unity 导出ui初始化代码
项目ui代码初始化部分 一般都可以自动生成。
原因:主要是手动填写ui node节点的路径,费时间。
实现结果:借助于插件 QHierarchy ,添加点选控制,只导出自己想要的节点。如下图红框内打钩的component是要导出代码。
步骤:1.点选 2.选预制件 3.点击导出 4.结果(具体代码文件不贴出来,而且每个项目可能ui代码规则不同)
主要是两部分代码:1.编辑器下 QHierarchy 代码插入 2.导出lua文件的代码

1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using UnityEngine; 4 using UnityEditor; 5 using qtools.qhierarchy.pcomponent.pbase; 6 using qtools.qhierarchy.phierarchy; 7 using qtools.qhierarchy.phelper; 8 using qtools.qhierarchy.pdata; 9 /// <summary> 10 /// 2020年1月10日 by chenfei 11 /// 实现自动导出初始ui代码 12 /// </summary> 13 namespace qtools.qhierarchy.pcomponent 14 { 15 public class QToLuaUIComponent : QBaseComponent 16 { 17 // PRIVATE 18 private Color activeColor; 19 private Color inactiveColor; 20 private Color specialColor; 21 private Texture2D chooseButtonTexture; 22 private int targetVisibilityState = -1; 23 24 // CONSTRUCTOR 25 public QToLuaUIComponent() 26 { 27 rect.width = 14; 28 29 chooseButtonTexture = QResources.getInstance().getTexture(QTexture.QCheckBoxChecked); 30 31 QSettings.getInstance().addEventListener(QSetting.ToLuaUI, settingsChanged); 32 QSettings.getInstance().addEventListener(QSetting.ToLuaUI, settingsChanged); 33 QSettings.getInstance().addEventListener(QSetting.AdditionalActiveColor , settingsChanged); 34 QSettings.getInstance().addEventListener(QSetting.AdditionalInactiveColor , settingsChanged); 35 QSettings.getInstance().addEventListener(QSetting.AdditionalSpecialColor , settingsChanged); 36 settingsChanged(); 37 } 38 39 private void settingsChanged() 40 { 41 enabled = QSettings.getInstance().get<bool>(QSetting.ToLuaUI); 42 showComponentDuringPlayMode = QSettings.getInstance().get<bool>(QSetting.ToLuaUI); 43 activeColor = QSettings.getInstance().getColor(QSetting.AdditionalActiveColor); 44 inactiveColor = QSettings.getInstance().getColor(QSetting.AdditionalInactiveColor); 45 specialColor = QSettings.getInstance().getColor(QSetting.AdditionalSpecialColor); 46 } 47 48 // DRAW 49 public override QLayoutStatus layout(GameObject gameObject, QObjectList objectList, Rect selectionRect, ref Rect curRect, float maxWidth) 50 { 51 if (maxWidth < 18) 52 { 53 return QLayoutStatus.Failed; 54 } 55 else 56 { 57 curRect.x -= 18; 58 rect.x = curRect.x; 59 rect.y = curRect.y; 60 return QLayoutStatus.Success; 61 } 62 } 63 64 public override void disabledHandler(GameObject gameObject, QObjectList objectList) 65 { 66 // Debug.Log("disabledHandler"); 67 if (objectList != null) 68 { 69 if (gameObject.activeSelf && objectList.editModeVisibileObjects.Contains(gameObject)) 70 { 71 objectList.editModeVisibileObjects.Remove(gameObject); 72 gameObject.SetActive(false); 73 EditorUtility.SetDirty(gameObject); 74 } 75 else if (!gameObject.activeSelf && objectList.editModeInvisibleObjects.Contains(gameObject)) 76 { 77 objectList.editModeInvisibleObjects.Remove(gameObject); 78 gameObject.SetActive(true); 79 EditorUtility.SetDirty(gameObject); 80 } 81 } 82 } 83 84 public override void draw(GameObject gameObject, QObjectList objectList, Rect selectionRect) 85 { 86 bool isChoose = isGameObjectChoose(gameObject, objectList); 87 88 //if (isChoose == true ) 89 //{ 90 // EditorUtility.SetDirty(gameObject); 91 //} 92 //else if (isChoose == false) 93 //{ 94 // EditorUtility.SetDirty(gameObject); 95 //} 96 97 QColorUtils.setColor(isChoose ? activeColor : inactiveColor); 98 GUI.DrawTexture(rect, chooseButtonTexture); 99 QColorUtils.clearColor(); 100 101 } 102 103 public override void eventHandler(GameObject gameObject, QObjectList objectList, Event currentEvent) 104 { 105 // Debug.Log("==eventHandler"); 106 if (currentEvent.isMouse && currentEvent.button == 0 && rect.Contains(currentEvent.mousePosition)) 107 { 108 bool isChoose = isGameObjectChoose(gameObject, objectList); 109 if (currentEvent.type == EventType.MouseDown) 110 { 111 targetVisibilityState = ((!gameObject.activeSelf) == true ? 1 : 0); 112 } 113 else if (currentEvent.type == EventType.MouseDrag && targetVisibilityState != -1) 114 { 115 if (targetVisibilityState == (gameObject.activeSelf == true ? 1 : 0)) return; 116 } 117 else 118 { 119 targetVisibilityState = -1; 120 return; 121 } 122 123 bool showWarning = QSettings.getInstance().get<bool>(QSetting.AdditionalShowModifierWarning); 124 125 List<GameObject> targetGameObjects = new List<GameObject>(); 126 if (currentEvent.shift) 127 { 128 if (!showWarning || EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Change visibility", "Are you sure you want to turn " + (gameObject.activeSelf ? "off" : "on") + " the visibility of this GameObject and all its children? (You can disable this warning in the settings)", "Yes", "Cancel")) 129 { 130 getGameObjectListRecursive(gameObject, ref targetGameObjects); 131 } 132 } 133 else if (currentEvent.alt) 134 { 135 if (gameObject.transform.parent != null) 136 { 137 if (!showWarning || EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Change visibility", "Are you sure you want to turn " + (gameObject.activeSelf ? "off" : "on") + " the visibility this GameObject and its siblings? (You can disable this warning in the settings)", "Yes", "Cancel")) 138 { 139 getGameObjectListRecursive(gameObject.transform.parent.gameObject, ref targetGameObjects, 1); 140 targetGameObjects.Remove(gameObject.transform.parent.gameObject); 141 } 142 } 143 else 144 { 145 Debug.Log("This action for root objects is supported for Unity3d 5.3.3 and above"); 146 return; 147 } 148 } 149 else 150 { 151 if (Selection.Contains(gameObject)) 152 { 153 targetGameObjects.AddRange(Selection.gameObjects); 154 } 155 else 156 { 157 getGameObjectListRecursive(gameObject, ref targetGameObjects, 0); 158 }; 159 } 160 161 setChoose(targetGameObjects, objectList, !isChoose); 162 // setVisibility(targetGameObjects, objectList, !gameObject.activeSelf, currentEvent.control || currentEvent.command); 163 currentEvent.Use(); 164 } 165 } 166 167 168 private bool isGameObjectChoose(GameObject gameObject, QObjectList objectList) 169 { 170 return objectList == null ? false : objectList.chooseObjects.Contains(gameObject); 171 } 172 private void setChoose(List<GameObject> gameObjects, QObjectList objectList, bool targetLock) 173 { 174 // Debug.Log("==setVisibility"); 175 176 if (gameObjects.Count == 0) return; 177 178 if (objectList == null) objectList = QObjectListManager.getInstance().getObjectList(gameObjects[0], true); 179 Undo.RecordObject(objectList, targetLock ? "Choose" : "UnChoose"); 180 181 for (int i = gameObjects.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) 182 { 183 GameObject curGameObject = gameObjects[i]; 184 Undo.RecordObject(curGameObject, targetLock ? "Choose" : "UnChoose"); 185 186 if (targetLock) 187 { 188 189 if (!objectList.chooseObjects.Contains(curGameObject)) 190 objectList.chooseObjects.Add(curGameObject); 191 } 192 else 193 { 194 195 objectList.chooseObjects.Remove(curGameObject); 196 } 197 198 EditorUtility.SetDirty(curGameObject); 199 } 200 } 201 202 203 } 204 }
public GameObject selectPrefab = null; 用来获取预制件

1 EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("export ui script", MessageType.Info, true); 2 if (GUI.Button(EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true), GUILayout.Height(20)), "ExportLuaUIScript")) 3 { 4 foreach (QObjectList objectList in QObjectList.instances) 5 { 6 GameObject prefabObj = objectList.selectPrefab; 7 QExportUIScript.BeginExport(prefabObj); 8 } 9 }
QHierarchySettingsWindow.cs内控制 setting面板 是否开启新加的功能:

1 // -- toLuaUI-- 2 drawSeparator(); 3 drawToLuaUISetting(); 4 // -----------
QSettings内添加 ToLuaUI = 100, public const string DEFAULT_ORDER = "0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13";
新建QExportUIScript.cs类:实现初始化 ui prefab的功能和针对 button组件生成 按钮相应接口
1 using UnityEngine; 2 using System; 3 using System.Collections; 4 using System.Collections.Generic; 5 using System.IO; 6 using UnityEngine.UI; 7 #if UNITY_EDITOR 8 using UnityEditor; 9 #endif 10 11 /// <summary> 12 /// 2020年1月10日 by chenfei 13 /// 实现自动导出初始ui代码 14 /// </summary> 15 16 namespace qtools.qhierarchy 17 { 18 public class QExportUIScript 19 { 20 enum CompontType 21 { 22 Panel = 1, 23 Label = 2, 24 Image = 3, 25 Button = 4, 26 Input = 5, 27 Toggle = 6, 28 Ain = 7, 29 Slider = 8, 30 RawImage = 9, 31 Dropdown = 10, 32 } 33
// 下面的xx代表 代码内映射的string 34 static Dictionary<CompontType, string> exportPrefixDict = new Dictionary<CompontType, string> 35 { 36 { CompontType.Slider, "XX"}, 37 { CompontType.Ain, "xx"}, 38 { CompontType.Toggle, "xx"}, 39 { CompontType.Input, "xx"}, 40 { CompontType.Button, "xx"}, 41 { CompontType.Image, "xx"}, 42 { CompontType.Label, "xx"}, 43 { CompontType.Panel, "xx"}, 44 { CompontType.RawImage, "XX"}, 45 { CompontType.Dropdown, "xx"}, 46 }; 47 48 49 static public void BeginExport(GameObject selectPrefab) 50 { 51 if (selectPrefab == null) 52 { 53 Debug.LogError("prefab is null !!!"); 54 return; 55 } 56 List<GameObject> allChildList = new List<GameObject>(); 57 getGameObjectListRecursive(selectPrefab, ref allChildList); 58 59 List<GameObject> resultList = new List<GameObject>(); 60 foreach (QObjectList objectList in QObjectList.instances) 61 { 62 if (selectPrefab == objectList.selectPrefab) 63 { 64 List<GameObject> choosObjList = objectList.chooseObjects; 65 foreach (GameObject chooseObj in choosObjList) 66 { 67 if (allChildList.Contains(chooseObj)) 68 { 69 resultList.Add(chooseObj); 70 } 71 } 72 } 73 } 74 if (resultList.Count == 0) 75 { 76 Debug.LogError("no choose gameobj in this prefab!!!"); 77 return; 78 } 79 80 List<ObjInfo> tempShowInfoList = new List<ObjInfo>(); 81 foreach (GameObject resultObject in resultList) 82 { 83 tempShowInfoList.Add(new ObjInfo(resultObject.name, GetRelativePath(resultObject, selectPrefab), GetComType(resultObject))); 84 } 85 //--test: 86 //foreach (ObjInfo itemInfo in tempShowInfoList) 87 //{ 88 // Debug.Log(itemInfo.mRelativePath + " " + itemInfo.mComType); 89 //} 90 //-- 91 92 string luaFilePath = Application.dataPath + "/LocalResources/Lua/UI"; 93 if (!Directory.Exists(luaFilePath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(luaFilePath); 94 string luaClassName = "Lua" + selectPrefab.name; 95 string luaFile = luaFilePath + "/" + luaClassName + ".lua.txt"; 96 97 if(System.IO.File.Exists(luaFile)) 98 { 99 Debug.LogError("exit this file! "); 100 return; 101 } 102 103 using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(luaFile, FileMode.Create)) 104 { 105 using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs)) 106 { 107 //开始写入 Window 108 sw.WriteLine("\n"); 109 sw.WriteLine("local " + luaClassName + " = Class(\"" + luaClassName + "\" , UICtrls.Window)"); 110 //ctor: 111 sw.WriteLine("\n"); 112 sw.WriteLine("function " + luaClassName + ":ctor()"); 113 sw.WriteLine("\tself:_initUI()"); 114 sw.WriteLine("end\n"); 115 //--BEGIN---_initUI()--- 116 sw.WriteLine("function " + luaClassName + ":_initUI()"); 117 118 foreach (ObjInfo itemInfo in tempShowInfoList) 119 { 120 string tempPrefix = string.Empty; 121 exportPrefixDict.TryGetValue(itemInfo.mComType, out tempPrefix); 122 if (tempPrefix == string.Empty) 123 { 124 Debug.LogError("BeginExport exportPrefixDict cannot find key!!!" + itemInfo.mComType); 125 return; 126 } 127 sw.WriteLine("\tself.m" + itemInfo.mObjectName + "="+tempPrefix+"(self,\"" +itemInfo.mRelativePath + "\")"); 128 if(itemInfo.IsButton()) 129 { 130 sw.WriteLine("\tself.m" + itemInfo.mObjectName + ":addEventClick(self." + itemInfo.GetButtonFuncName() + ")"); 131 } 132 } 133 sw.WriteLine("end\n"); 134 //--END---_initUI()--- 135 136 //destroy: 137 sw.WriteLine("function " + luaClassName + ":destroy()"); 138 sw.WriteLine("\t" + luaClassName + ".super.destroy(self)"); 139 sw.WriteLine("end\n"); 140 //show: 141 sw.WriteLine("function " + luaClassName + ":show(param)"); 142 sw.WriteLine("\t" + "--pass"); 143 sw.WriteLine("end\n"); 144 //extra function: 145 foreach (ObjInfo itemInfo in tempShowInfoList) 146 { 147 if (itemInfo.IsButton()) 148 { 149 sw.WriteLine("function " + luaClassName + ":"+ itemInfo.GetButtonFuncName()+"(sender)"); 150 sw.WriteLine("--pass"); 151 sw.WriteLine("end\n"); 152 } 153 } 154 //end: 155 sw.WriteLine("return " + luaClassName); 156 157 Debug.Log(luaFile + " generate complete ! "); 158 AssetDatabase.Refresh(); 159 } 160 } 161 162 } 163 164 165 class ObjInfo 166 { 167 public ObjInfo(string objName, string path, CompontType comType) 168 { 169 mObjectName = objName; 170 mRelativePath = path; 171 mComType = comType; 172 } 173 public string mObjectName = string.Empty; 174 public string mRelativePath = string.Empty; 175 public CompontType mComType = CompontType.Panel; 176 public bool IsButton() 177 { 178 return mComType == CompontType.Button; 179 } 180 public string GetButtonFuncName() 181 { 182 return "on" + mObjectName + "Click"; 183 } 184 185 } 186 187 static void WriteInitUI() 188 { 189 190 } 191 192 static string GetRelativePath(GameObject childNode, GameObject rootNode) 193 { 194 if (childNode == null || rootNode == null) 195 { 196 Debug.LogError("getRelativePath() object null!!!"); 197 return string.Empty; 198 } 199 if (childNode == rootNode) 200 { 201 Debug.LogError("is rootNode rootNode cannot choose!!!"); 202 return string.Empty; 203 } 204 string resultPath = childNode.name; 205 GameObject itemObj = childNode.transform.parent.gameObject; 206 for (; itemObj.name != rootNode.name; itemObj = itemObj.transform.parent.gameObject) 207 { 208 resultPath = itemObj.name + "/" + resultPath; 209 } 210 return resultPath; 211 } 212 213 static CompontType GetComType(GameObject resultObject) 214 { 215 CompontType tempType = CompontType.Panel; 216 if (resultObject.GetComponent<Button>() != null) 217 { 218 tempType = CompontType.Button; 219 } 220 else if (resultObject.GetComponent<Animator>() != null) 221 { 222 tempType = CompontType.Ain; 223 } 224 else if (resultObject.GetComponent<Toggle>() != null) 225 { 226 tempType = CompontType.Toggle; 227 } 228 else if (resultObject.GetComponent<InputField>() != null) 229 { 230 tempType = CompontType.Input; 231 } 232 else if (resultObject.GetComponent<Image>() != null) 233 { 234 tempType = CompontType.Image; 235 } 236 else if (resultObject.GetComponent<Text>() != null) 237 { 238 tempType = CompontType.Label; 239 } 240 else if (resultObject.GetComponent<Slider>() != null) 241 { 242 tempType = CompontType.Slider; 243 } 244 else if (resultObject.GetComponent<RawImage>() != null) 245 { 246 tempType = CompontType.RawImage; 247 } 248 else if (resultObject.GetComponent<Dropdown>() != null) 249 { 250 tempType = CompontType.Dropdown; 251 } 252 else 253 { 254 tempType = CompontType.Panel; 255 } 256 return tempType; 257 } 258 259 260 261 262 static void getGameObjectListRecursive(GameObject gameObject, ref List<GameObject> result, int maxDepth = int.MaxValue) 263 { 264 result.Add(gameObject); 265 if (maxDepth > 0) 266 { 267 Transform transform = gameObject.transform; 268 for (int i = transform.childCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) 269 getGameObjectListRecursive(transform.GetChild(i).gameObject, ref result, maxDepth - 1); 270 } 271 } 272 273 274 } 275 }
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