Magic Studio






一直以来都是采用WinZIP进行压缩的,调用起来方便,而且公司也有版权,所以就没有考虑过其他的东东。不过唯一不足的地方就是需要安装(包括Win Zip和其Command Line Addon),而且需要让程序知道调用的WinZIP路径,配置起来不是很方便。



using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;

using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip;
using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Checksums;
using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.GZip;

namespace BenQ.Modias.Utility
    ///**  Creator     : Venus Feng
    ///**  Create Date : 2006-9-19 16:21
    ///**  Modifier    :
    ///**  Modify Date :
    ///**  Description : Use ICSharpZipLib to ZIP File
    ///**  Version No  : 1.0.0
    public class ZIPPER : IDisposable
        private string m_FolderToZIP;
        private ArrayList m_FileNamesToZIP;
        private string m_FileNameZipped;
        private ZipOutputStream m_ZipStream = null;
        private Crc32 m_Crc;

        Begin for Public Properties#region Begin for Public Properties
        /**//// <summary>
        /// Folder Name to ZIP
        /// Like "C:Test"
        /// </summary>
        public  string FolderToZIP
            get ...{ return m_FolderToZIP; }
            set ...{ m_FolderToZIP = value; }

        /**//// <summary>
        /// File Name to ZIP
        /// Like "C:TestTest.txt"
        /// </summary>
        public  ArrayList FileNamesToZIP
            get ...{ return m_FileNamesToZIP; }
            set ...{ m_FileNamesToZIP = value; }

        /**//// <summary>
        /// Zipped File Name
        /// Like "C:TestMyZipFile.ZIP"
        /// </summary>
        public  string FileNameZipped
            get ...{ return m_FileNameZipped; }
            set ...{ m_FileNameZipped = value; }

        /**//// <summary>
        /// The construct
        /// </summary>
        public ZIPPER()
            this.m_FolderToZIP = "";
            this.m_FileNamesToZIP = new ArrayList();
            this.m_FileNameZipped = "";

        ZipFolder#region ZipFolder
        /**//// <summary>
        /// Zip one folder : single level
        /// Before doing this event, you must set the Folder and the ZIP file name you want
        /// </summary>
        public void ZipFolder()
            if (this.m_FolderToZIP.Trim().Length == 0)
                throw new Exception("You must setup the folder name you want to zip!");

            if(Directory.Exists(this.m_FolderToZIP) == false)
                throw new Exception("The folder you input does not exist! Please check it!");
            if (this.m_FileNameZipped.Trim().Length == 0)
                throw new Exception("You must setup the zipped file name!");
            string[] fileNames = Directory.GetFiles(this.m_FolderToZIP.Trim());

            if (fileNames.Length == 0)
                throw new Exception("Can not find any file in this folder(" + this.m_FolderToZIP + ")!");

            // Create the Zip File

            // Zip all files
            foreach(string file in fileNames)

            // Close the Zip File

        ZipFiles#region ZipFiles
        /**//// <summary>
        /// Zip files
        /// Before doing this event, you must set the Files name and the ZIP file name you want
        /// </summary>
        public void ZipFiles()
            if (this.m_FileNamesToZIP.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("You must setup the files name you want to zip!");

            foreach(object file in this.m_FileNamesToZIP)
                if(File.Exists(((string)file).Trim()) == false)
                    throw new Exception("The file(" + (string)file + ") you input does not exist! Please check it!");

            if (this.m_FileNameZipped.Trim().Length == 0)
                throw new Exception("You must input the zipped file name!");

            // Create the Zip File

            // Zip this File
            foreach(object file in this.m_FileNamesToZIP)

            // Close the Zip File

        CreateZipFile#region CreateZipFile
        /**//// <summary>
        /// Create Zip File by FileNameZipped
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileNameZipped">zipped file name like "C:TestMyZipFile.ZIP"</param>
        private void CreateZipFile(string fileNameZipped)
            this.m_Crc = new Crc32();
            this.m_ZipStream = new ZipOutputStream(File.Create(fileNameZipped));
            this.m_ZipStream.SetLevel(6); // 0 - store only to 9 - means best compression

        CloseZipFile#region CloseZipFile
        /**//// <summary>
        /// Close the Zip file
        /// </summary>
        private void CloseZipFile()
            this.m_ZipStream = null;

        ZipSingleFile#region ZipSingleFile
        /**//// <summary>
        /// Zip single file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName">file name like "C:TestTest.txt"</param>
        private void ZipSingleFile(string fileNameToZip)
            // Open and read this file
            FileStream fso = File.OpenRead(fileNameToZip);

            // Read this file to Buffer
            byte[] buffer = new byte[fso.Length];

            // Create a new ZipEntry
            ZipEntry zipEntry = new ZipEntry(fileNameToZip.Split('\')[fileNameToZip.Split('\').Length - 1]);
            zipEntry.DateTime = DateTime.Now;
            // set Size and the crc, because the information
            // about the size and crc should be stored in the header
            // if it is not set it is automatically written in the footer.
            // (in this case size == crc == -1 in the header)
            // Some ZIP programs have problems with zip files that don't store
            // the size and crc in the header.
            zipEntry.Size = fso.Length;

            fso = null;

            // Using CRC to format the buffer
            zipEntry.Crc = this.m_Crc.Value;

            // Add this ZipEntry to the ZipStream

        IDisposable member#region IDisposable member

        /**//// <summary>
        /// Release all objects
        /// </summary>
        public void Dispose()
            if(this.m_ZipStream != null)
                this.m_ZipStream = null;




posted on 2009-07-08 23:00  Mr 布鲁斯  阅读(724)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
