设计模式 外观模式(Facade)


  为子系统中的一组接口提供一个一致的界面,F a c a d e 模式定义了一个高层接口,这个接口使得这一子系统更加容易使用。


  1.当你要为一个复杂子系统提供一个简单接口时。子系统往往因为不断演化而变得越来越复杂。大多数模式使用时都会产生更多更小的类。这使得子系统更具可重用性,也更容易对子系统进行定制,但这也给那些不需要定制子系统的用户带来一些使用上的困难。F a c a d e 可以提供一个简单的缺省视图,这一视图对大多数用户来说已经足够,而那些需要更多的可定制性的用户可以越过f a c a d e 层。

  2.客户程序与抽象类的实现部分之间存在着很大的依赖性。引入f a c a d e 将这个子系统与客户以及其他的子系统分离,可以提高子系统的独立性和可移植性。 

  3.当你需要构建一个层次结构的子系统时,使用f a c a d e 模式定义子系统中每层的入口点。如果子系统之间是相互依赖的,你可以让它们仅通过f a c a d e 进行通讯,从而简化了它们之间的依赖关系。 




 1 // Facade
3 // Intent: "Provide a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem.
4 // Facade defines a higher-level interface that makes the subsystem easier
5 // to use".
7 // For further information, read "Design Patterns", p185, Gamma et al.,
8 // Addison-Wesley, ISBN:0-201-63361-2
10 /* Notes:
11 * Many subsystems are complex to manage - and this is a dis-incentive for
12 * client code to use them. A Facasde design pattern provides a simlified
13 * high-level API to the client, thus shielding it from direct contact
14 * with the (more complex) subsystem classes.
15 *
16 * Often the code that is inside a facade would have to be inside client
17 * code without the facade. The subsystem code beneath the facade can
18 * change, without affecting the client code.
19 */
21 namespace Facade_DesignPattern
22 {
23 using System;
25 class SubSystem_class1
26 {
27 public void OperationX()
28 {
29 Console.WriteLine("SubSystem_class1.OperationX called");
30 }
31 }
33 class SubSystem_class2
34 {
35 public void OperationY()
36 {
37 Console.WriteLine("SubSystem_class2.OperationY called");
38 }
39 }
41 class SubSystem_class3
42 {
43 public void OperationZ()
44 {
45 Console.WriteLine("SubSystem_class3.OperationZ called");
46 }
47 }
49 class Facade
50 {
51 private SubSystem_class1 c1 = new SubSystem_class1();
52 private SubSystem_class2 c2 = new SubSystem_class2();
53 private SubSystem_class3 c3 = new SubSystem_class3();
55 public void OperationWrapper()
56 {
57 Console.WriteLine("The Facade OperationWrapper carries out complex decision-making");
58 Console.WriteLine("which in turn results in calls to the subsystem classes");
59 c1.OperationX();
60 if (1==1 /*some really complex decision*/)
61 {
62 c2.OperationY();
63 }
64 // lots of complex code here . . .
65 c3.OperationZ();
66 }
68 }
70 /// <summary>
71 /// Summary description for Client.
72 /// </summary>
73 public class Client
74 {
75 public static int Main(string[] args)
76 {
77 Facade facade = new Facade();
78 Console.WriteLine("Client calls the Facade OperationWrapper");
79 facade.OperationWrapper();
80 return 0;
81 }
82 }
83 }

posted @ 2012-04-05 19:09  孙金棚  阅读(305)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报