
Java 杂记



public static void copyFile(String srcFile, String destFile) throws Exception {
    byte[] temp = new byte[1024];
    FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(srcFile);
    FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(destFile);
    int length;
    while ((length = in.read(temp)) != -1) {
        out.write(temp, 0, length);
public static void copyFileWithFileChannel(String srcFileName, String destFileName) throws Exception {
    RandomAccessFile srcFile = new RandomAccessFile(srcFileName, "r");
    FileChannel srcFileChannel = srcFile.getChannel();
    RandomAccessFile destFile = new RandomAccessFile(destFileName, "rw");
    FileChannel destFileChannel = destFile.getChannel();
    long position = 0;
    long count = srcFileChannel.size();
    srcFileChannel.transferTo(position, count, destFileChannel);

 ### 查看java进程的GC堆内存信息
1. 找到进程ID: ps -ef|grep java
2.jmap -heap 32643
JVM version is 25.73-b02

using thread-local object allocation.
Parallel GC with 4 thread(s)

Heap Configuration:
   MinHeapFreeRatio         = 0
   MaxHeapFreeRatio         = 100
   MaxHeapSize              = 2099249152 (2002.0MB)
   NewSize                  = 44040192 (42.0MB)
   MaxNewSize               = 699400192 (667.0MB)
   OldSize                  = 88080384 (84.0MB)
   NewRatio                 = 2
   SurvivorRatio            = 8
   MetaspaceSize            = 21807104 (20.796875MB)
   CompressedClassSpaceSize = 1073741824 (1024.0MB)
   MaxMetaspaceSize         = 17592186044415 MB
   G1HeapRegionSize         = 0 (0.0MB)

Heap Usage:
PS Young Generation
Eden Space:
   capacity = 24641536 (23.5MB)
   used     = 4691056 (4.4737396240234375MB)
   free     = 19950480 (19.026260375976562MB)
   19.037189889461438% used
From Space:
   capacity = 524288 (0.5MB)
   used     = 32768 (0.03125MB)
   free     = 491520 (0.46875MB)
   6.25% used
To Space:
   capacity = 524288 (0.5MB)
   used     = 0 (0.0MB)
   free     = 524288 (0.5MB)
   0.0% used
PS Old Generation
   capacity = 47185920 (45.0MB)
   used     = 16827568 (16.048019409179688MB)
   free     = 30358352 (28.951980590820312MB)
   35.662265353732636% used



[html] view plain copy
Maven 安装 JAR 包的命令是:

[html] view plain copy
mvn install:install-file   
例如我的这个spring-context-support-3.1.0.RELEASE.jar 文件放在了"D:\mvn\"中


mvn install:install-file




maven 打包  跳过测试
mvn clean package appassembler:generate-daemons -Dmaven.test.skip=true
scp -r target/generate-resource/....        flk@

posted @ 2019-01-16 15:23  雪天微风吹  阅读(132)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报