2using System;
3 using System.Data;
4 using System.DirectoryServices;
5 using System.Collections;
6 namespace Aspcn.Management
7 {
8 /// <summary>
9 /// IISManager 的摘要说明。
10 /// </summary>
11 public class IISManager
12 {
13 //定义需要使用的
14 private string _server,_website;
15 private VirtualDirectories _virdirs;
16 protected System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry rootfolder;
17 private bool _batchflag;
18 public IISManager()
19 {
20 //默认情况下使用localhost,即访问本地机
21 _server = "localhost";
22 _website = "1";
23 _batchflag = false;
24 }
25 public IISManager(string strServer)
26 {
27 _server = strServer;
28 _website = "1";
29 _batchflag = false;
30 }
31 /// <summary>
32 /// 定义公共属性
33 /// </summary>
35 //Server属性定义访问机器的名字,可以是IP与计算名
36 public string Server
37 {
38 get{ return _server;}
39 set{ _server = value;}
40 }
41 //WebSite属性定义,为一数字,为方便,使用string
42 //一般来说第一台主机为1,第二台主机为2,依次类推
43 public string WebSite
44 {
45 get{ return _website; }
46 set{ _website = value; }
47 }
49 //虚拟目录的名字
50 public VirtualDirectories VirDirs
51 {
52 get{ return _virdirs; }
53 set{ _virdirs = value;}
54 }
55 ///<summary>
56 ///定义公共方法
57 ///</summary>
59 //连接服务器
60 public void Connect()
61 {
62 ConnectToServer();
63 }
64 //为方便重载
65 public void Connect(string strServer)
66 {
67 _server = strServer;
68 ConnectToServer();
69 }
70 //为方便重载
71 public void Connect(string strServer,string strWebSite)
72 {
73 _server = strServer;
74 _website = strWebSite;
75 ConnectToServer();
76 }
77 //判断是否存这个虚拟目录
78 public bool Exists(string strVirdir)
79 {
80 return _virdirs.Contains(strVirdir);
81 }
82 //添加一个虚拟目录
83 public void Create(VirtualDirectory newdir)
84 {
85 string strPath = "IIS://" + _server + "/W3SVC/" + _website + "/ROOT/" + newdir.Name;
86 if(!_virdirs.Contains(newdir.Name) || _batchflag )
87 {
88 try
89 {
90 //加入到ROOT的Children集合中去
91 DirectoryEntry newVirDir = rootfolder.Children.Add(newdir.Name,"IIsWebVirtualDir");
92 newVirDir.Invoke("AppCreate",true);
93 newVirDir.CommitChanges();
94 rootfolder.CommitChanges();
95 //然后更新数据
96 UpdateDirInfo(newVirDir,newdir);
97 }
98 catch(Exception ee)
99 {
100 throw new Exception(ee.ToString());
101 }
102 }
103 else
104 {
105 throw new Exception("This virtual directory is already exist.");
106 }
107 }
108 //得到一个虚拟目录
109 public VirtualDirectory GetVirDir(string strVirdir)
110 {
111 VirtualDirectory tmp = null;
112 if(_virdirs.Contains(strVirdir))
113 {
114 tmp = _virdirs.Find(strVirdir);
115 ((VirtualDirectory)_virdirs[strVirdir]).flag = 2;
116 }
117 else
118 {
119 throw new Exception("This virtual directory is not exists");
120 }
121 return tmp;
122 }
124 //更新一个虚拟目录
125 public void Update(VirtualDirectory dir)
126 {
127 //判断需要更改的虚拟目录是否存在
128 if(_virdirs.Contains(dir.Name))
129 {
130 DirectoryEntry ode = rootfolder.Children.Find(dir.Name,"IIsWebVirtualDir");
131 UpdateDirInfo(ode,dir);
132 }
133 else
134 {
135 throw new Exception("This virtual directory is not exists.");
136 }
137 }
139 //删除一个虚拟目录
140 public void Delete(string strVirdir)
141 {
142 if(_virdirs.Contains(strVirdir))
143 {
144 object[] paras = new object[2];
145 paras[0] = "IIsWebVirtualDir"; //表示操作的是虚拟目录
146 paras[1] = strVirdir;
147 rootfolder.Invoke("Delete",paras);
148 rootfolder.CommitChanges();
149 }
150 else
151 {
152 throw new Exception("Can't delete " + strVirdir + ",because it isn't exists.");
153 }
154 }
155 //批量更新
156 public void UpdateBatch()
157 {
158 BatchUpdate(_virdirs);
159 }
160 //重载一个:-)
161 public void UpdateBatch(VirtualDirectories vds)
162 {
163 BatchUpdate(vds);
164 }
166 ///<summary>
167 ///私有方法
168 ///</summary>
170 //连接服务器
171 private void ConnectToServer()
172 {
173 string strPath = "IIS://" + _server + "/W3SVC/" + _website +"/ROOT";
174 try
175 {
176 this.rootfolder = new DirectoryEntry(strPath);
177 _virdirs = GetVirDirs(this.rootfolder.Children);
178 }
179 catch(Exception e)
180 {
181 throw new Exception("Can't connect to the server ["+ _server +"] ",e);
182 }
183 }
184 //执行批量更新
185 private void BatchUpdate(VirtualDirectories vds)
186 {
187 _batchflag = true;
188 foreach(object item in vds.Values)
189 {
190 VirtualDirectory vd = (VirtualDirectory)item;
191 switch(vd.flag)
192 {
193 case 0:
194 break;
195 case 1:
196 Create(vd);
197 break;
198 case 2:
199 Update(vd);
200 break;
201 }
202 }
203 _batchflag = false;
204 }
205 //更新东东
206 private void UpdateDirInfo(DirectoryEntry de,VirtualDirectory vd)
207 {
208 de.Properties["AnonymousUserName"][0] = vd.AnonymousUserName;
209 de.Properties["AnonymousUserPass"][0] = vd.AnonymousUserPass;
210 de.Properties["AccessRead"][0] = vd.AccessRead;
211 de.Properties["AccessExecute"][0] = vd.AccessExecute;
212 de.Properties["AccessWrite"][0] = vd.AccessWrite;
213 de.Properties["AuthBasic"][0] = vd.AuthBasic;
214 de.Properties["AuthNTLM"][0] = vd.AuthNTLM;
215 de.Properties["ContentIndexed"][0] = vd.ContentIndexed;
216 de.Properties["EnableDefaultDoc"][0] = vd.EnableDefaultDoc;
217 de.Properties["EnableDirBrowsing"][0] = vd.EnableDirBrowsing;
218 de.Properties["AccessSSL"][0] = vd.AccessSSL;
219 de.Properties["AccessScript"][0] = vd.AccessScript;
220 de.Properties["DefaultDoc"][0] = vd.DefaultDoc;
221 de.Properties["Path"][0] = vd.Path;
222 de.CommitChanges();
223 }
225 //获取虚拟目录集合
226 private VirtualDirectories GetVirDirs(DirectoryEntries des)
227 {
228 VirtualDirectories tmpdirs = new VirtualDirectories();
229 foreach(DirectoryEntry de in des)
230 {
231 if(de.SchemaClassName == "IIsWebVirtualDir")
232 {
233 VirtualDirectory vd = new VirtualDirectory();
234 vd.Name = de.Name;
235 vd.AccessRead = (bool)de.Properties["AccessRead"][0];
236 vd.AccessExecute = (bool)de.Properties["AccessExecute"][0];
237 vd.AccessWrite = (bool)de.Properties["AccessWrite"][0];
238 vd.AnonymousUserName = (string)de.Properties["AnonymousUserName"][0];
239 vd.AnonymousUserPass = (string)de.Properties["AnonymousUserName"][0];
240 vd.AuthBasic = (bool)de.Properties["AuthBasic"][0];
241 vd.AuthNTLM = (bool)de.Properties["AuthNTLM"][0];
242 vd.ContentIndexed = (bool)de.Properties["ContentIndexed"][0];
243 vd.EnableDefaultDoc = (bool)de.Properties["EnableDefaultDoc"][0];
244 vd.EnableDirBrowsing = (bool)de.Properties["EnableDirBrowsing"][0];
245 vd.AccessSSL = (bool)de.Properties["AccessSSL"][0];
246 vd.AccessScript = (bool)de.Properties["AccessScript"][0];
247 vd.Path = (string)de.Properties["Path"][0];
248 vd.flag = 0;
249 vd.DefaultDoc = (string)de.Properties["DefaultDoc"][0];
250 tmpdirs.Add(vd.Name,vd);
251 }
252 }
253 return tmpdirs;
254 }
256 }
257 /// <summary>
258 /// VirtualDirectory类
259 /// </summary>
260 public class VirtualDirectory
261 {
262 private bool _read,_execute,_script,_ssl,_write,_authbasic,_authntlm,_indexed,_endirbrow,_endefaultdoc;
263 private string _ausername,_auserpass,_name,_path;
264 private int _flag;
265 private string _defaultdoc;
266 /// <summary>
267 /// 构造函数
268 /// </summary>
269 public VirtualDirectory()
270 {
271 SetValue();
272 }
273 public VirtualDirectory(string strVirDirName)
274 {
275 _name = strVirDirName;
276 SetValue();
277 }
278 private void SetValue()
279 {
280 _read = true;_execute = false;_script = false;_ssl= false;_write=false;_authbasic=false;_authntlm=false;
281 _indexed = false;_endirbrow=false;_endefaultdoc = false;
282 _flag = 1;
283 _defaultdoc = "default.htm,default.aspx,default.asp,index.htm";
284 _path = "C:\\";
285 _ausername = "";_auserpass ="";_name="";
286 }
287 ///<summary>
288 ///定义属性,IISVirtualDir太多属性了
289 ///我只搞了比较重要的一些,其它的大伙需要的自个加吧。
290 ///</summary>
292 public int flag
293 {
294 get{ return _flag;}
295 set{ _flag = value;}
296 }
297 public bool AccessRead
298 {
299 get{ return _read;}
300 set{ _read = value;}
301 }
302 public bool AccessWrite
303 {
304 get{ return _write;}
305 set{ _write = value;}
306 }
307 public bool AccessExecute
308 {
309 get{ return _execute;}
310 set{ _execute = value;}
311 }
312 public bool AccessSSL
313 {
314 get{ return _ssl;}
315 set{ _ssl = value;}
316 }
317 public bool AccessScript
318 {
319 get{ return _script;}
320 set{ _script = value;}
321 }
322 public bool AuthBasic
323 {
324 get{ return _authbasic;}
325 set{ _authbasic = value;}
326 }
327 public bool AuthNTLM
328 {
329 get{ return _authntlm;}
330 set{ _authntlm = value;}
331 }
332 public bool ContentIndexed
333 {
334 get{ return _indexed;}
335 set{ _indexed = value;}
336 }
337 public bool EnableDirBrowsing
338 {
339 get{ return _endirbrow;}
340 set{ _endirbrow = value;}
341 }
342 public bool EnableDefaultDoc
343 {
344 get{ return _endefaultdoc;}
345 set{ _endefaultdoc = value;}
346 }
347 public string Name
348 {
349 get{ return _name;}
350 set{ _name = value;}
351 }
352 public string Path
353 {
354 get{ return _path;}
355 set{ _path = value;}
356 }
357 public string DefaultDoc
358 {
359 get{ return _defaultdoc;}
360 set{ _defaultdoc = value;}
361 }
362 public string AnonymousUserName
363 {
364 get{ return _ausername;}
365 set{ _ausername = value;}
366 }
367 public string AnonymousUserPass
368 {
369 get{ return _auserpass;}
370 set{ _auserpass = value;}
371 }
372 }
373 /// <summary>
374 /// 集合VirtualDirectories
375 /// </summary>
377 public class VirtualDirectories : System.Collections.Hashtable
378 {
379 public VirtualDirectories()
380 {
381 }
382 //添加新的方法
383 public VirtualDirectory Find(string strName)
384 {
385 return (VirtualDirectory)this[strName];
386 }
387 }
388 }
2using System;
3 using System.Data;
4 using System.DirectoryServices;
5 using System.Collections;
6 namespace Aspcn.Management
7 {
8 /// <summary>
9 /// IISManager 的摘要说明。
10 /// </summary>
11 public class IISManager
12 {
13 //定义需要使用的
14 private string _server,_website;
15 private VirtualDirectories _virdirs;
16 protected System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry rootfolder;
17 private bool _batchflag;
18 public IISManager()
19 {
20 //默认情况下使用localhost,即访问本地机
21 _server = "localhost";
22 _website = "1";
23 _batchflag = false;
24 }
25 public IISManager(string strServer)
26 {
27 _server = strServer;
28 _website = "1";
29 _batchflag = false;
30 }
31 /// <summary>
32 /// 定义公共属性
33 /// </summary>
35 //Server属性定义访问机器的名字,可以是IP与计算名
36 public string Server
37 {
38 get{ return _server;}
39 set{ _server = value;}
40 }
41 //WebSite属性定义,为一数字,为方便,使用string
42 //一般来说第一台主机为1,第二台主机为2,依次类推
43 public string WebSite
44 {
45 get{ return _website; }
46 set{ _website = value; }
47 }
49 //虚拟目录的名字
50 public VirtualDirectories VirDirs
51 {
52 get{ return _virdirs; }
53 set{ _virdirs = value;}
54 }
55 ///<summary>
56 ///定义公共方法
57 ///</summary>
59 //连接服务器
60 public void Connect()
61 {
62 ConnectToServer();
63 }
64 //为方便重载
65 public void Connect(string strServer)
66 {
67 _server = strServer;
68 ConnectToServer();
69 }
70 //为方便重载
71 public void Connect(string strServer,string strWebSite)
72 {
73 _server = strServer;
74 _website = strWebSite;
75 ConnectToServer();
76 }
77 //判断是否存这个虚拟目录
78 public bool Exists(string strVirdir)
79 {
80 return _virdirs.Contains(strVirdir);
81 }
82 //添加一个虚拟目录
83 public void Create(VirtualDirectory newdir)
84 {
85 string strPath = "IIS://" + _server + "/W3SVC/" + _website + "/ROOT/" + newdir.Name;
86 if(!_virdirs.Contains(newdir.Name) || _batchflag )
87 {
88 try
89 {
90 //加入到ROOT的Children集合中去
91 DirectoryEntry newVirDir = rootfolder.Children.Add(newdir.Name,"IIsWebVirtualDir");
92 newVirDir.Invoke("AppCreate",true);
93 newVirDir.CommitChanges();
94 rootfolder.CommitChanges();
95 //然后更新数据
96 UpdateDirInfo(newVirDir,newdir);
97 }
98 catch(Exception ee)
99 {
100 throw new Exception(ee.ToString());
101 }
102 }
103 else
104 {
105 throw new Exception("This virtual directory is already exist.");
106 }
107 }
108 //得到一个虚拟目录
109 public VirtualDirectory GetVirDir(string strVirdir)
110 {
111 VirtualDirectory tmp = null;
112 if(_virdirs.Contains(strVirdir))
113 {
114 tmp = _virdirs.Find(strVirdir);
115 ((VirtualDirectory)_virdirs[strVirdir]).flag = 2;
116 }
117 else
118 {
119 throw new Exception("This virtual directory is not exists");
120 }
121 return tmp;
122 }
124 //更新一个虚拟目录
125 public void Update(VirtualDirectory dir)
126 {
127 //判断需要更改的虚拟目录是否存在
128 if(_virdirs.Contains(dir.Name))
129 {
130 DirectoryEntry ode = rootfolder.Children.Find(dir.Name,"IIsWebVirtualDir");
131 UpdateDirInfo(ode,dir);
132 }
133 else
134 {
135 throw new Exception("This virtual directory is not exists.");
136 }
137 }
139 //删除一个虚拟目录
140 public void Delete(string strVirdir)
141 {
142 if(_virdirs.Contains(strVirdir))
143 {
144 object[] paras = new object[2];
145 paras[0] = "IIsWebVirtualDir"; //表示操作的是虚拟目录
146 paras[1] = strVirdir;
147 rootfolder.Invoke("Delete",paras);
148 rootfolder.CommitChanges();
149 }
150 else
151 {
152 throw new Exception("Can't delete " + strVirdir + ",because it isn't exists.");
153 }
154 }
155 //批量更新
156 public void UpdateBatch()
157 {
158 BatchUpdate(_virdirs);
159 }
160 //重载一个:-)
161 public void UpdateBatch(VirtualDirectories vds)
162 {
163 BatchUpdate(vds);
164 }
166 ///<summary>
167 ///私有方法
168 ///</summary>
170 //连接服务器
171 private void ConnectToServer()
172 {
173 string strPath = "IIS://" + _server + "/W3SVC/" + _website +"/ROOT";
174 try
175 {
176 this.rootfolder = new DirectoryEntry(strPath);
177 _virdirs = GetVirDirs(this.rootfolder.Children);
178 }
179 catch(Exception e)
180 {
181 throw new Exception("Can't connect to the server ["+ _server +"] ",e);
182 }
183 }
184 //执行批量更新
185 private void BatchUpdate(VirtualDirectories vds)
186 {
187 _batchflag = true;
188 foreach(object item in vds.Values)
189 {
190 VirtualDirectory vd = (VirtualDirectory)item;
191 switch(vd.flag)
192 {
193 case 0:
194 break;
195 case 1:
196 Create(vd);
197 break;
198 case 2:
199 Update(vd);
200 break;
201 }
202 }
203 _batchflag = false;
204 }
205 //更新东东
206 private void UpdateDirInfo(DirectoryEntry de,VirtualDirectory vd)
207 {
208 de.Properties["AnonymousUserName"][0] = vd.AnonymousUserName;
209 de.Properties["AnonymousUserPass"][0] = vd.AnonymousUserPass;
210 de.Properties["AccessRead"][0] = vd.AccessRead;
211 de.Properties["AccessExecute"][0] = vd.AccessExecute;
212 de.Properties["AccessWrite"][0] = vd.AccessWrite;
213 de.Properties["AuthBasic"][0] = vd.AuthBasic;
214 de.Properties["AuthNTLM"][0] = vd.AuthNTLM;
215 de.Properties["ContentIndexed"][0] = vd.ContentIndexed;
216 de.Properties["EnableDefaultDoc"][0] = vd.EnableDefaultDoc;
217 de.Properties["EnableDirBrowsing"][0] = vd.EnableDirBrowsing;
218 de.Properties["AccessSSL"][0] = vd.AccessSSL;
219 de.Properties["AccessScript"][0] = vd.AccessScript;
220 de.Properties["DefaultDoc"][0] = vd.DefaultDoc;
221 de.Properties["Path"][0] = vd.Path;
222 de.CommitChanges();
223 }
225 //获取虚拟目录集合
226 private VirtualDirectories GetVirDirs(DirectoryEntries des)
227 {
228 VirtualDirectories tmpdirs = new VirtualDirectories();
229 foreach(DirectoryEntry de in des)
230 {
231 if(de.SchemaClassName == "IIsWebVirtualDir")
232 {
233 VirtualDirectory vd = new VirtualDirectory();
234 vd.Name = de.Name;
235 vd.AccessRead = (bool)de.Properties["AccessRead"][0];
236 vd.AccessExecute = (bool)de.Properties["AccessExecute"][0];
237 vd.AccessWrite = (bool)de.Properties["AccessWrite"][0];
238 vd.AnonymousUserName = (string)de.Properties["AnonymousUserName"][0];
239 vd.AnonymousUserPass = (string)de.Properties["AnonymousUserName"][0];
240 vd.AuthBasic = (bool)de.Properties["AuthBasic"][0];
241 vd.AuthNTLM = (bool)de.Properties["AuthNTLM"][0];
242 vd.ContentIndexed = (bool)de.Properties["ContentIndexed"][0];
243 vd.EnableDefaultDoc = (bool)de.Properties["EnableDefaultDoc"][0];
244 vd.EnableDirBrowsing = (bool)de.Properties["EnableDirBrowsing"][0];
245 vd.AccessSSL = (bool)de.Properties["AccessSSL"][0];
246 vd.AccessScript = (bool)de.Properties["AccessScript"][0];
247 vd.Path = (string)de.Properties["Path"][0];
248 vd.flag = 0;
249 vd.DefaultDoc = (string)de.Properties["DefaultDoc"][0];
250 tmpdirs.Add(vd.Name,vd);
251 }
252 }
253 return tmpdirs;
254 }
256 }
257 /// <summary>
258 /// VirtualDirectory类
259 /// </summary>
260 public class VirtualDirectory
261 {
262 private bool _read,_execute,_script,_ssl,_write,_authbasic,_authntlm,_indexed,_endirbrow,_endefaultdoc;
263 private string _ausername,_auserpass,_name,_path;
264 private int _flag;
265 private string _defaultdoc;
266 /// <summary>
267 /// 构造函数
268 /// </summary>
269 public VirtualDirectory()
270 {
271 SetValue();
272 }
273 public VirtualDirectory(string strVirDirName)
274 {
275 _name = strVirDirName;
276 SetValue();
277 }
278 private void SetValue()
279 {
280 _read = true;_execute = false;_script = false;_ssl= false;_write=false;_authbasic=false;_authntlm=false;
281 _indexed = false;_endirbrow=false;_endefaultdoc = false;
282 _flag = 1;
283 _defaultdoc = "default.htm,default.aspx,default.asp,index.htm";
284 _path = "C:\\";
285 _ausername = "";_auserpass ="";_name="";
286 }
287 ///<summary>
288 ///定义属性,IISVirtualDir太多属性了
289 ///我只搞了比较重要的一些,其它的大伙需要的自个加吧。
290 ///</summary>
292 public int flag
293 {
294 get{ return _flag;}
295 set{ _flag = value;}
296 }
297 public bool AccessRead
298 {
299 get{ return _read;}
300 set{ _read = value;}
301 }
302 public bool AccessWrite
303 {
304 get{ return _write;}
305 set{ _write = value;}
306 }
307 public bool AccessExecute
308 {
309 get{ return _execute;}
310 set{ _execute = value;}
311 }
312 public bool AccessSSL
313 {
314 get{ return _ssl;}
315 set{ _ssl = value;}
316 }
317 public bool AccessScript
318 {
319 get{ return _script;}
320 set{ _script = value;}
321 }
322 public bool AuthBasic
323 {
324 get{ return _authbasic;}
325 set{ _authbasic = value;}
326 }
327 public bool AuthNTLM
328 {
329 get{ return _authntlm;}
330 set{ _authntlm = value;}
331 }
332 public bool ContentIndexed
333 {
334 get{ return _indexed;}
335 set{ _indexed = value;}
336 }
337 public bool EnableDirBrowsing
338 {
339 get{ return _endirbrow;}
340 set{ _endirbrow = value;}
341 }
342 public bool EnableDefaultDoc
343 {
344 get{ return _endefaultdoc;}
345 set{ _endefaultdoc = value;}
346 }
347 public string Name
348 {
349 get{ return _name;}
350 set{ _name = value;}
351 }
352 public string Path
353 {
354 get{ return _path;}
355 set{ _path = value;}
356 }
357 public string DefaultDoc
358 {
359 get{ return _defaultdoc;}
360 set{ _defaultdoc = value;}
361 }
362 public string AnonymousUserName
363 {
364 get{ return _ausername;}
365 set{ _ausername = value;}
366 }
367 public string AnonymousUserPass
368 {
369 get{ return _auserpass;}
370 set{ _auserpass = value;}
371 }
372 }
373 /// <summary>
374 /// 集合VirtualDirectories
375 /// </summary>
377 public class VirtualDirectories : System.Collections.Hashtable
378 {
379 public VirtualDirectories()
380 {
381 }
382 //添加新的方法
383 public VirtualDirectory Find(string strName)
384 {
385 return (VirtualDirectory)this[strName];
386 }
387 }
388 }