
转自 http://www.cnblogs.com/adamite/archive/2008/08/13/1267042.html




package my_pkg is




end my_pkg;

package body my_pkg is  --包体名字跟包名字一样




end my_pkg;



library .....

use ........


entity a is


end a;

architecture a_func of a is



end a_func;



library ......

use .........

entity b is


end b;

architecture b_func of b is



end b_func;







function bit_to_int(in1:bit_vector) return integer is

alias v1:bit_vector(in1'length-1 downto 0) is in1;

variable inpv:bit_vector(in1'length-1 downto 0);

variable sum:integer:=0;

variable negative:boolean:=false;



     if(v1(v1'length-1)='1') then

          for i in v1'length-1 downto 0 loop

               inpv(i):=not inpv(i);

          end loop;




     lp1:for i in 0 to v1'length-1 loop

          if(inpv(i)='1') then inpv(i)='0';

          else inpv(i)='1'; exit lp1;

          end if;

     end loop;

     negative :=true;--negative为负标志

     end if;



     for i in 0 to v1'length-1 loop

          if inpv(i)='1' then


          end if;

     end loop;


     【 sum:=0;

         for i in  v1'length-1 downto 0 loop


         if inpv(i)='1' then


         end if;

         end loop ;】


     if negative then




     end if;

end bit_to_int;



posted on 2009-10-21 07:49  月朗星稀  阅读(2249)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
