我的第一个实现Silverlight4 with MVVM and Ria Service

My First implementation in Silverlight4 with MVVM and Ria Service

This is my first practices in silverlight4  using MVVM pattern and Ria Service  to only show data in the gridview

please walk with me in this steps

1-adding my framework

2-adding my ria service class DomainService1

3-in the silverlight project make the following

a)add a new folder and call it ViewModel

b)insert into the view model folder a c# class and Call it ViewModelBase

4-in the ViewModelBase Class make the follwing code

public class ModelViewBase : INotifyPropertyChanged

public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

public void RaisePropertyChanged(string propertyName)


if (PropertyChanged != null)


PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));




the previous class inherited from INotifyPropertyChanged and implement it

note)this INotifyPropertyChanged interface in the System.ComponentModel

5-Adding a new class for each page “each view” like EmployeePageViewModel

this calss will be the following code :

public class EmployeePageViewModel: ViewModelBase


private DomainService1 ds;

public EmployeePageViewModel()


ds = new DomainService1();

LoadOperation<Employee1> loadOperation = ds.Load<Employee1>(ds.GetEmployee1Query());

loadOperation.Completed += new EventHandler(loadOperation_Completed);

private void loadOperation_Completed(object sender, EventArgs e)


LoadOperation<Employee1> loadOperation = sender as LoadOperation<Employee1>;

if (loadOperation.HasError)


ListOfEmployees = null;




ListOfEmployees = loadOperation.Entities.ToList();


private List<Employee1> _listOfEmployees;
public List<Employee1> ListOfEmployees


get { return _listOfEmployees; }

set {

_listOfEmployees = value;





in the EmployeePage.xaml

make the following

Add the name space

1) xmlns:vm=”clr-namespace:SilverlightApplication3.ModelView”  which refer to the viewmodel in ur project

2)add the items source property as the following ItemsSource=”{Binding ListOfEmployees}”


in the EmployeePage.xaml.cs

but the following code


EmployeePageModelView vm = new EmployeePageModelView();

this.DataContext = vm;


thats all

Happy programing :)

posted on 2011-04-02 10:59  SUNJUNLIN  阅读(758)  评论(7编辑  收藏  举报
