Learn Git

====Git Skills====
--Sunic Yosen
--Oct 28 2018
--Learn from: https:##www.liaoxuefeng.com/wiki/0013739516305929606dd18361248578c67b8067c8c017b000

0.Git Environment
  0) Install Git: sudo apt install git
  1) Set user: git config --global user.name "Your Name"
               git config --global user.email "email@example.com"

1.Git usage
  git init             ##Init repository

  git add <filename>   ##Add file to git repository 
  git commit -m <message> ##Commit of this update and give comment with <-m> [提交&注释]

  git status           ##The status of repository
  git diff  <filename> ##The changes detail of file
    <repository>       ##Give the Version id
    HEAD               ##Current version
    eg: git diff HEAD -- <filename>
        git diff --cached 
        [比较的是暂存区的文件与仓库分支里(上次git commit 后的内容)的区别。] 

  git log              ## List the log/Journal of repository
    --pretty=oneline   ## List one line of a log
    --graph            ## See log with graphic 
    -<count>           ## List <count> logs

  git reset            ##return to last version
      HEAD        ##Cuurent version
      HEAD^       ##Last version
      HEAD^^      ##Last second version
      HEAD~100    ##Last 100th version
      eg: git reset --hard HEAD^   ##Return last version
      <commit id> ##Return/Forward to <commit id> version
                  ##Could Just Give the front of commit id

  git reflog      ##Record all command, so you can call back.[会退到任意位置]

  git checkout -- <filename>  ##Callback last version when not add modify to Repository
    ## -- is important. 
    ##['git checkout -- '其实是用版本库里的版本替换工作区的版本,无论工作区是修改还是删除,都可以“一键还原”]
    ##If have added to stage, 'git reset HEAD <file>' could callback, and then 'git checkout --'
    ##If you have committed, 'git reset --hard <commit id> to return last version.
  git rm <filename>
    ##Remove file from repository. Then you should 'git commit -m <message>' to commit to repository

  git remote
    ## Check remote repository  
    add origin <remote Address> ##Add remote repository named <origin> 
    -v ## check remote information
  git push ##Push to remote
    -u ##Used at the first time. 
       ##Git will push local repository to remote, 
       ##And it will make connect between local and remote.

    origin ##Remote repository name.
      master ##Remote branch name.
      <branch name> ##push to origin/<branch name>

    eg: git push -u origin master [First time]
        git push origin master
  git check ##Branch usage
    -b  <branchname> ##Create and switch to a new branch
    <branchname> ##Switch to another branch

  git merge  ##Merge Different branches.
    <branchname>  ##Merge branch to master.
    --no-ff -m <message> <branchname> ## --no-ff
      ## [通常,合并分支时,如果可能,Git会用Fast forward模式,但这种模式下,删除分支后,会丢掉分支信息。
      ## 如果要强制禁用Fast forward模式,Git就会在merge时生成一个新的commit,这样,从分支历史上就可以
      ## 看出分支信息。] 
      ## [合并分支时,加上--no-ff参数就可以用普通模式合并,合并后的历史有分支,能看出来曾经做过合并,
      ## 而fast forward合并就看不出来曾经做过合并。]
      ## [合并时没冲突且是ff模式,那就在log中不显示这个分支了]

  git branch ## control branches
    ##Check the branches.
    <branchname> ##Create Branch
    -d <branchname> ##Delete <branchname>
    --set-upstream-to=origin/<branchname> <branchname>

  git stash  ##Cache what are doing but not committed
    list   ## Check the stash list
    apply  ## resume the WorkSpace
      <stashName>  ## resume to special stash
      eg:  git stash apply stash@{0}
    drop   ## delete after apply
    pop    ## resume and delete

  git pull ##fetch remote branch

  git rebase ##rebase git log 

  git tag ##tag the version
    ##Check tag the branch version
    <tagName> ##Tag as <tagName>
    <tagName> <commitID> ##Tag <commitID> as <tagName>
    -a <signature> ##signature
    -m <comment> ##comment
    -d <tagName> ##Delete <tagName>
    git push origin <tagName> ##push <tagName> to remote
    git push origin --tags ##push all tags to remote
    git push origin :refs/tags/<tagName> ##delete tags from remote
      ##You should delete <tagName> at local first

  git show <tagName> ## Show info of <tagName>

  git config ##git config at $HOME/.gitconfig
    --global ##global setting

    color.ui [true/false]  ##git color theme
    user.name=<name>   ##
    user.email=<email> ##   
    alias.<name1> <name2> ##alias name2 -> name1
  git check-ignore -v <fileName>  ## Check <fileName> ignore

  git add -f <fileName>           ## If ignore by .gitignore add force

  github fork
    Can remote <Other' Repository> and <My Repository> in github, May be:
    <Other' Repository> ---> git remote add origin git@github.com:xxxx/xxx.git
    <My Repository>     ---> git remote add develop git@github.com:sunyongshuai/xxxx.git
    <git remote -v > will get two remote repositories.

Git Clone Speed:

1. 编辑 hosts文件: sudo vim /etc/hosts

    添加映射 github.global.ssl.fastly.net github.com

2. 刷新DNS: sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder

3. 查找适合自己的映射ip地址: http://ping.chinaz.com   http://ipaddress.com


Welcome to my github: https://github.com/SunYongshuai/LearnGit 

posted @ 2018-10-29 11:45  SunicYosen  阅读(175)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报