一 ,线程的两种调用方式
threading 模块建立在thread 模块之上。thread模块以低级、原始的方式来处理和控制线程,而threading 模块通过对thread进行二次封装,
1 import threading 2 import time 3 4 def sayhi(num): #定义每个线程要运行的函数 5 6 print("running on number:%s" %num) 7 8 time.sleep(3) 9 10 if __name__ == '__main__': 11 12 t1 = threading.Thread(target=sayhi,args=(1,)) #生成一个线程实例 13 t2 = threading.Thread(target=sayhi,args=(2,)) #生成另一个线程实例 14 15 t1.start() #启动线程 16 t2.start() #启动另一个线程 17 18 print(t1.getName()) #获取线程名 19 print(t2.getName())
1 import threading 2 import time 3 4 5 class MyThread(threading.Thread): 6 def __init__(self,num): 7 threading.Thread.__init__(self) 8 self.num = num 9 10 def run(self):#定义每个线程要运行的函数 11 12 print("running on number:%s" %self.num) 13 14 time.sleep(3) 15 16 if __name__ == '__main__': 17 18 t1 = MyThread(1) 19 t2 = MyThread(2) 20 t1.start() 21 t2.start() 22 23 print("ending......")
二 ,threading.thread的实例方法
1 import threading 2 from time import ctime,sleep 3 import time 4 5 def ListenMusic(name): 6 7 print ("Begin listening to %s. %s" %(name,ctime())) 8 sleep(3) 9 print("end listening %s"%ctime()) 10 11 def RecordBlog(title): 12 13 print ("Begin recording the %s! %s" %(title,ctime())) 14 sleep(5) 15 print('end recording %s'%ctime()) 16 17 18 threads = [] 19 20 21 t1 = threading.Thread(target=ListenMusic,args=('水手',)) 22 t2 = threading.Thread(target=RecordBlog,args=('python线程',)) 23 24 threads.append(t1) 25 threads.append(t2) 26 27 if __name__ == '__main__': 28 29 for t in threads: 30 #t.setDaemon(True) #注意:一定在start之前设置 31 t.start() 32 # t.join() 33 # t1.join() 34 t1.setDaemon(True) 35 36 #t2.join()########考虑这三种join位置下的结果? 37 print ("all over %s" %ctime())
将线程声明为守护线程,必须在start() 方法调用之前设置, 如果不设置为守护线程程序会被无限挂起。这个方法基本和join是相反的。
当我们 在程序运行中,执行一个主线程,如果主线程又创建一个子线程,主线程和子线程 就分兵两路,分别运行,那么当主线程完成
想退出时,会检验子线程是否完成。如 果子线程未完成,则主线程会等待子线程完成后再退出。但是有时候我们需要的是 只要主线程
完成了,不管子线程是否完成,都要和主线程一起退出,这时就可以 用setDaemon方法啦
1 # run(): 线程被cpu调度后自动执行线程对象的run方法 2 # start():启动线程活动。 3 # isAlive(): 返回线程是否活动的。 4 # getName(): 返回线程名。 5 # setName(): 设置线程名。 6 7 threading模块提供的一些方法: 8 # threading.currentThread(): 返回当前的线程变量。 9 # threading.enumerate(): 返回一个包含正在运行的线程的list。正在运行指线程启动后、结束前,不包括启动前和终止后的线程。 10 # threading.activeCount(): 返回正在运行的线程数量,与len(threading.enumerate())有相同的结果。
三, 同步锁(Lock)
1 # Author : Kelvin 2 # Date : 2019/2/10 11:46 3 4 import threading, time 5 6 count = 100 7 R = threading.Lock() 8 9 10 def sub(): 11 global count 12 R.acquire() # 获取锁,锁之间串行执行 13 temp = count 14 time.sleep(0.01) # 让当前线程阻塞 15 temp -= 1 16 count = temp 17 R.release() # 释放锁 18 19 20 threading_list = [] 21 for i in range(100): 22 t = threading.Thread(target=sub) 23 t.start() 24 threading_list.append(t) 25 for i in threading_list: 26 i.join() 27 28 print(count)
观察:time.sleep(0.1) /0.001/0.0000001 结果分别是多少?
1 R=threading.Lock() 2 3 #### 4 def sub(): 5 global num 6 R.acquire() 7 temp=num-1 8 time.sleep(0.1) 9 num=temp 10 R.release()
四, 线程死锁和递归锁
1 import threading,time 2 3 class myThread(threading.Thread): 4 def doA(self): 5 lockA.acquire() 6 print(self.name,"gotlockA",time.ctime()) 7 time.sleep(3) 8 lockB.acquire() 9 print(self.name,"gotlockB",time.ctime()) 10 lockB.release() 11 lockA.release() 12 13 def doB(self): 14 lockB.acquire() 15 print(self.name,"gotlockB",time.ctime()) 16 time.sleep(2) 17 lockA.acquire() 18 print(self.name,"gotlockA",time.ctime()) 19 lockA.release() 20 lockB.release() 21 22 def run(self): 23 self.doA() 24 self.doB() 25 if __name__=="__main__": 26 27 lockA=threading.Lock() 28 lockB=threading.Lock() 29 threads=[] 30 for i in range(5): 31 threads.append(myThread()) 32 for t in threads: 33 t.start() 34 for t in threads: 35 t.join()#等待线程结束,后面再讲。
1 lockA=threading.Lock() 2 lockB=threading.Lock()<br>#--------------<br>lock=threading.RLock()
1 import time 2 3 import threading 4 5 class Account: 6 def __init__(self, _id, balance): 7 self.id = _id 8 self.balance = balance 9 self.lock = threading.RLock() 10 11 def withdraw(self, amount): 12 13 with self.lock: 14 self.balance -= amount 15 16 def deposit(self, amount): 17 with self.lock: 18 self.balance += amount 19 20 21 def drawcash(self, amount):#lock.acquire中嵌套lock.acquire的场景 22 23 with self.lock: 24 interest=0.05 25 count=amount+amount*interest 26 27 self.withdraw(count) 28 29 30 def transfer(_from, to, amount): 31 32 #锁不可以加在这里 因为其他的其它线程执行的其它方法在不加锁的情况下数据同样是不安全的 33 _from.withdraw(amount) 34 35 to.deposit(amount) 36 37 38 39 alex = Account('kelvin',1000) 40 yuan = Account('bob',1000) 41 42 t1=threading.Thread(target = transfer, args = (kelvin,bob, 100)) 43 t1.start() 44 45 t2=threading.Thread(target = transfer, args = (bob,kelvin, 200)) 46 t2.start() 47 48 t1.join() 49 t2.join() 50 51 print('>>>',kelvin.balance) 52 print('>>>',bob.balance)
event = threading.Event()
1 import threading,time 2 class Boss(threading.Thread): 3 def run(self): 4 print("BOSS:今晚大家都要加班到22:00。") 5 print(event.isSet()) 6 event.set() 7 time.sleep(5) 8 print("BOSS:<22:00>可以下班了。") 9 print(event.isSet()) 10 event.set() 11 class Worker(threading.Thread): 12 def run(self): 13 event.wait() 14 print("Worker:哎……命苦啊!") 15 time.sleep(1) 16 event.clear() 17 event.wait() 18 print("Worker:OhYeah!") 19 if __name__=="__main__": 20 event=threading.Event() 21 threads=[] 22 for i in range(5): 23 threads.append(Worker()) 24 threads.append(Boss()) 25 for t in threads: 26 t.start() 27 for t in threads: 28 t.join()
信号量用来控制线程并发数的,BoundedSemaphore或Semaphore管理一个内置的计数 器,每当调用acquire()时-1,调用release()时+1。
计数器不能小于0,当计数器为 0时,acquire()将阻塞线程至同步锁定状态,直到其他线程调用release()。(类似于停车位的概念)
BoundedSemaphore与Semaphore的唯一区别在于前者将在调用release()时检查计数 器的值是否超过了计数器的初始值,如果超过了将抛出一个异常。
1 import threading,time 2 class myThread(threading.Thread): 3 def run(self): 4 if semaphore.acquire(): 5 print(self.name) 6 time.sleep(5) 7 semaphore.release() 8 if __name__=="__main__": 9 semaphore=threading.Semaphore(5) 10 thrs=[] 11 for i in range(100): 12 thrs.append(myThread()) 13 for t in thrs: 14 t.start()
1 import threading,time 2 3 li=[1,2,3,4,5] 4 5 def pri(): 6 while li: 7 a=li[-1] 8 print(a) 9 time.sleep(1) 10 try: 11 li.remove(a) 12 except Exception as e: 13 print('----',a,e) 14 15 t1=threading.Thread(target=pri,args=()) 16 t1.start() 17 t2=threading.Thread(target=pri,args=()) 18 t2.start()
queue is especially useful in threaded programming when information must be exchanged safely between multiple threads.
1 创建一个“队列”对象 2 import queue 3 q = queue.Queue(maxsize = 10) 4 queue.Queue类即是一个队列的同步实现。队列长度可为无限或者有限。可通过Queue的构造函数的可选参数maxsize来设定队列长度。如果maxsize小于1就表示队列长度无限。 5 6 将一个值放入队列中 7 q.put(10) 8 调用队列对象的put()方法在队尾插入一个项目。put()有两个参数,第一个item为必需的,为插入项目的值;第二个block为可选参数,默认为 9 1。如果队列当前为空且block为1,put()方法就使调用线程暂停,直到空出一个数据单元。如果block为0,put方法将引发Full异常。 10 11 将一个值从队列中取出 12 q.get() 13 调用队列对象的get()方法从队头删除并返回一个项目。可选参数为block,默认为True。如果队列为空且block为True, 14 get()就使调用线程暂停,直至有项目可用。如果队列为空且block为False,队列将引发Empty异常。 15 16 Python Queue模块有三种队列及构造函数: 17 1、Python Queue模块的FIFO队列先进先出。 class queue.Queue(maxsize) 18 2、LIFO类似于堆,即先进后出。 class queue.LifoQueue(maxsize) 19 3、还有一种是优先级队列级别越低越先出来。 class queue.PriorityQueue(maxsize) 20 21 此包中的常用方法(q = queue.Queue()): 22 q.qsize() 返回队列的大小 23 q.empty() 如果队列为空,返回True,反之False 24 q.full() 如果队列满了,返回True,反之False 25 q.full 与 maxsize 大小对应 26 q.get([block[, timeout]]) 获取队列,timeout等待时间 27 q.get_nowait() 相当q.get(False) 28 非阻塞 q.put(item) 写入队列,timeout等待时间 29 q.put_nowait(item) 相当q.put(item, False) 30 q.task_done() 在完成一项工作之后,q.task_done() 函数向任务已经完成的队列发送一个信号 31 q.join() 实际上意味着等到队列为空,再执行别的操作
other mode:
1 import queue 2 3 #先进后出 4 5 q=queue.LifoQueue() 6 7 q.put(34) 8 q.put(56) 9 q.put(12) 10 11 #优先级 12 # q=queue.PriorityQueue() 13 # q.put([5,100]) 14 # q.put([7,200]) 15 # q.put([3,"hello"]) 16 # q.put([4,{"name":"alex"}]) 17 18 while 1: 19 20 data=q.get() 21 print(data)
1 import time,random 2 import queue,threading 3 4 q = queue.Queue() 5 6 def Producer(name): 7 count = 0 8 while count <10: 9 print("making........") 10 time.sleep(random.randrange(3)) 11 q.put(count) 12 print('Producer %s has produced %s baozi..' %(name, count)) 13 count +=1 14 #q.task_done() 15 #q.join() 16 print("ok......") 17 def Consumer(name): 18 count = 0 19 while count <10: 20 time.sleep(random.randrange(4)) 21 if not q.empty(): 22 data = q.get() 23 #q.task_done() 24 #q.join() 25 print(data) 26 print('\033[32;1mConsumer %s has eat %s baozi...\033[0m' %(name, data)) 27 else: 28 print("-----no baozi anymore----") 29 count +=1 30 31 p1 = threading.Thread(target=Producer, args=('A',)) 32 c1 = threading.Thread(target=Consumer, args=('B',)) 33 # c2 = threading.Thread(target=Consumer, args=('C',)) 34 # c3 = threading.Thread(target=Consumer, args=('D',)) 35 p1.start() 36 c1.start() 37 # c2.start() 38 # c3.start()
<多进程模块 multiprocessing>
is a package that supports spawning processes using an API similar to the threading module. The ultiprocessing
package offers both local and remote concurrency,effectively side-stepping the Global Interpreter Lock by using subprocesses instead of threads. Due to this, the multiprocessing
module allows the programmer to fully leverage multiple processors on a given machine. It runs on both Unix and Windows.multiprocessing
multiprocessing包是Python中的多进程管理包。与threading.Thread类似,它可以利用multiprocessing.Process对象来创建一个进程。该进程可以运行在Python程序内部编写的函数。该Process对象与Thread对象的用法相同,也有start(), run(), join()的方法。此外multiprocessing包中也有Lock/Event/Semaphore/Condition类 (这些对象可以像多线程那样,通过参数传递给各个进程),用以同步进程,其用法与threading包中的同名类一致。所以,multiprocessing的很大一部份与threading使用同一套API,只不过换到了多进程的情境。
一 ,进程的调用
1 from multiprocessing import Process 2 import time 3 def f(name): 4 time.sleep(1) 5 print('hello', name,time.ctime()) 6 7 if __name__ == '__main__': 8 p_list=[] 9 for i in range(3): 10 p = Process(target=f, args=('alvin',)) 11 p_list.append(p) 12 p.start() 13 for i in p_list: 14 p.join() 15 print('end')
1 from multiprocessing import Process 2 import time 3 4 class MyProcess(Process): 5 def __init__(self): 6 super(MyProcess, self).__init__() 7 #self.name = name 8 9 def run(self): 10 time.sleep(1) 11 print ('hello', self.name,time.ctime()) 12 13 14 if __name__ == '__main__': 15 p_list=[] 16 for i in range(3): 17 p = MyProcess() 18 p.start() 19 p_list.append(p) 20 21 for p in p_list: 22 p.join() 23 24 print('end')
1 from multiprocessing import Process 2 import os 3 import time 4 def info(title): 5 6 print("title:",title) 7 print('parent process:', os.getppid()) 8 print('process id:', os.getpid()) 9 10 def f(name): 11 info('function f') 12 print('hello', name) 13 14 if __name__ == '__main__': 15 info('main process line') 16 time.sleep(1) 17 print("------------------") 18 p = Process(target=info, args=('yuan',)) 19 p.start() 20 p.join()
二, Process类
Process([group [, target [, name [, args [, kwargs]]]]])
group: 线程组,目前还没有实现,库引用中提示必须是None;
target: 要执行的方法;
name: 进程名;
args/kwargs: 要传入方法的参数。
1 # Author : Kelvin 2 # Date : 2019/2/13 13:31 3 from multiprocessing import Process 4 import time 5 6 7 def foo(name): 8 time.sleep(1) 9 print("%s,当前时间:%s" % (name, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %X", time.localtime()))) 10 11 12 if __name__ == "__main__": 13 p_list = [] 14 for i in range(4): 15 p = Process(target=foo, args=("kelvin",)) 16 p_list.append(p) 17 p.start() 18 print("%s进程是否活跃?%s 进程号:%s"%(p.name,p.is_alive(),p.pid)) 19 # p.join() 20 for i in p_list: 21 i.join() 22 print("This program is over!")
三 ,进程间通讯
1 进程队列Queue
1 from multiprocessing import Process, Queue 2 import queue 3 4 def f(q,n): 5 #q.put([123, 456, 'hello']) 6 q.put(n*n+1) 7 print("son process",id(q)) 8 9 if __name__ == '__main__': 10 q = Queue() #try: q=queue.Queue() 11 print("main process",id(q)) 12 13 for i in range(3): 14 p = Process(target=f, args=(q,i)) 15 p.start() 16 17 print(q.get()) 18 print(q.get()) 19 print(q.get())
2 管道
1 from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe 2 3 def f(conn): 4 conn.send([12, {"name":"yuan"}, 'hello']) 5 response=conn.recv() 6 print("response",response) 7 conn.close() 8 print("q_ID2:",id(child_conn)) 9 10 if __name__ == '__main__': 11 12 parent_conn, child_conn = Pipe() 13 print("q_ID1:",id(child_conn)) 14 p = Process(target=f, args=(child_conn,)) 15 p.start() 16 print(parent_conn.recv()) # prints "[42, None, 'hello']" 17 parent_conn.send("儿子你好!") 18 p.join()
3 Managers
1 from multiprocessing import Process, Manager 2 3 def f(d, l,n): 4 d[n] = '1' 5 d['2'] = 2 6 d[0.25] = None 7 l.append(n) 8 #print(l) 9 10 print("son process:",id(d),id(l)) 11 12 if __name__ == '__main__': 13 14 with Manager() as manager: 15 16 d = manager.dict() 17 18 l = manager.list(range(5)) 19 20 print("main process:",id(d),id(l)) 21 22 p_list = [] 23 24 for i in range(10): 25 p = Process(target=f, args=(d,l,i)) 26 p.start() 27 p_list.append(p) 28 29 for res in p_list: 30 res.join() 31 32 print(d) 33 print(l)
四 ,进程同步
1 from multiprocessing import Process, Lock 2 3 def f(l, i): 4 5 with l.acquire(): 6 print('hello world %s'%i) 7 8 if __name__ == '__main__': 9 lock = Lock() 10 11 for num in range(10): 12 Process(target=f, args=(lock, num)).start()
五 ,进程池
- apply
- apply_async
1 from multiprocessing import Process,Pool 2 import time,os 3 4 def Foo(i): 5 time.sleep(1) 6 print(i) 7 return i+100 8 9 def Bar(arg): 10 11 print(os.getpid()) 12 print(os.getppid()) 13 print('logger:',arg) 14 15 pool = Pool(5) 16 17 Bar(1) 18 print("----------------") 19 20 for i in range(10): 21 #pool.apply(func=Foo, args=(i,)) 22 #pool.apply_async(func=Foo, args=(i,)) 23 pool.apply_async(func=Foo, args=(i,),callback=Bar) 24 25 pool.close() 26 pool.join() 27 print('end')
1 如何使用上下文管理器:
如何打开一个文件,并写入"hello world":
1 filename="my.txt" 2 mode="w" 3 f=open(filename,mode) 4 f.write("hello world") 5 f.close()
1 writer=open(filename,mode) 2 try: 3 writer.write("hello world") 4 finally: 5 writer.close()
1 with open(filename,mode) as writer: 2 writer.write("hello world")
2 自定义上下文管理器
1 class echo(): 2 def output(self): 3 print "hello world" 4 def __enter__(self): 5 print "enter" 6 return self #可以返回任何希望返回的东西 7 def __exit__(self,exception_type,value,trackback): 8 print "exit" 9 if exception_type==ValueError: 10 return True 11 else: 12 return Flase 13 14 >>>with echo as e: 15 e.output() 16 17 输出: 18 enter 19 hello world 20 exit
1 def __exit__(self,exc_type,exc_value,exc_tb)
3 ,contextlib模块
1 from contextlib import contextmanager 2 @contextmanager 3 def make_context(): 4 print 'enter' 5 try: 6 yield "ok" 7 except RuntimeError,err: 8 print 'error',err 9 finally: 10 print 'exit' 11 12 >>>with make_context() as value: 13 print value 14 15 输出为: 16 enter 17 ok 18 exit
1 @contextlib.contextmanager 2 def loudLock(): 3 print 'Locking' 4 lock.acquire() 5 yield 6 print 'Releasing' 7 lock.release() 8 9 with loudLock(): 10 print 'Lock is locked: %s' % lock.locked() 11 print 'Doing something that needs locking' 12 13 #Output: 14 #Locking 15 #Lock is locked: True 16 #Doing something that needs locking 17 #Releasing
4 contextlib.nested:减少嵌套
1 with open(filename,mode) as reader: 2 with open(filename1,mode1) as writer: 3 writer.write(reader.read())
1 with contextlib.nested(open(filename,mode),open(filename1,mode1)) as (reader,writer): 2 writer.write(reader.read())
在python 2.7及以后,被一种新的语法取代:
1 with open(filename,mode) as reader,open(filename1,mode1) as writer: 2 writer.write(reader.read())
5 contextlib.closing()
优点1: 协程极高的执行效率。因为子程序切换不是线程切换,而是由程序自身控制,因此,没有线程切换的开销,和多线程比,线程数量越多,协程的性能优势就越明显。
优点2: 不需要多线程的锁机制,因为只有一个线程,也不存在同时写变量冲突,在协程中控制共享资源不加锁,只需要判断状态就好了,所以执行效率比多线程高很多。
1 import time 2 import queue 3 4 def consumer(name): 5 print("--->ready to eat baozi...") 6 while True: 7 new_baozi = yield 8 print("[%s] is eating baozi %s" % (name,new_baozi)) 9 #time.sleep(1) 10 11 def producer(): 12 13 r = con.__next__() 14 r = con2.__next__() 15 n = 0 16 while 1: 17 time.sleep(1) 18 print("\033[32;1m[producer]\033[0m is making baozi %s and %s" %(n,n+1) ) 19 con.send(n) 20 con2.send(n+1) 21 22 n +=2 23 24 25 if __name__ == '__main__': 26 con = consumer("c1") 27 con2 = consumer("c2") 28 p = producer()
1 from greenlet import greenlet 2 3 4 def test1(): 5 print(12) 6 gr2.switch() 7 print(34) 8 gr2.switch() 9 10 11 def test2(): 12 print(56) 13 gr1.switch() 14 print(78) 15 16 17 gr1 = greenlet(test1) 18 gr2 = greenlet(test2) 19 gr1.switch()
1 import gevent 2 3 import requests,time 4 5 6 start=time.time() 7 8 def f(url): 9 print('GET: %s' % url) 10 resp =requests.get(url) 11 data = resp.text 12 print('%d bytes received from %s.' % (len(data), url)) 13 14 gevent.joinall([ 15 16 gevent.spawn(f, 'https://www.python.org/'), 17 gevent.spawn(f, 'https://www.yahoo.com/'), 18 gevent.spawn(f, 'https://www.baidu.com/'), 19 gevent.spawn(f, 'https://www.sina.com.cn/'), 20 21 ]) 22 23 # f('https://www.python.org/') 24 # 25 # f('https://www.yahoo.com/') 26 # 27 # f('https://baidu.com/') 28 # 29 # f('https://www.sina.com.cn/') 30 31 print("cost time:",time.time()-start)
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