Zabbix Server参数文件详解
- zabbix_server.conf:zabbix server的配置文件
- zabbix_proxy.conf:zabbix proxy的配置文件
- zabbix_agentd.conf:zabbix agentd的配置文件
Zabbix安装完成后,服务端默认的配置文件存在安装文件夹中的etc目录中,假设编译的参数是“--prefix=/usr/local/zabbix”,那么服务端的配置文件则保存在“/usr/loca/zabbix/etc/”目录下。zabbix_server.conf参数除了保证服务正常运行外,还会影响服务器的性能。如果参数设定不合理可能会导致zabbix添加主机不正常、代理端数据无法正常收集或是zabbix服务器性能严重下降,经常报告CPU占用过高或是IO占用过高等问题。本文说明了zabbix server的配置文件中的通用参数和大部分高级参数的具体用法,内容如下:
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DBUser and DBPassword are ignored. //数据库名。对SQLite3来说,必须提供数据文件的路径,DBUser和DBPassword参数可忽略 # # Mandatory: yes # Default: # DBName= ### Option: DBSchema # Schema name. Used for IBM DB2 and PostgreSQL. //模式名。用于DB2或PostgreSQL数据库 # # Mandatory: no # Default: # DBSchema= ### Option: DBUser # Database user. Ignored for SQLite. //连接数据库的用户名,SQLite忽略该参数 # # Mandatory: no # Default: # DBUser= ### Option: DBPassword # Database password. Ignored for SQLite. # Comment this line if no password is used. //连接数据库的密码,SQLite忽略该参数 # # Mandatory: no # Default: # DBPassword= ### Option: DBSocket # Path to MySQL socket. //socket文件的路径 # # Mandatory: no # Default: # DBSocket=/tmp/mysql.sock ### Option: DBPort # Database port when not using local socket. Ignored for SQLite. //数据库监听端口,SQLite忽略该参数 # # Mandatory: no # Range: 1024-65535 # Default (for MySQL): # DBPort=3306 ############ ADVANCED PARAMETERS ################ ### Option: StartPollers # Number of pre-forked instances of pollers. //系统初始化时,预分配子进程数量。数量越多,则服务端吞吐能力越强,对系统资源消耗越大。 # # Mandatory: no # Range: 0-1000 # Default: # StartPollers=5 ### Option: StartIPMIPollers # Number of pre-forked instances of IPMI pollers. //系统初始化时,预分配的使用ipmi协议获取主机硬件状态的进程数量。 # # Mandatory: no # Range: 0-1000 # Default: # StartIPMIPollers=0 ### Option: StartPollersUnreachable # Number of pre-forked instances of pollers for unreachable hosts (including IPMI and Java). # At least one poller for unreachable hosts must be running if regular, IPMI or Java pollers # are started. //系统初始化时,预分配用于探测某些不可达主机的(含IPMI、JAVA)的进程数量;若使用场景中含有代理端,建议保持默认;若Agent较多,可视具体情况调整。 # # Mandatory: no # Range: 0-1000 # Default: # StartPollersUnreachable=1 ### Option: StartTrappers # Number of pre-forked instances of trappers. # Trappers accept incoming connections from Zabbix sender, active agents and active proxies. # At least one trapper process must be running to display server availability and view queue # in the frontend. //系统初始化时,预分配的用于接收zabbix sender提交来数据的进程。 # # Mandatory: no # Range: 0-1000 # Default: # StartTrappers=5 ### Option: StartPingers # Number of pre-forked instances of ICMP pingers. //系统初始化时,预分配的icmp ping进程的数量。若单台代理所管理机器超过500台,建议加大此数值 # # Mandatory: no # Range: 0-1000 # Default: # StartPingers=1 ### Option: StartDiscoverers # Number of pre-forked instances of discoverers. //系统初始化时,预分配的自动发现主机的线程数量。若单台代理所管理机器超过500台,可以考虑加大此数值(仅适用于AGENT场景) # # Mandatory: no # Range: 0-250 # Default: # StartDiscoverers=1 ### Option: StartHTTPPollers # Number of pre-forked instances of HTTP pollers. //系统预分配的用于设置WEB监控进程数,可视具体情况增加或减少此数值。 # # Mandatory: no # Range: 0-1000 # Default: # StartHTTPPollers=1 ### Option: StartTimers # Number of pre-forked instances of timers. # Timers process time-based trigger functions and maintenance periods. # Only the first timer process handles the maintenance periods. //各实例计时器数量 # # Mandatory: no # Range: 1-1000 # Default: # StartTimers=1 ### Option: StartEscalators # Number of pre-forked instances of escalators. # # Mandatory: no # Range: 0-100 # Default: # StartEscalators=1 ### Option: StartVMwareCollectors # Number of pre-forked vmware collector instances. //用于监控VMWARE Esxi主机实例的进程数量,为0则不启用,若要监控ESXI主机,此值最少为1 ;视监控ESXI数量设置对应数值 # # Mandatory: no # Range: 0-250 # Default: # StartVMwareCollectors=0 ### Option: VMwareFrequency # How often Zabbix will connect to VMware service to obtain a new data. //Zabbix连接WMware service获取新数据的频率 # # Mandatory: no # Range: 10-86400 # Default: # VMwareFrequency=60 ### Option: VMwarePerfFrequency # How often Zabbix will connect to VMware service to obtain performance data. # # Mandatory: no # Range: 10-86400 # Default: # VMwarePerfFrequency=60 ### Option: VMwareCacheSize # Size of VMware cache, in bytes. # Shared memory size for storing VMware data. # Only used if VMware collectors are started. //用于缓存VMware数据的共享内存 # # Mandatory: no # Range: 256K-2G # Default: # VMwareCacheSize=8M ### Option: VMwareTimeout # Specifies how many seconds vmware collector waits for response from VMware service. # # Mandatory: no # Range: 1-300 # Default: # VMwareTimeout=10 ### Option: SNMPTrapperFile # Temporary file used for passing data from SNMP trap daemon to the server. # Must be the same as in or SNMPTT configuration file. # # Mandatory: no # Default: # SNMPTrapperFile=/tmp/zabbix_traps.tmp ### Option: StartSNMPTrapper # If 1, SNMP trapper process is started. //是否启用snmptrapper功能 ,默认不启用=0,启用=1 # # Mandatory: no # Range: 0-1 # Default: # StartSNMPTrapper=0 ### Option: ListenIP # List of comma delimited IP addresses that the trapper should listen on. # Trapper will listen on all network interfaces if this parameter is missing. # # Mandatory: no # Default: # ListenIP= # ListenIP= ### Option: HousekeepingFrequency # How often Zabbix will perform housekeeping procedure (in hours). # Housekeeping is removing outdated information from the database. # To prevent Housekeeper from being overloaded, no more than 4 times HousekeepingFrequency # hours of outdated information are deleted in one housekeeping cycle, for each item. # To lower load on server startup housekeeping is postponed for 30 minutes after server start. # With HousekeepingFrequency=0 the housekeeper can be only executed using the runtime control option. # In this case the period of outdated information deleted in one housekeeping cycle is 4 times the # period since the last housekeeping cycle, but not less than 4 hours and not greater than 4 days. //多少小时清理一次数据库的 history, alert, and alarms数据 # # Mandatory: no # Range: 0-24 # Default: # HousekeepingFrequency=1 ### Option: MaxHousekeeperDelete # The table "housekeeper" contains "tasks" for housekeeping procedure in the format: # [housekeeperid], [tablename], [field], [value]. # No more than 'MaxHousekeeperDelete' rows (corresponding to [tablename], [field], [value]) # will be deleted per one task in one housekeeping cycle. # SQLite3 does not use this parameter, deletes all corresponding rows without a limit. # If set to 0 then no limit is used at all. In this case you must know what you are doing! //housekeeping一次删除的数据不能大于MaxHousekeeperDelete # # Mandatory: no # Range: 0-1000000 # Default: # MaxHousekeeperDelete=5000 ### Option: SenderFrequency # How often Zabbix will try to send unsent alerts (in seconds). //指定间隔多少秒后,再尝试发送为发送的报警 # # Mandatory: no # Range: 5-3600 # Default: # SenderFrequency=30 ### Option: CacheSize # Size of configuration cache, in bytes. # Shared memory size for storing host, item and trigger data. //分配多少共享内存用于存储配置信息,HOST,ITEM,TRIGGER数据,视监控主机数量和监控项调整,建议调整到32M或者更大,2.2.3版本之前最大支持2G,目前最大支持8G,一般用不了多少。 # # Mandatory: no # Range: 128K-8G # Default: # CacheSize=8M ### Option: CacheUpdateFrequency # How often Zabbix will perform update of configuration cache, in seconds. //更新系统CACHE频率,若管理页面操作不频繁,可以考虑加大参数值 # # Mandatory: no # Range: 1-3600 # Default: # CacheUpdateFrequency=60 ### Option: StartDBSyncers # Number of pre-forked instances of DB Syncers. //将采集数据从CACHE同步到数据库线程数量,视数据库服务器I/O繁忙情况,和数据库写能力调整。数值越大,写能力越强。对数据库服务器I/O压力越大。 # # Mandatory: no # Range: 1-100 # Default: # StartDBSyncers=4 ### Option: HistoryCacheSize # Size of history cache, in bytes. # Shared memory size for storing history data. //设置划分多少共享内存用于存储采集的历史数据,此数值越大,数据库读压力越小 # # Mandatory: no # Range: 128K-2G # Default: # HistoryCacheSize=16M ### Option: HistoryIndexCacheSize # Size of history index cache, in bytes. # Shared memory size for indexing history cache. //历史数据索引缓存 # # Mandatory: no # Range: 128K-2G # Default: # HistoryIndexCacheSize=4M ### Option: TrendCacheSize # Size of trend cache, in bytes. # Shared memory size for storing trends data. //用于设置划分多少共享内存用于存储计算出来的趋势数据,此参数值从一定程度上可影响数据库读压力 # # Mandatory: no # Range: 128K-2G # Default: # TrendCacheSize=4M ### Option: ValueCacheSize # Size of history value cache, in bytes. # Shared memory size for caching item history data requests. # Setting to 0 disables value cache. //0表示禁用,history value缓存大小,当缓存超标了,将会每隔5分钟往server日志里面记录。 # # Mandatory: no # Range: 0,128K-64G # Default: # ValueCacheSize=8M ### Option: Timeout # Specifies how long we wait for agent, SNMP device or external check (in seconds). <br>//与AGNET、SNMP设备和其它外部设备通信超时设置,单位为秒;若采集数据不完整或网络繁忙,或从管理页面发现客户端状态变化频繁,可以考虑加大此数值。注意若此数值加大,应该考虑参数StartPollers 是否有相应加大的必要。 # # Mandatory: no # Range: 1-30 # Default: # Timeout=3 ### Option: TrapperTimeout # Specifies how many seconds trapper may spend processing new data. //启用trapper功能,用于进程等待超时设置。 # # Mandatory: no # Range: 1-300 # Default: # TrapperTimeout=300 ### Option: UnreachablePeriod # After how many seconds of unreachability treat a host as unavailable. //当Agent端处于不可用状态下,间隔多少秒后,尝试重新连接。建议根据具体情况设置。注意,若此数值过小,若Agent端业务系统繁忙时,有可能造成报警误报 # # Mandatory: no # Range: 1-3600 # Default: # UnreachablePeriod=45 ### Option: UnavailableDelay # How often host is checked for availability during the unavailability period, in seconds. <br>//当Agent端处于不可用状态下,间隔多少秒后,进行状态检查。若出现可正常采集数据,但管理页面AGENT状态不正常、或在网络,端口等均通畅情况下,AGENT状态仍不正常,可以考虑加大此数值 # # Mandatory: no # Range: 1-3600 # Default: # UnavailableDelay=60 ### Option: UnreachableDelay # How often host is checked for availability during the unreachability period, in seconds. //当Agent端处于不可达状态下,延迟多少秒后,进行重新尝试,建议保持默认,在AGENT接入调试阶段,可考虑减少此数值 # # Mandatory: no # Range: 1-3600 # Default: # UnreachableDelay=15 ### Option: AlertScriptsPath # Full path to location of custom alert scripts. # Default depends on compilation options. //自定义告警脚本存放全路径 # # Mandatory: no # Default: # AlertScriptsPath=${datadir}/zabbix/alertscripts ### Option: LogSlowQueries # How long a database query may take before being logged (in milliseconds). # Only works if DebugLevel set to 3, 4 or 5. # 0 - don't log slow queries. //用于服务端数据库慢查询功能,单位是毫秒。若有服务端数据库监控慢查询的需求,可以视具体情况调整此数。 # # Mandatory: no # Range: 1-3600000 # Default: # LogSlowQueries=0 ### Option: TmpDir # Temporary directory. //指定临时目录路径 # # Mandatory: no # Default: # TmpDir=/tmp ### Option: StartProxyPollers # Number of pre-forked instances of pollers for passive proxies. //启用多少子进程与代理端通信,若代理端较多可考虑加大此数值 # # Mandatory: no # Range: 0-250 # Default: # StartProxyPollers=1 ### Option: ProxyConfigFrequency # How often Zabbix Server sends configuration data to a Zabbix Proxy in seconds. # This parameter is used only for proxies in the passive mode. //Zabbix服务端将配置文件数据同步到代理端的频率,仅适用于代理端为被动模式情况 # # Mandatory: no # Range: 1-3600*24*7 # Default: # ProxyConfigFrequency=3600 ### Option: ProxyDataFrequency # How often Zabbix Server requests history data from a Zabbix Proxy in seconds. # This parameter is used only for proxies in the passive mode. //Zabbix服务端请求代理端采集的数据的频率,仅适用代理端为被动模式情况 # # Mandatory: no # Range: 1-3600 # Default: # ProxyDataFrequency=1 ### Option: AllowRoot # Allow the server to run as 'root'. If disabled and the server is started by 'root', the server # will try to switch to the user specified by the User configuration option instead. # Has no effect if started under a regular user. # 0 - do not allow # 1 - allow //是否允许以root身份运行服务端 # # Mandatory: no # Default: # AllowRoot=0 ### Option: User # Drop privileges to a specific, existing user on the system. # Only has effect if run as 'root' and AllowRoot is disabled. //启动zabbix server的用户,在配置禁止root启动,并且当前shell用户是root得情况下有效。如果当前用户是abc,那么zabbix server的运行用户是abc # # Mandatory: no # Default: # User=zabbix ### Option: Include # You may include individual files or all files in a directory in the configuration file. # Installing Zabbix will create include directory in /usr/local/etc, unless modified during the compile time. //某些情况下,软件的参数配置文件很长,为了方便管理,将配置文件切割成N个配置文件,但为了主配置参数文件的简洁,便会启用INCLUDE参数,以方便程序读取指定目录下的所有配置文件 # # Mandatory: no # Default: # Include= # Include=/usr/local/etc/zabbix_server.general.conf # Include=/usr/local/etc/zabbix_server.conf.d/ # Include=/usr/local/etc/zabbix_server.conf.d/*.conf |
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