#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import threading # local_values = threading.local() class Foo(object): def __init__(self): self.name = 0 local_values = Foo() def func(num): local_values.name = num import time time.sleep(1) print(local_values.name,threading.current_thread().name) for i in range(5): th = threading.Thread(target=func, args=(i,), name='线程%s' % i) th.start()
1 2 3 4 5 | 4 线程 0 4 线程 1 4 线程 3 4 线程 2 4 线程 4 |
1. 本地线程,保证即使是多个线程,自己的值也是互相隔离。
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import threading local_values = threading.local() def func(num): local_values.name = num import time time.sleep(1) print(local_values.name, threading.current_thread().name) for i in range(20): th = threading.Thread(target=func, args=(i,), name='线程%s' % i) th.start()

from _thread import get_ident import threading def task(num): print(get_ident()) for i in range(10): th = threading.Thread(target=task,args=(i,),name='线程%s' % i) th.start()

class Foo(object): def __init__(self): pass def __setattr__(self, key, value): print(key,value) def __getattr__(self, item): print(item) obj = Foo() obj.xxx=123 obj.xxx

1 import threading 2 try: 3 from greenlet import getcurrent as get_ident # 协程 4 except ImportError: 5 try: 6 from thread import get_ident 7 except ImportError: 8 from _thread import get_ident # 线程 9 10 11 class Local(object): 12 13 def __init__(self): 14 #递归执行__setattr__ 15 # self.__storage__={} 16 # self.__ident_func__=get_ident 17 object.__setattr__(self, '__storage__', {}) 18 object.__setattr__(self, '__ident_func__', get_ident) 19 20 21 def __getattr__(self, name): 22 try: 23 return self.__storage__[self.__ident_func__()][name] 24 except KeyError: 25 raise AttributeError(name) 26 27 def __setattr__(self, name, value): 28 ident = self.__ident_func__() 29 storage = self.__storage__ 30 try: 31 storage[ident][name] = value 32 except KeyError: 33 storage[ident] = {name: value} 34 35 def __delattr__(self, name): 36 try: 37 del self.__storage__[self.__ident_func__()][name] 38 except KeyError: 39 raise AttributeError(name) 40 41 42 local_values = Local() 43 44 45 def task(num): 46 local_values.name = num 47 import time 48 time.sleep(1) 49 print(local_values.name, threading.current_thread().name) 50 51 52 for i in range(5): 53 th = threading.Thread(target=task, args=(i,),name='线程%s' % i) 54 th.start() 55 56 57 58 执行结果: 59 0 线程0 60 1 线程1 61 2 线程2 62 4 线程4 63 3 线程3
2. 上下文原理

#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from functools import partial from flask.globals import LocalStack, LocalProxy ls = LocalStack() class RequestContext(object): def __init__(self, environ): self.request = environ def _lookup_req_object(name): top = ls.top if top is None: raise RuntimeError(ls) return getattr(top, name) session = LocalProxy(partial(_lookup_req_object, 'request')) ls.push(RequestContext('c1')) # 当请求进来时,放入 print(session) # 视图函数使用 print(session) # 视图函数使用 ls.pop() # 请求结束pop ls.push(RequestContext('c2')) print(session) ls.push(RequestContext('c3')) print(session)
3. Flask内部实现

#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from greenlet import getcurrent as get_ident def release_local(local): local.__release_local__() class Local(object): __slots__ = ('__storage__', '__ident_func__') def __init__(self): # self.__storage__ = {} # self.__ident_func__ = get_ident object.__setattr__(self, '__storage__', {}) object.__setattr__(self, '__ident_func__', get_ident) def __release_local__(self): self.__storage__.pop(self.__ident_func__(), None) def __getattr__(self, name): try: return self.__storage__[self.__ident_func__()][name] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(name) def __setattr__(self, name, value): ident = self.__ident_func__() storage = self.__storage__ try: storage[ident][name] = value except KeyError: storage[ident] = {name: value} def __delattr__(self, name): try: del self.__storage__[self.__ident_func__()][name] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(name) class LocalStack(object): def __init__(self): self._local = Local() def __release_local__(self): self._local.__release_local__() def push(self, obj): """Pushes a new item to the stack""" rv = getattr(self._local, 'stack', None) if rv is None: self._local.stack = rv = [] rv.append(obj) return rv def pop(self): """Removes the topmost item from the stack, will return the old value or `None` if the stack was already empty. """ stack = getattr(self._local, 'stack', None) if stack is None: return None elif len(stack) == 1: release_local(self._local) return stack[-1] else: return stack.pop() @property def top(self): """The topmost item on the stack. If the stack is empty, `None` is returned. """ try: return self._local.stack[-1] except (AttributeError, IndexError): return None stc = LocalStack() stc.push(123) v = stc.pop() print(v)
1 2 3 4 5 6 | if __name__ = = '__main__' : # 1.1 app.__call__ app.request_class response_class = Response app.run() |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | # \flask\globals.py # context locals # 全局变量 _request_ctx_stack = LocalStack() # _app_ctx_stack = LocalStack() # current_app = LocalProxy(_find_app) request = LocalProxy(partial(_lookup_req_object, 'request' )) session = LocalProxy(partial(_lookup_req_object, 'session' )) # g = LocalProxy(partial(_lookup_app_object, 'g')) |
# Local类
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | class Local( object ): __slots__ = ( '__storage__' , '__ident_func__' ) def __init__( self ): object .__setattr__( self , '__storage__' , {}) object .__setattr__( self , '__ident_func__' , get_ident) def __getattr__( self , name): try : return self .__storage__[ self .__ident_func__()][name] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(name) def __setattr__( self , name, value): ident = self .__ident_func__() storage = self .__storage__ """ { 唯一标识(__ident_func__):{ stack:[ctx/requestcontext,]//栈 } } """ try : storage[ident][name] = value except KeyError: storage[ident] = {name: value} |
# LocalStack类
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | def __init__( self ): self ._local = Local() # LocalStack()就是我们之前写过的一个多线程数据相互隔离的类,每个线程都有一个唯一标识 # 每个线程都有一个独立的存储数据和访问数据的空间 # __storage__ __ident_func__ # \werkzeug\local.py # Local类 每个线程唯一标识 可以存储数据 # LocalStack类 实例化Local类 # LocalStack类 def push( self , obj): # 刚开始stack=[] rv = getattr ( self ._local, 'stack' , None ) if rv is None : self ._local.stack = rv = [] rv.append(obj) / / 执行Local的__setattr__方法 return rv def pop( self ): stack = getattr ( self ._local, 'stack' , None ) if stack is None : return None elif len (stack) = = 1 : release_local( self ._local) return stack[ - 1 ] else : return stack.pop() |
以上都是启动会加载的文件 ,创建唯一标识,并给这个标识赋值 stack=[],stack是个栈,存储着每个用户请求的对象(数据)RequestContext对象(ctx)
1 2 3 4 5 | { 唯一标识(__ident_func__):{ stack:[ctx / requestcontext,] / / 栈 } } |
response_class = Response
app.run() =》run_simple(host, port, self, **options) =》app.__call__
# \flask\app.py
# 主要从这里入手 分析代码
# Flask类(app)
1 2 | def __call__( self , environ, start_response): return self .wsgi_app(environ, start_response) |
def wsgi_app(self, environ, start_response): #将请求相关的数据environ封装到了RequestContext对象中 #再将对象封装到Local中(每个线程/每个协程独立空间存储) #request_context对象中有如下: #ctx.app 当前APP #ctx.request Request对象(封装请求相关的东西) #ctx.session #RequestContext类 ctx.py ctx = self.request_context(environ) error = None try: try: #RequestContext.push()->LocalStack.push #将封装了请求相关的RequestContext对象中的对象添加到LocalStack.push(self) #_request_ctx_stack = LocalStack() """ { 唯一标识(__ident_func__):{ stack:[ctx/requestcontext,]//栈 } } """ # 将ctx通过LocalStack添加到Local中 # 此时ctx中的session中已经有值了 ctx.push() response = self.full_dispatch_request() except Exception as e: error = e response = self.handle_exception(e) except: error = sys.exc_info()[1] raise return response(environ, start_response) finally: if self.should_ignore_error(error): error = None #RequestContext.pop()->LocalStack.pop(_request_ctx_stack.pop()) #_request_ctx_stack = LocalStack() #最后将自己请求在Local中保存的数据清除 ctx.auto_pop(error)
ctx = self.request_context(environ) 记住了!!!
1 2 | def request_context( self , environ):<br> #self=app return RequestContext( self , environ) |
#ctx.app 当前APP
#ctx.request Request对象(封装请求相关的东西)
# \flask\ctx.py # RequestContext类 def __init__(self, app, environ, request=None): self.app = app if request is None: request = app.request_class(environ) self.request = request self.url_adapter = app.create_url_adapter(self.request) self.flashes = None self.session = None self._implicit_app_ctx_stack = [] self.preserved = False self._preserved_exc = None self._after_request_functions = [] self.match_request() request = app.request_class(environ) #ctx.push def push(self): top = _request_ctx_stack.top if top is not None and top.preserved: top.pop(top._preserved_exc) app_ctx = _app_ctx_stack.top if app_ctx is None or app_ctx.app != self.app: # 应用上下文 # app_ctx = AppContext对象 # app_ctx.app = Flask对象 # app_ctx.g=对象(用于一个周期内要保存的值,相当于全局变量) app_ctx = self.app.app_context() app_ctx.push() self._implicit_app_ctx_stack.append(app_ctx) else: self._implicit_app_ctx_stack.append(None) if hasattr(sys, 'exc_clear'): sys.exc_clear() #selft 是RequestContext对象 也是app里面的ctx,包含了请求所有数据 #_request_ctx_stack = LocalStack() #相当于执行LocalStack.push() #self 就是RequestContext类 _request_ctx_stack.push() if self.session is None: session_interface = self.app.session_interface self.session = session_interface.open_session( self.app, self.request ) if self.session is None: self.session = session_interface.make_null_session(self.app)
1 | _request_ctx_stack.push() |
1 2 3 4 5 | #self 是RequestContext对象 也是app里面的ctx,包含了请求所有数据 #_request_ctx_stack = LocalStack() #相当于执行LocalStack.push() #self 就是RequestContext类 _request_ctx_stack.push() |
以上明白了吗?不明白可以去看看源码。。。。。 现在已经出现了
ctx=RequestContext app LocalStack Local 四个类
globals.py 刚开始启动加载的文件
到这里 请求上下文已经差不多了,每个请求都有一个独立数据存储空间,互补影响彼此。就是把request对象放到RequestContext.request属性里面,然后又把RequestContext对象放到每个线程(请求)或者是协程的一个唯一标识的stack栈中
# \flask\globals.py # 视图中执行print(request)发生了什么? # 执行LocalProxy类中的__str__方法 # 在globals.py文件中 (最开始在加载的文件) # context locals _request_ctx_stack = LocalStack() _app_ctx_stack = LocalStack() current_app = LocalProxy(_find_app) request = LocalProxy(partial(_lookup_req_object, 'request')) session = LocalProxy(partial(_lookup_req_object, 'session')) g = LocalProxy(partial(_lookup_app_object, 'g')) # 偏函数做了啥? #partial(_lookup_req_object, 'request') # 函数_lookup_req_object 去LocalStack获取唯一标识栈里面的值(RequestContext对象) def _lookup_req_object (name): # _request_ctx_stack = LocalStack() # 返回的其实就是刚开始塞到每个线程唯一标识里面的那个ctx/requestContext对象 top = _request_ctx_stack.top if top is None: raise RuntimeError(_request_ctx_err_msg) # 到requestContext对象取request属性值 request对象 return getattr(top, name) # LocalProxy类中的__str__方法 最终就是执行_lookup_req_object函数而已 __setattr__ = lambda x, n, v: setattr(x._get_current_object(), n, v) 在LocalStack类中: @property def top(self): """The topmost item on the stack. If the stack is empty, `None` is returned. """ try: return self._local.stack[-1] except (AttributeError, IndexError): return None def _get_current_object(self): if not hasattr(self.__local, '__release_local__'): # 执行_lookup_req_object函数 return self.__local() try: return getattr(self.__local, self.__name__) except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError('no object bound to %s' % self.__name__)
request = LocalProxy(partial(_lookup_req_object, 'request'))
print(request) => LocalProxy。__str__ => LocalProxy.__str__ = lambda x: str(x._get_current_object()) =>( _get_current_object 里面执行了 )self.__local()
LocalProxy.__local 就是传入的偏函数(
partial(_lookup_req_object, 'request')
最后执行self.__local() 相当于执行偏函数,返回request对象了
def __init__(self, local, name=None): #Local = partial(_lookup_req_object, 'request') #_local = _LocalProxy__local私有字段访问 object.__setattr__(self, '_LocalProxy__local', local) object.__setattr__(self, '__name__', name) if callable(local) and not hasattr(local, '__release_local__'): object.__setattr__(self, '__wrapped__', local) def _get_current_object(self): if not hasattr(self.__local, '__release_local__'): return self.__local() try: return getattr(self.__local, self.__name__) except AttributeError:

# _request_ctx_stack的应用 from flask.globals import _request_ctx_stack from functools import partial def _lookup_req_object(name): # name = request # top= ctx top = _request_ctx_stack.top if top is None: raise RuntimeError('不存在') # return ctx.request return getattr(top, name) class Foo(object): def __init__(self): self.xxx = 123 self.ooo = 888 req = partial(_lookup_req_object,'xxx') xxx = partial(_lookup_req_object,'ooo') # 当前求刚进来时 _request_ctx_stack.push(Foo()) # 使用 # obj = _request_ctx_stack.top # obj.xxx v1 = req() print(v1) v2 = xxx() print(v2) # 请求终止,将local中的值移除 _request_ctx_stack.pop()
- threading.Local和Flask自定义Local对象
- 请求到来
- ctx = 封装RequestContext(request,session)
- ctx放到Local中
- 执行视图时
- 导入request
- print(request) --> LocalProxy对象的__str__
- request.method --> LocalProxy对象的__getattr__
- request + 1 --> LocalProxy对象的__add__
- 调用 _lookup_req_object函数:去local中将requestContext想获取到,再去requestContext中获取request或session
- 请求结束
- ctx.auto_pop()
- ctx从local中移除。

from werkzeug.wsgi import DispatcherMiddleware from werkzeug.serving import run_simple from flask import Flask, current_app app1 = Flask('app01') app2 = Flask('app02') @app1.route('/index') def index(): return "app01" @app2.route('/index2') def index2(): return "app2" # http://www.oldboyedu.com/index # http://www.oldboyedu.com/sec/index2 dm = DispatcherMiddleware(app1, { '/sec': app2, }) if __name__ == "__main__": app2.__call__ run_simple('localhost', 5000, dm)

from flask import Flask,current_app,globals,_app_ctx_stack app1 = Flask('app01') app1.debug = False # 用户/密码/邮箱 # app_ctx = AppContext(self): # app_ctx.app # app_ctx.g app2 = Flask('app02') app2.debug = True # 用户/密码/邮箱 # app_ctx = AppContext(self): # app_ctx.app # app_ctx.g with app1.app_context():# __enter__方法 -> push -> app_ctx添加到_app_ctx_stack.local # {<greenlet.greenlet object at 0x00000000036E2340>: {'stack': [<flask.ctx.AppContext object at 0x00000000037CA438>]}} print(_app_ctx_stack._local.__storage__) print(current_app.config['DEBUG']) with app2.app_context(): # {<greenlet.greenlet object at 0x00000000036E2340>: {'stack': [<flask.ctx.AppContext object at 0x00000000037CA438> ]}} print(_app_ctx_stack._local.__storage__) print(current_app.config['DEBUG']) print(current_app.config['DEBUG'])

""" 需求:不用数据库连接池,显示数据库连接 """ class SQLHelper(object): def open(self): pass def fetch(self,sql): pass def close(self): pass def __enter__(self): self.open() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close() # obj = SQLHelper() # obj.open() # obj.fetch('select ....') # obj.close() with SQLHelper() as obj: # 自动调用类中的__enter__方法, obj就是__enter__返回值 obj.fetch('xxxx') # 当执行完毕后,自动调用类 __exit__ 方法 # 以后如果遇到:
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