
color: #999999 | rgb(100,14,200) | menu | red Text color
font-family: cursive | fantasy | monospace | serif | sans-serif Text font
font-size: 12px | 20% Text size
font-style: normal | italic | oblique Text style
font-variant: normal | small-caps Wheather text consists of small capital letters
letter-spacing: 1pt Space between letters
line-height: normal | 150% Line height
font-weight: normal | bold | bolder | lighter | 500 Text weight
vertical-align: baseline |sub | super |top | text-top |middle |bottom |text-bottom |0 |-2.5 | 20% Vertical position of the text
text-decoration: none | underline | blink | overline | line-through Add a line to the text
text-transform: none | capitalize | uppercase | lowercase Change the form of the text
text-align: left | right | center | justify Horizonal position of the text
background-color: transparent | #999999 | rgb(100,14,200) | menu | red Background color
background-repeat: repeat | no-repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y How to repeat the background
background-position: 35% 85% | 35% 2.5cm | 3.25in | top right Background position(single value will be applyed to X, and Y will then be set as 50%)
background-image: none | url(http://www.a.com/jpg) | url(images/a.jpg) Background image
background-attachment: scroll | fixed Wheather the background image can scroll with the content
position: static | absolute | fixed | relative How to position the div
z-index: auto | 0 | 3 Overlappig oder
top: auto | -3px | 20% blank to the top, similar to right,bottom,left
a:link font-size: 14pt; text-decoration: underline; color: blue; What will happen with a link
(some selector):hover What will happen when mouse hovered
(some selector):active What will happen when some controller is actived
(some selector):visited What will happen when a link has been visiteed
(some selector):focus What will happen when the keyboard is focused on something
(some selector):first-letter What the first letter is like
(some selector):first-line What the first line is like
(some selector):first-child What the first child element is like
@page :first { margin: 4cm } What the first page is like

For more information, refer to:http://www.divcss5.com/shouce/

posted on 2011-08-26 20:59  韶子  阅读(220)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报