

其次构造四元数方法osg::Quat quat(float radians, const Vec3f& axis),其中radians是旋转弧度, 后面的axis是旋转轴向量;

osg::Quat rotation(osg::Quat(roll,osg::Vec3(0.0,1.0,0.0))*osg::Quat(-(yaw+osg::inDegrees(90.0f)),osg::Vec3(0.0,0.0,1.0)));


其中的旋转分量, x轴是俯仰(pitch), y轴是横滚(roll), z轴是航向角度(yaw),.







using namespace std;


typedef double ValType;


struct Quat;

struct Matrix;


struct Quat {

ValType _v[4];//x, y, z, w


/// Length of the quaternion = sqrt( vec . vec )

ValType length() const


    return sqrt( _v[0]*_v[0] + _v[1]*_v[1] + _v[2]*_v[2] + _v[3]*_v[3]);



/// Length of the quaternion = vec . vec

ValType length2() const


    return _v[0]*_v[0] + _v[1]*_v[1] + _v[2]*_v[2] + _v[3]*_v[3];




struct Matrix {

ValType _mat[3][3];



#define QX q._v[0]

#define QY q._v[1]

#define QZ q._v[2]

#define QW q._v[3]


void Quat2Matrix(const Quat& q, Matrix& m)


    double length2 = q.length2();

    if (fabs(length2) <= std::numeric_limits<double>::min())


        m._mat[0][0] = 0.0; m._mat[1][0] = 0.0; m._mat[2][0] = 0.0;

        m._mat[0][1] = 0.0; m._mat[1][1] = 0.0; m._mat[2][1] = 0.0;

        m._mat[0][2] = 0.0; m._mat[1][2] = 0.0; m._mat[2][2] = 0.0;




        double rlength2;

        // normalize quat if required.

        // We can avoid the expensive sqrt in this case since all 'coefficients' below are products of two q components.

        // That is a square of a square root, so it is possible to avoid that

        if (length2 != 1.0)


            rlength2 = 2.0/length2;




            rlength2 = 2.0;



        // Source: Gamasutra, Rotating Objects Using Quaternions




        double wx, wy, wz, xx, yy, yz, xy, xz, zz, x2, y2, z2;


        // calculate coefficients

        x2 = rlength2*QX;

        y2 = rlength2*QY;

        z2 = rlength2*QZ;


        xx = QX * x2;

        xy = QX * y2;

        xz = QX * z2;


        yy = QY * y2;

        yz = QY * z2;

        zz = QZ * z2;


        wx = QW * x2;

        wy = QW * y2;

        wz = QW * z2;


        // Note. Gamasutra gets the matrix assignments inverted, resulting

        // in left-handed rotations, which is contrary to OpenGL and OSG's

        // methodology. The matrix assignment has been altered in the next

        // few lines of code to do the right thing.

        // Don Burns - Oct 13, 2001

        m._mat[0][0] = 1.0 - (yy + zz);

        m._mat[1][0] = xy - wz;

        m._mat[2][0] = xz + wy;



        m._mat[0][1] = xy + wz;

        m._mat[1][1] = 1.0 - (xx + zz);

        m._mat[2][1] = yz - wx;


        m._mat[0][2] = xz - wy;

        m._mat[1][2] = yz + wx;

        m._mat[2][2] = 1.0 - (xx + yy);




void Matrix2Quat(const Matrix& m, Quat& q)


    ValType s;

    ValType tq[4];

    int    i, j;


    // Use tq to store the largest trace

    tq[0] = 1 + m._mat[0][0]+m._mat[1][1]+m._mat[2][2];

    tq[1] = 1 + m._mat[0][0]-m._mat[1][1]-m._mat[2][2];

    tq[2] = 1 - m._mat[0][0]+m._mat[1][1]-m._mat[2][2];

    tq[3] = 1 - m._mat[0][0]-m._mat[1][1]+m._mat[2][2];


    // Find the maximum (could also use stacked if's later)

    j = 0;

    for(i=1;i<4;i++) j = (tq[i]>tq[j])? i : j;


    // check the diagonal

    if (j==0)


        /* perform instant calculation */

        QW = tq[0];

        QX = m._mat[1][2]-m._mat[2][1];

        QY = m._mat[2][0]-m._mat[0][2];

        QZ = m._mat[0][1]-m._mat[1][0];


    else if (j==1)


        QW = m._mat[1][2]-m._mat[2][1];

        QX = tq[1];

        QY = m._mat[0][1]+m._mat[1][0];

        QZ = m._mat[2][0]+m._mat[0][2];


    else if (j==2)


        QW = m._mat[2][0]-m._mat[0][2];

        QX = m._mat[0][1]+m._mat[1][0];

        QY = tq[2];

        QZ = m._mat[1][2]+m._mat[2][1];


    else /* if (j==3) */


        QW = m._mat[0][1]-m._mat[1][0];

        QX = m._mat[2][0]+m._mat[0][2];

        QY = m._mat[1][2]+m._mat[2][1];

        QZ = tq[3];



    s = sqrt(0.25/tq[j]);

    QW *= s;

    QX *= s;

    QY *= s;

    QZ *= s;



void printMatrix(const Matrix& r, string name)


cout<<"RotMat "<<name<<" = "<<endl;

cout<<"\t"<<r._mat[0][0]<<" "<<r._mat[0][1]<<" "<<r._mat[0][2]<<endl;

cout<<"\t"<<r._mat[1][0]<<" "<<r._mat[1][1]<<" "<<r._mat[1][2]<<endl;

cout<<"\t"<<r._mat[2][0]<<" "<<r._mat[2][1]<<" "<<r._mat[2][2]<<endl;




void printQuat(const Quat& q, string name)


cout<<"Quat "<<name<<" = "<<endl;

cout<<"\t"<<q._v[0]<<" "<<q._v[1]<<" "<<q._v[2]<<" "<<q._v[3]<<endl;




int main()


ValType phi, omiga, kappa;


phi = 1.32148229302237 ; omiga = 0.626224465189316 ; kappa = -1.4092143985971;


    ValType a1,a2,a3,b1,b2,b3,c1,c2,c3;


    a1 = cos(phi)*cos(kappa) - sin(phi)*sin(omiga)*sin(kappa);

    a2 = -cos(phi)*sin(kappa) - sin(phi)*sin(omiga)*cos(kappa);

    a3 = -sin(phi)*cos(omiga);


    b1 = cos(omiga)*sin(kappa);

    b2 = cos(omiga)*cos(kappa);

    b3 = -sin(omiga);


    c1 = sin(phi)*cos(kappa) + cos(phi)*sin(omiga)*sin(kappa);

    c2 = -sin(phi)*sin(kappa) + cos(phi)*sin(omiga)*cos(kappa);

    c3 = cos(phi)*cos(omiga);


    Matrix r;

    r._mat[0][0] = a1;

r._mat[0][1] = a2;

r._mat[0][2] = a3;


r._mat[1][0] = b1;

r._mat[1][1] = b2;

r._mat[1][2] = b3;


r._mat[2][0] = c1;

r._mat[2][1] = c2;

r._mat[2][2] = c3;


printMatrix(r, "r");




Quat q;

Matrix2Quat(r, q);


printQuat(q, "q");


Matrix _r;

Quat2Matrix(q, _r);


printMatrix(_r, "_r");



return 0;



源文档 <http://hi.baidu.com/simbaforrest/blog/item/328d7fb4a4c0ac7a8ad4b24b.html>

posted on 2012-02-06 13:14  sunliming  阅读(4517)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报