unity工具相关: NodeCanvas_Example Scenes ( Unity 2018.4.14+ ) 案例笔记



Example Scenes ( Unity 2018.4.14+ )


一:BTree Events




Demonstrates how events can be used in the context of Behaviour Trees to react to changes as well as transfer data. In this case float data. In reality, events are best dispatched through code.

演示 BTree内 event的传递数据过程。





  task:Condition和Action的抽象。eventRounter在Condition内add remove监听。 在Action内触发派发



 (3)派发是否针对所有graphs。graph内维持了static graphs,可以获取当前所有运行的graph


        void OnCustomEvent(string eventName, IEventData data) {
            if ( eventName.Equals(this.eventName.value, System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ) {
                if ( data is EventData<T> ) { //avoid boxing if able
                    saveEventValue.value = ( (EventData<T>)data ).value;
                } else if ( data.valueBoxed is T ) { saveEventValue.value = (T)data.valueBoxed; }

                Logger.Log(string.Format("Event Received from ({0}): '{1}'", agent.gameObject.name, eventName), LogTag.EVENT, this);


 二:IfThenElse with Trigger

(1)是EventRouter类内  1.自定义event事件 2.各种unity 自带函数事件



三:Imaginary Cat





四:Iterator Controller

In this example all 3 cubes are controled with a single "manager" behaviour, with the help of the Iterator Decorator.

(1)Iterator Decorator迭代装饰器的使用。




        protected override Status OnExecute(Component agent, IBlackboard blackboard) {
       //1.先处理各种异常情况,如果没有子节点,则返回Optional,无意义。 如果子节点有 list异常,则返回faiure
if ( decoratedConnection == null ) { return Status.Optional; } if ( list == null || list.Count == 0 ) { return Status.Failure; }
       //2.从currentIndex开始。 for ( var i = currentIndex; i < list.Count; i++ ) { current.value = list[i]; storeIndex.value = i; status = decoratedConnection.Execute(agent, blackboard);           //2.处理收到first影响的情况 if ( status == Status.Success && terminationCondition == TerminationConditions.FirstSuccess ) { return Status.Success; } if ( status == Status.Failure && terminationCondition == TerminationConditions.FirstFailure ) { return Status.Failure; }           //2.如果子节点返回running 则返回running if ( status == Status.Running ) { currentIndex = i; return Status.Running; }          //  如果循环结束,下一次是否从头开始,还是不再执行。           if ( currentIndex == list.Count - 1 || currentIndex == maxIteration.value - 1 ) { if ( resetIndex ) { currentIndex = 0; } return status;//最后一个节点决定了我的返回状态 }           //节点执行完毕后reset decoratedConnection.Reset(); currentIndex++; }         //不再执行。默认返回running return Status.Running; } protected override void OnReset() { if ( resetIndex ) { currentIndex = 0; } }




        Status Tick(Component agent, IBlackboard blackboard) {
            if ( rootStatus != Status.Running ) { primeNode.Reset(); }
            return rootStatus = primeNode.Execute(agent, blackboard);


Set another Agent for the rest of the Tree dynamicaly from this point and on. All nodes under this will be executed for the new agent. You can also use this decorator to revert back to the original graph agent, which is useful to use after another OverrideAgent decorator for example 



五:Turret Targeting

六:Variables Data Binding & Implemented Action

Showcase how you can interact with your code by using DataBound blackboard variables and executing Actions implemented in your own scripts. In this case the DataBindExample script.



posted @ 2022-04-03 21:40  sun_dust_shadow  阅读(194)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报