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ASPxPopupControl does not show up in the right place

Posted on 2011-02-25 12:52  sunrack  阅读(604)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

Created by Haithem at 2010/6/4 23:28:11
Attachment: Project.rar (27522 bytes)

Hi there,

I am trying to follow your example, so i can warn the user for some requirement


I have attached a test project, in which i have the aspxtextbox within an aspxnavbar. My issue is the aspxpopcontrol does not show near by the appropriate element. Could you check what i am doing wrong here.

Thank you for your help
Reviewed by DevExpress Team at 2010/6/5 1:45:51

Processed (Answered) by DevExpress Team at 2010/6/7 11:53:22
Attachment: Project_Q261869.zip (32759 bytes)

Hello Mohamed Haithem,

I'd like to note that the PopupWindow.PopupElementID property requires a Control.UniqueID. However, if a control resides in a naming container (ASPxNavBar in your situation, or similar), then its Control.UniqueID doesn't equal Control.ID and Control.ClientInstanceName. In your case, the ASPxTextBox.UniqueID is formed dynamically.

As a solution, I suggest that you set the PopupElementID property at runtime. For example:


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    ASPxTextBox txt1 = ASPxNavBar1.Groups[0].FindControl("text1") as ASPxTextBox;
    pcErrorW.Windows[0].PopupElementID = txt1.UniqueID;

    ASPxTextBox txt2 = ASPxNavBar1.Groups[1].FindControl("text2") as ASPxTextBox;
    pcErrorW.Windows[1].PopupElementID = txt2.UniqueID;
I've modified your project accordingly. Please check it, and let me know the result.


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
ASPxTextBox txt1
= ASPxNavBar1.Groups[0].FindControl("text1") as ASPxTextBox;
0].PopupElementID = txt1.UniqueID;

ASPxTextBox txt2
= ASPxNavBar1.Groups[1].FindControl("text2") as ASPxTextBox;
1].PopupElementID = txt2.UniqueID;