1 procedure DrawAlpha(bmpBack, bmpFore : TBitmap; TransColor : TColor; OffX, OffY : Integer; Alpha : Integer);
3 type
4 TRGBArray = array[0..32767] of TRGBTriple;
5 PRGBArray = ^TRGBArray;
7 var
8 X, Y : Integer;
9 rowFore,
10 rowBack : PRGBArray;
12 begin
13 // check bitmaps
14 if not Assigned(bmpBack) or
15 not Assigned(bmpFore) then
16 Exit;
18 // check color depth
19 if (bmpFore.PixelFormat <> pf24bit) or
20 (bmpBack.PixelFormat <> pf24bit) then
21 Exit;
23 // check dimensions
24 // if (bmpFore.Height + OffY > bmpBack.Height) or
25 // (bmpFore.Width + OffX > bmpBack.Width) then
26 // Exit;
28 // check alpha value
29 if (Alpha > 255) or
30 (Alpha < 0) then
31 Alpha := 255;
33 for y := 0 to bmpFore.Height - 1 do
34 begin
35 // scan bitmap rows
36 if (y > bmpBack.Width) then
37 Continue;
38 rowBack := bmpBack.ScanLine[y + OffY];
39 rowFore := bmpFore.ScanLine[y];
40 for x := 0 to bmpFore.Width - 1 do
41 begin
42 if (x+offx>bmpBack.Width) then
43 Continue;
44 // if not transparent color
45 if not ((rowFore[x].rgbtRed = GetRValue(TransColor)) and
46 (rowFore[x].rgbtGreen = GetGValue(TransColor)) and
47 (rowFore[x].rgbtBlue = GetBValue(TransColor))) then
48 // calculate new pixel value
49 begin
50 rowBack[x + OffX].rgbtRed := ((rowBack[x + OffX].rgbtRed * (255 - Alpha)) + (rowFore[x].rgbtRed * abs(Alpha-255)))div 255;
51 rowBack[x + OffX].rgbtGreen := ((rowBack[x + OffX].rgbtGreen) * (255 - Alpha) + (rowFore[x].rgbtGreen * Abs(Alpha-255)))div 255;
52 rowBack[x + OffX].rgbtBlue := ((rowBack[x + OffX].rgbtBlue) * (255 - Alpha) + (rowFore[x].rgbtBlue * Abs(Alpha-255)))div 255;
53 end;
54 end;
55 end;
56 end;
3 type
4 TRGBArray = array[0..32767] of TRGBTriple;
5 PRGBArray = ^TRGBArray;
7 var
8 X, Y : Integer;
9 rowFore,
10 rowBack : PRGBArray;
12 begin
13 // check bitmaps
14 if not Assigned(bmpBack) or
15 not Assigned(bmpFore) then
16 Exit;
18 // check color depth
19 if (bmpFore.PixelFormat <> pf24bit) or
20 (bmpBack.PixelFormat <> pf24bit) then
21 Exit;
23 // check dimensions
24 // if (bmpFore.Height + OffY > bmpBack.Height) or
25 // (bmpFore.Width + OffX > bmpBack.Width) then
26 // Exit;
28 // check alpha value
29 if (Alpha > 255) or
30 (Alpha < 0) then
31 Alpha := 255;
33 for y := 0 to bmpFore.Height - 1 do
34 begin
35 // scan bitmap rows
36 if (y > bmpBack.Width) then
37 Continue;
38 rowBack := bmpBack.ScanLine[y + OffY];
39 rowFore := bmpFore.ScanLine[y];
40 for x := 0 to bmpFore.Width - 1 do
41 begin
42 if (x+offx>bmpBack.Width) then
43 Continue;
44 // if not transparent color
45 if not ((rowFore[x].rgbtRed = GetRValue(TransColor)) and
46 (rowFore[x].rgbtGreen = GetGValue(TransColor)) and
47 (rowFore[x].rgbtBlue = GetBValue(TransColor))) then
48 // calculate new pixel value
49 begin
50 rowBack[x + OffX].rgbtRed := ((rowBack[x + OffX].rgbtRed * (255 - Alpha)) + (rowFore[x].rgbtRed * abs(Alpha-255)))div 255;
51 rowBack[x + OffX].rgbtGreen := ((rowBack[x + OffX].rgbtGreen) * (255 - Alpha) + (rowFore[x].rgbtGreen * Abs(Alpha-255)))div 255;
52 rowBack[x + OffX].rgbtBlue := ((rowBack[x + OffX].rgbtBlue) * (255 - Alpha) + (rowFore[x].rgbtBlue * Abs(Alpha-255)))div 255;
53 end;
54 end;
55 end;
56 end;
1 procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
2 begin
3 // set color depth to 16.7mio colors (24 bit)
4 // because the loaded bitmaps are 8 bit
5 img1.Picture.Bitmap.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
6 img2.Picture.Bitmap.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
8 DrawAlpha(img1.Picture.Bitmap, img2.Picture.Bitmap, clFuchsia, 10, 10, 5);
10 // update image1 (result)
11 img1.Invalidate;
12 end;
2 begin
3 // set color depth to 16.7mio colors (24 bit)
4 // because the loaded bitmaps are 8 bit
5 img1.Picture.Bitmap.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
6 img2.Picture.Bitmap.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
8 DrawAlpha(img1.Picture.Bitmap, img2.Picture.Bitmap, clFuchsia, 10, 10, 5);
10 // update image1 (result)
11 img1.Invalidate;
12 end;