Reflective Journal 2

Posted on 2024-05-20 20:08  passionate-  阅读(3)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

(1) The process of making a digital story
First, I find the story in Chinese and then translate it into English. In the meantime, I shorten the content.
Next, I search for pictures matching with my story scrip.
Then,I seek to find suitable background music.
Last,I combine the pictures and music into one video. And use my voice to dub.

(2) Justify the semotic choice (visual, sound, video, etc.) in your video;(why you would like to use this mode? How do you integrate those mode effectively?)
From the visual aspect, I use pictures. Because they can convey what I say correctly and vividly.
And the sound, like my background music, I take advantage of Miyazaki Hayao’ movies background music. Account for its dreamlike atmosphere.

(3) Name some challenges of making a digital story;
Such as my pictures are not clear enough. And my story is so long that my audiences will get bored.

(4) What you have learned through preparation of this project
I have learned that use different music to highlight certain atmosphere. And match my pictures with my story.

(5) The benefit of making a digital story compared with traditional writing?
I think it will more vivid and can evoke audience’s feelings more easily. Give the audience a visual and auditory feast.

(6) Your attitude towards this type of DMC. (Do you enjoy this form of DMC writing? Why?)
I enjoy it very much. Not only because of their interesting story but also their music and presentation.

(7)Anything you want to share is ok.
Sorry, I have no idea.

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