Search a 2D Matrix
Search a 2D Matrix
Write an efficient algorithm that searches for a value in an m x n matrix. This matrix has the following properties:
- Integers in each row are sorted from left to right.
- The first integer of each row is greater than the last integer of the previous row.
public class Solution { public boolean searchMatrix(int[][] matrix, int target) { if(matrix == null || matrix.length == 0 || matrix[0].length == 0) return false; int row = matrix.length; int col = matrix[0].length; int[] cols = new int[row]; for(int i = 0; i < row; i++) { cols[i] = matrix[i][0]; } int rowIndex = getIndex(cols, target); if(rowIndex < 0) return false; int[] rows = new int[col]; for(int i = 0; i < col; i++) { rows[i] = matrix[rowIndex][i]; } int colIndex = getIndex(rows, target); return rows[colIndex] == target ? true : false; } public int getIndex(int[] array, int target) { int left = 0; int right = array.length - 1; while(left <= right) { int mid = (left + right)/2; if(target == array[mid]) { return mid; } else if(target > array[mid]) { left = mid + 1; } else { right = mid - 1; } } return left - 1; } }
public class Solution { public boolean searchMatrix(int[][] matrix, int target) { if (matrix == null || matrix.length == 0 || matrix[0].length == 0) { return false; } int rows = matrix.length; int cols = matrix[0].length; int num = rows * cols; int left = 0; int right = num - 1; while (left <= right) { int mid = left + (right - left) / 2; int row = mid / cols; int col = mid % cols; int n = matrix[row][col]; if (n == target) { return true; } else if (n < target) { left = mid + 1; } else { right = mid - 1; } } return false; } }
他人代码的思路更加简洁,把整个矩阵看成一个Array,好想法,rowNum = num/row colNum = num % col 思路实在是妙
posted on 2015-03-08 16:26 zhouzhou0615 阅读(178) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报