Fun with the CRM StringMapEver wonder how (or where) CRM stores the related values for picklists? The answer is in the Stringmap table. Unfortunately, there's not a quick and easy method for looking at and comparing picklist values in CRM - you're pretty much stuck with the In this post, I&# 阅读全文
1.FOR XML RAW 2.FOR XML AUTO3.FOR XML EXPLICIT4.更改显示Tag为中文5.同表 多层6.异表 多层7.处理数据及日期等的Null值==================数据库Person表中的数据为personName personAge lisi 30 zhangsan 30 1. ----------[ RAW ]---------SELECT [personName], [personAge] FROM [TestDB].[dbo].[person]FOR XML RAW结果:<row personName="lisi &quo 阅读全文