SUMTEC -- There's a thing in my bloglet.

But it's not only one. It's many. It's the same as other things but it exactly likes nothing else...

  博客园 :: 首页 :: 博问 :: 闪存 :: 新随笔 :: 联系 :: 订阅 订阅 :: 管理 ::



/ File name:   Version2.txn
/ Create time: 2004-07-23
/ Creator:     sumtec

/ This file defines the version of the TXN file to version 2.
/ This will enable the version 2 syntax.

/ These lines defines the version.
@ifdef version

@warning "Version is already defined in file {1} at line {2} as Version \"{0}\"." version version.File version.Line

@endif /version

@version 2.0

/ File name:   Version.txn
/ Create time: 2004-07-23
/ Creator:     sumtec

/ This file defines the version of the TXN file to version 1.
/ \<xxx> will turns into <xxx>

@ifdef version

@ifdef version

@warning "Version is already defined in file {1} at line {2} as Version \"{0}\"." version version.File version.Line

@endif /version

@version 1.0

/ File name:   Options.txn
/ Create time: 2004-07-23
/ Creator:     sumtec
@option trace >
@option capture ?
@option regex "is-x" / This is incorrect!

/ File name:   Symbols.txn
/ Create time: 2004-07-23
/ Creator:     sumtec

@ifndef _Symbols_Defined
@define _Symbols_Defined

@sealcapture begin


@sealcapture end

@endif / _Symbols_Defined

/ File name:   Operators.txn
/ Create time: 2004-07-23
/ Creator:     sumtec

@ifndef _Operators_Defined
@define _Operators_Defined

@include Symbols.txn

@sealcapture begin







@sealcapture end

@endif / _Operators_Defined

/ File name:   Escapes.txn
/ Create time: 2004-07-23
/ Creator:     sumtec


@ifndef _Escapes_Defined
@define _Escapes_Defined

@include Symbols.txn

@sealcapture begin


@sealcapture end


/ File name:   Base.txn
/ Create time: 2004-07-23
/ Creator:     sumtec

@include Version2.txn
@include options.txn
@include operators.txn
@include escapes.txn
@include spaces.txn

posted on 2004-07-28 11:40  Sumtec  阅读(1524)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报