装SQL SERVER2000,结果在安装到数据库访问组件(MDAC)时出现了错误提示:


  SQL Redist
      Command line option syntax error. Type Command /? for Help.



    This problem may occur if all the following conditions are true:

 • You run the SQL Server 2000 SP3 Setup.bat file from a folder that contains double-byte character set (DBCS) characters in the folder name.

     • An ODBC client program that uses the Sqlsrv32.dll file is running on your computer.






    如果你把安装文件放在一个拥有双字节的名字的文件夹里就活该倒大霉。我的SQL SERVER2000安装文件放在了桌面上,而汉字正是所谓的双字节。将文件夹名字改回英文再装,问题解决了。

MSSQL2000 安装过程中出现挂起的解决办法:
    在运行窗口输入regedit,打开注册表编辑器,在HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"SYSTEM"ControlSet001"Control "Session Manager中找到PendingFileRenameOperations,删除该键值,关闭注册表编辑器。重新安装SQL Server 2000 .