MO sample中的缓冲冲区的例子很简单的一个例子

Option Explicit

Private Sub Map1_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)

'Point buffering

If Option1.Value Then

Dim pt As New MapObjects2.Point

Dim eventPt As New MapObjects2.GeoEvent

Dim buffPt As New MapObjects2.Polygon

Dim buffEventPt As New MapObjects2.GeoEvent

Set pt = Map1.ToMapPoint(x, y)

Set eventPt = Map1.TrackingLayer.AddEvent(pt, 0)

Set buffPt = pt.Buffer(Text1.Text, Map1.FullExtent)

Set buffEventPt = Map1.TrackingLayer.AddEvent(buffPt, 3)

'Line buffering

ElseIf Option2.Value Then

Dim line As New MapObjects2.line

Dim eventLine As New MapObjects2.GeoEvent

Dim buffLine As New MapObjects2.Polygon

Dim buffEventLine As New MapObjects2.GeoEvent

Set line = Map1.TrackLine

Set eventLine = Map1.TrackingLayer.AddEvent(line, 1)

Set buffLine = line.Buffer(Text1.Text, Map1.FullExtent)

Set buffEventLine = Map1.TrackingLayer.AddEvent(buffLine, 3)

'Rectangle buffering

ElseIf Option3.Value Then

Dim rect As New MapObjects2.Rectangle

Dim eventRect As New MapObjects2.GeoEvent

Dim buffRect As New MapObjects2.Polygon

Dim buffEventRect As New MapObjects2.GeoEvent

Set rect = Map1.TrackRectangle

Set eventRect = Map1.TrackingLayer.AddEvent(rect, 2)

Set buffRect = rect.Buffer(Text1.Text, Map1.FullExtent)

Set buffEventRect = Map1.TrackingLayer.AddEvent(buffRect, 3)

'Polygon buffering

ElseIf Option4.Value Then

Dim poly As New MapObjects2.Polygon

Dim eventPoly As New MapObjects2.GeoEvent

Dim buffPoly As New MapObjects2.Polygon

Dim buffEventPoly As New MapObjects2.GeoEvent

Set poly = Map1.TrackPolygon

Set eventPoly = Map1.TrackingLayer.AddEvent(poly, 2)

Set buffPoly = poly.Buffer(Text1.Text, Map1.FullExtent)

Set buffEventPoly = Map1.TrackingLayer.AddEvent(buffPoly, 3)

'Ellipse buffering

ElseIf Option5.Value Then

Dim arect As New MapObjects2.Rectangle

Dim elli As New MapObjects2.Ellipse

Dim eventElli As New MapObjects2.GeoEvent

Dim buffElli As New MapObjects2.Polygon

Dim buffEventElli As New MapObjects2.GeoEvent

Set arect = Map1.TrackRectangle

elli.Top = arect.Top

elli.Bottom = arect.Bottom

elli.Left = arect.Left

elli.Right = arect.Right

Set eventElli = Map1.TrackingLayer.AddEvent(elli, 2)

Set buffElli = elli.Buffer(Text1.Text, Map1.FullExtent)

Set buffEventElli = Map1.TrackingLayer.AddEvent(buffElli, 3)

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Option1.Caption = "Point"

Option2.Caption = "Line"

Option3.Caption = "Rectangle"

Option4.Caption = "Polygon"

Option5.Caption = "Ellipse"

Text1.Text = "100"

Map1.TrackingLayer.SymbolCount = 4

With Map1.TrackingLayer.Symbol(0)

.SymbolType = moPointSymbol

.Style = moTriangleMarker

.Color = moRed

.Size = 3

End With

With Map1.TrackingLayer.Symbol(1)

.SymbolType = moLineSymbol

.Color = moRed

.Size = 3

End With

With Map1.TrackingLayer.Symbol(2)

.SymbolType = moFillSymbol

.Style = moGrayFill

.Color = moRed

.OutlineColor = moRed

End With

With Map1.TrackingLayer.Symbol(3)

.SymbolType = moFillSymbol

.Style = moGrayFill

.Color = moBlue

.OutlineColor = moBlue

End With

End Sub



posted on 2010-04-27 11:12  sunliming  阅读(462)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报