[b0038] python 归纳 (二三)_多进程数据共享和同步_队列Queue
1 队列读写
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ 多进程 共享 队列 multiprocessing.Process 逻辑: 一个进程往队列写数据,一个进程从读写读数据 写进程完了后,主进程强行结束读进程 使用: 1. 创建队列 q = multiprocessing.Queue() ,默认无限大小,可以指定大小 2. 把队列 q 当参数传给 子进程 执行代码, 猜测应该不能通过全局变量的方式访问 3. 在子进程中读写队列数据 q.put(<data>) q.get() 参考: 方法 'cancel_join_thread', 'close', 'empty', 'full', 'get', 'get_nowait', 'join_thread', 'put', 'put_nowait', 'qsize' """ from multiprocessing import Queue, Process import time def write(q): for i in ['a','b','c','d']: time.sleep(2) q.put(i) print ('put {0} to queue'.format(i)) def read(q): while 1: time.sleep(2) result = q.get() print ("get {0} from queue".format(result)) def main(): q = Queue() pw = Process(target=write, args=(q,)) pr = Process(target=read, args=(q,)) pw.start() pr.start() pw.join() pr.terminate() # 强行终止读进程 if __name__ == '__main__': main() """ Out: put a to queue get a from queue put b to queue get b from queue put c to queue get c from queue put d to queue get d from queue """
2 队列实现生产者、消费者
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ 多进程 生产者 消费者模型,使用队列实现 multiprocessing.Queue 逻辑: 1个生产者,1个消费者在2个不同的进程中操作同一个队列 生产者的速度是消费者的3倍 """ import multiprocessing import random import time # 生产者 class producer(multiprocessing.Process): def __init__(self, queue): multiprocessing.Process.__init__(self) # 父类构造 self.queue = queue def run(self): for i in range(10): item = random.randint(0, 256) # 往队列写数据 self.queue.put(item) print("Process Producer: item %d appended to queue %s " \ %(item, self.name)) time.sleep(1) print("The size of queue is %s" \ % self.queue.qsize()) # 消费者 class consumer(multiprocessing.Process): def __init__(self, queue): multiprocessing.Process.__init__(self) # 父类构造 self.queue = queue def run(self): while True: if (self.queue.empty()): print("the queue is empty") break else: time.sleep(2) # 从队列读取数据,队列为空会阻塞,这做了非空判断,只有一个进程读,不会阻塞 item = self.queue.get() print("Process Consumer: item %d poped from by %s " \ % (item, self.name)) time.sleep(1) if __name__ == '__main__': # 多进程共享对列 queue = multiprocessing.Queue() ## 启动生产者、消费者 process_producer = producer(queue) process_consumer = consumer(queue) process_producer.start() process_consumer.start() process_producer.join() process_consumer.join() """ Out: the queue is empty Process Producer: item 225 appended to queue producer-1 The size of queue is 1 Process Producer: item 101 appended to queue producer-1 The size of queue is 2 Process Producer: item 50 appended to queue producer-1 The size of queue is 3 Process Producer: item 217 appended to queue producer-1 The size of queue is 4 Process Producer: item 75 appended to queue producer-1 The size of queue is 5 Process Producer: item 45 appended to queue producer-1 The size of queue is 6 Process Producer: item 19 appended to queue producer-1 The size of queue is 7 Process Producer: item 157 appended to queue producer-1 The size of queue is 8 Process Producer: item 127 appended to queue producer-1 The size of queue is 9 Process Producer: item 223 appended to queue producer-1 The size of queue is 10 """