
r.kapit.visualizer.renderers.DefaultItemRenderer //整个节点添加click处理函数对象类型

fr.kapit.visualizer.controls.NodeExpandControl //节点负责收放功能的+-号的对象类型

buttonMode=true //鼠标移动到组件变成小手形状


  • zoomRatio: specifies the zoom ratio  //大小变化的比率
  • zoomCenter: specifies the zoom focus point. This point will be static in the zoom process.//中心节点
  • relativeZoom: if set to true, the ratio value will be multiplied by the current zoom ratio to get the global zoom ratio that will be applied. In the other case, the ratio value will be applied as the global zoom value.
  • withAnimation: if set to true, the zoom process will be animated according to the Visualizer animation properties.
  • noEvent: if set to false, a VisualizerEvent.GRAPH_ZOOMED event is dispatched when zooming finishes (after animation if zooming is animated).

visualizer.hierarchicalTreeLayout.layerDistance=100;       //两层之间距离
visualizer.hierarchicalTreeLayout.defaultNodeDistance = 60;//节点间的距离

visualizer.hierarchicalTreeLayout.enableMoveToCenter=true/false  //布局是否移动到中心


nodeExpandPolicy="centerNode"/"fixNode"   //节点伸展方式



posted @ 2013-09-09 18:48  Mars、少年  阅读(217)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报