unity 2D 移动系统选择使用Rigidbody还是Transform




I started off with a sort of hybrid system, where I used velocity for jumping / gravity, and horizontal movement using transform translation, but I'm currently in the process of switching to a non rigidbody system.

Here's what I would say advantages to a rigidbody system are:

  • Physically realistic movement, adding forces gives you nice acceleration behavior.  [真实的物理移动、“力”、加速度]

  • Don't need any additional code to get collisions or gravity working [碰撞和重力逻辑的自动处理]

  • Can push around other rigidbody objects with no additional work.[推动其他物体]

Disadvantages of rigidbody:

  • Have to jump through hoops if you want "unrealistic" movement.[如果像要“非物理”的移动,很麻烦]

  • Relative movement (such as on a moving platform) can be a nightmare (at least it was for me, and is the reason I'm switching in my game)【移动平台的相对移动不好处理】

  • More expensive computationally / in memory.【性能】

Advantages of custom collider controller:

  • Less computationally expensive.【性能】

  • Can fine tune object's behavior to move exactly how you want without worrying if you can do it with physics forces.【自定义控制】

Disadvantages of custom controller:

  • Have to program all the interactions yourself.【编程压力】

  • Maths.【数学计算要求。还是编程压力】

I would say the rigidbody is much easier to get going from scratch, but more complex interactions will be difficult later on. While a custom controller is a bit of work to get started, but easy to fiddle with afterwords.

If you want to go with a custom controller I highly recommend Sebastian Lague's 2D platform tutorial, which can be found here.

Also on a side note, you can add a physics material with a friction value of your choosing to the box collider on your player, which should have them slow down once you let go.

posted @ 2023-03-28 14:24  sun_dust_shadow  阅读(165)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报