ERP系统之采购(一) (T-SQL+VIEW+ASP.NET+模版+自定义用户控件+AJAX)
1 <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" MasterPageFile="~/Content.master" CodeFile="SelectBook.aspx.cs" 2 Inherits="WBPmodule_Book_BookInfo_SelectBook" %> 3 4 <asp:Content ID="PageHead" ContentPlaceHolderID="PageHead" runat="Server"> 5 <base target="_self"/> 6 <script type="text/javascript"> 7 $(document).ready(function () { 8 //隔行换色 9 setTrColor("ListTable"); 10 $("input[name='BiCode']").select(); 11 12 //绑定批销单回车键 13 $("input[name='BiCode']").bind('keyup', function (event) { 14 if (event.keyCode == "13") { 15 //获取订单信息 16 if ($("input[name='BiCode']").val() != "") { 17 Search(); 18 } 19 } 20 }); 21 22 //绑定批销单回车键 23 $("input[name='BiName']").bind('keyup', function (event) { 24 if (event.keyCode == "13") { 25 //获取订单信息 26 if ($("input[name='BiName']").val() != "") { 27 Search(); 28 } 29 } 30 }); 31 }); 32 33 function Search() { 34 form1.submit(); 35 } 36 37 //将所有值返回到父窗口 38 function doSearch(biID) { 39 window.returnValue = biID; 40 window.close(); 41 } 42 </script> 43 </asp:Content> 44 <asp:Content ID="QuickAction" ContentPlaceHolderID="QuickAction" runat="Server"> 45 <form id="form1" runat="server" action=""> 46 条码:<input name="BiCode" value="<%=BiCode %>" style="width:120px;" /> 47 书名:<input name="BiName" value="<%=BiName %>" style="width:100px;" /> 48 </form> 49 </asp:Content> 50 <asp:Content ID="ContentBody" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentBody" runat="Server"> 51 <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%;" id="ListTable"> 52 <tr> 53 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 8%;"> 54 商品ID 55 </td> 56 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 10%;"> 57 条形码 58 </td> 59 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 45%;"> 60 书名 61 </td> 62 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 25%;"> 63 出版社 64 </td> 65 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 6%;"> 66 定价 67 </td> 68 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 6%;"> 69 操作 70 </td> 71 </tr> 72 <% 73 for (int i = 0; i < BookInfoList.Count; i++) 74 { 75 %> 76 <tr> 77 <td class="ListContent"> 78 <%= WebUtility.CreateBookCode(BookInfoList[i].BiID)%> 79 </td> 80 <td class="ListContent"> 81 <%= BookInfoList[i].BiCode%> 82 </td> 83 <td class="ListContent"> 84 <%= BookInfoList[i].BiName%> 85 </td> 86 <td class="ListContent"> 87 <%= BookInfoList[i].BibsID.BsName%> 88 </td> 89 <td class="ListContent"> 90 <%= BookInfoList[i].BiPrice%> 91 </td> 92 <td class="ListContent"> 93 <a href="javascript:doSearch('<%= BookInfoList[i].BiID%>')">选择</a> 94 95 </td> 96 </tr> 97 <% 98 } 99 %> 100 <tr> 101 <td colspan="6" id="ListTotal" class="ListTotal"> 102 </td> 103 </tr> 104 </table> 105 </asp:Content>
1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 4 using BNutility; 5 using BNmodel; 6 using BNbll; 7 8 public partial class WBPmodule_Book_BookInfo_SelectBook : System.Web.UI.Page 9 { 10 //声明图书条形码变量 11 protected string BiCode = ""; 12 //声明图书名称变量 13 protected string BiName = ""; 14 //声明图书信息业务逻辑 15 BookInfoManager BookInfo_Bll = new BookInfoManager(); 16 17 //声明图书信息实例 18 protected List<BookInfo> BookInfoList = new List<BookInfo>(); 19 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 20 { 21 22 BiCode = Request.Form["biCode"]; 23 BiName = Request.Form["biName"]; 24 List<SqlWhere> sqlwhere = new List<SqlWhere>(); 25 sqlwhere.Add(new SqlWhere(BookInfo.BISTATUS, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, 1)); 26 //sqlwhere.Add(new SqlWhere(BookInfo.BIISCOMPOSE, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, 0)); 27 28 //条形码和书名 29 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(BiCode)) 30 { 31 sqlwhere.Add(new SqlWhere(BookInfo.BICODE, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, BiCode)); 32 } 33 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(BiName)) 34 { 35 sqlwhere.Add(new SqlWhere(BookInfo.BINAME, SqlWhere.Oper.Like, BiName)); 36 } 37 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(BiCode) || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(BiName)) 38 { 39 BookInfoList = BookInfo_Bll.GetList(0, 0, "biID,biName,biCode,bibsID:{bsName},biPrice", sqlwhere, null); 40 } 41 42 } 43 }
1 <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" MasterPageFile="~/Manage.master" CodeFile="ApplyEdit.aspx.cs" 2 Inherits="WBPmodule_Purchase_In_ApplyEdit" %> 3 4 <asp:Content ID="PageHead" ContentPlaceHolderID="PageHead" runat="Server"> 5 <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> 6 <script type="text/javascript"> 7 $(document).ready(function () { 8 //绑定验证 9 ValidForm(); 10 11 //隔行换色 12 setTrColor("ListTable"); 13 14 //计算总数 15 CheckTotal(); 16 17 }); 18 19 var DontActionStatus = ",Auditor,Difference,InStock,NotConfirmation,Confirmation,NotAccounting,Accounting,Delete,"; 20 21 //保存主单 22 function SavePurchase() { 23 if (SubmitValidForm($("#PurchaseOrder"))) { 24 $.ajax({ 25 url: "Ajax.ashx", 26 data: { 27 OpType: "SavePurchaseOrder", 28 PoID: parseInt($("input[name='poID']").val().replace("CG", ""), 10), 29 SdcID: $("select[name='sdcID']").val(), 30 BsID: $("select[name='bsID']").val(), 31 PoEstimateDate: $("input[name='poEstimateDate']").val(), 32 PoRemark: $("input[name='poRemark']").val() 33 }, 34 async: true, 35 cache: false, 36 dataType: "html", 37 error: function (a, b, c) { 38 if (b == "error") { 39 var InfoStatus = "lose"; 40 var InfoContent = "采购单保存失败"; 41 var InfoAction = "<a href=\"javascript:HidInfo()\">确定</a>"; 42 ShowInfo(InfoStatus, InfoContent, InfoAction); 43 } 44 }, 45 success: function (Result) { 46 if (DontActionStatus.indexOf("," + Result + ",") >= 0) { 47 var InfoStatus = "lose"; 48 var InfoContent = "采购单保存失败<br />" + GetPurchaseStatus(Result); 49 var InfoAction = "<a href=\"javascript:HidInfo()\">确定</a>"; 50 ShowInfo(InfoStatus, InfoContent, InfoAction); 51 } 52 else { 53 var InfoStatus = "win"; 54 var InfoContent = "采购单保存成功"; 55 var InfoAction = "<a href=\"javascript:RedirectPage('170202', 'EditPoID=" + Result + "')\">确定</a>"; 56 ShowInfo(InfoStatus, InfoContent, InfoAction); 57 } 58 } 59 }); 60 } 61 } 62 63 //添加明细 64 function AddDetail() { 65 var PoID = parseInt($("input[name='poID']").val().replace("CG", ""), 10); 66 if (PoID > 0) { 67 if (SubmitValidForm($("#ListTable"))) { 68 var BiID = MakeAnotherWindow('', '', '750', '550', 'yes'); 69 if (BiID != "") { 70 $.ajax({ 71 url: "Ajax.ashx", 72 data: { 73 OpType: "GetBookInfo", 74 PoID: PoID, 75 BiID: BiID, 76 SdcID: $("select[name='sdcID']").val() 77 }, 78 async: true, 79 cache: false, 80 dataType: "html", 81 error: function (a, b, c) { 82 if (b == "error") { 83 var InfoStatus = "lose"; 84 var InfoContent = "图书信息获取失败"; 85 var InfoAction = "<a href=\"javascript:HidInfo()\">确定</a>"; 86 ShowInfo(InfoStatus, InfoContent, InfoAction); 87 } 88 }, 89 success: function (Result) { 90 if (DontActionStatus.indexOf("," + Result + ",") >= 0) { 91 var InfoStatus = "lose"; 92 var InfoContent = "采购单保存失败<br />" + GetPurchaseStatus(Result); 93 var InfoAction = "<a href=\"javascript:HidInfo()\">确定</a>"; 94 ShowInfo(InfoStatus, InfoContent, InfoAction); 95 } 96 else { 97 switch (Result) { 98 case "Exist": 99 $("#POD_AMOUNT_" + BiID).select(); 100 break; 101 default: 102 $(Result).insertAfter($("#ListTable tr:eq(0)")); 103 if (parseFloat($("#POD_DISCOUNT_" + BiID).val()) > 0) { 104 //指定折扣焦点 105 $("#POD_AMOUNT_" + BiID).select(); 106 } 107 else { 108 //指定折扣焦点 109 $("#POD_DISCOUNT_" + BiID).select(); 110 } 111 112 //绑定折扣回车键 113 $("#POD_DISCOUNT_" + BiID).bind('keyup', function (event) { 114 if (event.keyCode == "13") { 115 //获取订单信息 116 $("#POD_AMOUNT_" + BiID).select(); 117 } 118 }); 119 //绑定数量回车键 120 $("#POD_AMOUNT_" + BiID).bind('keyup', function (event) { 121 if (event.keyCode == "13") { 122 //获取订单信息 123 $("#POD_STOCK_" + BiID).select(); 124 } 125 }); 126 //绑定供应商库存回车键 127 $("#POD_STOCK_" + BiID).bind('keyup', function (event) { 128 if (event.keyCode == "13") { 129 //获取订单信息 130 $("#POD_ESTIMATE_" + BiID).select(); 131 } 132 }); 133 break; 134 } 135 } 136 } 137 }); 138 } 139 } 140 } else { 141 alert("请先保存采购单信息"); 142 } 143 } 144 145 //保存明细 146 function SaveDetail(BiID) { 147 $("#POD_STATUS_" + BiID).html(""); 148 var PoID = parseInt($("input[name='poID']").val().replace("CG", ""), 10); 149 if (PoID > 0) { 150 if (SubmitValidForm($("#ListTable"))) { 151 $.ajax({ 152 url: "Ajax.ashx", 153 data: { 154 OpType: "SaveDetail", 155 PoID: PoID, 156 BiID: BiID, 157 SdcID: $("select[name='sdcID']").val(), 158 Price: $("#POD_PRICE_" + BiID).val(), 159 Amount: $("#POD_AMOUNT_" + BiID).val(), 160 Stock: $("#POD_STOCK_" + BiID).val(), 161 Estimate: $("#POD_ESTIMATE_" + BiID).val() 162 }, 163 async: true, 164 cache: false, 165 dataType: "html", 166 error: function (a, b, c) { 167 if (b == "error") { 168 $("#POD_STATUS_" + BiID).html("<img src=\"\">"); 169 } 170 }, 171 success: function (Result) { 172 if (DontActionStatus.indexOf("," + Result + ",") >= 0) { 173 var InfoStatus = "lose"; 174 var InfoContent = "采购单保存失败<br />" + GetPurchaseStatus(Result); 175 var InfoAction = "<a href=\"javascript:HidInfo()\">确定</a>"; 176 ShowInfo(InfoStatus, InfoContent, InfoAction); 177 } 178 else { 179 180 $("#POD_STATUS_" + BiID).html("<img src=\"\">"); 181 CheckTotal(); 182 } 183 184 } 185 }); 186 } 187 } else { 188 alert("请先保存采购单信息"); 189 } 190 } 191 192 //通过折扣计算实洋 193 function CheckPrice(biID, biPrice) { 194 $("#POD_PRICE_" + biID).val((biPrice * $("#POD_DISCOUNT_" + biID).val() / 100).toFixed(4)); 195 SaveDetail(biID); 196 } 197 198 //汇总 199 function CheckTotal() { 200 var CountPrice = 0; 201 var CountAmount = 0; 202 $("TR[name='PurchaseDetail']").each(function () { 203 var BiID = $(this).attr("id"); 204 205 //绑定折扣回车键 206 $("#POD_DISCOUNT_" + BiID).bind('keyup', function (event) { 207 if (event.keyCode == "13") { 208 //获取订单信息 209 $("#POD_AMOUNT_" + BiID).select(); 210 } 211 }); 212 //绑定数量回车键 213 $("#POD_AMOUNT_" + BiID).bind('keyup', function (event) { 214 if (event.keyCode == "13") { 215 //获取订单信息 216 $("#POD_STOCK_" + BiID).select(); 217 } 218 }); 219 //绑定供应商库存回车键 220 $("#POD_STOCK_" + BiID).bind('keyup', function (event) { 221 if (event.keyCode == "13") { 222 //获取订单信息 223 $("#POD_ESTIMATE_" + BiID).select(); 224 } 225 }); 226 227 CountPrice += parseFloat($("#POD_PRICE_" + BiID).val()) * parseFloat($("#POD_AMOUNT_" + BiID).val()); 228 CountAmount += parseInt($("#POD_AMOUNT_" + BiID).val()); 229 }); 230 $("#Price_Total").val(CountPrice.toFixed(4)); 231 $("#Amount_Total").val($("TR[name='PurchaseDetail']").length + "(" + CountAmount + ")"); 232 } 233 234 function DeleteDetail(BiID) { 235 $.ajax({ 236 url: "Ajax.ashx", 237 data: { 238 OpType: "DeleteDetail", 239 PoID: parseInt($("input[name='poID']").val().replace("CG", ""), 10), 240 BiID: BiID 241 }, 242 async: false, 243 cache: false, 244 dataType: "html", 245 error: function (a, b, c) { 246 if (b == "error") { 247 var InfoStatus = "lose"; 248 var InfoContent = "采购明细删除失败"; 249 var InfoAction = "<a href=\"javascript:HidInfo()\">确定</a>"; 250 ShowInfo(InfoStatus, InfoContent, InfoAction); 251 } 252 }, 253 success: function (Result) { 254 if (Result == "false") { 255 var InfoStatus = "lose"; 256 var InfoContent = "采购明细删除失败<br />" + GetPurchaseStatus(Result); 257 var InfoAction = "<a href=\"javascript:HidInfo()\">确定</a>"; 258 ShowInfo(InfoStatus, InfoContent, InfoAction); 259 } 260 else { 261 $("TR").remove("#" + BiID); 262 } 263 CheckTotal(); 264 } 265 }); 266 } 267 268 //通过折扣计算实洋 269 function CheckPrice(biID, biPrice) { 270 $("#POD_PRICE_" + biID).val((biPrice * $("#POD_DISCOUNT_" + biID).val() / 100).toFixed(4)); 271 SaveDetail(biID); 272 } 273 274 </script> 275 </asp:Content> 276 <asp:Content ID="QuickAction" ContentPlaceHolderID="QuickAction" runat="Server"> 277 <a href="JavaScript:AddDetail()">新增明细</a> | <a href="JavaScript:RedirectPage('170201','page=<%= page%>&poID=<%= poID%>&sdcID=<%= sdcID%>&bsID=<%= bsID%>&poStatus=<%= poStatus%>&poDateBegin=<%= poDateBegin%>&poDateEnd=<%= poDateEnd%>&poEstimateDateBegin=<%= poEstimateDateBegin%>&poEstimateDateEnd=<%= poEstimateDateEnd%>')"> 278 返回</a> 279 </asp:Content> 280 <asp:Content ID="Search" ContentPlaceHolderID="Search" runat="Server"> 281 <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%;" id="PurchaseOrder"> 282 <tr> 283 <td id="poID_Title" class="SearchTitle" style="width: 10%"> 284 </td> 285 <td style="width: 13%"> 286 <input name="poID" type="text" title="采购单号" value="<%= WebUtility.CreatePurchaseOrderCode(EditPoID)%>" 287 notnull disabled /> 288 </td> 289 <td id="sdcID_Title" class="SearchTitle" style="width: 10%"> 290 </td> 291 <td style="width: 13%"> 292 <select name="sdcID" title="采购库房" style="width: 100%;" notnull> 293 <option value="">全部</option> 294 <% 295 for (int i = 0; i < StockDataClass_List.Count; i++) 296 { 297 %> 298 <option value="<%= StockDataClass_List[i].SdcID%>" <%= (StockDataClass_List[i].SdcID == EditSdcID) ? "selected" : ""%>> 299 <%= StockDataClass_List[i].SdcName%></option> 300 <% 301 } 302 %> 303 </select> 304 </td> 305 <td id="bsID_Title" class="SearchTitle" style="width: 10%"> 306 </td> 307 <td style="width: 13%"> 308 <select name="bsID" title="供 应 商" style="width: 100%;" notnull> 309 <option value="">全部</option> 310 <% 311 312 for (int i = 0; i < BookSupply_List.Count; i++) 313 { 314 %> 315 <option value="<%= BookSupply_List[i].BsID%>" <%= (BookSupply_List[i].BsID == EditBsID) ? "selected" : ""%>> 316 <%= BookSupply_List[i].BsName%></option> 317 <% 318 } 319 %> 320 </select> 321 </td> 322 <td id="poEstimateDate_Title" class="SearchTitle" style="width: 10%"> 323 </td> 324 <td style="width: 13%"> 325 <input name="poEstimateDate" type="text" title="到货日期" onclick="SetDateTime(this, false)" 326 notnull readonly value="<%=EstimateDate %>" /> 327 </td> 328 <td rowspan="2" style="width: 8%" align="center"> 329 <input id="Save" type="button" value="保存" onclick="SavePurchase()" /> 330 </td> 331 </tr> 332 <tr> 333 <td id="poRemark_Title" class="SearchTitle" style="width: 10%"> 334 </td> 335 <td colspan="3"> 336 <input name="poRemark" type="text" title="采购备注" value="<%=PoRemark %>"/> 337 </td> 338 <td id="poAuditorRemark_Title" class="SearchTitle" style="width: 10%" > 339 </td> 340 <td colspan="3"> 341 <input name="poAuditorRemark" type="text" title="审核意见" disabled /> 342 </td> 343 </tr> 344 </table> 345 </asp:Content> 346 <asp:Content ID="ContentBody" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentBody" runat="Server"> 347 <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%;" id="ListTable"> 348 <tr> 349 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 3%"> 350 </td> 351 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 7%"> 352 商品ID 353 </td> 354 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 7%"> 355 条形码 356 </td> 357 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 28%"> 358 书名 359 </td> 360 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 12%"> 361 出版社 362 </td> 363 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 6%"> 364 定价 365 </td> 366 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 5%"> 367 折扣 368 </td> 369 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 6%"> 370 采购实洋 371 </td> 372 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 6%"> 373 采购数量 374 </td> 375 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 7%"> 376 供应商库存 377 </td> 378 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 8%"> 379 供货周期(天) 380 </td> 381 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 5%"> 382 操作 383 </td> 384 </tr> 385 <% 386 for (int i = 0; i < PurchaseOrderDetail_List.Count; i++) 387 { 388 int PodDiscount = 0; 389 int Stock = 0; 390 int Estimate = 0; 391 if (PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiPrice > 0) 392 { 393 394 PodDiscount = Convert.ToInt32(PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].PodPrice / PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiPrice * 100); 395 } 396 397 dt = GetStock(Convert.ToInt32(PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].PoID.PoID)); 398 if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) 399 { 400 Stock = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["sPurchaseAmount"]); 401 Estimate = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["sPurchaseCycle"]); 402 } 403 404 %> 405 <tr name="PurchaseDetail" id="<%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiID%>"> 406 <td class="ListContent" id="POD_STATUS_<%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiID%>"> 407 </td> 408 <td class="ListContent"> 409 <%= WebUtility.CreateBookCode(PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiID)%> 410 </td> 411 <td class="ListContent"> 412 <%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiCode%> 413 </td> 414 <td class="ListContent"> 415 <%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiName%> 416 </td> 417 <td class="ListContent"> 418 <%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BibsID.BsName%> 419 </td> 420 <td class="ListContent"> 421 <%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiPrice.ToString("F2")%> 422 </td> 423 <td class="ListContent"> 424 <input id="POD_DISCOUNT_<%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiID%>" type="text" 425 value="<%=PodDiscount %>" style="text-align: right;" datatype="n0" onchange="CheckPrice('<%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiID%>','<%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiPrice%>')" /> 426 </td> 427 <td class="ListContent"> 428 <input id="POD_PRICE_<%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiID%>" value="<%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].PodPrice.ToString("F4")%>" 429 type="text" style="text-align: right;" onchange="SaveDetail('<%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiID%>')" 430 datatype="d0" notnull /> 431 </td> 432 <td class="ListContent"> 433 <input id="POD_AMOUNT_<%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiID%>" value="<%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].PodBuyAmount%>" 434 type="text" style="text-align: right;" onchange="SaveDetail('<%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiID%>')" 435 datatype="n1" notnull /> 436 </td> 437 <td class="ListContent"> 438 <input id="POD_STOCK_<%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiID%>" type="text" style="text-align: right;" 439 value="<%=Stock %>" onchange="SaveDetail('<%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiID%>')" 440 datatype="n0" notnull /> 441 </td> 442 <td class="ListContent"> 443 <input id="POD_ESTIMATE_<%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiID%>" type="text" 444 value="<%=Estimate %>" onchange="SaveDetail('<%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiID%>')" 445 style="text-align: right;" datatype="n0" notnull /> 446 </td> 447 <td class="ListContent"> 448 <a href="javascript:DeleteDetail('<%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiID%>')">删除</a> 449 </td> 450 </tr> 451 <% 452 } 453 %> 454 <tr> 455 <td class="ListTotal" colspan="6" style="text-align: right;"> 456 合计: 457 </td> 458 <td class="ListTotal" colspan="2"> 459 <input id="Price_Total" type="text" style="text-align: right;" disabled /> 460 </td> 461 <td class="ListTotal"> 462 <input id="Amount_Total" type="text" style="text-align: right;" disabled /> 463 </td> 464 <td class="ListTotal" colspan="3"> 465 </td> 466 </tr> 467 </table> 468 </asp:Content>
1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.Web.UI; 4 5 using BNbll; 6 using BNmodel; 7 using BNutility; 8 using System.Data; 9 10 public partial class WBPmodule_Purchase_In_ApplyEdit : System.Web.UI.Page 11 { 12 protected int page = 1; 13 protected string poID = ""; 14 protected string sdcID = ""; 15 protected string bsID = ""; 16 protected string poStatus = ""; 17 protected string poDateBegin = ""; 18 protected string poDateEnd = ""; 19 protected string poEstimateDateBegin = ""; 20 protected string poEstimateDateEnd = ""; 21 protected string bsID_Responsible = ""; 22 23 protected int EditPoID; 24 protected int EditSdcID = 34; 25 protected int EditBsID = 0; 26 protected string EstimateDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); 27 protected string PoRemark = ""; 28 protected string PoAuditorRemark = ""; 29 protected DataTable dt; 30 31 32 protected List<StockDataClass> StockDataClass_List = new List<StockDataClass>(); 33 protected List<BookSupply> BookSupply_List = new List<BookSupply>(); 34 protected List<PurchaseOrderDetail> PurchaseOrderDetail_List = new List<PurchaseOrderDetail>(); 35 36 37 BookSupplyManager BookSupply_Bll = new BookSupplyManager(); 38 SYS_UserInfoManager UserInfo_Bll = new SYS_UserInfoManager(); 39 StockDataClassManager StockDataClass_Bll = new StockDataClassManager(); 40 PurchaseOrderManager PurchaseOrder_Bll = new PurchaseOrderManager(); 41 PurchaseOrderDetailManager PurchaseOrderDetail_Bll = new PurchaseOrderDetailManager(); 42 43 44 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 45 { 46 poID = Request.QueryString["poID"]; 47 sdcID = Request.QueryString["sdcID"]; 48 bsID = Request.QueryString["bsID"]; 49 poStatus = Request.QueryString["poStatus"]; 50 poDateBegin = Request.QueryString["poDateBegin"]; 51 poDateEnd = Request.QueryString["poDateEnd"]; 52 poEstimateDateBegin = Request.QueryString["poEstimateDateBegin"]; 53 poEstimateDateEnd = Request.QueryString["poEstimateDateEnd"]; 54 page = WebUtility.CheckParamID(Request.QueryString["Page"], page); 55 56 57 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["EditPoID"])) 58 { 59 EditPoID = WebUtility.CheckParamID(Request.QueryString["EditPoID"], 0); 60 PurchaseOrder PurchaseOrder_Info = PurchaseOrder_Bll.GetModels(EditPoID, "SdcID:{SdcID},BsID:{BsID},PoEstimateDate,PoRemark,PoAuditorRemark"); 61 EditSdcID = PurchaseOrder_Info.SdcID.SdcID; 62 EditBsID = PurchaseOrder_Info.BsID.BsID; 63 EstimateDate = PurchaseOrder_Info.PoEstimateDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); 64 PoRemark = PurchaseOrder_Info.PoRemark; 65 PoAuditorRemark = PurchaseOrder_Info.PoAuditorRemark; 66 67 List<SqlWhere> PurchaseOrderDetailWhere = new List<SqlWhere>(); 68 PurchaseOrderDetailWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(PurchaseOrderDetail.POID, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, EditPoID)); 69 PurchaseOrderDetail_List = PurchaseOrderDetail_Bll.GetList(0, 0, "PoID:{PoID},BiID:{BiID,BiCode,BiName,BibsID:{BsName},BiPrice},PodPrice,PodBuyAmount", PurchaseOrderDetailWhere, null); 70 } 71 72 if (UserInfo_Bll.CookieUserID != "0") 73 { 74 BookSupplyManager BookSupplyResponsible_Bll = new BookSupplyManager(); 75 List<BookSupply> BookSupplyResponsible_List = new List<BookSupply>(); 76 List<SqlWhere> BookSupplyResponsibleWhere = new List<SqlWhere>(); 77 BookSupplyResponsibleWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(BookSupply.BSISSUPPLIER, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, 1)); 78 BookSupplyResponsibleWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(BookSupply.BSSTATUS, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, 1)); 79 BookSupplyResponsibleWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(BookSupply.BSSALESMAN, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, UserInfo_Bll.CookieUserID)); 80 BookSupplyResponsible_List = BookSupplyResponsible_Bll.GetList(0, 0, "bsID", BookSupplyResponsibleWhere, null); 81 if (BookSupply_List.Count > 0) 82 { 83 for (int i = 0; i < BookSupplyResponsible_List.Count; i++) 84 { 85 bsID_Responsible += "," + BookSupplyResponsible_List[i].BsID; 86 } 87 bsID_Responsible = bsID_Responsible.Substring(1, bsID_Responsible.Length - 1); 88 } 89 } 90 91 List<SqlWhere> StockDataCalssWhere = new List<SqlWhere>(); 92 StockDataCalssWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(StockDataClass.SDCID, SqlWhere.Oper.In, "31,34")); 93 StockDataCalssWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(StockDataClass.SDCPARENTID, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, 1)); 94 StockDataCalssWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(StockDataClass.SDCSTATUS, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, 1)); 95 StockDataClass_List = StockDataClass_Bll.GetList(0, 0, "sdcID,sdcName", StockDataCalssWhere, null); 96 97 List<SqlWhere> BookSupplyWhere = new List<SqlWhere>(); 98 BookSupplyWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(BookSupply.BSID, SqlWhere.Oper.MoreEqual, 0)); 99 BookSupplyWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(BookSupply.BSISSUPPLIER, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, 1)); 100 BookSupplyWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(BookSupply.BSSTATUS, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, 1)); 101 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(bsID_Responsible)) 102 { 103 BookSupplyWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(BookSupply.BSID, SqlWhere.Oper.In, bsID_Responsible)); 104 } 105 List<SqlOrder> BookSupplyOrder = new List<SqlOrder>(); 106 BookSupplyOrder.Add(new SqlOrder(BookSupply.BSNAME, true)); 107 BookSupply_List = BookSupply_Bll.GetList(0, 0, "bsID,bsName", BookSupplyWhere, BookSupplyOrder); 108 } 109 public DataTable GetStock(int PoID) 110 { 111 112 StockManager Stock_Bll = new StockManager(); 113 114 115 dt = Stock_Bll.GetStock(PoID); 116 return dt; 117 } 118 119 120 }
1 <%@ WebHandler Language="C#" Class="Ajax" %> 2 3 using System; 4 using System.Collections.Generic; 5 using System.Web; 6 7 using BNbll; 8 using BNmodel; 9 using BNutility; 10 11 public class Ajax : IHttpHandler 12 { 13 14 public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) 15 { 16 string OpType = context.Request.QueryString["OpType"]; 17 18 string PoID = context.Request.QueryString["PoID"]; 19 string SdcID = context.Request.QueryString["SdcID"]; 20 string BsID = context.Request.QueryString["BsID"]; 21 string PoEstimateDate = context.Request.QueryString["PoEstimateDate"]; 22 string PoRemark = context.Request.QueryString["PoRemark"]; 23 24 string BiID = context.Request.QueryString["BiID"]; 25 26 string Price = context.Request.QueryString["Price"]; 27 string Amount = context.Request.QueryString["Amount"]; 28 string StockAmount = context.Request.QueryString["Stock"]; 29 string Estimate = context.Request.QueryString["Estimate"]; 30 31 string PoAuditorRemark = context.Request.QueryString["PoAuditorRemark"]; 32 string PoAuditorStatus = context.Request.QueryString["PoAuditorStatus"]; 33 34 string PoReceiveUser = context.Request.QueryString["PoReceiveUser"]; 35 string PoSupplierOrder = context.Request.QueryString["PoSupplierOrder"]; 36 string PoReceiveAuditorRemark = context.Request.QueryString["PoReceiveAuditorRemark"]; 37 38 39 string SendAmount = context.Request.QueryString["SendAmount"]; 40 string ReceiveAmount = context.Request.QueryString["ReceiveAmount"]; 41 string InStock = context.Request.QueryString["InStock"]; 42 43 44 string PoDifferenceStatus = context.Request.QueryString["PoDifferenceStatus"]; 45 string PoDifferenceAuditorRemark = context.Request.QueryString["PoDifferenceAuditorRemark"]; 46 47 string PoAccountingStatus = context.Request.QueryString["PoAccountingStatus"]; 48 string PoAccountRemark = context.Request.QueryString["PoAccountRemark"]; 49 string PoAccountCode = context.Request.QueryString["PoAccountCode"]; 50 51 52 //string SendAmount = context.Request.QueryString["SendAmount"]; 53 //string ReceiveAmount = context.Request.QueryString["ReceiveAmount"]; 54 //string InStock = context.Request.QueryString["InStock"]; 55 56 57 58 string Result = ""; 59 60 61 62 63 PurchaseOrderManager PurchaseOrder_Bll = new PurchaseOrderManager(); 64 List<SqlWhere> PurchaseOrderWhere = new List<SqlWhere>(); 65 List<PurchaseOrder> PurchaseOrder_List = new List<PurchaseOrder>(); 66 PurchaseOrder PurchaseOrder_Info = new PurchaseOrder(); 67 68 69 70 PurchaseOrderDetailManager PurchaseOrderDetail_Bll = new PurchaseOrderDetailManager(); 71 List<SqlWhere> PurchaseOrderDetailWhere = new List<SqlWhere>(); 72 List<SqlOrder> PurchaseOrderDetailOrder = new List<SqlOrder>(); 73 List<PurchaseOrderDetail> PurchaseOrderDetail_List = new List<PurchaseOrderDetail>(); 74 PurchaseOrderDetail PurchaseOrderDetail_Info = new PurchaseOrderDetail(); 75 StockManager Stock_Bll = new StockManager(); 76 List<Stock> Stock_List = new List<Stock>(); 77 DiscountManager Discount_Bll = new DiscountManager(); 78 List<Discount> Discount_List = new List<Discount>(); 79 80 81 82 83 BookInfoManager BookInfo_Bll = new BookInfoManager(); 84 List<SqlWhere> BookInfoWhere = new List<SqlWhere>(); 85 List<BookInfo> BookInfo_List = new List<BookInfo>(); 86 BookInfo BookInfo_Info = new BookInfo(); 87 88 89 SYS_UserInfoManager UserInfo_Bll = new SYS_UserInfoManager(); 90 BookSupplyManager BookSupply_Bll = new BookSupplyManager(); 91 StockDataClassManager StockDataClass_Bll = new StockDataClassManager(); 92 93 Stock Stock_Info = new Stock(); 94 95 96 switch (OpType) 97 { 98 //保存采购主单 99 case "SavePurchaseOrder": 100 101 102 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PoID) && PoID != "0") 103 { 104 PurchaseOrder_Info = PurchaseOrder_Bll.GetModels(Convert.ToInt32(PoID), "PoID,PoStatus"); 105 } 106 if (PurchaseOrder_Info.PoStatus == 10 || PurchaseOrder_Info.PoStatus == 11) 107 { 108 PurchaseOrder_Info.SdcID = StockDataClass_Bll.GetModels(Convert.ToInt32(SdcID), "SdcID"); 109 PurchaseOrder_Info.BsID = BookSupply_Bll.GetModels(Convert.ToInt32(BsID), "BsID"); 110 PurchaseOrder_Info.PoUser = UserInfo_Bll.GetModels(Convert.ToInt32(UserInfo_Bll.CookieUserID), "SysuiID"); 111 PurchaseOrder_Info.PoEstimateDate = Convert.ToDateTime(PoEstimateDate); 112 PurchaseOrder_Info.PoDate = DateTime.Now; 113 PurchaseOrder_Info.PoStatus = 10; 114 PurchaseOrder_Info.PoRemark = PoRemark; 115 PurchaseOrder_Info.PoIsDifference = false; 116 117 if (PoID == "0") 118 { 119 PoID = PurchaseOrder_Bll.SaveModels(PurchaseOrder_Info).ToString(); 120 } 121 else 122 { 123 PurchaseOrder_Bll.SaveModels(PurchaseOrder_Info); 124 } 125 Result = PoID; 126 } 127 else 128 { 129 Result = CheckStatus(PurchaseOrder_Info.PoStatus); 130 } 131 break; 132 133 134 //获取订单详细信息 135 case "GetBookInfo": 136 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PoID) && PoID != "0") 137 { 138 PurchaseOrder_Info = PurchaseOrder_Bll.GetModels(Convert.ToInt32(PoID), "PoID,PoStatus"); 139 if (PurchaseOrder_Info.PoStatus == 10 || PurchaseOrder_Info.PoStatus == 11) 140 { 141 PurchaseOrderDetailWhere.Clear(); 142 PurchaseOrderDetailWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(PurchaseOrderDetail.POID, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, PoID)); 143 PurchaseOrderDetailWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(PurchaseOrderDetail.BIID, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, BiID)); 144 PurchaseOrderDetail_List = PurchaseOrderDetail_Bll.GetList(0, 0, "PodID", PurchaseOrderDetailWhere, null); 145 if (PurchaseOrderDetail_List.Count > 0) 146 { 147 Result = "Exist"; 148 } 149 else 150 { 151 BookInfo_Info = BookInfo_Bll.GetModels(Convert.ToInt32(BiID), "BiID,BiCode,BiName,BibsID:{BsName},BiPrice"); 152 153 PurchaseOrderDetail_Info.PoID = PurchaseOrder_Bll.GetModels(Convert.ToInt32(PoID), "PoID"); 154 PurchaseOrderDetail_Info.BiID = BookInfo_Bll.GetModels(Convert.ToInt32(BiID), "BiID"); 155 PurchaseOrderDetail_Info.PodPrice = 0; 156 PurchaseOrderDetail_Info.PodBuyAmount = 0; 157 PurchaseOrderDetail_Info.PodSendAmount = 0; 158 PurchaseOrderDetail_Info.PodReceiveAmount = 0; 159 PurchaseOrderDetail_Info.PodPayAmount = 0; 160 PurchaseOrderDetail_Info.PodReturnAmount = 0; 161 PurchaseOrderDetail_Info.PodPlace = ""; 162 PurchaseOrderDetail_Bll.SaveModels(PurchaseOrderDetail_Info); 163 164 double DInDiscount = 0; 165 List<SqlWhere> Discount_Where = new List<SqlWhere>(); 166 Discount_Where.Add(new SqlWhere(Discount.BIID, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, BiID)); 167 List<SqlOrder> Discount_Order = new List<SqlOrder>(); 168 Discount_Order.Add(new SqlOrder(Discount.DID, false)); 169 Discount_List = Discount_Bll.GetList(1, 1, "dInDiscount", Discount_Where, Discount_Order); 170 if (Discount_List.Count > 0) 171 { 172 DInDiscount = Discount_List[0].DInDiscount; 173 } 174 175 176 int sPurchaserCycle = 0; 177 int sPurchaseAmount = 0; 178 List<SqlWhere> Stock_Where = new List<SqlWhere>(); 179 Stock_Where.Add(new SqlWhere(Stock.BIID, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, BiID)); 180 Stock_Where.Add(new SqlWhere(Stock.SDCID, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, SdcID)); 181 Stock_List = Stock_Bll.GetList(1, 1, "SPurchaseCycle,sPurchaseAmount", Stock_Where, null); 182 if (Stock_List.Count > 0) 183 { 184 sPurchaserCycle = Stock_List[0].SPurchaseCycle; 185 sPurchaseAmount = Stock_List[0].SPurchaseAmount; 186 } 187 188 189 Result += "<tr name=\"PurchaseDetail\" id=\"" + BookInfo_Info.BiID + "\">"; 190 Result += " <td class=\"ListContent\" id=\"POD_STATUS_" + BookInfo_Info.BiID + "\"></td>"; 191 Result += " <td class=\"ListContent\">"; 192 Result += " " + WebUtility.CreateBookCode(BookInfo_Info.BiID); 193 Result += " </td>"; 194 Result += " <td class=\"ListContent\">"; 195 Result += " " + BookInfo_Info.BiCode; 196 Result += " </td>"; 197 Result += " <td class=\"ListContent\">"; 198 Result += " " + BookInfo_Info.BiName; 199 Result += " </td>"; 200 Result += " <td class=\"ListContent\">"; 201 Result += " " + BookInfo_Info.BibsID.BsName; 202 Result += " </td>"; 203 Result += " <td class=\"ListContent\">"; 204 Result += " " + BookInfo_Info.BiPrice; 205 Result += " </td>"; 206 Result += " <td class=\"ListContent\">"; 207 Result += " <input id=\"POD_DISCOUNT_" + BookInfo_Info.BiID + "\" value=\"" + DInDiscount * 100 + "\" type=\"text\" style=\"text-align: right;\" datatype=\"n1\" onchange=\"CheckPrice('" + BookInfo_Info.BiID + "','" + BookInfo_Info.BiPrice + "')\" />"; 208 Result += " </td>"; 209 Result += " <td class=\"ListContent\">"; 210 Result += " <input id=\"POD_PRICE_" + BookInfo_Info.BiID + "\" value=\"" + (BookInfo_Info.BiPrice * DInDiscount).ToString("F4") + "\" type=\"text\" style=\"text-align: right;\" datatype=\"d0\" notnull onchange=\"SaveDetail('" + BookInfo_Info.BiID + "')\" />"; 211 Result += " </td>"; 212 Result += " <td class=\"ListContent\">"; 213 Result += " <input id=\"POD_AMOUNT_" + BookInfo_Info.BiID + "\" type=\"text\" style=\"text-align: right;\" datatype=\"n1\" notnull onchange=\"SaveDetail('" + BookInfo_Info.BiID + "')\" />"; 214 Result += " </td>"; 215 Result += " <td class=\"ListContent\">"; 216 Result += " <input id=\"POD_STOCK_" + BookInfo_Info.BiID + "\" value=\"" + sPurchaseAmount + "\" type=\"text\" style=\"text-align: right;\" datatype=\"n0\" notnull onchange=\"SaveDetail('" + BookInfo_Info.BiID + "')\" />"; 217 Result += " </td>"; 218 Result += " <td class=\"ListContent\">"; 219 Result += " <input id=\"POD_ESTIMATE_" + BookInfo_Info.BiID + "\" value=\"" + sPurchaserCycle + "\" type=\"text\" style=\"text-align: right;\" datatype=\"n0\" notnull onchange=\"SaveDetail('" + BookInfo_Info.BiID + "')\" />"; 220 Result += " </td>"; 221 Result += " <td class=\"ListContent\">"; 222 Result += " <a href=\"javascript:DeleteDetail('" + BookInfo_Info.BiID + "')\">删除</a>"; 223 Result += " </td>"; 224 Result += "</tr>"; 225 } 226 } 227 else 228 { 229 Result = CheckStatus(PurchaseOrder_Info.PoStatus); 230 } 231 } 232 break; 233 234 //保存采购明细 235 case "SaveDetail": 236 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PoID) && PoID != "0") 237 { 238 PurchaseOrder_Info = PurchaseOrder_Bll.GetModels(Convert.ToInt32(PoID), "PoID,PoStatus"); 239 if (PurchaseOrder_Info.PoStatus < 62) 240 { 241 PurchaseOrderDetailWhere.Clear(); 242 PurchaseOrderDetailWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(PurchaseOrderDetail.POID, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, PoID)); 243 PurchaseOrderDetailWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(PurchaseOrderDetail.BIID, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, BiID)); 244 PurchaseOrderDetail_List = PurchaseOrderDetail_Bll.GetList(0, 0, "PodID,PodSendAmount,PodReceiveAmount,PodReturnAmount,PodPayAmount", PurchaseOrderDetailWhere, null); 245 if (PurchaseOrderDetail_List.Count > 0) 246 { 247 PurchaseOrderDetail_Info = PurchaseOrderDetail_List[0]; 248 } 249 PurchaseOrderDetail_Info.PoID = PurchaseOrder_Bll.GetModels(Convert.ToInt32(PoID), "PoID"); 250 PurchaseOrderDetail_Info.BiID = BookInfo_Bll.GetModels(Convert.ToInt32(BiID), "BiID"); 251 PurchaseOrderDetail_Info.PodPrice = Convert.ToDouble(Price); 252 PurchaseOrderDetail_Info.PodBuyAmount = Convert.ToInt32(Amount); 253 PurchaseOrderDetail_Info.PodPlace = ""; 254 PurchaseOrderDetail_Bll.SaveModels(PurchaseOrderDetail_Info); 255 256 Stock_Bll.SaveIn(Convert.ToInt32(StockAmount), Convert.ToInt32(Estimate), Convert.ToInt32(BiID), Convert.ToInt32(SdcID)); 257 } 258 else 259 { 260 Result = CheckStatus(PurchaseOrder_Info.PoStatus); 261 } 262 } 263 break; 264 265 //删除采购明细 266 case "DeleteDetail": 267 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PoID) && PoID != "0") 268 { 269 PurchaseOrder_Info = PurchaseOrder_Bll.GetModels(Convert.ToInt32(PoID), "PoID,PoStatus"); 270 if (PurchaseOrder_Info.PoStatus == 10 || PurchaseOrder_Info.PoStatus == 11) 271 { 272 PurchaseOrderDetailWhere.Clear(); 273 PurchaseOrderDetailWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(PurchaseOrderDetail.POID, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, PoID)); 274 PurchaseOrderDetailWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(PurchaseOrderDetail.BIID, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, BiID)); 275 PurchaseOrderDetail_List = PurchaseOrderDetail_Bll.GetList(0, 0, "PodID", PurchaseOrderDetailWhere, null); 276 if (PurchaseOrderDetail_List.Count > 0) 277 { 278 PurchaseOrderDetail_Bll.Delete(PurchaseOrderDetail_List[0].PodID); 279 } 280 } 281 else 282 { 283 Result = CheckStatus(PurchaseOrder_Info.PoStatus); 284 } 285 } 286 break; 287 } 288 }
1 <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true"MasterPageFile="~/Manage.master" CodeFile="AuditorManage.aspx.cs" Inherits="WBPmodule_Purchase_In_AuditorManage" %> 2 3 <%@ Register Src="Search.ascx" TagName="Search" TagPrefix="uc1" %> 4 <%@ Register Src="" TagName="PageChange" TagPrefix="uc2" %> 5 <asp:Content ID="PageHead" ContentPlaceHolderID="PageHead" runat="Server"> 6 <script type="text/javascript"> 7 $(document).ready(function () { 8 //绑定验证 9 ValidForm(); 10 11 //隔行换色 12 setTrColor("ListTable"); 13 14 //绑定批销单回车键 15 $("input[name='poID']").bind('keyup', function (event) { 16 if (event.keyCode == "13") { 17 //获取订单信息 18 if ($("input[name='poID']").val() != "") { 19 Search(); 20 } 21 } 22 }); 23 }); 24 </script> 25 </asp:Content> 26 <asp:Content ID="QuickAction" ContentPlaceHolderID="QuickAction" runat="Server"> 27 </asp:Content> 28 <asp:Content ID="Search" ContentPlaceHolderID="Search" runat="Server"> 29 <uc1:Search ID="Search1" runat="server" /> 30 </asp:Content> 31 <asp:Content ID="ContentBody" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentBody" runat="Server"> 32 <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%;" id="ListTable"> 33 <tr> 34 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 7%">采购单号 35 </td> 36 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 6%">库房 37 </td> 38 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 15%">供应商 39 </td> 40 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 10%">采购员 41 </td> 42 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 15%">采购日期 43 </td> 44 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 10%">预计到货日期 45 </td> 46 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 10%; text-align: right; padding-right: 10px;">单品(册数) 47 </td> 48 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 10%; text-align: right; padding-right: 10px;">采购实洋 49 </td> 50 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 11%">当前状态 51 </td> 52 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 5%">操作 53 </td> 54 </tr> 55 <% 56 for (int i = 0; i < PurchaseOrderList.Rows.Count; i++) 57 { 58 %> 59 <tr> 60 <td class="ListContent"> 61 <%= WebUtility.CreatePurchaseOrderCode(Convert.ToInt32(PurchaseOrderList.Rows[i]["poID"]))%> 62 </td> 63 <td class="ListContent"> 64 <%= PurchaseOrderList.Rows[i]["sdcName"]%> 65 </td> 66 <td class="ListContent"> 67 <%= PurchaseOrderList.Rows[i]["bsName"]%> 68 </td> 69 <td class="ListContent"> 70 <%= PurchaseOrderList.Rows[i]["sysuiName"]%> 71 </td> 72 <td class="ListContent"> 73 <%= Convert.ToDateTime(PurchaseOrderList.Rows[i]["poDate"]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")%> 74 </td> 75 <td class="ListContent"> 76 <%= Convert.ToDateTime(PurchaseOrderList.Rows[i]["poEstimateDate"]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")%> 77 </td> 78 <td class="ListContent" style="text-align: right; padding-right: 10px;"> 79 <%= GetPurhaseOrderDetail(Convert.ToInt32(PurchaseOrderList.Rows[i]["poID"]))%>(<%= PurchaseOrderList.Rows[i]["BuyAmount"]%>) 80 </td> 81 <td class="ListContent" style="text-align: right; padding-right: 10px;"> 82 <%= Convert.ToDouble(PurchaseOrderList.Rows[i]["pdPrice"]).ToString("F4")%> 83 </td> 84 <td class="ListContent"> 85 <%= WebUtility.PurchaseStatus(Convert.ToInt32(PurchaseOrderList.Rows[i]["poStatus"]))%> 86 </td> 87 <td class="ListContent"> 88 <a href="JavaScript:RedirectPage('170302','EditPoID=<%= PurchaseOrderList.Rows[i]["poID"]%>&page=<%= page%>&poID=<%= poID%>&sdcID=<%= sdcID%>&bsID=<%= bsID%>&poStatus=<%= poStatus%>&poDateBegin=<%= poDateBegin%>&poDateEnd=<%= poDateEnd%>&poEstimateDateBegin=<%= poEstimateDateBegin%>&poEstimateDateEnd=<%= poEstimateDateEnd%>')">审核</a> 89 </td> 90 </tr> 91 <% 92 } 93 %> 94 <tr> 95 <td class="ListTotal" colspan="10"> 96 <uc2:PageChange ID="PageChange1" runat="server" /> 97 </td> 98 </tr> 99 </table> 100 </asp:Content>
1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.Data; 4 using System.Web.UI; 5 6 using BNbll; 7 using BNmodel; 8 using BNutility; 9 10 public partial class WBPmodule_Purchase_In_AuditorManage : System.Web.UI.Page 11 { 12 protected string poID = ""; 13 protected string sdcID = ""; 14 protected string bsID = ""; 15 protected string poStatus = ""; 16 protected string poDateBegin = ""; 17 protected string poDateEnd = ""; 18 protected string poEstimateDateBegin = ""; 19 protected string poEstimateDateEnd = ""; 20 protected string bsID_Responsible = ""; 21 22 protected string DefaultStatus = "10"; 23 protected int page = 1; 24 25 26 PurchaseOrderManager PurchaseOrder_Bll = new PurchaseOrderManager(); 27 PurchaseOrderDetailManager PurchaseOrderDetail_Bll = new PurchaseOrderDetailManager(); 28 SYS_UserInfoManager UserInfo_Bll = new SYS_UserInfoManager(); 29 30 protected DataTable PurchaseOrderList = new DataTable(); 31 32 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 33 { 34 poID = Request.QueryString["poID"]; 35 sdcID = Request.QueryString["sdcID"]; 36 bsID = Request.QueryString["bsID"]; 37 poStatus = Request.QueryString["poStatus"]; 38 poDateBegin = Request.QueryString["poDateBegin"]; 39 poDateEnd = Request.QueryString["poDateEnd"]; 40 poEstimateDateBegin = Request.QueryString["poEstimateDateBegin"]; 41 poEstimateDateEnd = Request.QueryString["poEstimateDateEnd"]; 42 page = WebUtility.CheckParamID(Request.QueryString["Page"], page); 43 44 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(poStatus)) 45 { 46 poStatus = DefaultStatus; 47 } 48 Search1.ChangeStatus(poStatus, bsID_Responsible); 49 50 List<SqlWhere> PurchaseWhere = new List<SqlWhere>(); 51 52 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(poID)) 53 { 54 PurchaseWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(PurchaseOrder.POID, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, poID)); 55 } 56 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sdcID)) 57 { 58 PurchaseWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(PurchaseOrder.SDCID, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, sdcID)); 59 } 60 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(bsID)) 61 { 62 PurchaseWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(PurchaseOrder.BSID, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, bsID)); 63 } 64 if (poStatus.ToUpper() != "ALL") 65 { 66 PurchaseWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(PurchaseOrder.POSTATUS, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, poStatus)); 67 } 68 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(poDateBegin)) 69 { 70 PurchaseWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(PurchaseOrder.PODATE, SqlWhere.Oper.MoreEqual, poDateBegin + " 00:00:00")); 71 } 72 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(poDateEnd)) 73 { 74 PurchaseWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(PurchaseOrder.PODATE, SqlWhere.Oper.LessEqual, poDateEnd + " 23:59:59:998")); 75 } 76 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(poEstimateDateBegin)) 77 { 78 PurchaseWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(PurchaseOrder.POESTIMATEDATE, SqlWhere.Oper.MoreEqual, poEstimateDateBegin + " 00:00:00")); 79 } 80 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(poEstimateDateEnd)) 81 { 82 PurchaseWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(PurchaseOrder.POESTIMATEDATE, SqlWhere.Oper.LessEqual, poEstimateDateEnd + " 23:59:59:998")); 83 } 84 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(bsID_Responsible)) 85 { 86 PurchaseWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(PurchaseOrder.BSID, SqlWhere.Oper.In, bsID_Responsible)); 87 } 88 89 90 //初始化分页控件 91 PageChange1.GetPage(page, PurchaseOrder_Bll.DoCount(PurchaseWhere), "&poID=" + poID + "&sdcID=" + sdcID + "&bsID=" + bsID + "&poStatus=" + poStatus + "&poDateBegin=" + poDateBegin + "&poDateEnd=" + poDateEnd + "&poEstimateDateBegin=" + poEstimateDateBegin + "&poEstimateDateEnd=" + poEstimateDateEnd); 92 //获得订单 93 PurchaseOrderList = PurchaseOrder_Bll.GetList(PageChange1.PageIndex, PageChange1.PageSize, PurchaseWhere, null, "Apply"); 94 } 95 96 protected int GetPurhaseOrderDetail(int poID) 97 { 98 List<SqlWhere> DetailWhere = new List<SqlWhere>(); 99 DetailWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(PurchaseOrderDetail.POID, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, poID)); 100 List<PurchaseOrderDetail> PurchaseOrderDetail_List = PurchaseOrderDetail_Bll.GetList(0, 0, "podID", DetailWhere, null); 101 return PurchaseOrderDetail_List.Count; 102 } 103 }
1 <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" MasterPageFile="~/Manage.master" CodeFile="AuditorEdit.aspx.cs" Inherits="WBPmodule_Purchase_In_AuditorEdit" %> 2 3 <asp:Content ID="PageHead" ContentPlaceHolderID="PageHead" runat="Server"> 4 <script type="text/javascript"> 5 $(document).ready(function () { 6 //绑定验证 7 ValidForm(); 8 9 //隔行换色 10 setTrColor("ListTable"); 11 12 //计算总数 13 CheckTotal(); 14 }); 15 16 var DontActionStatus = ",Auditor,Difference,InStock,NotConfirmation,Confirmation,NotAccounting,Accounting,Delete,"; 17 18 //保存主单 19 function SavePurchase(AuditorStatus) { 20 if (SubmitValidForm($("#PurchaseOrder"))) { 21 $.ajax({ 22 url: "Ajax.ashx", 23 data: { 24 OpType: "Auditor", 25 PoID: parseInt($("input[name='poID']").val().replace("CG", ""), 10), 26 PoAuditorRemark: $("input[name='poAuditorRemark']").val(), 27 PoAuditorStatus: AuditorStatus 28 }, 29 async: true, 30 cache: false, 31 dataType: "html", 32 error: function (a, b, c) { 33 if (b == "error") { 34 var InfoStatus = "lose"; 35 var InfoContent = "采购单审核失败"; 36 var InfoAction = "<a href=\"javascript:HidInfo()\">确定</a>"; 37 ShowInfo(InfoStatus, InfoContent, InfoAction); 38 } 39 }, 40 success: function (Result) { 41 if (DontActionStatus.indexOf("," + Result + ",") >= 0) { 42 var InfoStatus = "lose"; 43 var InfoContent = "采购单保存失败<br />" + GetPurchaseStatus(Result); 44 var InfoAction = "<a href=\"javascript:HidInfo()\">确定</a>"; 45 ShowInfo(InfoStatus, InfoContent, InfoAction); 46 } 47 else { 48 var InfoStatus = "win"; 49 var InfoContent = "采购单审核成功"; 50 var InfoAction = "<a href=\"javascript:RedirectPage('170301','page=<%= page%>&poID=<%= poID%>&sdcID=<%= sdcID%>&bsID=<%= bsID%>&poStatus=<%= poStatus%>&poDateBegin=<%= poDateBegin%>&poDateEnd=<%= poDateEnd%>&poEstimateDateBegin=<%= poEstimateDateBegin%>&poEstimateDateEnd=<%= poEstimateDateEnd%>')\">确定</a>"; 51 ShowInfo(InfoStatus, InfoContent, InfoAction); 52 } 53 } 54 }); 55 } 56 } 57 58 //汇总 59 function CheckTotal() { 60 var CountPrice = 0; 61 var CountAmount = 0; 62 $("TR[name='PurchaseDetail']").each(function () { 63 var BiID = $(this).attr("id"); 64 65 //绑定折扣回车键 66 $("#POD_DISCOUNT_" + BiID).bind('keyup', function (event) { 67 if (event.keyCode == "13") { 68 //获取订单信息 69 $("#POD_AMOUNT_" + BiID).select(); 70 } 71 }); 72 //绑定数量回车键 73 $("#POD_AMOUNT_" + BiID).bind('keyup', function (event) { 74 if (event.keyCode == "13") { 75 //获取订单信息 76 $("#POD_STOCK_" + BiID).select(); 77 } 78 }); 79 //绑定供应商库存回车键 80 $("#POD_STOCK_" + BiID).bind('keyup', function (event) { 81 if (event.keyCode == "13") { 82 //获取订单信息 83 $("#POD_ESTIMATE_" + BiID).select(); 84 } 85 }); 86 87 CountPrice += parseFloat($("#POD_PRICE_" + BiID).val()) * parseFloat($("#POD_AMOUNT_" + BiID).val()); 88 CountAmount += parseInt($("#POD_AMOUNT_" + BiID).val()); 89 }); 90 $("#Price_Total").val(CountPrice.toFixed(4)); 91 $("#Amount_Total").val($("TR[name='PurchaseDetail']").length + "(" + CountAmount + ")"); 92 } 93 </script> 94 </asp:Content> 95 <asp:Content ID="QuickAction" ContentPlaceHolderID="QuickAction" runat="Server"> 96 <a href="JavaScript:RedirectPage('170301','page=<%= page%>&poID=<%= poID%>&sdcID=<%= sdcID%>&bsID=<%= bsID%>&poStatus=<%= poStatus%>&poDateBegin=<%= poDateBegin%>&poDateEnd=<%= poDateEnd%>&poEstimateDateBegin=<%= poEstimateDateBegin%>&poEstimateDateEnd=<%= poEstimateDateEnd%>')">返回</a> 97 </asp:Content> 98 <asp:Content ID="Search" ContentPlaceHolderID="Search" runat="Server"> 99 <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%;" id="PurchaseOrder"> 100 <tr> 101 <td id="poID_Title" class="SearchTitle" style="width: 10%"></td> 102 <td style="width: 13%"> 103 <input name="poID" type="text" title="采购单号" value="<%= WebUtility.CreatePurchaseOrderCode(EditPoID)%>" 104 notnull disabled /> 105 </td> 106 <td id="sdcID_Title" class="SearchTitle" style="width: 10%"></td> 107 <td style="width: 13%"> 108 <select name="sdcID" title="采购库房" style="width: 100%;" notnull disabled> 109 <option value="">全部</option> 110 <% 111 for (int i = 0; i < StockDataClass_List.Count; i++) 112 { 113 %> 114 <option value="<%= StockDataClass_List[i].SdcID%>" <%= (StockDataClass_List[i].SdcID == EditSdcID) ? "selected" : ""%>> 115 <%= StockDataClass_List[i].SdcName%></option> 116 <% 117 } 118 %> 119 </select> 120 </td> 121 <td id="bsID_Title" class="SearchTitle" style="width: 10%"></td> 122 <td style="width: 13%"> 123 <select name="bsID" title="供 应 商" style="width: 100%;" notnull disabled> 124 <option value="">全部</option> 125 <% 126 127 for (int i = 0; i < BookSupply_List.Count; i++) 128 { 129 %> 130 <option value="<%= BookSupply_List[i].BsID%>" <%= (BookSupply_List[i].BsID == EditBsID) ? "selected" : ""%>> 131 <%= BookSupply_List[i].BsName%></option> 132 <% 133 } 134 %> 135 </select> 136 </td> 137 <td id="poEstimateDate_Title" class="SearchTitle" style="width: 10%"></td> 138 <td style="width: 13%"> 139 <input name="poEstimateDate" type="text" title="到货日期" value="<%= EstimateDate%>" notnull disabled /> 140 </td> 141 <td style="width: 8%" align="center"> 142 <input id="Button1" type="button" value="同意" onclick="SavePurchase('True')" /> 143 </td> 144 </tr> 145 <tr> 146 <td id="poRemark_Title" class="SearchTitle" style="width: 10%"></td> 147 <td colspan="3"> 148 <input name="poRemark" type="text" title="采购备注" value="<%= PoRemark%>" disabled/> 149 </td> 150 <td id="poAuditorRemark_Title" class="SearchTitle" style="width: 10%"></td> 151 <td colspan="3"> 152 <input name="poAuditorRemark" type="text" title="审核意见" value="<%= PoAuditorRemark%>" /> 153 </td> 154 <td style="width: 8%" align="center"> 155 <input id="Button2" type="button" value="驳回" onclick="SavePurchase('False')" /> 156 </td> 157 </tr> 158 </table> 159 </asp:Content> 160 <asp:Content ID="ContentBody" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentBody" runat="Server"> 161 <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%;" id="ListTable"> 162 <tr> 163 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 3%"></td> 164 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 7%">商品ID 165 </td> 166 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 7%">条形码 167 </td> 168 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 30%">书名 169 </td> 170 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 15%">出版社 171 </td> 172 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 6%">定价 173 </td> 174 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 5%">折扣 175 </td> 176 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 6%">采购实洋 177 </td> 178 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 6%">采购数量 179 </td> 180 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 7%">供应商库存 181 </td> 182 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 8%">供货周期(天) 183 </td> 184 </tr> 185 <% 186 for (int i = 0; i < PurchaseOrderDetail_List.Count; i++) 187 { 188 int PodDiscount = 0; 189 if (PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiPrice > 0) 190 { 191 PodDiscount = Convert.ToInt32(PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].PodPrice / PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiPrice * 100); 192 } 193 dt = GetStock(PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].PoID.PoID); 194 if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) 195 { 196 int Stock = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["sPurchaseAmount"]); 197 int Estimate = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["sPurchaseCycle"]); 198 199 200 %> 201 <tr name="PurchaseDetail" id="<%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiID%>"> 202 <td class="ListContent" id="POD_STATUS_<%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiID%>"></td> 203 <td class="ListContent"> 204 <%= WebUtility.CreateBookCode(PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiID)%> 205 </td> 206 <td class="ListContent"> 207 <%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiCode%> 208 </td> 209 <td class="ListContent"> 210 <%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiName%> 211 </td> 212 <td class="ListContent"> 213 <%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BibsID.BsName%> 214 </td> 215 <td class="ListContent"> 216 <%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiPrice.ToString("F2")%> 217 </td> 218 <td class="ListContent"> 219 <input type="text" value="<%= PodDiscount%>" style="text-align: right;" disabled /> 220 </td> 221 <td class="ListContent"> 222 <input id="POD_PRICE_<%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiID%>" value="<%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].PodPrice.ToString("F4")%>" type="text" style="text-align: right;" disabled/> 223 </td> 224 <td class="ListContent"> 225 <input id="POD_AMOUNT_<%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiID%>" value="<%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].PodBuyAmount%>" type="text" style="text-align: right;" disabled /> 226 </td> 227 <td class="ListContent"> 228 <input value="<%=Stock%>" type="text" style="text-align: right;" disabled /> 229 </td> 230 <td class="ListContent"> 231 <input value="<%= Estimate%>" type="text" style="text-align: right;" disabled/> 232 </td> 233 </tr> 234 <% } 235 } 236 %> 237 <tr> 238 <td class="ListTotal" colspan="6" style="text-align:right;">合计:</td> 239 <td class="ListTotal" colspan="2"> 240 <input id="Price_Total" type="text" style="text-align: right;" disabled /> 241 </td> 242 <td class="ListTotal"> 243 <input id="Amount_Total" type="text" style="text-align: right;" disabled /> 244 </td> 245 <td class="ListTotal" colspan="2"></td> 246 </tr> 247 </table> 248 </asp:Content>
1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.Web.UI; 4 5 using BNbll; 6 using BNmodel; 7 using BNutility; 8 using System.Data; 9 10 11 public partial class WBPmodule_Purchase_In_AuditorEdit : System.Web.UI.Page 12 { 13 protected int page = 1; 14 protected string poID = ""; 15 protected string sdcID = ""; 16 protected string bsID = ""; 17 protected string poStatus = ""; 18 protected string poDateBegin = ""; 19 protected string poDateEnd = ""; 20 protected string poEstimateDateBegin = ""; 21 protected string poEstimateDateEnd = ""; 22 protected string bsID_Responsible = ""; 23 24 protected int EditPoID = 0; 25 protected int EditSdcID = 0; 26 protected int EditBsID = 0; 27 protected string EstimateDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); 28 protected string PoRemark = ""; 29 protected string PoAuditorRemark = ""; 30 31 protected DataTable dt; 32 33 34 35 36 protected List<StockDataClass> StockDataClass_List = new List<StockDataClass>(); 37 protected List<BookSupply> BookSupply_List = new List<BookSupply>(); 38 protected List<PurchaseOrderDetail> PurchaseOrderDetail_List = new List<PurchaseOrderDetail>(); 39 40 41 BookSupplyManager BookSupply_Bll = new BookSupplyManager(); 42 SYS_UserInfoManager UserInfo_Bll = new SYS_UserInfoManager(); 43 StockDataClassManager StockDataClass_Bll = new StockDataClassManager(); 44 PurchaseOrderManager PurchaseOrder_Bll = new PurchaseOrderManager(); 45 PurchaseOrderDetailManager PurchaseOrderDetail_Bll = new PurchaseOrderDetailManager(); 46 47 48 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 49 { 50 poID = Request.QueryString["poID"]; 51 sdcID = Request.QueryString["sdcID"]; 52 bsID = Request.QueryString["bsID"]; 53 poStatus = Request.QueryString["poStatus"]; 54 poDateBegin = Request.QueryString["poDateBegin"]; 55 poDateEnd = Request.QueryString["poDateEnd"]; 56 poEstimateDateBegin = Request.QueryString["poEstimateDateBegin"]; 57 poEstimateDateEnd = Request.QueryString["poEstimateDateEnd"]; 58 page = WebUtility.CheckParamID(Request.QueryString["Page"], page); 59 60 61 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["EditPoID"])) 62 { 63 EditPoID = WebUtility.CheckParamID(Request.QueryString["EditPoID"], 0); 64 PurchaseOrder PurchaseOrder_Info = PurchaseOrder_Bll.GetModels(EditPoID, "SdcID:{SdcID},BsID:{BsID},PoEstimateDate,PoRemark,PoAuditorRemark"); 65 EditSdcID = PurchaseOrder_Info.SdcID.SdcID; 66 EditBsID = PurchaseOrder_Info.BsID.BsID; 67 EstimateDate = PurchaseOrder_Info.PoEstimateDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); 68 PoRemark = PurchaseOrder_Info.PoRemark; 69 PoAuditorRemark = PurchaseOrder_Info.PoAuditorRemark; 70 71 72 List<SqlWhere> PurchaseOrderDetailWhere = new List<SqlWhere>(); 73 PurchaseOrderDetailWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(PurchaseOrderDetail.POID, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, EditPoID)); 74 PurchaseOrderDetail_List = PurchaseOrderDetail_Bll.GetList(0, 0, "PoID:{PoID},BiID:{BiID,BiCode,BiName,BibsID:{BsName},BiPrice},PodPrice,PodBuyAmount", PurchaseOrderDetailWhere, null); 75 } 76 77 List<SqlWhere> StockDataCalssWhere = new List<SqlWhere>(); 78 StockDataCalssWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(StockDataClass.SDCPARENTID, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, 1)); 79 StockDataCalssWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(StockDataClass.SDCSTATUS, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, 1)); 80 StockDataClass_List = StockDataClass_Bll.GetList(0, 0, "sdcID,sdcName", StockDataCalssWhere, null); 81 82 List<SqlWhere> BookSupplyWhere = new List<SqlWhere>(); 83 BookSupplyWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(BookSupply.BSID, SqlWhere.Oper.MoreEqual, 0)); 84 BookSupplyWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(BookSupply.BSISSUPPLIER, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, 1)); 85 BookSupplyWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(BookSupply.BSSTATUS, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, 1)); 86 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(bsID_Responsible)) 87 { 88 BookSupplyWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(BookSupply.BSID, SqlWhere.Oper.In, bsID_Responsible)); 89 } 90 List<SqlOrder> BookSupplyOrder = new List<SqlOrder>(); 91 BookSupplyOrder.Add(new SqlOrder(BookSupply.BSNAME, true)); 92 BookSupply_List = BookSupply_Bll.GetList(0, 0, "bsID,bsName", BookSupplyWhere, BookSupplyOrder); 93 94 95 96 } 97 98 public DataTable GetStock(int PoID) 99 { 100 101 StockManager Stock_Bll = new StockManager(); 102 dt=Stock_Bll.GetStock(PoID); 103 return dt; 104 } 105 }
1 //审核采购单 2 case "Auditor": 3 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PoID) && PoID != "0") 4 { 5 PurchaseOrder_Info = PurchaseOrder_Bll.GetModels(Convert.ToInt32(PoID), "PoID,PoStatus"); 6 if (PurchaseOrder_Info.PoStatus == 10 || PurchaseOrder_Info.PoStatus == 11 || PurchaseOrder_Info.PoStatus == 12) 7 { 8 PurchaseOrder_Info.PoAuditorUser = UserInfo_Bll.GetModels(Convert.ToInt32(UserInfo_Bll.CookieUserID), "SysuiID"); 9 PurchaseOrder_Info.PoAuditorDate = DateTime.Now; 10 PurchaseOrder_Info.PoAuditorRemark = PoAuditorRemark; 11 PurchaseOrder_Info.PoAuditorStatus = Convert.ToBoolean(PoAuditorStatus); 12 if (PurchaseOrder_Info.PoAuditorStatus) 13 { 14 PurchaseOrder_Info.PoStatus = 12; 15 } 16 else 17 { 18 PurchaseOrder_Info.PoStatus = 11; 19 } 20 PurchaseOrder_Bll.Auditor(PurchaseOrder_Info); 21 } 22 else 23 { 24 Result = CheckStatus(PurchaseOrder_Info.PoStatus); 25 } 26 } 27 break;
1 <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" MasterPageFile="~/Manage.master" CodeFile="ReceiveManage.aspx.cs" Inherits="WBPmodule_Purchase_In_ReceiveManage" %> 2 3 <%@ Register Src="Search.ascx" TagName="Search" TagPrefix="uc1" %> 4 <%@ Register Src="" TagName="PageChange" TagPrefix="uc2" %> 5 <asp:Content ID="PageHead" ContentPlaceHolderID="PageHead" runat="Server"> 6 <script type="text/javascript"> 7 $(document).ready(function () { 8 //绑定验证 9 ValidForm(); 10 11 //隔行换色 12 setTrColor("ListTable"); 13 14 //绑定批销单回车键 15 $("input[name='poID']").bind('keyup', function (event) { 16 if (event.keyCode == "13") { 17 //获取订单信息 18 if ($("input[name='poID']").val() != "") { 19 Search(); 20 } 21 } 22 }); 23 }); 24 </script> 25 </asp:Content> 26 <asp:Content ID="QuickAction" ContentPlaceHolderID="QuickAction" runat="Server"> 27 </asp:Content> 28 <asp:Content ID="Search" ContentPlaceHolderID="Search" runat="Server"> 29 <uc1:Search ID="Search1" runat="server" /> 30 </asp:Content> 31 <asp:Content ID="ContentBody" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentBody" runat="Server"> 32 <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%;" id="ListTable"> 33 <tr> 34 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 7%">采购单号 35 </td> 36 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 6%">库房 37 </td> 38 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 15%">供应商 39 </td> 40 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 10%">采购员 41 </td> 42 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 15%">采购日期 43 </td> 44 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 10%">预计到货日期 45 </td> 46 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 10%; text-align: right; padding-right: 10px;">单品(册数) 47 </td> 48 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 10%; text-align: right; padding-right: 10px;">采购实洋 49 </td> 50 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 11%">当前状态 51 </td> 52 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 5%">操作 53 </td> 54 </tr> 55 <% 56 for (int i = 0; i < PurchaseOrderList.Rows.Count; i++) 57 { 58 %> 59 <tr> 60 <td class="ListContent"> 61 <%= WebUtility.CreatePurchaseOrderCode(Convert.ToInt32(PurchaseOrderList.Rows[i]["poID"]))%> 62 </td> 63 <td class="ListContent"> 64 <%= PurchaseOrderList.Rows[i]["sdcName"]%> 65 </td> 66 <td class="ListContent"> 67 <%= PurchaseOrderList.Rows[i]["bsName"]%> 68 </td> 69 <td class="ListContent"> 70 <%= PurchaseOrderList.Rows[i]["sysuiName"]%> 71 </td> 72 <td class="ListContent"> 73 <%= Convert.ToDateTime(PurchaseOrderList.Rows[i]["poDate"]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")%> 74 </td> 75 <td class="ListContent"> 76 <%= Convert.ToDateTime(PurchaseOrderList.Rows[i]["poEstimateDate"]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")%> 77 </td> 78 <td class="ListContent" style="text-align: right; padding-right: 10px;"> 79 <%= GetPurhaseOrderDetail(Convert.ToInt32(PurchaseOrderList.Rows[i]["poID"]))%>(<%= PurchaseOrderList.Rows[i]["BuyAmount"]%>) 80 </td> 81 <td class="ListContent" style="text-align: right; padding-right: 10px;"> 82 <%= Convert.ToDouble(PurchaseOrderList.Rows[i]["pdPrice"]).ToString("F4")%> 83 </td> 84 <td class="ListContent"> 85 <%= WebUtility.PurchaseStatus(Convert.ToInt32(PurchaseOrderList.Rows[i]["poStatus"]))%> 86 </td> 87 <td class="ListContent"> 88 <a href="JavaScript:RedirectPage('170402','EditPoID=<%= PurchaseOrderList.Rows[i]["poID"]%>&page=<%= page%>&poID=<%= poID%>&sdcID=<%= sdcID%>&bsID=<%= bsID%>&poStatus=<%= poStatus%>&poDateBegin=<%= poDateBegin%>&poDateEnd=<%= poDateEnd%>&poEstimateDateBegin=<%= poEstimateDateBegin%>&poEstimateDateEnd=<%= poEstimateDateEnd%>')">收货</a> 89 </td> 90 </tr> 91 <% 92 } 93 %> 94 <tr> 95 <td class="ListTotal" colspan="10"> 96 <uc2:PageChange ID="PageChange1" runat="server" /> 97 </td> 98 </tr> 99 </table> 100 </asp:Content>
1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.Data; 4 using System.Web.UI; 5 6 using BNbll; 7 using BNmodel; 8 using BNutility; 9 10 public partial class WBPmodule_Purchase_In_ReceiveManage : System.Web.UI.Page 11 { 12 protected string poID = ""; 13 protected string sdcID = ""; 14 protected string bsID = ""; 15 protected string poStatus = ""; 16 protected string poDateBegin = ""; 17 protected string poDateEnd = ""; 18 protected string poEstimateDateBegin = ""; 19 protected string poEstimateDateEnd = ""; 20 protected string bsID_Responsible = ""; 21 22 protected string DefaultStatus = "12"; 23 protected int page = 1; 24 25 26 PurchaseOrderManager PurchaseOrder_Bll = new PurchaseOrderManager(); 27 PurchaseOrderDetailManager PurchaseOrderDetail_Bll = new PurchaseOrderDetailManager(); 28 SYS_UserInfoManager UserInfo_Bll = new SYS_UserInfoManager(); 29 30 protected DataTable PurchaseOrderList = new DataTable(); 31 32 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 33 { 34 poID = Request.QueryString["poID"]; 35 sdcID = Request.QueryString["sdcID"]; 36 bsID = Request.QueryString["bsID"]; 37 poStatus = Request.QueryString["poStatus"]; 38 poDateBegin = Request.QueryString["poDateBegin"]; 39 poDateEnd = Request.QueryString["poDateEnd"]; 40 poEstimateDateBegin = Request.QueryString["poEstimateDateBegin"]; 41 poEstimateDateEnd = Request.QueryString["poEstimateDateEnd"]; 42 page = WebUtility.CheckParamID(Request.QueryString["Page"], page); 43 44 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(poStatus)) 45 { 46 poStatus = DefaultStatus; 47 } 48 Search1.ChangeStatus(poStatus, bsID_Responsible); 49 50 List<SqlWhere> PurchaseWhere = new List<SqlWhere>(); 51 52 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(poID)) 53 { 54 PurchaseWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(PurchaseOrder.POID, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, poID)); 55 } 56 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sdcID)) 57 { 58 PurchaseWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(PurchaseOrder.SDCID, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, sdcID)); 59 } 60 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(bsID)) 61 { 62 PurchaseWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(PurchaseOrder.BSID, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, bsID)); 63 } 64 if (poStatus.ToUpper() != "ALL") 65 { 66 PurchaseWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(PurchaseOrder.POSTATUS, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, poStatus)); 67 } 68 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(poDateBegin)) 69 { 70 PurchaseWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(PurchaseOrder.PODATE, SqlWhere.Oper.MoreEqual, poDateBegin + " 00:00:00")); 71 } 72 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(poDateEnd)) 73 { 74 PurchaseWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(PurchaseOrder.PODATE, SqlWhere.Oper.LessEqual, poDateEnd + " 23:59:59:998")); 75 } 76 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(poEstimateDateBegin)) 77 { 78 PurchaseWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(PurchaseOrder.POESTIMATEDATE, SqlWhere.Oper.MoreEqual, poEstimateDateBegin + " 00:00:00")); 79 } 80 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(poEstimateDateEnd)) 81 { 82 PurchaseWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(PurchaseOrder.POESTIMATEDATE, SqlWhere.Oper.LessEqual, poEstimateDateEnd + " 23:59:59:998")); 83 } 84 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(bsID_Responsible)) 85 { 86 PurchaseWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(PurchaseOrder.BSID, SqlWhere.Oper.In, bsID_Responsible)); 87 } 88 89 90 //初始化分页控件 91 PageChange1.GetPage(page, PurchaseOrder_Bll.DoCount(PurchaseWhere), "&poID=" + poID + "&sdcID=" + sdcID + "&bsID=" + bsID + "&poStatus=" + poStatus + "&poDateBegin=" + poDateBegin + "&poDateEnd=" + poDateEnd + "&poEstimateDateBegin=" + poEstimateDateBegin + "&poEstimateDateEnd=" + poEstimateDateEnd); 92 //获得订单 93 PurchaseOrderList = PurchaseOrder_Bll.GetList(PageChange1.PageIndex, PageChange1.PageSize, PurchaseWhere, null, "Apply"); 94 } 95 96 protected int GetPurhaseOrderDetail(int poID) 97 { 98 List<SqlWhere> DetailWhere = new List<SqlWhere>(); 99 DetailWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(PurchaseOrderDetail.POID, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, poID)); 100 List<PurchaseOrderDetail> PurchaseOrderDetail_List = PurchaseOrderDetail_Bll.GetList(0, 0, "podID", DetailWhere, null); 101 return PurchaseOrderDetail_List.Count; 102 } 103 }
单击显示页中的超链接“收货”可进入收货编辑页面。编辑页面中需要填写多个信息,“收货人”、“收货备注”、“发货数”、“收获数”、“仓位”(说明产品收货之后会放在仓库中的某个仓位中)。填好信息之后,单击“收货”按钮,此时将使用AJAX一般处理程序调用底层的方法,底层方法调用具体的存储过程。同时更新 Stock、StockPlace、StockBatch、HistoryStock、HistoryBatch、PurchaseOrderDetail、PurchaseOrder表中的数据。
1 <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" MasterPageFile="~/Manage.master" CodeFile="ReceiveEdit.aspx.cs" Inherits="WBPmodule_Purchase_In_ReceiveEdit" %> 2 3 <asp:Content ID="PageHead" ContentPlaceHolderID="PageHead" runat="Server"> 4 <script type="text/javascript"> 5 $(document).ready(function () { 6 //绑定验证 7 ValidForm(); 8 9 //隔行换色 10 setTrColor("ListTable"); 11 12 //计算总数 13 CheckTotal(); 14 }); 15 16 var DontActionStatus = ",NewOrder,Refuser,Difference,InStock,NotConfirmation,Confirmation,NotAccounting,Accounting,Delete,"; 17 18 //收货 19 function SavePurchase() { 20 if (SubmitValidForm()) { 21 $.ajax({ 22 url: "Ajax.ashx", 23 data: { 24 OpType: "Receive", 25 PoID: parseInt($("input[name='poID']").val().replace("CG", ""), 10), 26 PoReceiveUser: $("input[name='poReceiveUserID']").val(), 27 PoSupplierOrder: $("input[name='poSupplierOrder']").val(), 28 PoReceiveAuditorRemark: $("input[name='poReceiveAuditorRemark']").val() 29 }, 30 async: true, 31 cache: false, 32 dataType: "html", 33 error: function (a, b, c) { 34 if (b == "error") { 35 var InfoStatus = "lose"; 36 var InfoContent = "采购单收货失败"; 37 var InfoAction = "<a href=\"javascript:HidInfo()\">确定</a>"; 38 ShowInfo(InfoStatus, InfoContent, InfoAction); 39 } 40 }, 41 success: function (Result) { 42 if (DontActionStatus.indexOf("," + Result + ",") >= 0) { 43 var InfoStatus = "lose"; 44 var InfoContent = "采购单收货失败<br />" + GetPurchaseStatus(Result); 45 var InfoAction = "<a href=\"javascript:HidInfo()\">确定</a>"; 46 ShowInfo(InfoStatus, InfoContent, InfoAction); 47 } 48 else { 49 if (Result == "Succeed") { 50 var InfoStatus = "win"; 51 var InfoContent = "采购单收货成功"; 52 var InfoAction = "<a href=\"javascript:RedirectPage('170401','page=<%= page%>&poID=<%= poID%>&sdcID=<%= sdcID%>&bsID=<%= bsID%>&poStatus=<%= poStatus%>&poDateBegin=<%= poDateBegin%>&poDateEnd=<%= poDateEnd%>&poEstimateDateBegin=<%= poEstimateDateBegin%>&poEstimateDateEnd=<%= poEstimateDateEnd%>')\">确定</a>"; 53 ShowInfo(InfoStatus, InfoContent, InfoAction); 54 } 55 else { 56 var InfoStatus = "lose"; 57 var InfoContent = "采购单收货失败ff"; 58 var InfoAction = "<a href=\"javascript:HidInfo()\">确定</a>"; 59 ShowInfo(InfoStatus, InfoContent, InfoAction); 60 } 61 } 62 } 63 }); 64 } 65 } 66 67 //保存明细 68 function SaveDetail(BiID) { 69 $("#POD_STATUS_" + BiID).html(""); 70 var PoID = parseInt($("input[name='poID']").val().replace("CG", ""), 10); 71 var SendAmount = $("#POD_SENDAMOUNT_" + BiID).val(); 72 var ReceiveAmount = $("#POD_RECEIVEAMOUNT_" + BiID).val(); 73 var InStock = $("#POD_STOCK_" + BiID).val(); 74 if (parseInt(ReceiveAmount) == 0) { 75 $("#POD_STOCK_" + BiID).removeAttr("notnull"); 76 } 77 else { 78 $("#POD_STOCK_" + BiID).attr("notnull", ""); 79 } 80 if (PoID > 0) { 81 if (ValidObj($("#POD_SENDAMOUNT_" + BiID)) && ValidObj($("#POD_RECEIVEAMOUNT_" + BiID)) && ValidObj($("#POD_STOCK_" + BiID))) { 82 $.ajax({ 83 url: "Ajax.ashx", 84 data: { 85 OpType: "SaveReceiveDetail", 86 PoID: PoID, 87 BiID: BiID, 88 SendAmount: SendAmount, 89 ReceiveAmount: ReceiveAmount, 90 InStock: InStock 91 }, 92 async: true, 93 cache: false, 94 dataType: "html", 95 error: function (a, b, c) { 96 if (b == "error") { 97 $("#POD_STATUS_" + BiID).html("<img src=\"\">"); 98 } 99 }, 100 success: function (Result) { 101 if (DontActionStatus.indexOf("," + Result + ",") >= 0) { 102 var InfoStatus = "lose"; 103 var InfoContent = "采购单收货失败<br />" + GetPurchaseStatus(Result); 104 var InfoAction = "<a href=\"javascript:HidInfo()\">确定</a>"; 105 ShowInfo(InfoStatus, InfoContent, InfoAction); 106 } 107 else { 108 $("#POD_STATUS_" + BiID).html("<img src=\"\">"); 109 } 110 } 111 }); 112 CheckTotal(); 113 } 114 } else { 115 alert("请先保存采购单信息"); 116 } 117 } 118 119 //汇总 120 function CheckTotal() { 121 var CountBuyAmount = 0; 122 var CountSendAmount = 0; 123 var CountReceiveAmount = 0; 124 $("TR[name='PurchaseDetail']").each(function (i) { 125 var BiID = $(this).attr("id"); 126 127 //绑定折扣回车键 128 $("#POD_SENDAMOUNT_" + BiID).bind('keyup', function (event) { 129 if (event.keyCode == "13") { 130 //获取订单信息 131 $("#POD_RECEIVEAMOUNT_" + BiID).select(); 132 } 133 }); 134 //绑定数量回车键 135 $("#POD_RECEIVEAMOUNT_" + BiID).bind('keyup', function (event) { 136 if (event.keyCode == "13") { 137 //获取订单信息 138 $("#POD_STOCK_" + BiID).select(); 139 } 140 }); 141 142 CountBuyAmount += parseInt($("#POD_BUYAMOUNT_" + BiID).val()); 143 CountSendAmount += parseInt($("#POD_SENDAMOUNT_" + BiID).val()); 144 CountReceiveAmount += parseInt($("#POD_RECEIVEAMOUNT_" + BiID).val()); 145 }); 146 $("#BuyAmount_Total").val($("TR[name='PurchaseDetail']").length + "(" + CountBuyAmount + ")"); 147 $("#SendAmount_Total").val($("TR[name='PurchaseDetail']").length + "(" + CountSendAmount + ")"); 148 $("#ReceiveAmount_Total").val($("TR[name='PurchaseDetail']").length + "(" + CountReceiveAmount + ")"); 149 } 150 //得到收货人员工姓名 151 function GetName() { 152 $.ajax({ 153 url: "Ajax.ashx", 154 data: { 155 OpType: "GetName", 156 PoReceiveUser: $("input[name='poReceiveUserID']").val() 157 }, 158 async: true, 159 cache: false, 160 dataType: "html", 161 error: function (a, b, c) { 162 if (b == "error") { 163 var InfoStatus = "lose"; 164 var InfoContent = "人员查询失败</br>可能是您输入的信息有误</br>请检查"; 165 var InfoAction = "<a href=\"javascript:HidInfo()\">我再检查一下</a>"; 166 ShowInfo(InfoStatus, InfoContent, InfoAction); 167 } 168 }, 169 success: function (Result) { 170 $("input[name='poReceiveUser']").val(Result); 171 } 172 }); 173 } 174 175 function ReceivePrint() { 176 MakeAnotherWindow("ReceivePrint.aspx?poID=" + parseInt($("input[name='poID']").val().replace("CG", ""), 10), '',750, 520, "auto"); 177 } 178 </script> 179 </asp:Content> 180 <asp:Content ID="QuickAction" ContentPlaceHolderID="QuickAction" runat="Server"> 181 <a href="JavaScript:RedirectPage('170401','page=<%= page%>&poID=<%= poID%>&sdcID=<%= sdcID%>&bsID=<%= bsID%>&poStatus=<%= poStatus%>&poDateBegin=<%= poDateBegin%>&poDateEnd=<%= poDateEnd%>&poEstimateDateBegin=<%= poEstimateDateBegin%>&poEstimateDateEnd=<%= poEstimateDateEnd%>')">返回</a> 182 </asp:Content> 183 <asp:Content ID="Search" ContentPlaceHolderID="Search" runat="Server"> 184 <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%;" id="PurchaseOrder"> 185 <tr> 186 <td id="poID_Title" class="SearchTitle" style="width: 10%"></td> 187 <td style="width: 13%"> 188 <input name="poID" type="text" title="采购单号" value="<%= WebUtility.CreatePurchaseOrderCode(EditPoID)%>" 189 notnull disabled /> 190 </td> 191 <td id="sdcID_Title" class="SearchTitle" style="width: 10%"></td> 192 <td style="width: 13%"> 193 <select name="sdcID" title="采购库房" style="width: 100%;" notnull disabled> 194 <option value="">全部</option> 195 <% 196 for (int i = 0; i < StockDataClass_List.Count; i++) 197 { 198 %> 199 <option value="<%= StockDataClass_List[i].SdcID%>" <%= (StockDataClass_List[i].SdcID == EditSdcID) ? "selected" : ""%>> 200 <%= StockDataClass_List[i].SdcName%></option> 201 <% 202 } 203 %> 204 </select> 205 </td> 206 <td id="bsID_Title" class="SearchTitle" style="width: 10%"></td> 207 <td style="width: 13%"> 208 <select name="bsID" title="供 应 商" style="width: 100%;" notnull disabled> 209 <option value="">全部</option> 210 <% 211 212 for (int i = 0; i < BookSupply_List.Count; i++) 213 { 214 %> 215 <option value="<%= BookSupply_List[i].BsID%>" <%= (BookSupply_List[i].BsID == EditBsID) ? "selected" : ""%>> 216 <%= BookSupply_List[i].BsName%></option> 217 <% 218 } 219 %> 220 </select> 221 </td> 222 <td id="poEstimateDate_Title" class="SearchTitle" style="width: 10%"></td> 223 <td style="width: 13%"> 224 <input name="poEstimateDate" type="text" title="到货日期" value="<%= EstimateDate%>" notnull disabled /> 225 </td> 226 <td rowspan="<%= (PoIsDifference) ? 4 : 3%>" style="width: 8%; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;"> 227 <input id="Button1" type="button" value="收货" style="height: 40px; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 15px;" onclick="SavePurchase()" /> 228 <input id="Button2" type="button" value="打印" style="height: 40px; font-weight: bold;" onclick="ReceivePrint()" /> 229 </td> 230 </tr> 231 <tr> 232 <td id="poRemark_Title" class="SearchTitle" style="width: 10%"></td> 233 <td colspan="3"> 234 <input name="poRemark" type="text" title="采购备注" value="<%= PoRemark%>" disabled /> 235 </td> 236 <td id="poAuditorRemark_Title" class="SearchTitle" style="width: 10%"></td> 237 <td colspan="3"> 238 <input name="poAuditorRemark" type="text" title="审核意见" value="<%= PoAuditorRemark%>" disabled /> 239 </td> 240 </tr> 241 <tr> 242 <td id="poReceiveUserID_Title" class="SearchTitle" style="width: 10%"></td> 243 <td> 244 <input name="poReceiveUserID" value="<%= PoReceiveUserID%>" type="text" title="收货人" style="width: 40%" onkeyup="GetName()" notnull /><input name="poReceiveUser" value="<%= PoReceiveUser%>" type="text" style="width: 49%" notnull readonly /> 245 </td> 246 <td id="poSupplierOrder_Title" class="SearchTitle" style="width: 10%"></td> 247 <td> 248 <input name="poSupplierOrder" value="<%= PoSupplierOrder%>" type="text" title="发货单号" notnull /> 249 </td> 250 <td id="poReceiveAuditorRemark_Title" class="SearchTitle" style="width: 10%"></td> 251 <td colspan="3"> 252 <input name="poReceiveAuditorRemark" value="<%= PoReceiveAuditorRemark%>" type="text" title="收货备注" /> 253 </td> 254 </tr> 255 <% 256 if (PoIsDifference) 257 { 258 %> 259 <tr> 260 <td id="poDifferenceAuditorUser_Title" class="SearchTitle" style="width: 10%"></td> 261 <td> 262 <input name="poDifferenceAuditorUser" value="<%= PoDifferenceAuditorUser%>" type="text" title="差异确认人" disabled /> 263 </td> 264 <td id="poDifferenceAuditorDate_Title" class="SearchTitle" style="width: 10%"></td> 265 <td> 266 <input name="poDifferenceAuditorDate" value="<%= PoDifferenceAuditorDate%>" type="text" title="确认时间" disabled /> 267 </td> 268 <td id="poDifferenceAuditorStatus_Title" class="SearchTitle" style="width: 10%"></td> 269 <td> 270 <input name="poDifferenceAuditorStatus" value="<%= PoDifferenceAuditorStatus%>" type="text" title="确认状态" disabled /> 271 </td> 272 <td id="poDifferenceAuditorRemark_Title" class="SearchTitle" style="width: 10%"></td> 273 <td> 274 <input name="poDifferenceAuditorRemark" value="<%= PoDifferenceAuditorRemark%>" type="text" title="确认备注" disabled /> 275 </td> 276 </tr> 277 <% 278 } 279 %> 280 </table> 281 </asp:Content> 282 <asp:Content ID="ContentBody" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentBody" runat="Server"> 283 <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%;" id="ListTable"> 284 <tr> 285 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 3%"></td> 286 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 7%">商品ID 287 </td> 288 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 8%">条形码 289 </td> 290 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 27%">书名 291 </td> 292 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 15%">出版社 293 </td> 294 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 8%">定价 295 </td> 296 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 8%">采购数量 297 </td> 298 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 8%">发货数量 299 </td> 300 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 8%">实收数量 301 </td> 302 <td class="ListTitle" style="width: 8%">上架货位 303 </td> 304 </tr> 305 <% 306 for (int i = 0; i < PurchaseOrderDetail_List.Count; i++) 307 { 308 string PodSendAmount = ""; 309 string PodReceiveAmount = ""; 310 if (PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].PodSendAmount > 0) 311 { 312 PodSendAmount = PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].PodSendAmount.ToString(); 313 } 314 if (PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].PodReceiveAmount > 0) 315 { 316 PodReceiveAmount = PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].PodReceiveAmount.ToString(); 317 } 318 319 string InStock = PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].PodPlace; 320 if (InStock == null) 321 { 322 InStock = GetPlace(PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiID); 323 } 324 325 %> 326 <tr name="PurchaseDetail" id="<%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiID%>"> 327 <td class="ListContent" id="POD_STATUS_<%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiID%>"></td> 328 <td class="ListContent"> 329 <%= WebUtility.CreateBookCode(PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiID)%> 330 </td> 331 <td class="ListContent"> 332 <%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiCode%> 333 </td> 334 <td class="ListContent"> 335 <%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiName%> 336 </td> 337 <td class="ListContent"> 338 <%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BibsID.BsName%> 339 </td> 340 <td class="ListContent"> 341 <%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiPrice.ToString("F2")%> 342 </td> 343 <td class="ListContent"> 344 <input id="POD_BUYAMOUNT_<%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiID%>" type="text" style="text-align: right;" value="<%= Convert.ToInt32(PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].PodBuyAmount)%>" readonly /> 345 </td> 346 <td class="ListContent"> 347 <input id="POD_SENDAMOUNT_<%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiID%>" value="<%= PodSendAmount%>" type="text" style="text-align: right;" onchange="SaveDetail('<%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiID%>')" 348 datatype="n0" notnull /> 349 </td> 350 <td class="ListContent"> 351 <input id="POD_RECEIVEAMOUNT_<%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiID%>" value="<%= PodReceiveAmount%>" type="text" style="text-align: right;" onchange="SaveDetail('<%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiID%>')" 352 datatype="n0" notnull /> 353 </td> 354 <td class="ListContent"> 355 <input id="POD_STOCK_<%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiID%>" value="<%= InStock%>" <%= (InStock=="") ? "":"disabled" %> type="text" style="text-align: right;" onchange="SaveDetail('<%= PurchaseOrderDetail_List[i].BiID.BiID%>')" notnull /> 356 </td> 357 </tr> 358 <% 359 } 360 %> 361 <tr> 362 <td class="ListTotal" colspan="6" style="text-align: right;">合计:</td> 363 <td class="ListTotal"> 364 <input id="BuyAmount_Total" type="text" style="text-align: right;" disabled /> 365 </td> 366 <td class="ListTotal"> 367 <input id="SendAmount_Total" type="text" style="text-align: right;" disabled /> 368 </td> 369 <td class="ListTotal"> 370 <input id="ReceiveAmount_Total" type="text" style="text-align: right;" disabled /> 371 </td> 372 <td class="ListTotal"></td> 373 </tr> 374 </table> 375 </asp:Content>
1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.Web.UI; 4 5 using BNbll; 6 using BNmodel; 7 using BNutility; 8 9 public partial class WBPmodule_Purchase_In_ReceiveEdit : System.Web.UI.Page 10 { 11 protected int page = 1; 12 protected string poID = ""; 13 protected string sdcID = ""; 14 protected string bsID = ""; 15 protected string poStatus = ""; 16 protected string poDateBegin = ""; 17 protected string poDateEnd = ""; 18 protected string poEstimateDateBegin = ""; 19 protected string poEstimateDateEnd = ""; 20 protected string bsID_Responsible = ""; 21 22 protected int EditPoID = 0; 23 protected int EditSdcID = 0; 24 protected int EditBsID = 0; 25 protected string EstimateDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); 26 protected string PoRemark = ""; 27 protected string PoAuditorRemark = ""; 28 protected string PoReceiveUser = ""; 29 protected string PoReceiveUserID = ""; 30 protected string PoSupplierOrder = ""; 31 protected string PoReceiveAuditorRemark = ""; 32 33 protected bool PoIsDifference = false; 34 protected string PoDifferenceAuditorUser = ""; 35 protected string PoDifferenceAuditorDate = ""; 36 protected string PoDifferenceAuditorStatus = ""; 37 protected string PoDifferenceAuditorRemark = ""; 38 39 40 protected List<StockDataClass> StockDataClass_List = new List<StockDataClass>(); 41 protected List<BookSupply> BookSupply_List = new List<BookSupply>(); 42 protected List<PurchaseOrderDetail> PurchaseOrderDetail_List = new List<PurchaseOrderDetail>(); 43 protected List<Stock> Stock_List = new List<Stock>(); 44 45 46 BookSupplyManager BookSupply_Bll = new BookSupplyManager(); 47 SYS_UserInfoManager UserInfo_Bll = new SYS_UserInfoManager(); 48 StockDataClassManager StockDataClass_Bll = new StockDataClassManager(); 49 PurchaseOrderManager PurchaseOrder_Bll = new PurchaseOrderManager(); 50 PurchaseOrderDetailManager PurchaseOrderDetail_Bll = new PurchaseOrderDetailManager(); 51 52 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 53 { 54 poID = Request.QueryString["poID"]; 55 sdcID = Request.QueryString["sdcID"]; 56 bsID = Request.QueryString["bsID"]; 57 poStatus = Request.QueryString["poStatus"]; 58 poDateBegin = Request.QueryString["poDateBegin"]; 59 poDateEnd = Request.QueryString["poDateEnd"]; 60 poEstimateDateBegin = Request.QueryString["poEstimateDateBegin"]; 61 poEstimateDateEnd = Request.QueryString["poEstimateDateEnd"]; 62 page = WebUtility.CheckParamID(Request.QueryString["Page"], page); 63 64 65 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["EditPoID"])) 66 { 67 EditPoID = WebUtility.CheckParamID(Request.QueryString["EditPoID"], 0); 68 PurchaseOrder PurchaseOrder_Info = PurchaseOrder_Bll.GetModels(EditPoID, "SdcID:{SdcID},BsID:{BsID},PoEstimateDate,PoRemark,PoAuditorRemark,PoReceiveUser:{SysuiID,SysuiName},PoSupplierOrder,PoReceiveAuditorRemark,PoIsDifference,PoDifferenceAuditorUser:{SysuiName},PoDifferenceAuditorDate,PoDifferenceAuditorStatus,PoDifferenceAuditorRemark"); 69 EditSdcID = PurchaseOrder_Info.SdcID.SdcID; 70 EditBsID = PurchaseOrder_Info.BsID.BsID; 71 EstimateDate = PurchaseOrder_Info.PoEstimateDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); 72 PoRemark = PurchaseOrder_Info.PoRemark; 73 PoAuditorRemark = PurchaseOrder_Info.PoAuditorRemark; 74 if (PurchaseOrder_Info.PoReceiveUser != null) 75 { 76 PoReceiveUser = PurchaseOrder_Info.PoReceiveUser.SysuiName; 77 PoReceiveUserID = PurchaseOrder_Info.PoReceiveUser.SysuiID.ToString(); 78 } 79 PoSupplierOrder = PurchaseOrder_Info.PoSupplierOrder; 80 PoReceiveAuditorRemark = PurchaseOrder_Info.PoReceiveAuditorRemark; 81 82 PoIsDifference = PurchaseOrder_Info.PoIsDifference; 83 if(PurchaseOrder_Info.PoDifferenceAuditorUser!=null) 84 { 85 PoDifferenceAuditorUser = PurchaseOrder_Info.PoDifferenceAuditorUser.SysuiName; 86 } 87 PoDifferenceAuditorDate = PurchaseOrder_Info.PoDifferenceAuditorDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); 88 if (PurchaseOrder_Info.PoDifferenceAuditorStatus) 89 { 90 PoDifferenceAuditorStatus = "已确认"; 91 } 92 else 93 { 94 PoDifferenceAuditorStatus = "不认可"; 95 } 96 PoDifferenceAuditorRemark = PurchaseOrder_Info.PoDifferenceAuditorRemark; 97 98 List<SqlWhere> PurchaseOrderDetailWhere = new List<SqlWhere>(); 99 PurchaseOrderDetailWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(PurchaseOrderDetail.POID, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, EditPoID)); 100 PurchaseOrderDetail_List = PurchaseOrderDetail_Bll.GetList(0, 0, "PodID,BiID:{BiID,BiCode,BiName,BibsID:{BsName},BiPrice},PodPrice,PodBuyAmount,PodSendAmount,PodReceiveAmount,PodPlace", PurchaseOrderDetailWhere, null); 101 } 102 103 List<SqlWhere> StockDataCalssWhere = new List<SqlWhere>(); 104 StockDataCalssWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(StockDataClass.SDCPARENTID, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, 1)); 105 StockDataCalssWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(StockDataClass.SDCSTATUS, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, 1)); 106 StockDataClass_List = StockDataClass_Bll.GetList(0, 0, "sdcID,sdcName", StockDataCalssWhere, null); 107 108 List<SqlWhere> BookSupplyWhere = new List<SqlWhere>(); 109 BookSupplyWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(BookSupply.BSID, SqlWhere.Oper.MoreEqual, 0)); 110 BookSupplyWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(BookSupply.BSISSUPPLIER, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, 1)); 111 BookSupplyWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(BookSupply.BSSTATUS, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, 1)); 112 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(bsID_Responsible)) 113 { 114 BookSupplyWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(BookSupply.BSID, SqlWhere.Oper.In, bsID_Responsible)); 115 } 116 List<SqlOrder> BookSupplyOrder = new List<SqlOrder>(); 117 BookSupplyOrder.Add(new SqlOrder(BookSupply.BSNAME, true)); 118 BookSupply_List = BookSupply_Bll.GetList(0, 0, "bsID,bsName", BookSupplyWhere, BookSupplyOrder); 119 } 120 121 public string GetPlace(int BiID) 122 { 123 string InStock = ""; 124 List<SqlWhere> StockPlaceWhere = new List<SqlWhere>(); 125 StockPlaceWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(StockPlace.BIID, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, BiID)); 126 List<SqlOrder> StockPlaceOrder = new List<SqlOrder>(); 127 StockPlaceOrder.Add(new SqlOrder(StockPlace.SPDATE, false)); 128 129 List<StockPlace> StockPlace_List = new List<StockPlace>(); 130 StockPlaceManager StockPlace_Bll=new StockPlaceManager(); 131 StockPlace_List = StockPlace_Bll.GetList(1, 1, "SpPlace", StockPlaceWhere, StockPlaceOrder); 132 if (StockPlace_List.Count > 0) 133 { 134 if (StockPlace_List[0].SpPlace == null) 135 { 136 StockPlace_List[0].SpPlace = ""; 137 138 139 } 140 InStock = StockPlace_List[0].SpPlace.ToString(); 141 } 142 143 144 return InStock; 145 } 146 147 }
1 //获取收货人姓名 2 case "GetName": 3 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PoReceiveUser)) 4 { 5 SYS_UserInfo UserInfo_Models = UserInfo_Bll.GetModels(Convert.ToInt32(PoReceiveUser), "sysuiName"); 6 if (UserInfo_Models != null) 7 { 8 Result = UserInfo_Models.SysuiName; 9 } 10 else 11 { 12 Result = "工号不存在"; 13 } 14 } 15 break; 16 //保存收货明细 17 case "SaveReceiveDetail": 18 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PoID) && PoID != "0") 19 { 20 PurchaseOrder_Info = PurchaseOrder_Bll.GetModels(Convert.ToInt32(PoID), "PoID,PoStatus"); 21 if (PurchaseOrder_Info.PoStatus == 12) 22 { 23 PurchaseOrderDetailWhere.Clear(); 24 PurchaseOrderDetailWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(PurchaseOrderDetail.POID, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, PoID)); 25 PurchaseOrderDetailWhere.Add(new SqlWhere(PurchaseOrderDetail.BIID, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, BiID)); 26 PurchaseOrderDetail_List = PurchaseOrderDetail_Bll.GetList(0, 0, "PodID,PodPrice,PodBuyAmount,PodReturnAmount,PodPayAmount", PurchaseOrderDetailWhere, null); 27 if (PurchaseOrderDetail_List.Count > 0) 28 { 29 PurchaseOrderDetail_Info = PurchaseOrderDetail_List[0]; 30 } 31 PurchaseOrderDetail_Info.PoID = PurchaseOrder_Bll.GetModels(Convert.ToInt32(PoID), "PoID"); 32 PurchaseOrderDetail_Info.BiID = BookInfo_Bll.GetModels(Convert.ToInt32(BiID), "BiID"); 33 PurchaseOrderDetail_Info.PodSendAmount = Convert.ToInt32(SendAmount); 34 PurchaseOrderDetail_Info.PodReceiveAmount = Convert.ToInt32(ReceiveAmount); 35 PurchaseOrderDetail_Info.PodPlace = InStock; 36 37 PurchaseOrderDetail_Bll.SaveModels(PurchaseOrderDetail_Info); 38 } 39 else 40 { 41 Result = CheckStatus(PurchaseOrder_Info.PoStatus); 42 } 43 } 44 break; 45 //收货一次性入库 46 case "Receive": 47 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PoID) && PoID != "0") 48 { 49 PurchaseOrder_Info = PurchaseOrder_Bll.GetModels(Convert.ToInt32(PoID), "PoID,PoStatus"); 50 if (PurchaseOrder_Info.PoStatus == 12) 51 { 52 Result = PurchaseOrder_Bll.Receive(PurchaseOrder_Info.PoID, PoReceiveUser, PoSupplierOrder, UserInfo_Bll.CookieUserID, PoReceiveAuditorRemark); 53 } 54 else 55 { 56 Result = CheckStatus(PurchaseOrder_Info.PoStatus); 57 } 58 } 59 break;
1 USE [BookNet] 2 GO 3 /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[PurchaseReceive] Script Date: 01/10/2013 17:21:58 ******/ 4 SET ANSI_NULLS ON 5 GO 6 SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON 7 GO 8 9 ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[PurchaseReceive] 10 @poID int, 11 @poReceiveUser int, 12 @poSupplierOrder varchar(50), 13 @poReceiveAuditorUser int, 14 @poReceiveAuditorRemark varchar(500) 15 AS 16 BEGIN 17 DECLARE @bsID int 18 DECLARE @sdcID int 19 DECLARE @status int 20 DECLARE @poIsDifference bit 21 22 DECLARE @podID int 23 DECLARE @biID int 24 DECLARE @podPrice decimal(14,4) 25 DECLARE @podSendAmount int 26 DECLARE @podReceiveAmount int 27 DECLARE @podPlace varchar(20) 28 29 DECLARE @spID int = 0 30 31 DECLARE @sbID int =0 32 DECLARE @spAmount int =0 33 34 DECLARE @Result varchar(20)='' 35 36 --获取采购单信息 37 SELECT @bsID = bsID, @sdcID = sdcID, @status = poStatus FROM PurchaseOrder WHERE poID= @PoID 38 39 --判断订单是否已发货 40 IF @status = 0 41 BEGIN 42 SET @Result = 'Delete' 43 END 44 45 --判断订单是否已发货 46 IF @status = 10 47 BEGIN 48 SET @Result = 'NewOrder' 49 END 50 51 --判断订单是否已发货 52 IF @status = 11 53 BEGIN 54 SET @Result = 'Refuser' 55 END 56 57 --判断订单是否已发货 58 IF @status = 31 59 BEGIN 60 SET @Result = 'Difference' 61 END 62 63 --判断订单是否已发货 64 IF @status = 32 65 BEGIN 66 SET @Result = 'InStock' 67 END 68 69 --判断订单是否已发货 70 IF @status = 41 71 BEGIN 72 SET @Result = 'NotConfirmation' 73 END 74 75 --判断订单是否已发货 76 IF @status = 42 77 BEGIN 78 SET @Result = 'Confirmation' 79 END 80 81 --判断订单是否已发货 82 IF @status = 61 83 BEGIN 84 SET @Result = 'NotAccounting' 85 END 86 87 --判断订单是否已发货 88 IF @status = 62 89 BEGIN 90 SET @Result = 'Accounting' 91 END 92 93 94 --判断订单是否可以分配库存 95 IF @status = 12 96 BEGIN 97 BEGIN TRAN--开始事务 98 DECLARE @ErrorCount INT --定义错误计数器 99 SET @ErrorCount = 0 100 101 --修改采购单状态 102 UPDATE PurchaseOrder SET poStatus = 32, poReceiveUser = @poReceiveUser, poReceiveAuditorUser = @poReceiveAuditorUser, poReceiveAuditorDate = GETDATE(), poReceiveAuditorRemark = @poReceiveAuditorRemark, poSupplierOrder = @poSupplierOrder WHERE poID = @poID 103 SET @ErrorCount = @ErrorCount + @@ERROR 104 105 106 107 --获取采购明细 108 DECLARE PurchaseOrderList CURSOR FOR SELECT podID, biID, podPrice, podSendAmount, podReceiveAmount, podPlace FROM PurchaseOrderDetail WHERE poID = @poID 109 110 --打开采购明细游标 111 OPEN PurchaseOrderList 112 113 --填充采购明细游标 114 FETCH NEXT FROM PurchaseOrderList INTO @podID, @biID, @podPrice, @podSendAmount, @podReceiveAmount, @podPlace 115 116 --开始采购明细游标 117 WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS<>-1 118 BEGIN 119 IF @podSendAmount <> @podReceiveAmount 120 BEGIN 121 SET @poIsDifference = 1 122 END 123 124 UPDATE Stock SET sAmount=sAmount+@podReceiveAmount WHERE biID=@biID AND sdcID=@sdcID 125 --插入批次库存 126 INSERT INTO StockBatch VALUES(11,@podID,@bsID,@sdcID,@biID,@podID,@podPrice,@podReceiveAmount,0,@poReceiveUser,GETDATE()) 127 SET @ErrorCount = @ErrorCount + @@ERROR 128 129 SELECT @sbID=sbID FROM StockBatch WHERE sdcID=@sdcID AND bsID=@bsID AND biID=@biID AND podID=@podID 130 INSERT INTO HistoryBatch VALUES(11,@poID,@podID,@sdcID,null,@bsID,@biID,@sbID,@podPrice,0,0,0,@podReceiveAmount,0,@poReceiveUser,GETDATE()) 131 SET @ErrorCount = @ErrorCount + @@ERROR 132 133 SET @spID=0 134 SELECT @spID=spID,@spAmount=spAmount FROM StockPlace WHERE sdcID=@sdcID AND spPlace=@podPlace AND biID=@biID 135 IF @spID=0 136 BEGIN 137 INSERT INTO StockPlace VALUES(@sdcID,@podPlace,@biID,@podReceiveAmount,@spAmount,@poReceiveUser,GETDATE()) 138 SET @ErrorCount = @ErrorCount + @@ERROR 139 INSERT INTO HistoryStock VALUES(11,@poID,@podID,@sdcID,@biID,@podPlace,@spAmount,@podReceiveAmount,@poReceiveUser,GETDATE()) 140 SET @ErrorCount = @ErrorCount + @@ERROR 141 142 END 143 ELSE 144 BEGIN 145 UPDATE StockPlace SET spAmount=spAmount+@podReceiveAmount WHERE spID=@spID 146 SET @ErrorCount = @ErrorCount + @@ERROR 147 INSERT INTO HistoryStock VALUES(11,@poID,@podID,@sdcID,@biID,@podPlace,@spAmount,@podReceiveAmount,@poReceiveUser,GETDATE()) 148 SET @ErrorCount = @ErrorCount + @@ERROR 149 END 150 --自动完成缺货订单发货 151 --EXECUTE OrderLack @biID, @sdcID 152 153 --继续下一条采购明细游标 154 FETCH NEXT FROM PurchaseOrderList INTO @podID, @biID, @podPrice, @podSendAmount, @podReceiveAmount, @podPlace 155 END 156 --关闭采购明细游标 157 CLOSE PurchaseOrderList 158 --删除采购明细游标 159 DEALLOCATE PurchaseOrderList 160 161 IF @poIsDifference = 1 162 BEGIN 163 --修改采购单状态 164 UPDATE PurchaseOrder SET poStatus = 31, poIsDifference = 1 WHERE poID = @poID 165 SET @ErrorCount = @ErrorCount + @@ERROR 166 END 167 168 IF @ErrorCount = 0 169 BEGIN 170 COMMIT TRAN--事务提交语句 171 SET @Result = 'Succeed' 172 END 173 ELSE 174 BEGIN 175 ROLLBACK TRAN--事务回滚语句 176 SET @Result = 'ReceiveFail' 177 END 178 END 179 SELECT @Result AS Result 180 END