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<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="zh"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="public/layui/css/layui.css"/> <script src="public/jquery-3.2.1.min.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script> <script src="public/layui/layui.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script> <title>Document</title> <style type="text/css"> *{ margin: 0; padding: 0; font-family: "微软雅黑"; } body{ background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.5); } #wai{ width:100%; line-height: 70px; } .spp{ margin-left: 39px; } h1{ text-align: center; } p{ margin-left: -13%; font-size: 18px; } input{ width: 200px; height:30px; border-radius: 5px; border-color: lawngreen; } .p1{ margin-left: -7%; margin-left: 13px; } #sel{ width: 200px; border-radius: 5px; border-color: lawngreen; margin-left: 5px; } #spp1{ display: none; color: red; } #spp2{ display: none; color: red; } #spp3{ display: none; color: red; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="zong"> <h1>添加人员</h1> <div id="wai"> <span class="spp">请输入账号:</span> <input type="text" id="zh" value="" placeholder="请输入大小写英文字母"/><span id="spp1">请重新输入</span><br /> <span class="spp">请输入姓名:</span> <input type="text" id="xm" value="" placeholder="请输入中文字符"/><span id="spp2">请重新输入</span><br /> <span class="spp">请输入密码:</span> <input type="password" id="mm" value="" placeholder="8-16位,至少1个大写字母,小写字母和数字"/><span id="spp3">请重新输入</span><br /> <span class="p1">请选择角色信息:</span><select id="sel"></select><br /> <span class="p1">请输入博客地址:</span> <input class= "inp" type="text" id="bk" value="" /><br /> <span class="p1">请输入开课时间:</span> <input class= "inp" type="text" id="test1" placeholder="年-月-日"><br /> </div> </div> </body> </html> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function (){ jiazai(); //$("#zh").focus(); layui.use('laydate', function(){ var laydate = layui.laydate; laydate.render({ elem: '#test1' }); }); }); //账号的input失去焦点事件 $("#zh").blur(function(){ var zh = $("#zh").val(); var ret = /[a-zA-Z]/; if(!ret.test(zh)){ $("#spp1").css("display","inline-block");//inline-block在一行里显示 } }) //姓名的input失去焦点事件 $("#xm").blur(function(){ var xm = $("#xm").val(); var ret = /^[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+$/;//只能输入中文 if(!ret.test(xm)){ $("#spp2").css("display","inline-block"); } }) //密码的input失去焦点事件 $("#mm").blur(function(){ var mm = $("#mm").val(); var ret = /^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d)[^]{8,16}$/; //至少8-16个字符,至少1个大写字母,1个小写字母和1个数字,其他可以是任意字符 if(!ret.test(mm)){ $("#spp3").css("display","inline-block"); } }) function jiazai(){ $.ajax({ type:"post", url:"php/projectchuli.php", async:true, data:{ type:"jiazai" }, dataType:"json", success:function(data){ var str =""; for(var i=0;i<data.length;i++){ str +="<option>"+data[i]+"</option>"; } $("#sel").html(str); } }); } </script>
<?php session_start(); $conn = new mysqli("localhost","root","","project"); $conn->connect_error?die():""; // mysqli_query($conn, 'set names utf8'); $type = $_POST['type']; switch($type){ case "chakanxiangqing": $limit = $_POST['limit']; $page = ($_POST['page']-1)*$limit; $name = $_SESSION['name']; $sql1 = "select class,student,wsqk,FROM_UNIXTIME(time) from weisheng where student ='{$name}'"; $result1 = $conn->query($sql1); $attr1 = $result1->fetch_all(); foreach($attr1 as $k=>$v){ $attr1[$k][2] = $attr1[$k][2]."/(卫生)"; } $sql2 = "select class,student,fen,FROM_UNIXTIME(time) from boke where student ='{$name}'"; $result2 = $conn->query($sql2); $attr2 = $result2->fetch_all(); foreach($attr2 as $k=>$v){ $attr2[$k][2] = $attr2[$k][2]."/(博客)"; } $sql3 = "select class,studentname,score,FROM_UNIXTIME(times) from examination where studentname ='{$name}'"; $result3 = $conn->query($sql3); $attr3 = $result3->fetch_all(); foreach($attr3 as $k=>$v){ $attr3[$k][2] = $attr3[$k][2]."/(考试)"; } $sql4 = "select class,student,wcqk,FROM_UNIXTIME(time) from job where student ='{$name}'"; $result4 = $conn->query($sql4); $attr4 = $result4->fetch_all(); foreach($attr4 as $k=>$v){ $attr4[$k][2] = $attr4[$k][2]."/(作业)"; } $sql5 = "select class,studentname,score,FROM_UNIXTIME(times) from project where studentname ='{$name}'"; $result5 = $conn->query($sql5); $attr5 = $result5->fetch_all(); foreach($attr5 as $k=>$v){ $attr5[$k][2] = $attr5[$k][2]."/(项目)"; } $sql6 = "select class,studentname,type,FROM_UNIXTIME(time1) from workattendance where studentname ='{$name}'"; $result6 = $conn->query($sql6); $attr6 = $result6->fetch_all(); //为数组里面的字段拼接文字 foreach($attr6 as $k=>$v){ $attr6[$k][2] = $attr6[$k][2]."/(考勤)"; } $sql7 = "select class,studentname,type,FROM_UNIXTIME(time1) from zixi where studentname ='{$name}'"; $result7 = $conn->query($sql7); $attr7 = $result7->fetch_all(); foreach($attr7 as $k=>$v){ $attr7[$k][2] = $attr7[$k][2]."/(自习)"; } $zong = array_merge($attr1,$attr2,$attr3,$attr4,$attr5,$attr6,$attr7); $attrzong = array_slice($zong,$page,$limit,false);//把数组分页 //把数组和总条数放到一个数组里 $he = array($attrzong,count($zong)); echo json_encode($he); break; case "gmm": $uid = $_SESSION['uid']; $mm = $_POST['mm']; $sql = "update user1 set pwd='{$mm}' where uid='{$uid}'"; if($result = $conn->query($sql)){ echo "ok"; } break; case "chaupfile": $sql = "select count(*) from xiazai"; $result = $conn->query($sql); $attr = $result->fetch_row(); echo json_encode($attr); break; case "cha": $limit = $_POST['limit']; $page = ($_POST['page']-1)*$limit; $sql = "select * from xiazai limit $page,$limit "; $result = $conn->query($sql); $attr = $result->fetch_all(); echo json_encode($attr); break; case "upfile_shanchu": $uid = $_SESSION['uid']; $sql = "select class from user1 where uid = '{$uid}'"; $result = $conn->query($sql); $attr = $result->fetch_row(); if(($attr[0]=='教师')or($attr[0]=='教务')){ $t = $_POST['t']; $d = $_POST['d']; unlink("$d"); $sql = "delete from xiazai where id = '{$t}' "; $result = $conn->query($sql); echo "ok"; }else{ echo "no"; } break; case "denglu": $time = time(); $uid = $_POST['uid']; $pwd = $_POST['pwd']; $sql = "select pwd,name from user1 where uid = '{$uid}'"; $result = $conn->query($sql); $attr = $result->fetch_row(); if($pwd==$attr[0]){ $_SESSION['uid'] = $uid; $_SESSION['name']= $attr[1]; $name = $_SESSION['name']; $sql ="select jibengongzi,starttime,endtime from basicwages where jieduan='阶段一' and student='{$name}'"; $result = $conn->query($sql); $gz_time = $result->fetch_row(); if(empty($gz_time[0])){ echo "ok"; }else{ $_SESSION['jiben'] = $gz_time[0]; $starttime = $gz_time[1]; $endtime = $gz_time[2]; //========考勤自习=========== $cdsql ="select count(*) from workattendance where type='迟到'and studentname='{$name}'and time1>=$starttime and time1<$endtime"; $cdres = $conn->query($cdsql); $cd = $cdres->fetch_row(); $ztsql ="select count(*) from workattendance where type='早退'and studentname='{$name}'and time1>=$starttime and time1<$endtime"; $ztres = $conn->query($ztsql); $zt = $ztres->fetch_row(); $zxsql ="select count(*) from zixi where type='自习'and studentname='{$name}'and time1>=$starttime and time1<$endtime"; $zxres = $conn->query($zxsql); $zx = $zxres->fetch_row(); $kq_fen = $cd[0]*(-100)+$zt[0]*(-100); $zx_fen = $zx[0]*100; $_SESSION['kq_fen'] = $kq_fen; $_SESSION['zx_fen'] = $zx_fen; //=====================卫生================ $yxsql ="select count(*) from weisheng where wsqk='优秀'and student='{$name}'and time>=$starttime and time<$endtime"; $yxres = $conn->query($yxsql); $yx = $yxres->fetch_row(); $lhsql ="select count(*) from weisheng where wsqk='良好'and student='{$name}'and time>=$starttime and time<$endtime"; $lhres = $conn->query($lhsql); $lh = $lhres->fetch_row(); $ybsql ="select count(*) from weisheng where wsqk='一般'and student='{$name}'and time>=$starttime and time<$endtime"; $ybres = $conn->query($ybsql); $yb = $ybres->fetch_row(); $ws_fen = $yx[0]*100+$lh[0]*50+$yb[0]*(-50); $_SESSION['ws_fen'] = $ws_fen; //========================考试======================== $gaofensql = "select count(*)from examination where score<60 and studentname='{$name}'and times>=$starttime and times<$endtime"; $gaofenres = $conn->query($gaofensql); $gaofen = $gaofenres->fetch_row(); $zhongfensql = "select count(*)from examination where score>=60 and score<=80 and studentname='{$name}'and times>=$starttime and times<$endtime"; $zhongfenres = $conn->query($zhongfensql); $zhongfen = $zhongfenres->fetch_row(); $difensql = "select count(*)from examination where score>80 and studentname='{$name}'and times>=$starttime and times<$endtime"; $difenres = $conn->query($difensql); $difen = $difenres->fetch_row(); $ks_fen = $gaofen[0]*100+$zhongfen[0]*50+$difen[0]*(-50); $_SESSION['ks_fen'] = $ks_fen; //========================项目======================== $jiafensql="select count(*) from project where score>=60 and studentname='{$name}'and times>=$starttime and times<$endtime"; $jiafenres = $conn->query($jiafensql); $jiafen = $jiafenres->fetch_row(); $jianfensql="select count(*) from project where score<60 and studentname='{$name}'and times>=$starttime and times<$endtime"; $jianfenres = $conn->query($jianfensql); $jianfen = $jianfenres->fetch_row(); $xm_fen = $jiafen[0]*100+$jianfen[0]*(-100); $_SESSION['xm_fen'] = $xm_fen; //========================作业======================== $weiwancsql ="select count(*) from job where wcqk='未完成' and student='{$name}'and time>=$starttime and time<$endtime"; $weiwancres = $conn->query($weiwancsql); $weiwanc = $weiwancres->fetch_row(); $zy_fen = $weiwanc[0]*(-50); $_SESSION['zy_fen'] = $zy_fen; //========================博客======================== $bkjfsql= "select count(*) from boke where fen='100' and student='{$name}'and time>=$starttime and time<$endtime"; $bkjfres = $conn->query($bkjfsql); $bkjf = $bkjfres->fetch_row(); $bkkfsql= "select count(*) from boke where fen='-100' and student='{$name}'and time>=$starttime and time<$endtime"; $bkkfres = $conn->query($bkkfsql); $bkkf = $bkkfres->fetch_row(); $bk_fen =$bkjf[0]*100+ $bkkf[0]*(-100); $_SESSION['bk_fen'] = $bk_fen; $shijigz = $gz_time[0]+$kq_fen+$zx_fen+$ws_fen+$ks_fen+$xm_fen+$zy_fen+$bk_fen; $_SESSION['shijigz'] = $shijigz; $sql ="select jibengongzi,starttime,endtime from basicwages where jieduan='阶段二' and student='{$name}'"; $result = $conn->query($sql); $gz_time = $result->fetch_row(); $_SESSION['jiben2'] = $gz_time[0]; $starttime = $gz_time[1]; $endtime = $gz_time[2]; //========考勤自习=========== $cdsql ="select count(*) from workattendance where type='迟到'and studentname='{$name}'and time1>=$starttime and time1<$endtime"; $cdres = $conn->query($cdsql); $cd = $cdres->fetch_row(); $ztsql ="select count(*) from workattendance where type='早退'and studentname='{$name}'and time1>=$starttime and time1<$endtime"; $ztres = $conn->query($ztsql); $zt = $ztres->fetch_row(); $zxsql ="select count(*) from zixi where type='自习'and studentname='{$name}'and time1>=$starttime and time1<$endtime"; $zxres = $conn->query($zxsql); $zx = $zxres->fetch_row(); $kq_fen = $cd[0]*(-100)+$zt[0]*(-100); $zx_fen = $zx[0]*100; $_SESSION['kq_fen2'] = $kq_fen; $_SESSION['zx_fen2'] = $zx_fen; //=====================卫生================ $yxsql ="select count(*) from weisheng where wsqk='优秀'and student='{$name}'and time>=$starttime and time<$endtime"; $yxres = $conn->query($yxsql); $yx = $yxres->fetch_row(); $lhsql ="select count(*) from weisheng where wsqk='良好'and student='{$name}'and time>=$starttime and time<$endtime"; $lhres = $conn->query($lhsql); $lh = $lhres->fetch_row(); $ybsql ="select count(*) from weisheng where wsqk='一般'and student='{$name}'and time>=$starttime and time<$endtime"; $ybres = $conn->query($ybsql); $yb = $ybres->fetch_row(); $ws_fen = $yx[0]*100+$lh[0]*50+$yb[0]*(-50); $_SESSION['ws_fen2'] = $ws_fen; //========================考试======================== $gaofensql = "select count(*)from examination where score<60 and studentname='{$name}'and times>=$starttime and times<$endtime"; $gaofenres = $conn->query($gaofensql); $gaofen = $gaofenres->fetch_row(); $zhongfensql = "select count(*)from examination where score>=60 and score<=80 and studentname='{$name}'and times>=$starttime and times<$endtime"; $zhongfenres = $conn->query($zhongfensql); $zhongfen = $zhongfenres->fetch_row(); $difensql = "select count(*)from examination where score>80 and studentname='{$name}'and times>=$starttime and times<$endtime"; $difenres = $conn->query($difensql); $difen = $difenres->fetch_row(); $ks_fen = $gaofen[0]*100+$zhongfen[0]*50+$difen[0]*(-50); $_SESSION['ks_fen2'] = $ks_fen; //========================项目======================== $jiafensql="select count(*) from project where score>=60 and studentname='{$name}'and times>=$starttime and times<$endtime"; $jiafenres = $conn->query($jiafensql); $jiafen = $jiafenres->fetch_row(); $jianfensql="select count(*) from project where score<60 and studentname='{$name}'and times>=$starttime and times<$endtime"; $jianfenres = $conn->query($jianfensql); $jianfen = $jianfenres->fetch_row(); $xm_fen = $jiafen[0]*100+$jianfen[0]*(-100); $_SESSION['xm_fen2'] = $xm_fen; //========================作业======================== $weiwancsql ="select count(*) from job where wcqk='未完成' and student='{$name}'and time>=$starttime and time<$endtime"; $weiwancres = $conn->query($weiwancsql); $weiwanc = $weiwancres->fetch_row(); $zy_fen = $weiwanc[0]*(-50); $_SESSION['zy_fen2'] = $zy_fen; //========================博客======================== $bkjfsql= "select count(*) from boke where fen='100' and student='{$name}'and time>=$starttime and time<$endtime"; $bkjfres = $conn->query($bkjfsql); $bkjf = $bkjfres->fetch_row(); $bkkfsql= "select count(*) from boke where fen='-100' and student='{$name}'and time>=$starttime and time<$endtime"; $bkkfres = $conn->query($bkkfsql); $bkkf = $bkkfres->fetch_row(); $bk_fen =$bkjf[0]*100+ $bkkf[0]*(-100); $_SESSION['bk_fen2'] = $bk_fen; $shijigz = $gz_time[0]+$kq_fen+$zx_fen+$ws_fen+$ks_fen+$xm_fen+$zy_fen+$bk_fen; $_SESSION['shijigz2'] = $shijigz; $sql ="select jibengongzi,starttime,endtime from basicwages where jieduan='阶段三' and student='{$name}'"; $result = $conn->query($sql); $gz_time = $result->fetch_row(); $_SESSION['jiben3'] = $gz_time[0]; $starttime = $gz_time[1]; $endtime = $gz_time[2]; //========考勤自习=========== $cdsql ="select count(*) from workattendance where type='迟到'and studentname='{$name}'and time1>=$starttime and time1<$endtime"; $cdres = $conn->query($cdsql); $cd = $cdres->fetch_row(); $ztsql ="select count(*) from workattendance where type='早退'and studentname='{$name}'and time1>=$starttime and time1<$endtime"; $ztres = $conn->query($ztsql); $zt = $ztres->fetch_row(); $zxsql ="select count(*) from zixi where type='自习'and studentname='{$name}'and time1>=$starttime and time1<$endtime"; $zxres = $conn->query($zxsql); $zx = $zxres->fetch_row(); $kq_fen = $cd[0]*(-100)+$zt[0]*(-100); $zx_fen = $zx[0]*100; $_SESSION['kq_fen3'] = $kq_fen; $_SESSION['zx_fen3'] = $zx_fen; //=====================卫生================ $yxsql ="select count(*) from weisheng where wsqk='优秀'and student='{$name}'and time>=$starttime and time<$endtime"; $yxres = $conn->query($yxsql); $yx = $yxres->fetch_row(); $lhsql ="select count(*) from weisheng where wsqk='良好'and student='{$name}'and time>=$starttime and time<$endtime"; $lhres = $conn->query($lhsql); $lh = $lhres->fetch_row(); $ybsql ="select count(*) from weisheng where wsqk='一般'and student='{$name}'and time>=$starttime and time<$endtime"; $ybres = $conn->query($ybsql); $yb = $ybres->fetch_row(); $ws_fen = $yx[0]*100+$lh[0]*50+$yb[0]*(-50); $_SESSION['ws_fen3'] = $ws_fen; //========================考试======================== $gaofensql = "select count(*)from examination where score<60 and studentname='{$name}'and times>=$starttime and times<$endtime"; $gaofenres = $conn->query($gaofensql); $gaofen = $gaofenres->fetch_row(); $zhongfensql = "select count(*)from examination where score>=60 and score<=80 and studentname='{$name}'and times>=$starttime and times<$endtime"; $zhongfenres = $conn->query($zhongfensql); $zhongfen = $zhongfenres->fetch_row(); $difensql = "select count(*)from examination where score>80 and studentname='{$name}'and times>=$starttime and times<$endtime"; $difenres = $conn->query($difensql); $difen = $difenres->fetch_row(); $ks_fen = $gaofen[0]*100+$zhongfen[0]*50+$difen[0]*(-50); $_SESSION['ks_fen3'] = $ks_fen; //========================项目======================== $jiafensql="select count(*) from project where score>=60 and studentname='{$name}'and times>=$starttime and times<$endtime"; $jiafenres = $conn->query($jiafensql); $jiafen = $jiafenres->fetch_row(); $jianfensql="select count(*) from project where score<60 and studentname='{$name}'and times>=$starttime and times<$endtime"; $jianfenres = $conn->query($jianfensql); $jianfen = $jianfenres->fetch_row(); $xm_fen = $jiafen[0]*100+$jianfen[0]*(-100); $_SESSION['xm_fen3'] = $xm_fen; //========================作业======================== $weiwancsql ="select count(*) from job where wcqk='未完成' and student='{$name}'and time>=$starttime and time<$endtime"; $weiwancres = $conn->query($weiwancsql); $weiwanc = $weiwancres->fetch_row(); $zy_fen = $weiwanc[0]*(-50); $_SESSION['zy_fen3'] = $zy_fen; //========================博客======================== $bkjfsql= "select count(*) from boke where fen='100' and student='{$name}'and time>=$starttime and time<$endtime"; $bkjfres = $conn->query($bkjfsql); $bkjf = $bkjfres->fetch_row(); $bkkfsql= "select count(*) from boke where fen='-100' and student='{$name}'and time>=$starttime and time<$endtime"; $bkkfres = $conn->query($bkkfsql); $bkkf = $bkkfres->fetch_row(); $bk_fen =$bkjf[0]*100+ $bkkf[0]*(-100); $_SESSION['bk_fen3'] = $bk_fen; $shijigz = $gz_time[0]+$kq_fen+$zx_fen+$ws_fen+$ks_fen+$xm_fen+$zy_fen+$bk_fen; $_SESSION['shijigz3'] = $shijigz; $sql ="select jibengongzi,starttime,endtime from basicwages where jieduan='阶段四' and student='{$name}'"; $result = $conn->query($sql); $gz_time = $result->fetch_row(); $_SESSION['jiben4'] = $gz_time[0]; $starttime = $gz_time[1]; $endtime = $gz_time[2]; //========考勤自习=========== $cdsql ="select count(*) from workattendance where type='迟到'and studentname='{$name}'and time1>=$starttime and time1<$endtime"; $cdres = $conn->query($cdsql); $cd = $cdres->fetch_row(); $ztsql ="select count(*) from workattendance where type='早退'and studentname='{$name}'and time1>=$starttime and time1<$endtime"; $ztres = $conn->query($ztsql); $zt = $ztres->fetch_row(); $zxsql ="select count(*) from zixi where type='自习'and studentname='{$name}'and time1>=$starttime and time1<$endtime"; $zxres = $conn->query($zxsql); $zx = $zxres->fetch_row(); $kq_fen = $cd[0]*(-100)+$zt[0]*(-100); $zx_fen = $zx[0]*100; $_SESSION['kq_fen4'] = $kq_fen; $_SESSION['zx_fen4'] = $zx_fen; //=====================卫生================ $yxsql ="select count(*) from weisheng where wsqk='优秀'and student='{$name}'and time>=$starttime and time<$endtime"; $yxres = $conn->query($yxsql); $yx = $yxres->fetch_row(); $lhsql ="select count(*) from weisheng where wsqk='良好'and student='{$name}'and time>=$starttime and time<$endtime"; $lhres = $conn->query($lhsql); $lh = $lhres->fetch_row(); $ybsql ="select count(*) from weisheng where wsqk='一般'and student='{$name}'and time>=$starttime and time<$endtime"; $ybres = $conn->query($ybsql); $yb = $ybres->fetch_row(); $ws_fen = $yx[0]*100+$lh[0]*50+$yb[0]*(-50); $_SESSION['ws_fen4'] = $ws_fen; //========================考试======================== $gaofensql = "select count(*)from examination where score<60 and studentname='{$name}'and times>=$starttime and times<$endtime"; $gaofenres = $conn->query($gaofensql); $gaofen = $gaofenres->fetch_row(); $zhongfensql = "select count(*)from examination where score>=60 and score<=80 and studentname='{$name}'and times>=$starttime and times<$endtime"; $zhongfenres = $conn->query($zhongfensql); $zhongfen = $zhongfenres->fetch_row(); $difensql = "select count(*)from examination where score>80 and studentname='{$name}'and times>=$starttime and times<$endtime"; $difenres = $conn->query($difensql); $difen = $difenres->fetch_row(); $ks_fen = $gaofen[0]*100+$zhongfen[0]*50+$difen[0]*(-50); $_SESSION['ks_fen4'] = $ks_fen; //========================项目======================== $jiafensql="select count(*) from project where score>=60 and studentname='{$name}'and times>=$starttime and times<$endtime"; $jiafenres = $conn->query($jiafensql); $jiafen = $jiafenres->fetch_row(); $jianfensql="select count(*) from project where score<60 and studentname='{$name}'and times>=$starttime and times<$endtime"; $jianfenres = $conn->query($jianfensql); $jianfen = $jianfenres->fetch_row(); $xm_fen = $jiafen[0]*100+$jianfen[0]*(-100); $_SESSION['xm_fen4'] = $xm_fen; //========================作业======================== $weiwancsql ="select count(*) from job where wcqk='未完成' and student='{$name}'and time>=$starttime and time<$endtime"; $weiwancres = $conn->query($weiwancsql); $weiwanc = $weiwancres->fetch_row(); $zy_fen = $weiwanc[0]*(-50); $_SESSION['zy_fen4'] = $zy_fen; //========================博客======================== $bkjfsql= "select count(*) from boke where fen='100' and student='{$name}'and time>=$starttime and time<$endtime"; $bkjfres = $conn->query($bkjfsql); $bkjf = $bkjfres->fetch_row(); $bkkfsql= "select count(*) from boke where fen='-100' and student='{$name}'and time>=$starttime and time<$endtime"; $bkkfres = $conn->query($bkkfsql); $bkkf = $bkkfres->fetch_row(); $bk_fen =$bkjf[0]*100+ $bkkf[0]*(-100); $_SESSION['bk_fen4'] = $bk_fen; $shijigz = $gz_time[0]+$kq_fen+$zx_fen+$ws_fen+$ks_fen+$xm_fen+$zy_fen+$bk_fen; $_SESSION['shijigz4'] = $shijigz; echo "ok"; } } break; case "pd_class": $uid = $_SESSION['uid']; $sql="select class from user1 where uid ='{$uid}'"; $result = $conn->query($sql); $attr = $result->fetch_row(); echo json_encode($attr); break; case "load": $page = $_POST['page']; $limit = $_POST['limit']; $tg = ($page-1)*$limit; $sql ="select * from user1 limit $tg,$limit";//limit m,n 跳过m条显示n条 $result = $conn->query($sql); $arrr = array(); while($attr = $result->fetch_assoc()){ array_push($arrr,$attr); }; $sql1 ="select count(*) from user1"; $result1 = $conn->query($sql1); $attr1 = $result1->fetch_row(); $arr = array(); //layui接口接受的数据格式 /* { code: 0, msg: "", count: 1000,//数据条数 data: [] } */ $arr['code'] = 0; $arr['msg'] =""; $arr['count'] = $attr1[0]; $arr['data'] = $arrr; echo json_encode($arr); break; //==========按班级查找================== case "chazhao": $bj = $_POST['bj']; $page = $_POST['page']; $limit = $_POST['limit']; $tg = ($page-1)*$limit; $sql ="select * from user1 where class like '%{$bj}%' limit $tg,$limit"; $result = $conn->query($sql); $arrr = array(); while($attr = $result->fetch_assoc()){ array_push($arrr,$attr); }; $sql1 ="select count(*) from user1"; $result1 = $conn->query($sql1); $attr1 = $result1->fetch_row(); $arr = array(); $arr['code'] = 0; $arr['msg'] =""; $arr['count'] = $attr1[0]; $arr['data'] = $arrr; echo json_encode($arr); break; case "bj": $field = $_POST['field']; $value = $_POST['value']; $id = $_POST['id']; $sql = "update user1 set $field='{$value}' where id='{$id}'"; $result = $conn->query($sql); break; case"shanchu": $id = $_POST['id']; $sql = "delete from user1 where id='{$id}'"; if($result = $conn->query($sql)){ echo "ok"; }; break; case "add": $zh = $_POST['zh']; $xm = $_POST['xm']; $mm = $_POST['mm']; $bj = $_POST['bj']; $bk = $_POST['bk']; $sj1 = strtotime($_POST['sj']);//日期转时间戳 $sj2=$sj1+2592000; $sj3=$sj2+2592000; $sj4=$sj3+2592000; $sj5=$sj4+2592000; if(!empty($zh)&&!empty($xm)&&!empty($mm)&&!empty($bj)&&!empty($bk)&&!empty($sj1)){ $sql = "insert into user1 values('','{$zh}','{$xm}','{$mm}','{$bj}','{$bk}')"; if($result = $conn->query($sql)){ $sql1="insert into basicwages values('','{$xm}','{$sj1}','{$sj2}','2500','阶段一')"; $result1 = $conn->query($sql1); $sql2="insert into basicwages values('','{$xm}','{$sj2}','{$sj3}','3000','阶段二')"; $result2 = $conn->query($sql2); $sql3="insert into basicwages values('','{$xm}','{$sj3}','{$sj4}','3500','阶段三')"; $result3 = $conn->query($sql3); $sql4="insert into basicwages values('','{$xm}','{$sj4}','{$sj5}','4000','阶段四')"; $result4 = $conn->query($sql4); echo "ok"; }; } break; case "jiazai": $sql = "select class from user1"; $result = $conn->query($sql); $attr = $result->fetch_all(); foreach($attr as $v){ $v =join(',',$v); $temp[] = $v; }; $temp = array_values(array_unique($temp));//不用array_values会返回object /*foreach ($temp as $k => $v){ $temp[$k]=explode(',',$v); //再将拆开的数组重新组装 }*/ echo json_encode($temp); break; case "lian": $sql ="select distinct class from user1 where class not in('教师','教务')"; $result = $conn->query($sql); $attr = $result->fetch_all(); echo json_encode($attr); break; case "lian1": $sel1 = $_POST['sel1']; $sql ="select uid,name from user1 where class ='{$sel1}'"; $result = $conn->query($sql); $attr = $result->fetch_all(); echo json_encode($attr); break; //============================考勤页面================================== case "load_kaoqin": $page = $_POST['page']; $limit = $_POST['limit']; $tg = ($page-1)*$limit; $sql ="select *,from_unixtime(time1,'%Y-%m-%d')as riqi from workattendance order by time1 desc limit $tg,$limit";//limit m,n 跳过m条显示n条 //时间戳转时间 $result = $conn->query($sql); $arrr = array(); while($attr = $result->fetch_assoc()){ array_push($arrr,$attr); }; $sql1 ="select count(*) from workattendance"; $result1 = $conn->query($sql1); $attr1 = $result1->fetch_row(); $arr = array(); $arr['code'] = 0; $arr['msg'] =""; $arr['count'] = $attr1[0]; $arr['data'] = $arrr; echo json_encode($arr); break; case "kq_bj": $field = $_POST['field']; $value = $_POST['value']; $id = $_POST['id']; $sql = "update workattendance set $field='{$value}' where id='{$id}'"; $result = $conn->query($sql); break; case"kq_shanchu": $id = $_POST['id']; $sql = "delete from workattendance where id='{$id}'"; if($result = $conn->query($sql)){ echo "ok"; }; break; case "kq_chazhao": $xm = $_POST['xm']; $bj = $_POST['bj']; $lx = $_POST['lx']; $page = $_POST['page']; $limit = $_POST['limit']; $tg = ($page-1)*$limit; $sql ="select *,from_unixtime(time1,'%Y-%m-%d')as riqi from workattendance where studentname like '%{$xm}%' and class like '%{$bj}%' and type like '%{$lx}%' order by time1 desc limit $tg,$limit"; $result = $conn->query($sql); $arrr = array(); while($attr = $result->fetch_assoc()){ array_push($arrr,$attr); }; $sql1 ="select count(*) from workattendance"; $result1 = $conn->query($sql1); $attr1 = $result1->fetch_row(); $arr = array(); $arr['code'] = 0; $arr['msg'] =""; $arr['count'] = $attr1[0]; $arr['data'] = $arrr; echo json_encode($arr); break; case "chidao": if(empty($_POST['time'])){ echo "no"; }else{ $zl = $_POST['zl']; $bj = $_POST['bj']; $stu_name = $_POST['stu_name']; $time = strtotime($_POST['time']);//日期转时间戳 $tea_name = $_SESSION['uid']; $sql ="insert into workattendance values('','{$tea_name}','{$stu_name}','{$bj}','{$zl}','{$time}')"; if($result = $conn->query($sql)){ echo "ok"; }; } break; case "zaotui": if(empty($_POST['time'])){ echo "no"; }else{ $zl = $_POST['zl']; $bj = $_POST['bj']; $stu_name = $_POST['stu_name']; $time = strtotime($_POST['time']); $tea_name = $_SESSION['uid']; $sql ="insert into workattendance values('','{$tea_name}','{$stu_name}','{$bj}','{$zl}','{$time}')"; if($result = $conn->query($sql)){ echo "ok"; }; } break; //============================自习页面========================== case "load_zixi": $page = $_POST['page']; $limit = $_POST['limit']; $tg = ($page-1)*$limit; $sql ="select *,from_unixtime(time1,'%Y-%m-%d')as riqi from zixi order by time1 desc limit $tg,$limit";//limit m,n 跳过m条显示n条 //时间戳转时间 $result = $conn->query($sql); $arrr = array(); while($attr = $result->fetch_assoc()){ array_push($arrr,$attr); }; $sql1 ="select count(*) from zixi"; $result1 = $conn->query($sql1); $attr1 = $result1->fetch_row(); $arr = array(); $arr['code'] = 0; $arr['msg'] =""; $arr['count'] = $attr1[0]; $arr['data'] = $arrr; echo json_encode($arr); break; case "zx_bj": $field = $_POST['field']; $value = $_POST['value']; $id = $_POST['id']; $sql = "update zixi set $field='{$value}' where id='{$id}'"; $result = $conn->query($sql); break; case"zx_shanchu": $id = $_POST['id']; $sql = "delete from zixi where id='{$id}'"; if($result = $conn->query($sql)){ echo "ok"; }; break; case "zx_chazhao": $xm = $_POST['xm']; $bj = $_POST['bj']; $page = $_POST['page']; $limit = $_POST['limit']; $tg = ($page-1)*$limit; $sql ="select *,from_unixtime(time1,'%Y-%m-%d')as riqi from zixi where studentname like '%{$xm}%' and class like '%{$bj}%' order by time1 desc limit $tg,$limit"; $result = $conn->query($sql); $arrr = array(); while($attr = $result->fetch_assoc()){ array_push($arrr,$attr); }; $sql1 ="select count(*) from zixi"; $result1 = $conn->query($sql1); $attr1 = $result1->fetch_row(); $arr = array(); $arr['code'] = 0; $arr['msg'] =""; $arr['count'] = $attr1[0]; $arr['data'] = $arrr; echo json_encode($arr); break; case "zixi": if(empty($_POST['time'])){ echo "no"; }else{ $zl = $_POST['zl']; $bj = $_POST['bj']; $stu_name = $_POST['stu_name']; $time = strtotime($_POST['time']);//日期转时间戳 $tea_name = $_SESSION['uid']; $sql ="insert into zixi values('','{$tea_name}','{$stu_name}','{$bj}','{$zl}','{$time}')"; if($result = $conn->query($sql)){ echo "ok"; }; } break; //==========================卫生页面================================ case "load_weisheng": $page = $_POST['page']; $limit = $_POST['limit']; $tg = ($page-1)*$limit; $sql ="select *,from_unixtime(time,'%Y-%m-%d')as riqi from weisheng order by time desc limit $tg,$limit";//limit m,n 跳过m条显示n条 //时间戳转时间 $result = $conn->query($sql); $arrr = array(); while($attr = $result->fetch_assoc()){ array_push($arrr,$attr); }; $sql1 ="select count(*) from weisheng"; $result1 = $conn->query($sql1); $attr1 = $result1->fetch_row(); $arr = array(); $arr['code'] = 0; $arr['msg'] =""; $arr['count'] = $attr1[0]; $arr['data'] = $arrr; echo json_encode($arr); break; case "ws_bj": $field = $_POST['field']; $value = $_POST['value']; $id = $_POST['id']; $sql = "update weisheng set $field='{$value}' where id='{$id}'"; $result = $conn->query($sql); break; case"ws_shanchu": $id = $_POST['id']; $sql = "delete from weisheng where id='{$id}'"; if($result = $conn->query($sql)){ echo "ok"; }; break; case "wx_chazhao": $xm = $_POST['xm']; $bj = $_POST['bj']; $lx = $_POST['lx']; $page = $_POST['page']; $limit = $_POST['limit']; $tg = ($page-1)*$limit; $sql ="select *,from_unixtime(time,'%Y-%m-%d')as riqi from weisheng where student like '%{$xm}%' and class like '%{$bj}%' and wsqk like '%{$lx}%' order by time desc limit $tg,$limit"; $result = $conn->query($sql); $arrr = array(); while($attr = $result->fetch_assoc()){ array_push($arrr,$attr); }; $sql1 ="select count(*) from weisheng"; $result1 = $conn->query($sql1); $attr1 = $result1->fetch_row(); $arr = array(); $arr['code'] = 0; $arr['msg'] =""; $arr['count'] = $attr1[0]; $arr['data'] = $arrr; echo json_encode($arr); break; case "wsqk": if(empty($_POST['time'])){ echo "no"; }else{ $zl = $_POST['zl']; $bj = $_POST['bj']; $stu_name = $_POST['stu_name']; $time = strtotime($_POST['time']);//日期转时间戳 $sql ="insert into weisheng values('','{$bj}','{$stu_name}','{$time}','{$zl}')"; if($result = $conn->query($sql)){ echo "ok"; }; } break; //======================考试页面============================== case "load_kaoshi": $page = $_POST['page']; $limit = $_POST['limit']; $tg = ($page-1)*$limit; $sql ="select *,from_unixtime(times,'%Y-%m-%d')as riqi from examination order by times desc limit $tg,$limit";//limit m,n 跳过m条显示n条 //时间戳转时间 $result = $conn->query($sql); $arrr = array(); while($attr = $result->fetch_assoc()){ array_push($arrr,$attr); }; $sql1 ="select count(*) from examination"; $result1 = $conn->query($sql1); $attr1 = $result1->fetch_row(); $arr = array(); $arr['code'] = 0; $arr['msg'] =""; $arr['count'] = $attr1[0]; $arr['data'] = $arrr; echo json_encode($arr); break; case "ks_bj": $field = $_POST['field']; $value = $_POST['value']; $id = $_POST['id']; $sql = "update examination set $field='{$value}' where id='{$id}'"; $result = $conn->query($sql); break; case"ks_shanchu": $id = $_POST['id']; $sql = "delete from examination where id='{$id}'"; if($result = $conn->query($sql)){ echo "ok"; }; break; case "ks_chazhao": $xm = $_POST['xm']; $bj = $_POST['bj']; $fs = $_POST['fs']; $page = $_POST['page']; $limit = $_POST['limit']; $tg = ($page-1)*$limit; $sql ="select *,from_unixtime(times,'%Y-%m-%d')as riqi from examination where studentname like '%{$xm}%' and class like '%{$bj}%' and score like '%{$fs}%' order by times desc limit $tg,$limit"; $result = $conn->query($sql); $arrr = array(); while($attr = $result->fetch_assoc()){ array_push($arrr,$attr); }; $sql1 ="select count(*) from examination"; $result1 = $conn->query($sql1); $attr1 = $result1->fetch_row(); $arr = array(); $arr['code'] = 0; $arr['msg'] =""; $arr['count'] = $attr1[0]; $arr['data'] = $arrr; echo json_encode($arr); break; case "tj_score": if(empty($_POST['time'])){ echo "no"; }else{ $score = $_POST['score']; $bj = $_POST['bj']; $stu_name = $_POST['stu_name']; $time = strtotime($_POST['time']);//日期转时间戳 $tea_name = $_SESSION['uid']; $sql ="insert into examination values('','{$tea_name}','{$stu_name}','{$bj}','{$score}','{$time}')"; if($result = $conn->query($sql)){ echo "ok"; }; } break; //======================项目页面============================== case "load_xiangmu": $page = $_POST['page']; $limit = $_POST['limit']; $tg = ($page-1)*$limit; $sql ="select *,from_unixtime(times,'%Y-%m-%d')as riqi from project order by times desc limit $tg,$limit";//limit m,n 跳过m条显示n条 //时间戳转时间 $result = $conn->query($sql); $arrr = array(); while($attr = $result->fetch_assoc()){ array_push($arrr,$attr); }; $sql1 ="select count(*) from project"; $result1 = $conn->query($sql1); $attr1 = $result1->fetch_row(); $arr = array(); $arr['code'] = 0; $arr['msg'] =""; $arr['count'] = $attr1[0]; $arr['data'] = $arrr; echo json_encode($arr); break; case "xm_bj": $field = $_POST['field']; $value = $_POST['value']; $id = $_POST['id']; $sql = "update project set $field='{$value}' where id='{$id}'"; $result = $conn->query($sql); break; case"xm_shanchu": $id = $_POST['id']; $sql = "delete from project where id='{$id}'"; if($result = $conn->query($sql)){ echo "ok"; }; break; case "xm_chazhao": $xm = $_POST['xm']; $bj = $_POST['bj']; $fs = $_POST['fs']; $page = $_POST['page']; $limit = $_POST['limit']; $tg = ($page-1)*$limit; $sql ="select *,from_unixtime(times,'%Y-%m-%d')as riqi from project where studentname like '%{$xm}%' and class like '%{$bj}%' and score like '%{$fs}%' order by times desc limit $tg,$limit"; $result = $conn->query($sql); $arrr = array(); while($attr = $result->fetch_assoc()){ array_push($arrr,$attr); }; $sql1 ="select count(*) from project"; $result1 = $conn->query($sql1); $attr1 = $result1->fetch_row(); $arr = array(); $arr['code'] = 0; $arr['msg'] =""; $arr['count'] = $attr1[0]; $arr['data'] = $arrr; echo json_encode($arr); break; case "xm_score": if(empty($_POST['time'])){ echo "no"; }else{ $score = $_POST['score']; $bj = $_POST['bj']; $stu_name = $_POST['stu_name']; $pro_name = $_POST['pro_name']; $time = strtotime($_POST['time']);//日期转时间戳 $tea_name = $_SESSION['uid']; $sql ="insert into project values('','{$tea_name}','{$stu_name}','{$bj}','{$pro_name}','{$score}','{$time}')"; if($result = $conn->query($sql)){ echo "ok"; }; } break; //======================作业页面============================== case "load_zuoye": $page = $_POST['page']; $limit = $_POST['limit']; $tg = ($page-1)*$limit; $sql ="select *,from_unixtime(time,'%Y-%m-%d')as riqi from job order by time desc limit $tg,$limit";//limit m,n 跳过m条显示n条 //时间戳转时间 $result = $conn->query($sql); $arrr = array(); while($attr = $result->fetch_assoc()){ array_push($arrr,$attr); }; $sql1 ="select count(*) from job"; $result1 = $conn->query($sql1); $attr1 = $result1->fetch_row(); $arr = array(); $arr['code'] = 0; $arr['msg'] =""; $arr['count'] = $attr1[0]; $arr['data'] = $arrr; echo json_encode($arr); break; case "zy_bj": $field = $_POST['field']; $value = $_POST['value']; $id = $_POST['id']; $sql = "update job set $field='{$value}' where id='{$id}'"; $result = $conn->query($sql); break; case"zy_shanchu": $id = $_POST['id']; $sql = "delete from job where id='{$id}'"; if($result = $conn->query($sql)){ echo "ok"; }; break; case "zy_chazhao": $xm = $_POST['xm']; $bj = $_POST['bj']; $wcqk = $_POST['wcqk']; $page = $_POST['page']; $limit = $_POST['limit']; $tg = ($page-1)*$limit; $sql ="select *,from_unixtime(time,'%Y-%m-%d')as riqi from job where student like '%{$xm}%' and class like '%{$bj}%' and wcqk like '%{$wcqk}%' order by time desc limit $tg,$limit"; $result = $conn->query($sql); $arrr = array(); while($attr = $result->fetch_assoc()){ array_push($arrr,$attr); }; $sql1 ="select count(*) from job"; $result1 = $conn->query($sql1); $attr1 = $result1->fetch_row(); $arr = array(); $arr['code'] = 0; $arr['msg'] =""; $arr['count'] = $attr1[0]; $arr['data'] = $arrr; echo json_encode($arr); break; case "tj_zy": if(empty($_POST['time'])){ echo "no"; }else{ $qk = $_POST['qk']; $bj = $_POST['bj']; $stu_name = $_POST['stu_name']; $time = strtotime($_POST['time']);//日期转时间戳 $sql ="insert into job values('','{$bj}','{$stu_name}','{$time}','{$qk}')"; if($result = $conn->query($sql)){ echo "ok"; }; } break; //======================博客页面============================== case "load_boke": $page = $_POST['page']; $limit = $_POST['limit']; $tg = ($page-1)*$limit; $sql ="select *,from_unixtime(time,'%Y-%m-%d')as riqi from boke order by time desc limit $tg,$limit";//limit m,n 跳过m条显示n条 //时间戳转时间 $result = $conn->query($sql); $arrr = array(); while($attr = $result->fetch_assoc()){ array_push($arrr,$attr); }; $sql1 ="select count(*) from boke"; $result1 = $conn->query($sql1); $attr1 = $result1->fetch_row(); $arr = array(); $arr['code'] = 0; $arr['msg'] =""; $arr['count'] = $attr1[0]; $arr['data'] = $arrr; echo json_encode($arr); break; case "bk_bj": $field = $_POST['field']; $value = $_POST['value']; $id = $_POST['id']; $sql = "update boke set $field='{$value}' where id='{$id}'"; $result = $conn->query($sql); break; case"bk_shanchu": $id = $_POST['id']; $sql = "delete from boke where id='{$id}'"; if($result = $conn->query($sql)){ echo "ok"; }; break; case "bk_chazhao": $xm = $_POST['xm']; $bj = $_POST['bj']; $fen = $_POST['fen']; $page = $_POST['page']; $limit = $_POST['limit']; $tg = ($page-1)*$limit; $sql ="select *,from_unixtime(time,'%Y-%m-%d')as riqi from boke where student like '%{$xm}%' and class like '%{$bj}%' and fen like '%{$fen}%' order by time desc limit $tg,$limit"; $result = $conn->query($sql); $arrr = array(); while($attr = $result->fetch_assoc()){ array_push($arrr,$attr); }; $sql1 ="select count(*) from boke"; $result1 = $conn->query($sql1); $attr1 = $result1->fetch_row(); $arr = array(); $arr['code'] = 0; $arr['msg'] =""; $arr['count'] = $attr1[0]; $arr['data'] = $arrr; echo json_encode($arr); break; case "tj_bk": if(empty($_POST['time'])){ echo "no"; }else{ $fen = $_POST['fen']; $bj = $_POST['bj']; $stu_name = $_POST['stu_name']; $time = strtotime($_POST['time']);//日期转时间戳 $sql ="insert into boke values('','{$stu_name}','{$bj}','{$fen}','{$time}')"; if($result = $conn->query($sql)){ echo "ok"; }; } break; case "clear": session_destroy(); break; } ?>