm.m 文件下载链接已失效,所以,下面附上 hb_to_msm.m 源代码.

function [ a, rhsval ] = hb_to_msm ( input_file )
%将一个HB格式矩阵读入转化成MM格式,即matlab sparse matrix
%% HB_TO_MSM reads a matrix and right hand side from an HB file.
%  Licensing:
%    I don't care what you do with this code.
%  Modified:
%    20 January 2014
%  Author:
%    John Burkardt
%  Parameters:
%    Input, string INPUT_FILE, the name of the file containing the 
%    Harwell-Boeing matrix data.
%    Output, real A(M,N), a sparse matrix in MATLAB sparse matrix format.
%    Output, real RHSVAL(M,NRHS), right hand side vectors. 
  input_unit = fopen ( input_file );

  if ( input_unit < 0 )
    fprintf ( 1, '\n' );
    fprintf ( 1, 'HB_TO_MSM - Fatal error!\n' );
    fprintf ( 1, '  Error opening the file.\n' );
    error ( 'HB_TO_MSM - Fatal error!' );

  [ title, key, totcrd, ptrcrd, indcrd, valcrd, rhscrd, mxtype, ...
    nrow, ncol, nnzero, neltvl, ptrfmt, indfmt, valfmt, rhsfmt, rhstyp, ...
    nrhs, nrhsix, colptr, rowind, values, rhsval, rhsptr, rhsind, guess, ...
    exact ] = hb_file_read ( input_unit );

  for col = 1 : ncol
    for k = colptr(col) : colptr(col+1) - 1
      colind(k) = col;

  a = sparse ( rowind, colind, values, nrow, ncol );

  fclose ( input_unit );

function c = ch_cap ( c )

%% CH_CAP capitalizes a single character.
%  Licensing:
%    I don't care what you do with this code.
%  Modified:
%    22 November 2003
%  Author:
%    John Burkardt
%  Parameters:
%    Input, character C, the character to capitalize.
%    Output, character C, the capitalized character.
  if ( 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' )
    c = c + 'A' - 'a';

function truefalse = ch_eqi ( c1, c2 )

%% CH_EQI is a case insensitive comparison of two characters for equality.
%  Example:
%    CH_EQI ( 'A', 'a' ) is TRUE.
%  Licensing:
%    I don't care what you do with this code.
%  Modified:
%    17 July 2017
%  Author:
%    John Burkardt
%  Parameters:
%    Input, character C1, C2, the characters to compare.
%    Output, logical CH_EQI, is true if the characters are equal.
  if ( ch_cap ( c1 ) == ch_cap ( c2 ) )
    truefalse = true;
    truefalse = false;

function truefalse = ch_is_digit ( c )

%% CH_IS_DIGIT returns TRUE if the character C is a digit.
%  Licensing:
%    I don't care what you do with this code.
%  Modified:
%    17 July 2017
%  Author:
%    John Burkardt
%  Parameters:
%    Input, character C, a character.
%    Output, integer CH_IS_DIGIT, is true if C is a digit, false otherwise.
  if ( '0' <= c && c <= '9' )
    truefalse = true;
    truefalse = false;

function truefalse = ch_is_format_code ( c )

%% CH_IS_FORMAT_CODE returns TRUE if a character is a FORTRAN format code.
%  Discussion:
%    The format codes accepted here are not the only legal format
%    codes in FORTRAN90.  However, they are more than sufficient
%    for my needs!
%  Table:
%    A  Character
%    B  Binary digits
%    D  Real number, exponential representation
%    E  Real number, exponential representation
%    F  Real number, fixed point
%    G  General format
%    I  Integer
%    L  Logical variable
%    O  Octal digits
%    Z  Hexadecimal digits
%    *  Free format
%  Licensing:
%    I don't care what you do with this code.
%  Modified:
%    17 July 2017
%  Author:
%    John Burkardt
%  Parameters:
%    Input, character C, the character to be analyzed.
%    Output, logical CH_IS_FORMAT_CODE, is true if C is a FORTRAN format code
%    and false otherwise.
      if ( ch_eqi ( c, 'A' ) )
    truefalse = true;
  elseif ( ch_eqi ( c, 'B' ) )
    truefalse = true;
  elseif ( ch_eqi ( c, 'D' ) )
    truefalse = true;
  elseif ( ch_eqi ( c, 'E' ) )
    truefalse = true;
  elseif ( ch_eqi ( c, 'F' ) )
    truefalse = true;
  elseif ( ch_eqi ( c, 'G' ) )
    truefalse = true;
  elseif ( ch_eqi ( c, 'I' ) )
    truefalse = true;
  elseif ( ch_eqi ( c, 'L' ) )
    truefalse = true;
  elseif ( ch_eqi ( c, 'O' ) )
    truefalse = true;
  elseif ( ch_eqi ( c, 'Z' ) )
    truefalse = true;
  elseif ( c == '*' )
    truefalse = true;
    truefalse = false;

function digit = ch_to_digit ( c )

%% CH_TO_DIGIT returns the integer value of a base 10 digit.
%  Example:
%     C   DIGIT
%    ---  -----
%    '0'    0
%    '1'    1
%    ...  ...
%    '9'    9
%    ' '    0
%    'X'   -1
%  Licensing:
%    I don't care what you do with this code.
%  Modified:
%    22 November 2003
%  Author:
%    John Burkardt
%  Parameters:
%    Input, character C, the decimal digit, '0' through '9' or blank
%    are legal.
%    Output, integer DIGIT, the corresponding integer value.  If C was
%    'illegal', then DIGIT is -1.
  if ( '0' <= c && c <= '9' )

    digit = c - '0';

  elseif ( c == ' ' )

    digit = 0;


    digit = -1;


function exact = hb_exact_read ( input_unit, nrow, nrhs, rhscrd, rhsfmt, ...
  mxtype, rhstyp )

%% HB_EXACT_READ reads the exact solution vectors in an HB file.
%  Discussion:
%    I tried to modify this to work with complex values.  It wasn't simple!
%  Licensing:
%    I don't care what you do with this code.
%  Modified:
%    17 July 2017
%  Author:
%    John Burkardt
%  Reference:
%    Iain Duff, Roger Grimes, John Lewis,
%    User's Guide for the Harwell-Boeing Sparse Matrix Collection,
%    October 1992.
%  Parameters:
%    Input, integer INPUT_UNIT, the unit from which data is read.
%    Input, integer NROW, the number of rows or variables.
%    Input, integer NRHS, the number of right hand sides.
%    Input, integer RHSCRD, the number of lines in the file for
%    right hand sides.
%    Input, string RHSFMT(20), the format for reading values
%    of the right hand side.
%    Input, string MXTYPE(3), the matrix type.
%    First character is R for Real, C for complex, P for pattern only.
%    Second character is S for symmetric, U for unsymmetric, H for
%    Hermitian, Z for skew symmetric, R for rectangular.
%    Third character is A for assembled and E for unassembled
%    finite element matrices.
%    Input, string RHSTYP(3), the right hand side type.
%    First character is F for full storage or M for same as matrix.
%    Second character is G if starting "guess" vectors are supplied.
%    Third character is X if exact solution vectors are supplied.
%    Ignored if NRHS = 0.
%    Output, real/complex EXACT(NROW,NRHS), the exact solution vectors.
  exact = [];

  if ( 0 < rhscrd )

    if ( rhstyp(3) == 'X' ) 

      exact = zeros ( nrow, nrhs );

      [ p, code, w, m ] = s_to_format ( rhsfmt );

      if ( mxtype(1) == 'R' )

        line_num = 1 + floor ( ( nrow - 1 ) / p );

        for irhs = 1 : nrhs

          jhi = 0;

          for i = 1 : line_num

            line = fgetl ( input_unit );
            jlo = jhi + 1;
            jhi = min ( jlo + p - 1, nrow );

            khi = 0;

            for j = jlo : jhi

              klo = khi + 1;
              khi = min ( klo + w - 1, length ( line ) );
              s = line(klo:khi);
              v = str2num ( s );
              exact(j,irhs) = v;


      elseif ( mxtype(1) == 'C' )

        real_num = 0;

        for irhs = 1 : nrhs

          for j = 1 : nrow

            if ( real_num < 1 )
              line = fgetl ( input_unit );
              real_num = p;
              khi = 0;
            klo = khi + 1;
            khi = min ( klo + w - 1, length ( line ) );
            s = line(klo:khi);
            real_num = real_num - 1;
            vr = str2num ( s );

            if ( real_num < 1 )
              line = fgetl ( input_unit );
              real_num = p;
              khi = 0;
            klo = khi + 1;
            khi = min ( klo + w - 1, length ( line ) );
            s = line(klo:khi);
            real_num = real_num - 1;
            vi = str2num ( s );

            exact(j,irhs) = complex ( vr, vi );






function [ title, key, totcrd, ptrcrd, indcrd, valcrd, rhscrd, mxtype, ...
  nrow, ncol, nnzero, neltvl, ptrfmt, indfmt, valfmt, rhsfmt, rhstyp, ...
  nrhs, nrhsix, colptr, rowind, values, rhsval, rhsptr, rhsind, guess, ...
  exact ] = hb_file_read ( input_unit )

%% HB_FILE_READ reads an HB file.
%  Licensing:
%    I don't care what you do with this code.
%  Modified:
%    08 April 2004
%  Author:
%    John Burkardt
%  Reference:
%    Iain Duff, Roger Grimes, John Lewis,
%    User's Guide for the Harwell-Boeing Sparse Matrix Collection,
%    October 1992.
%  Parameters:
%    Input, integer INPUT_UNIT, the unit from data is read.
%    Output, string TITLE(72), a title for the matrix.
%    Output, string KEY(8), an identifier for the matrix.
%    Output, integer TOTCRD, the total number of lines of data.
%    Output, integer PTRCRD, the number of input lines for pointers.
%    Output, integer INDCRD, the number of input lines for row indices.
%    Output, integer VALCRD, the number of input lines for numerical values.
%    Output, integer RHSCRD, the number of input lines for right hand sides.
%    Output, string MXTYPE(3), the matrix type.
%    First character is R for Real, C for complex, P for pattern only.
%    Second character is S for symmetric, U for unsymmetric, H for
%    Hermitian, Z for skew symmetric, R for rectangular.
%    Third character is A for assembled and E for unassembled
%    finite element matrices.
%    Output, integer NROW, the number of rows or variables.
%    Output, integer NCOL, the number of columns or elements.
%    Output, integer NNZERO.  In the case of assembled sparse matrices,
%    this is the number of nonzeroes.  In the case of unassembled finite
%    element matrices, in which the right hand side vectors are also
%    stored as unassembled finite element vectors, this is the total
%    number of entries in a single unassembled right hand side vector.
%    Output, integer NELTVL, the number of finite element matrix entries,
%    set to 0 in the case of assembled matrices.
%    Output, string PTRFMT(16), the format for reading pointers.
%    Output, string INDFMT(16), the format for reading indices.
%    Output, string VALFMT(20), the format for reading values.
%    Output, string RHSFMT(20), the format for reading values
%    of the right hand side.
%    Output, string RHSTYP(3), the right hand side type.
%    First character is F for full storage or M for same as matrix.
%    Second character is G if starting "guess" vectors are supplied.
%    Third character is X if exact solution vectors are supplied.
%    Ignored if NRHS = 0.
%    Output, integer NRHS, the number of right hand sides.
%    Output, integer NRHSIX, the number of row indices (set to 0
%    in the case of unassembled matrices.)  Ignored if NRHS = 0.
%    Output, integer COLPTR(NCOL+1), COLPTR(I) points to the location of
%    the first entry of column I in the sparse matrix structure.
%    Output, integer ROWIND(NNZERO) or ROWIND(NELTVL), the row index of
%    each item.
%    Output, real VALUES(NNZERO) or VALUES(NELTVL), the nonzero values
%    of the matrix.
%    If RHSTYP(1) == 'F':
%      Output, integer RHSPTR(*), is not used.
%      Output, integer RHSIND(*), is not used.
%      Output, real RHSVAL(NROW,NRHS), contains NRHS dense right hand
%      side vectors.
%    If RHSTYP(1) = 'M' and MXTYPE(3) = 'A':
%      Output, integer RHSPTR(NRHS+1), RHSPTR(I) points to the location of
%      the first entry of right hand side I in the sparse right hand
%      side vector.
%      Output, integer RHSIND(NRHSIX), indicates, for each entry of
%      RHSVAL, the corresponding row index.
%      Output, real RHSVAL(NRHSIX), contains the value of the right hand
%      side entries.
%    If RHSTYP(1) = 'M' and MXTYPE(3) = 'E':
%      Output, integer RHSPTR(*), is not used.
%      Output, integer RHSIND(*), is not used.
%      Output, real RHSVAL(NNZERO,NRHS), contains NRHS unassembled
%      finite element vector right hand sides.
%    Output, real GUESS(NROW,NRHS), the starting guess vectors.
%    Output, real EXACT(NROW,NRHS), the exact solution vectors.

%  Read the header block.
  [ title, key, totcrd, ptrcrd, indcrd, valcrd, rhscrd, mxtype, ...
    nrow, ncol, nnzero, neltvl, ptrfmt, indfmt, valfmt, rhsfmt, rhstyp, ...
    nrhs, nrhsix ] = hb_header_read ( input_unit );
%  Read the matrix structure.
  [ colptr, rowind ] = hb_structure_read ( input_unit, ncol, mxtype, ...
    nnzero, neltvl, ptrcrd, ptrfmt, indcrd, indfmt );
%  Read the matrix values.
  values = hb_values_read ( input_unit, valcrd, mxtype, nnzero, neltvl, ...
    valfmt );
%  Read the right hand sides.
  [ rhsval, rhsptr, rhsind ] = hb_rhs_read ( input_unit, nrow, nnzero, ...
    nrhs, nrhsix, rhscrd, ptrfmt, indfmt, rhsfmt, mxtype, rhstyp );
%  Read the starting guesses.
  guess = hb_guess_read ( input_unit, nrow, nrhs, rhscrd, rhsfmt, ...
    mxtype, rhstyp );
%  Read the exact solutions.
  exact = hb_exact_read ( input_unit, nrow, nrhs, rhscrd, rhsfmt, ...
    mxtype, rhstyp );

function guess = hb_guess_read ( input_unit, nrow, nrhs, rhscrd, rhsfmt, ...
  mxtype, rhstyp )

%% HB_GUESS_READ reads the starting guess vectors in an HB file.
%  Discussion:
%    I tried to modify this to work with complex values.  It wasn't simple!
%  Licensing:
%    I don't care what you do with this code.
%  Modified:
%    18 July 2017
%  Author:
%    John Burkardt
%  Reference:
%    Iain Duff, Roger Grimes, John Lewis,
%    User's Guide for the Harwell-Boeing Sparse Matrix Collection,
%    October 1992.
%  Parameters:
%    Input, integer INPUT_UNIT, the unit from which data is read.
%    Input, integer NROW, the number of rows or variables.
%    Input, integer NRHS, the number of right hand sides.
%    Input, integer RHSCRD, the number of lines in the file for
%    right hand sides.
%    Input, string RHSFMT(20), the format for reading values
%    of the right hand side.
%    Input, string MXTYPE(3), the matrix type.
%    First character is R for Real, C for complex, P for pattern only.
%    Second character is S for symmetric, U for unsymmetric, H for
%    Hermitian, Z for skew symmetric, R for rectangular.
%    Third character is A for assembled and E for unassembled
%    finite element matrices.
%    Input, string RHSTYP(3), the right hand side type.
%    First character is F for full storage or M for same as matrix.
%    Second character is G if starting "guess" vectors are supplied.
%    Third character is X if exact solution vectors are supplied.
%    Ignored if NRHS = 0.
%    Output, real/complex GUESS(NROW,NRHS), the starting guess vectors.
  guess = [];

  if ( 0 < rhscrd )

    if ( rhstyp(2) == 'G' )

      guess = zeros ( nrow, nrhs );

      [ p, code, w, m ] = s_to_format ( rhsfmt );

      if ( mxtype(1) == 'R' )

        line_num = 1 + floor ( ( nrow - 1 ) / p );
        for irhs = 1 : nrhs

          jhi = 0;

          for i = 1 : line_num

            line = fgetl ( input_unit );
            jlo = jhi + 1;
            jhi = min ( jlo + p - 1, nrow );

            khi = 0;

            for j = jlo : jhi
              klo = khi + 1;
              khi = min ( klo + w - 1, length ( line ) );
              s = line(klo:khi);
              v = str2num ( s );
              guess(j,irhs) = v;



      elseif ( mxtype(1) == 'C' )

        real_num = 0;

        for irhs = 1 : nrhs

          for j = 1 : nrow

            if ( real_num < 1 )
              line = fgetl ( input_unit );
              real_num = p;
              khi = 0;
            klo = khi + 1;
            khi = min ( klo + w - 1, length ( line ) );
            s = line(klo:khi);
            real_num = real_num - 1;
            vr = str2num ( s );

            if ( real_num < 1 )
              line = fgetl ( input_unit );
              real_num = p;
              khi = 0;
            klo = khi + 1;
            khi = min ( klo + w - 1, length ( line ) );
            s = line(klo:khi);
            real_num = real_num - 1;
            vi = str2num ( s );

            guess(j,irhs) = complex ( vr, vi );






function [ title, key, totcrd, ptrcrd, indcrd, valcrd, rhscrd, mxtype, ...
  nrow, ncol, nnzero, neltvl, ptrfmt, indfmt, valfmt, rhsfmt, rhstyp, ...
  nrhs, nrhsix ] = hb_header_read ( input_unit )

%% HB_HEADER_READ reads the header of an HB file.
%  Discussion:
%    The user should already have opened the file, and positioned it
%    to the first record.
%    Thanks to Shahadat Hossain for pointing out an error in the determination
%    of INDFMT, on 24 June 2004.
%  Licensing:
%    I don't care what you do with this code.
%  Modified:
%    28 June 2004
%  Author:
%    John Burkardt
%  Reference:
%    Iain Duff, Roger Grimes, John Lewis,
%    User's Guide for the Harwell-Boeing Sparse Matrix Collection,
%    October 1992.
%  Parameters:
%    Input, integer INPUT_UNIT, the unit from which data is read.
%    Output, string TITLE(72), a title for the matrix.
%    Output, string KEY(8), an identifier for the matrix.
%    Output, integer TOTCRD, the total number of lines of data.
%    Output, integer PTRCRD, the number of input lines for pointers.
%    Output, integer INDCRD, the number of input lines for row indices.
%    Output, integer VALCRD, the number of input lines for numerical values.
%    Output, integer RHSCRD, the number of input lines for right hand sides.
%    Output, string MXTYPE(3), the matrix type.
%    First character is R for Real, C for complex, P for pattern only.
%    Second character is S for symmetric, U for unsymmetric, H for
%    Hermitian, Z for skew symmetric, R for rectangular.
%    Third character is A for assembled and E for unassembled
%    finite element matrices.
%    Output, integer NROW, the number of rows or variables.
%    Output, integer NCOL, the number of columns or elements.
%    Output, integer NNZERO.  In the case of assembled sparse matrices,
%    this is the number of nonzeroes.  In the case of unassembled finite
%    element matrices, in which the right hand side vectors are also
%    stored as unassembled finite element vectors, this is the total
%    number of entries in a single unassembled right hand side vector.
%    Output, integer NELTVL, the number of finite element matrix entries,
%    set to 0 in the case of assembled matrices.
%    Output, string PTRFMT(16), the format for reading pointers.
%    Output, string INDFMT(16), the format for reading indices.
%    Output, string VALFMT(20), the format for reading values.
%    Output, string RHSFMT(20), the format for reading values
%    of the right hand side.
%    Output, string RHSTYP(3), the right hand side type.
%    First character is F for full storage or M for same as matrix.
%    Second character is G if starting "guess" vectors are supplied.
%    Third character is X if exact solution vectors are supplied.
%    Output, integer NRHS, the number of right hand sides.
%    Output, integer NRHSIX, the number of entries of storage for right
%    hand side values, in the case where RHSTYP(1:1) = 'M' and
%    MXTYPE(3:3) = 'A'.

%  Read the header block.
%  Use FGETL rather that FGETS, because we don't want the line terminator character!
%  If fewer than 80 characters were read, you need to pad the line out.
  line = fgetl ( input_unit );

  if ( line == -1 )
    fprintf ( 1, '\n' );
    fprintf ( 1, 'HB_HEADER_READ - Fatal error!\n' );
    fprintf ( 1, '  I/O error reading header line 1.\n' );

  line_num = length ( line );
  for i = line_num+1 : 80
    line(i) = ' ';

  title = line(1:72);
  title = title(1:s_len_trim(title));

  key = line(73:80);
  key = key(1:s_len_trim(key));

  line = fgetl ( input_unit );

  if ( line == -1 )
    fprintf ( 1, '\n' );
    fprintf ( 1, 'HB_HEADER_READ - Fatal error!\n' );
    fprintf ( 1, '  I/O error reading header line 2.\n' );

  line_num = length ( line );
  for i = line_num+1 : 80
    line(i) = ' ';

  totcrd = str2num ( line( 1:14) );
  ptrcrd = str2num ( line(15:28) );
  indcrd = str2num ( line(29:42) );
  valcrd = str2num ( line(43:56) );
  rhscrd = str2num ( line(57:70) );

  line = fgetl ( input_unit );

  if ( line == -1 )
    fprintf ( 1, '\n' );
    fprintf ( 1, 'HB_HEADER_READ - Fatal error!\n' );
    fprintf ( 1, '  I/O error reading header line 3.\n' );

  line_num = length ( line );
  for i = line_num+1 : 80
    line(i) = ' ';

  mxtype =           line( 1: 3);
  nrow   = str2num ( line(15:28) );
  ncol   = str2num ( line(29:42) );
  nnzero = str2num ( line(43:56) );
  neltvl = str2num ( line(57:70) );

  line = fgetl ( input_unit );

  if ( line == -1 )
    fprintf ( 1, '\n' );
    fprintf ( 1, 'HB_HEADER_READ - Fatal error!\n' );
    fprintf ( 1, '  I/O error reading header line 4.\n' );

  line_num = length ( line );
  for i = line_num+1 : 80
    line(i) = ' ';

  ptrfmt = line( 1:16);
  ptrfmt = ptrfmt(1:s_len_trim(ptrfmt));
  indfmt = line(17:32);
  indfmt = indfmt(1:s_len_trim(indfmt));
  valfmt = line(33:52);
  valfmt = valfmt(1:s_len_trim(valfmt));
  rhsfmt = line(53:72);
  rhsfmt = rhsfmt(1:s_len_trim(rhsfmt));

  if ( 0 < rhscrd ) 

    line = fgetl ( input_unit );

    if ( line == -1 )
      fprintf ( 1, '\n' );
      fprintf ( 1, 'HB_HEADER_READ - Fatal error!\n' );
      fprintf ( 1, '  I/O error reading header line 5.\n' );

    line_num = length ( line );
    for i = line_num+1 : 80
      line(i) = ' ';

    rhstyp =           line( 1: 3);
    nrhs   = str2num ( line(15:28) );
    nrhsix = str2num ( line(29:42) );


    rhstyp = ' ';
    nrhs = 0;
    nrhsix = 0;


function [ rhsval, rhsptr, rhsind ] = hb_rhs_read ( input_unit, nrow, ...
  nnzero, nrhs, nrhsix, rhscrd, ptrfmt, indfmt, rhsfmt, mxtype, rhstyp ) 

%% HB_RHS_READ reads the right hand side information in an HB file.
%  Discussion:
%    I tried to modify this to work with complex values.  It wasn't simple!
%  Licensing:
%    I don't care what you do with this code.
%  Modified:
%    18 July 2017
%  Author:
%    John Burkardt
%  Reference:
%    Iain Duff, Roger Grimes, John Lewis,
%    User's Guide for the Harwell-Boeing Sparse Matrix Collection,
%    October 1992.
%  Parameters:
%    Input, integer INPUT_UNIT, the unit from which data is read.
%    Input, integer NROW, the number of rows or variables.
%    Input, integer NNZERO.  In the case of assembled sparse matrices,
%    this is the number of nonzeroes.  In the case of unassembled finite
%    element matrices, in which the right hand side vectors are also
%    stored as unassembled finite element vectors, this is the total
%    number of entries in a single unassembled right hand side vector.
%    Input, integer NRHS, the number of right hand sides.
%    Input, integer NRHSIX, the number of entries of storage for right
%    hand side values, in the case where RHSTYP(1:1) = 'M' and
%    MXTYPE(3:3) = 'A'.
%    Input, integer RHSCRD, the number of lines in the file for
%    right hand sides.
%    Input, string PTRFMT(16), the format for reading pointers.
%    Input, string INDFMT(16), the format for reading indices.
%    Input, string RHSFMT(20), the format for reading values
%    of the right hand side.
%    Input, string MXTYPE(3), the matrix type.
%    First character is R for Real, C for complex, P for pattern only.
%    Second character is S for symmetric, U for unsymmetric, H for
%    Hermitian, Z for skew symmetric, R for rectangular.
%    Third character is A for assembled and E for unassembled
%    finite element matrices.
%    Input, string RHSTYP(3), the right hand side type.
%    First character is F for full storage or M for same as matrix.
%    Second character is G if starting "guess" vectors are supplied.
%    Third character is X if exact solution vectors are supplied.
%    Ignored if NRHS = 0.
%    If RHSTYP(1) == 'F':
%      Output, integer RHSPTR(*), is not used.
%      Output, integer RHSIND(*), is not used.
%      Output, real/complex RHSVAL(NROW,NRHS), contains NRHS dense right hand
%      side vectors.
%    If RHSTYP(1) = 'M' and MXTYPE(3) = 'A':
%      Output, integer RHSPTR(NRHS+1), RHSPTR(I) points to the location of
%      the first entry of right hand side I in the sparse right hand
%      side vector.
%      Output, integer RHSIND(NRHSIX), indicates, for each entry of
%      RHSVAL, the corresponding row index.
%      Output, real/complex RHSVAL(NRHSIX), contains the value of the right hand
%      side entries.
%    If RHSTYP(1) = 'M' and MXTYPE(3) = 'E':
%      Output, integer RHSPTR(*), is not used.
%      Output, integer RHSIND(*), is not used.
%      Output, real/complex RHSVAL(NNZERO,NRHS), contains NRHS unassembled
%      finite element vector right hand sides.
  rhsptr = [];
  rhsind = [];
  rhsval = [];
%  Read the right hand sides.
%    case F                             = "full" or "dense";
%    case not F + matrix storage is "A" = sparse pointer RHS
%    case not F + matrix storage is "E" = finite element RHS
  if ( 0 < rhscrd )
%  Dense right hand sides:
    if ( rhstyp(1) == 'F' )

      rhsval = zeros ( nrow, nrhs );

      [ p, code, w, m ] = s_to_format ( rhsfmt );

      if ( mxtype(1) == 'R' )

        line_num = 1 + floor ( ( nrow - 1 ) / p );

        for irhs = 1 : nrhs

          jhi = 0;

          for i = 1 : line_num

            line = fgetl ( input_unit );
            jlo = jhi + 1;
            jhi = min ( jlo + p - 1, nrow );

            khi = 0;

            for j = jlo : jhi
              klo = khi + 1;
              khi = min ( klo + w - 1, length ( line ) );
              s = line(klo:khi);
              v = str2num ( s );
              rhsval(j,irhs) = v;



      elseif ( mxtype(1) == 'C' )

        real_num = 0;

        for irhs = 1 : nrhs

          for j = 1 : nrow

            if ( real_num < 1 )
              line = fgetl ( input_unit );
              real_num = p;
              khi = 0;
            klo = khi + 1;
            khi = min ( klo + w - 1, length ( line ) );
            s = line(klo:khi);
            real_num = real_num - 1;
            vr = str2num ( s );

            if ( real_num < 1 )
              line = fgetl ( input_unit );
              real_num = p;
              khi = 0;
            klo = khi + 1;
            khi = min ( klo + w - 1, length ( line ) );
            s = line(klo:khi);
            real_num = real_num - 1;
            vi = str2num ( s );

            rhsval(j,irhs) = complex ( vr, vi );



%  Sparse right-hand sides stored like the matrix.
%  Read pointer array, indices, and values.
    elseif ( rhstyp(1) == 'M' )

      if ( mxtype(3) == 'A' )

        rhsptr = zeros ( nrhs + 1, 1 );
        rhsind = zeros ( nrhsix, 1 );
        rhsval = zeros ( nrhsix, 1 );

        [ p, code, w, m ] = s_to_format ( ptrfmt );

        line_num = 1 + floor ( ( nrhs + 1 - 1 ) / p );

        jhi = 0;

        for i = 1 : line_num

          line = fgetl ( input_unit );
          jlo = jhi + 1;
          jhi = min ( jlo + p - 1, nrhs + 1 );

          khi = 0;

          for j = jlo : jhi
            klo = khi + 1;
            khi = min ( klo + w - 1, length ( line ) );
            s = line(klo:khi);
            rhsptr(j) = str2num ( s );

        [ p, code, w, m ] = s_to_format ( indfmt );

        line_num = 1 + floor ( ( nrhsix - 1 ) / p );

        jhi = 0;

        for i = 1 : line_num

          line = fgetl ( input_unit );
          jlo = jhi + 1;
          jhi = min ( jlo + p - 1, nrhsix );

          khi = 0;

          for j = jlo : jhi
            klo = khi + 1;
            khi = min ( klo + w - 1, length ( line ) );
            s = line(klo:khi);
            rhsind(j) = str2num ( s );

        [ p, code, w, m ] = s_to_format ( rhsfmt );

        if ( mxtype(1) == 'R' )

          line_num = 1 + floor ( ( nrhsix - 1 ) / p );

          jhi = 0;

          for i = 1 : line_num

            line = fgetl ( input_unit );
            jlo = jhi + 1;
            jhi = min ( jlo + p - 1, nrhsix );

            khi = 0;

            for j = jlo : jhi
              klo = khi + 1;
              khi = min ( klo + w - 1, length ( line ) );
              s = line(klo:khi);
              v = str2num ( s );
              rhsval(j) = v;


        elseif ( mxtype(1) == 'C' )

          real_num = 0;

          for j = 1 : nrhsix

            if ( real_num < 1 )
              line = fgetl ( input_unit );
              real_num = p;
              khi = 0;
            klo = khi + 1;
            khi = min ( klo + w - 1, length ( line ) );
            s = line(klo:khi);
            real_num = real_num - 1;
            vr = str2num ( s );

            if ( real_num < 1 )
              line = fgetl ( input_unit );
              real_num = p;
              khi = 0;
            klo = khi + 1;
            khi = min ( klo + w - 1, length ( line ) );
            s = line(klo:khi);
            real_num = real_num - 1;
            vi = str2num ( s );

            rhsval(j) = complex ( vr, vi );


%  Sparse right hand sides in finite element format.
      elseif ( mxtype(3) == 'E' )

        rhsval = zeros ( nnzero, nrhs );

        [ p, code, w, m ] = s_to_format ( rhsfmt );

        if ( mxtype(1) == 'R' )

          line_num = 1 + floor ( ( nnzero - 1 ) / p );

          for irhs = 1 : nrhs

            jhi = 0;

            for i = 1 : line_num

              line = fgetl ( input_unit );
              jlo = jhi + 1;
              jhi = min ( jlo + p - 1, nnzero );

              khi = 0;

              for j = jlo : jhi
                klo = khi + 1;
                khi = min ( klo + w - 1, length ( line ) );
                s = line(klo:khi);
                v = str2num ( s );
                rhsval(j,irhs) = v;


        elseif ( mxtype(1) == 'C' )

          real_num = 0;

          for irhs = 1 : nrhs

            for j = 1 : nnzero

              if ( real_num < 1 )
                line = fgetl ( input_unit );
                real_num = p;
                khi = 0;
              klo = khi + 1;
              khi = min ( klo + w - 1, length ( line ) );
              s = line(klo:khi);
              real_num = real_num - 1;
              vr = str2num ( s );

              if ( real_num < 1 )
                line = fgetl ( input_unit );
                real_num = p;
                khi = 0;
              klo = khi + 1;
              khi = min ( klo + w - 1, length ( line ) );
              s = line(klo:khi);
              real_num = real_num - 1;
              vi = str2num ( s );

              rhsval(j,irhs) = complex ( vr, vi );





        fprintf ( 1, '\n' );
        fprintf ( 1, 'HB_RHS_READ - Fatal error!\n' );
        fprintf ( 1, '  Illegal value of MXTYPE(3) = ''%c''!\n', mxtype(3) );
        error ( 'HB_RHS_READ - Fatal error!' );

%  0 < RHSCARD, but RHSTYP not recognized.

      fprintf ( 1, '\n' );
      fprintf ( 1, 'HB_RHS_READ - Fatal error!\n' );
      fprintf ( 1, '  Illegal value of RHSTYP(1) = ''%c''!\n', rhstyp(1) );
      error ( 'HB_RHS_READ - Fatal error!' );



function [ colptr, rowind ] = hb_structure_read ( input_unit, ncol, mxtype, ...
  nnzero, neltvl, ptrcrd, ptrfmt, indcrd, indfmt )

%% HB_STRUCTURE_READ reads the structure of an HB matrix.
%  Discussion:
%    The user should already have opened the file, and positioned it
%    to just after the header records.
%  Licensing:
%    I don't care what you do with this code.
%  Modified:
%    08 April 2004
%  Author:
%    John Burkardt
%  Reference:
%    Iain Duff, Roger Grimes, John Lewis,
%    User's Guide for the Harwell-Boeing Sparse Matrix Collection,
%    October 1992.
%  Parameters:
%    Input, integer INPUT_UNIT, the unit from which data is read.
%    Input, integer NCOL, the number of columns.
%    Input, string MXTYPE(3), the matrix type.
%    First character is R for Real, C for complex, P for pattern only.
%    Second character is S for symmetric, U for unsymmetric, H for
%    Hermitian, Z for skew symmetric, R for rectangular.
%    Third character is A for assembled and E for unassembled
%    finite element matrices.
%    Input, integer NNZERO.  In the case of assembled sparse matrices,
%    this is the number of nonzeroes.  In the case of unassembled finite
%    element matrices, in which the right hand side vectors are also
%    stored as unassembled finite element vectors, this is the total
%    number of entries in a single unassembled right hand side vector.
%    Input, integer NELTVL, the number of finite element matrix entries,
%    set to 0 in the case of assembled matrices.
%    Input, integer PTRCRD, the number of pointer records.
%    Input, string PTRFMT(16), the format for reading pointers.
%    Input, integer INDCRD, the number of index records.
%    Input, string INDFMT(16), the format for reading indices.
%    Output, integer COLPTR(NCOL+1), COLPTR(I) points to the location of
%    the first entry of column I in the sparse matrix structure.
%    Output, integer ROWIND(NNZERO) or ROWIND(NELTVL), the row index of
%    each item.
  [ p, code, w, m ] = s_to_format ( ptrfmt );

  if ( mxtype(3) == 'A' )
    line_num = 1 + floor ( ( ( ncol + 1 ) - 1 ) / p );
    line_num = 1 + floor ( ( ( ncol     ) - 1 ) / p );

  jhi = 0;

  for i = 1 : line_num

    line = fgetl ( input_unit );
    jlo = jhi + 1;

    if ( mxtype(3) == 'A' )
      jhi = min ( jlo + p - 1, ncol + 1 );
      jhi = min (  jlo + p - 1, ncol );

    khi = 0;

    for j = jlo : jhi
      klo = khi + 1;
      khi = min ( klo + w - 1, length ( line ) );
      s = line(klo:khi);
      colptr(j) = str2num ( s );


  if ( mxtype(3) == 'A' )

    rowind = zeros ( nnzero, 1 );

    [ p, code, w, m ] = s_to_format ( indfmt );

    line_num = 1 + floor ( ( nnzero - 1 ) / p );

    jhi = 0;

    for i = 1 : line_num

      line = fgetl ( input_unit );
      jlo = jhi + 1;
      jhi = min ( jlo + p - 1, nnzero );

      khi = 0;

      for j = jlo : jhi
        klo = khi + 1;
        khi = min ( klo + w - 1, length ( line ) );
        s = line(klo:khi);
        rowind(j) = str2num ( s );


  elseif ( mxtype(3) == 'E' )

    rowind = zeros ( neltvl, 1 );

    [ p, code, w, m ] = s_to_format ( indfmt );
    number = colptr(ncol) - colptr(1);
    line_num = 1 + floor ( ( number - 1 ) / p );

    jhi = 0;

    for i = 1 : line_num
      line = fgetl ( input_unit );
      jlo = jhi + 1;
      jhi = min ( jlo + p - 1, number );

      khi = 0;

      for j = jlo : jhi
        klo = khi + 1;
        khi = min ( klo + w - 1, length ( line ) );
        s = line(klo:khi);
        rowind(j) = str2num ( s );



    fprintf ( 1, '\n' );
    fprintf ( 1, 'HB_STRUCTURE_READ - Fatal error!\n' );
    fprintf ( 1, '  Illegal value of MXTYPE(3) = ''%c''.\n', mxtype(3) );


function values = hb_values_read ( input_unit, valcrd, mxtype, nnzero, ...
  neltvl, valfmt )

%% HB_VALUES_READ reads the values of an HB matrix.
%  Discussion:
%    I tried to modify this to work with complex values.  It wasn't simple!
%    Getting it to work correctly was even less simple.
%    The user should already have opened the file, and positioned it
%    to just after the header and structure records.
%    Values are contained in an HB file if the VALCRD parameter
%    is nonzero.
%  Licensing:
%    I don't care what you do with this code.
%  Modified:
%    18 July 2017
%  Author:
%    John Burkardt
%  Reference:
%    Iain Duff, Roger Grimes, John Lewis,
%    User's Guide for the Harwell-Boeing Sparse Matrix Collection,
%    October 1992.
%  Parameters:
%    Input, integer INPUT_UNIT, the unit from which data is read.
%    Input, integer VALCRD, the number of input lines for numerical values.
%    Input, string MXTYPE(3), the matrix type.
%    First character is R for Real, C for complex, P for pattern only.
%    Second character is S for symmetric, U for unsymmetric, H for
%    Hermitian, Z for skew symmetric, R for rectangular.
%    Third character is A for assembled and E for unassembled
%    finite element matrices.
%    Input, integer NNZERO.  In the case of assembled sparse matrices,
%    this is the number of nonzeroes.  In the case of unassembled finite
%    element matrices, in which the right hand side vectors are also
%    stored as unassembled finite element vectors, this is the total
%    number of entries in a single unassembled right hand side vector.
%    Input, integer NELTVL, the number of finite element matrix entries,
%    set to 0 in the case of assembled matrices.
%    Input, string VALFMT(20), the format for reading values.
%    Output, real/complex VALUES(NNZERO) or VALUES(NELTVL), the nonzero values
%    of the matrix.
  [ p, code, w, m ] = s_to_format ( valfmt );
%  Read the matrix values.
%    case "A" = assembled;
%    case "E" = unassembled finite element matrices.
  values = [];

  if ( 0 < valcrd )

    if ( mxtype(3:3) == 'A' )

      values = zeros ( nnzero, 1 );

      if ( mxtype(1) == 'R' )

        line_num = 1 + floor ( ( nnzero - 1 ) / p );

        jhi = 0;

        for i = 1 : line_num

          line = fgetl ( input_unit );
          jlo = jhi + 1;
          jhi = min ( jlo + p - 1, nnzero );

          khi = 0;

          for j = jlo : jhi
            klo = khi + 1;
            khi = min ( klo + w - 1, length ( line ) );
            s = line(klo:khi);

            v = str2num ( s );
            values(j) = v;


%  The complex case is so weird because the HB format writes P pieces
%  of real information per line, a complex value now becomes two real
%  values, and the imaginary part could appear on the line following
%  the line on which the real part appears.
      elseif ( mxtype(1) == 'C' )

        real_num = 0;

        for j = 1 : nnzero

          if ( real_num < 1 )
            line = fgetl ( input_unit );
            real_num = p;
            khi = 0;
          klo = khi + 1;
          khi = min ( klo + w - 1, length ( line ) );
          s = line(klo:khi);
          real_num = real_num - 1;
          vr = str2num ( s );

          if ( real_num < 1 )
            line = fgetl ( input_unit );
            real_num = p;
            khi = 0;
          klo = khi + 1;
          khi = min ( klo + w - 1, length ( line ) );
          s = line(klo:khi);
          real_num = real_num - 1;
          vi = str2num ( s );

          values(j) = complex ( vr, vi );



    elseif ( mxtype(3) == 'E' )

      values = zeros ( neltvl, 1 );

      if ( mxtype(1) == 'R' )

        line_num = 1 + floor ( ( neltvl - 1 ) / p );

        jhi = 0;

        for i = 1 : line_num

          line = fgetl ( input_unit );
          jlo = jhi + 1;
          jhi = min ( jlo + p - 1, neltvl );

          khi = 0;

          for j = jlo : jhi
            klo = khi + 1;
            khi = min ( klo + w - 1, length ( line ) );
            s = line(klo:khi);
            v = str2num ( s );
            values(j) = v;


      elseif ( mxtype(1) == 'C' )

        real_num = 0;

        for j = 1 : neltvl

          if ( real_num < 1 )
            line = fgetl ( input_unit );
            real_num = p;
            khi = 0;
          klo = khi + 1;
          khi = min ( klo + w - 1, length ( line ) );
          s = line(klo:khi);
          real_num = real_num - 1;
          vr = str2num ( s );

          if ( real_num < 1 )
            line = fgetl ( input_unit );
            real_num = p;
            khi = 0;
          klo = khi + 1;
          khi = min ( klo + w - 1, length ( line ) );
          s = line(klo:khi);
          real_num = real_num - 1;
          vi = str2num ( s );

          values(j) = complex ( vr, vi );




      fprintf ( 1, '\n' );
      fprintf ( 1, 'HB_VALUES_READ - Fatal error!\n' );
      fprintf ( 1, '  Illegal value of MXTYPE(3).\n' );
      error ( 'HB_VALUES_READ - Fatal error!' );



function len = s_len_trim ( s )

%% S_LEN_TRIM returns the length of a character string to the last nonblank.
%  Licensing:
%    I don't care what you do with this code.
%  Modified:
%    14 June 2003
%  Author:
%    John Burkardt
%  Parameters:
%    Input, string S, the string to be measured.
%    Output, integer LEN, the length of the string up to the last nonblank.
  len = length ( s );

  while ( 0 < len )
    if ( s(len) ~= ' ' )
    len = len - 1;

function [ r, code, w, m ] = s_to_format ( s )

%% S_TO_FORMAT reads a FORTRAN format from a string.
%  Discussion:
%    This routine will read as many characters as possible until it reaches
%    the end of the string, or encounters a character which cannot be
%    part of the format.  This routine is limited in its ability to
%    recognize FORTRAN formats.  In particular, we are only expecting
%    a single format specification, and cannot handle extra features
%    such as 'ES' and 'EN' codes, '5X' spacing, and so on.
%    Legal input is:
%       0 nothing
%       1 blanks
%       2 optional '('
%       3 blanks
%       4 optional repeat factor R
%       5 blanks
%       6 CODE ( 'A', 'B', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'I', 'L', 'O', 'Z', '*' )
%       7 blanks
%       8 width W
%       9 optional decimal point
%      10 optional mantissa M
%      11 blanks
%      12 optional ')'
%      13 blanks
%  Example:
%    S                 R   CODE   W    M
%    'I12              1   I      12   0
%    'E8.0'            1   E       8   0
%    'F10.5'           1   F      10   5
%    '2G14.6'          2   G      14   6
%    '*'               1   *      -1  -1
%  Licensing:
%    I don't care what you do with this code.
%  Modified:
%    22 November 2003
%  Author:
%    John Burkardt
%  Parameters:
%    Input, string S, the string containing the
%    data to be read.  Reading will begin at position 1 and
%    terminate at the end of the string, or when no more
%    characters can be read.
%    Output, integer R, the repetition factor, which defaults to 1.
%    Output, character CODE, the format code.
%    Output, integer W, the field width.
%    Output, integer M, the mantissa width.
  LEFT = 1;
  RIGHT = -1;

  state = 0;
  paren_sum = 0;
  pos = 0;
  s_length = s_len_trim ( s );

  r = 0;
  w = 0;
  code = '?';
  m = 0;

  while ( pos < s_length )

    pos = pos + 1;
    c = s(pos);
%  BLANK character:
    if ( c == ' ' )

      if ( state == 4 )
        state = 5;
      elseif ( state == 6 )
        state = 7;
      elseif ( state == 10 )
        state = 11;
      elseif ( state == 12 )
        state = 13;
    elseif ( c == '(' )

      if ( state < 2 )
        paren_sum = paren_sum + LEFT;
        state = -1;
%  DIGIT (R, F, or W)
    elseif ( ch_is_digit ( c ) )

      if ( state <= 3 )
        state = 4;
        r = ch_to_digit ( c );
      elseif ( state == 4 )
        d = ch_to_digit ( c );
        r = 10 * r + d;
      elseif ( state == 6 || state == 7 )
        if ( code == '*' )
          state = -1;
        state = 8;
        w = ch_to_digit ( c );
      elseif ( state == 8 )
        d = ch_to_digit ( c );
        w = 10 * w + d;
      elseif ( state == 9 )
        state = 10;
        m = ch_to_digit ( c );
      elseif ( state == 10 )
        d = ch_to_digit ( c );
        m = 10 * m + d;
        state = -1;
    elseif ( c == '.' )

      if ( state == 8 )
        state = 9;
        state = -1;
    elseif ( c == ')' )

      paren_sum = paren_sum + RIGHT;

      if ( paren_sum ~= 0 )
        state = -1;

      if ( state == 6 && code == '*' )
        state = 12;
      elseif ( 6 <= state )
        state = 12;
        state = -1;
%  Code
    elseif ( ch_is_format_code ( c ) )

      if ( state < 6 )
        state = 6;
        code = c;
        state = -1;
%  Unexpected character

      state = -1;



  if ( paren_sum ~= 0 )
    fprintf ( 1, '\n' );
    fprintf ( 1, 'S_TO_FORMAT - Fatal error!\n' );
    fprintf ( 1, '  Parentheses mismatch.\n' );
    error ( 'S_TO_FORMAT - Fatal error!' );

  if ( state < 0 )
    fprintf ( 1, '\n' );
    fprintf ( 1, 'S_TO_FORMAT - Fatal error!\n' );
    fprintf ( 1, '  Parsing error.\n' );
    error ( 'S_TO_FORMAT - Fatal error!' );

  if ( r == 0 )
    r = 1;

function ival = s_to_i4 ( s )

%% S_TO_I4 reads an integer value from a string.
%  Licensing:
%    I don't care what you do with this code.
%  Modified:
%    18 November 2003
%  Author:
%    John Burkardt
%  Parameters:
%    Input, string S, a string to be examined.
%    Output, integer IVAL, the integer value read from the string.
  sgn = 1;
  state = 0;
  ival = 0;
  s_len = length ( s );

  if ( s_len == 0 )
    ival = 0;

  i = 0;

  while ( i < s_len )

    i = i + 1;
    c = s(i);

    if ( state == 0 )

      if ( c == ' ' )

      elseif ( c == '-' )
        state = 1;
        sgn = -1;
      elseif ( c == '+' )
        state = 1;
        sgn = +1;
      elseif ( '0' <= c && c <= '9' )
        state = 2;
        ival = c - '0';
        fprintf ( '\n' );
        fprintf ( 'S_TO_I4 - Fatal error!\n' );
        fprintf ( '  Illegal character ''%c'' while in state %d.\n', c, state );
        fprintf ( '  Input string was "%s"\n', s );
        error ( 'S_TO_I4 - Fatal error!\n' );
%  Have read the sign, now expecting the first digit.
    elseif ( state == 1 )

      if ( c == ' ' )

      elseif ( '0' <= c && c <= '9' )
        state = 2;
        ival = c - '0';
        fprintf ( '\n' );
        fprintf ( 'S_TO_I4 - Fatal error!\n' );
        fprintf ( '  Illegal character ''%c'' while in state %d.\n', c, state );
        fprintf ( '  Input string was "%s"\n', s );
        error ( 'S_TO_I4 - Fatal error!\n' );
%  Have read at least one digit, expecting more.
    elseif ( state == 2 )

      if ( '0' <= c && c <= '9' )
        ival = 10 * ival + c - '0';
        ival = sgn * ival;


%  If we read all the characters in the string, see if we're OK.
  if ( state ~= 2 )
    fprintf ( 1, '\n' );
    fprintf ( 1, 'S_TO_I4 - Fatal error!\n' );
    fprintf ( 1, '  Did not read enough information to define an integer!\n' );
    fprintf ( 1, '  Input string was "%s"\n', s );
    error ( 'S_TO_I4 - Fatal error!\n' );

  ival = sgn * ival;

function [ r, lchar, ierror ] = s_to_r8 ( s )

%% S_TO_R8 reads an R8 from a string.
%  Discussion:
%    This routine will read as many characters as possible until it reaches
%    the end of the string, or encounters a character which cannot be
%    part of the real number.
%    Legal input is:
%       1 blanks,
%       2 '+' or '-' sign,
%       2.5 spaces
%       3 integer part,
%       4 decimal point,
%       5 fraction part,
%       6 'E' or 'e' or 'D' or 'd', exponent marker,
%       7 exponent sign,
%       8 exponent integer part,
%       9 exponent decimal point,
%      10 exponent fraction part,
%      11 blanks,
%      12 final comma or semicolon.
%    with most quantities optional.
%  Example:
%    S                 R
%    '1'               1.0
%    '     1   '       1.0
%    '1A'              1.0
%    '12,34,56'        12.0
%    '  34 7'          34.0
%    '-1E2ABCD'        -100.0
%    '-1X2ABCD'        -1.0
%    ' 2E-1'           0.2
%    '23.45'           23.45
%    '-4.2E+2'         -420.0
%    '17d2'            1700.0
%    '-14e-2'         -0.14
%    'e2'              100.0
%    '-12.73e-9.23'   -12.73 * 10.0^(-9.23)
%  Licensing:
%    I don't care what you do with this code.
%  Modified:
%    22 November 2003
%  Author:
%    John Burkardt
%  Parameters:
%    Input, string S, the string containing the
%    data to be read.  Reading will begin at position 1 and
%    terminate at the end of the string, or when no more
%    characters can be read to form a legal real.  Blanks,
%    commas, or other nonnumeric data will, in particular,
%    cause the conversion to halt.
%    Output, real R, the value that was read from the string.
%    Output, integer LCHAR, the number of characters of S that were used to form R.
%    Output, integer IERROR, is 0 if no error occurred.
  s_length = s_len_trim ( s );
  ierror = 0;
  r = 0.0;
  lchar = -1;
  isgn = 1;
  rtop = 0.0;
  rbot = 1.0;
  jsgn = 1;
  jtop = 0;
  jbot = 1;
  ihave = 1;
  iterm = 0;

  while ( 1 )

    lchar = lchar + 1;
    c = s(lchar+1);
%  Blank character.
    if ( c == ' ' )

      if ( ihave == 2 )

      elseif ( ihave == 6 || ihave == 7 )
        iterm = 1;
      elseif ( 1 < ihave )
        ihave = 11;
%  Comma.
    elseif ( c == ',' || c == ';' )

      if ( ihave ~= 1 )
        iterm = 1;
        ihave = 12;
        lchar = lchar + 1;
%  Minus sign.
    elseif ( c == '-' )

      if ( ihave == 1 );
        ihave = 2;
        isgn = -1;
      elseif ( ihave == 6 )
        ihave = 7;
        jsgn = -1;
        iterm = 1;
%  Plus sign.
    elseif ( c == '+' )

      if ( ihave == 1 )
        ihave = 2;
      elseif ( ihave == 6 )
        ihave = 7;
        iterm = 1;
%  Decimal point.
    elseif ( c == '.' )

      if ( ihave < 4 )
        ihave = 4;
      elseif ( 6 <= ihave && ihave <= 8 )
        ihave = 9;
        iterm = 1;
%  Exponent marker.
    elseif ( ch_eqi ( c, 'E' ) || ch_eqi ( c, 'D' ) )

      if ( ihave < 6 )
        ihave = 6;
        iterm = 1;
%  Digit.
    elseif ( ihave < 11 && ch_is_digit ( c ) )

      if ( ihave <= 2 )
        ihave = 3;
      elseif ( ihave == 4 )
        ihave = 5;
      elseif ( ihave == 6 || ihave == 7 )
        ihave = 8;
      elseif ( ihave == 9 )
        ihave = 10;

      d = ch_to_digit ( c );

      if ( ihave == 3 )
        rtop = 10.0 * rtop + d;
      elseif ( ihave == 5 )
        rtop = 10.0 * rtop + d;
        rbot = 10.0 * rbot;
      elseif ( ihave == 8 )
        jtop = 10 * jtop + d;
      elseif ( ihave == 10 )
        jtop = 10 * jtop + d;
        jbot = 10 * jbot;
%  Anything else is regarded as a terminator.
      iterm = 1;
%  If we haven't seen a terminator, and we haven't examined the
%  entire string, go get the next character.
    if ( iterm == 1 || s_length <= lchar + 1 )

%  If we haven't seen a terminator, and we have examined the
%  entire string, then we're done, and LCHAR is equal to S_LENGTH.
  if ( iterm ~= 1 && lchar + 1 == s_length )
    lchar = s_length;
%  Number seems to have terminated.  Have we got a legal number?
%  Not if we terminated in states 1, 2, 6 or 7!
  if ( ihave == 1 || ihave == 2 || ihave == 6 || ihave == 7 )
    ierror = ihave;
    fprintf ( 1, '\n' );
    fprintf ( 1, 'S_TO_R8 - Fatal error!\n' );
    fprintf ( 1, '  IHAVE = %d\n', ihave );
    error ( 'S_TO_R8 - Fatal error!' );
%  Number seems OK.  Form it.
  if ( jtop == 0 )
    rexp = 1.0;

    if ( jbot == 1 )
      rexp = 10.0 ^ ( jsgn * jtop );
      rexp = jsgn * jtop;
      rexp = rexp / jbot;
      rexp = 10.0 ^ rexp;


  r = isgn * rexp * rtop / rbot;

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