High level overview

The class diagram shows the Root class of OGRE and all of the Manager classes that gives access to the different subsystems.

  • The Root holds a reference to the current SceneManager and to an enumerator that allows other types of scene graphs to be loaded.  
  • The RenderSystem is an abstract class that separates the Root from the specific implemention of the RenderSystem, OpenGL or Direct3D.  
  • The ResourceManager is an abstract class that is subclassed by a number of managers that handles resources such as textures, materials and fonts.  
  • All of the classes in the diagram except for RenderSystem, SceneManager and RenderWindow are using a singleton template to ensure that there is only one instance of each class.  

The render cycle


Inside the source I had figured out:

Resource Manager:

Render Source:



Movable Object:

 posted on 2011-05-04 18:49  sun_kang  阅读(394)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报