create or replace trigger ADDC4 before insert on bd_cubasdoc for each row declare -- local variables here v_exp varchar2(200); begin --空格的客商 if regexp_like(:new.custname,'[[:space:]]') then raise_application_error(-20001, '客商名称:' || :new.custname || '有空格,请修改'); end if; --重复名称、营业执照、纳税人登记号客商 select case when custname = :new.custname then '客商名称:' || :new.custname || '已存在,请在已有客商修改增行!' when engname = :new.engname and length(:new.engname) > 3 then '客商营业执照:' || :new.engname || '已存在,请在已有客商修改增行!' when taxpayerid = :new.taxpayerid and length(:new.taxpayerid) > 3 then '客商纳税人登记号:' || :new.taxpayerid || '已存在,请在已有客商修改增行!' ELSE '其他错误' END INTO v_exp from bd_cubasdoc where custname = :new.custname or (engname = :new.engname and length(:new.engname) > 3) --营业执照或身份照 or (taxpayerid = :new.taxpayerid and length(:new.taxpayerid) > 3);--纳税人登记号 if v_exp is not null then raise_application_error(-20001, v_exp); end if;--相当于前面 else return? --正常客商通过exception,否则触发器提示“未找到任何数据” exception when no_data_found then return; end;
在上面的select into where条件是
where custname = :new.custname or (engname = :new.engname and length(:new.engname) > 3) --营业执照或身份照 or (taxpayerid = :new.taxpayerid and length(:new.taxpayerid) > 3);--纳税人登记号
select into的写法不允许有多个值,每次只能一个值
另外,上面case when条件和下面的where条件虽然是一样,但是也不是多余,因为case when每次只出现一个值,是通过when的条件来raise错误信息
2014-01-17 09:45:42 何涛联通机房一夜的研究咨询成果
if then
else if
else if
else if
end if
select xx into from where
if then
elsif then
elsif then
end if;
select nvl(engname,1) into v_exp2 from bd_cubasdoc where engname = :new.engname and length(:new.engname) > 3; raise_application_error(-20001,v_exp2); select nvl(taxpayerid,1) into v_exp3 from bd_cubasdoc where taxpayerid = :new.taxpayerid and length(:new.taxpayerid) > 3; raise_application_error(-20001,v_exp3);
select into每次必须要有值,否则就会报找不到数据:如果营业执照有,纳税人号没有,就会报找不到数据
create or replace trigger acc before insert on bd_cubasdoc for each row declare -- local variables here v_exp1 varchar2(200); v_exp2 varchar2(200); v_exp3 varchar2(200); begin --空格的客商 if regexp_like(:new.custname,'[[:space:]]') then raise_application_error(-20001, '客商名称:' || :new.custname || '有空格,请修改'); end if; --重复名称 /* select custname into v_exp1 from bd_cubasdoc where custname = :new.custname ; if v_exp1 is not null then raise_application_error(-20001, '客商名称:' || :new.custname || '已存在,请在已有客商修改增行!'); end if;*/ --重复营业执照 select nvl(engname,1) into v_exp2 from bd_cubasdoc where engname = :new.engname and length(:new.engname) > 3; raise_application_error(-20001,v_exp2); select nvl(taxpayerid,1) into v_exp3 from bd_cubasdoc where taxpayerid = :new.taxpayerid and length(:new.taxpayerid) > 3; raise_application_error(-20001,v_exp3); if v_exp2 <>'1' and v_exp3 <>'1' then raise_application_error(-20001, '客商营业执照和纳税人号都已存在!'); elsif v_exp2 <>'1' and v_exp3='1' then raise_application_error(-20001, '客商营业执照:' || :new.engname || '已存在,请在已有客商修改增行!'); --重复纳税人登记号 elsif v_exp3 <>'1' and v_exp2='1' then raise_application_error(-20001, '客商纳税人登记号:' || :new.taxpayerid || '已存在,请在已有客商修改增行!'); else return; end if; end;
2014-01-17 01:43:44
java.lang.RuntimeException: ORA-01403: 未找到数据
ORA-06512: 在 "XMV502.ADDC4", line 13
exception when no_data_found then return;
这个写法和else return一样的效果,见下
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER FTS_V_B before insert or update on fts_voucher_b for each row declare -- local variables here accode char(6); vcode char(6); vRowsCount number; begin select nvl(count(*),0) into vRowsCount from fts_voucher_b, gl_freevalue, bd_accid where gl_freevalue.freevalueid=:new.pk_ass and bd_accid.pk_accid=:new.pk_account and length(gl_freevalue.valuecode) = '6' and substr(gl_freevalue.valuecode, 0, 1) = '0'; if vRowsCount > 0 then select distinct bd_accid.accidcode, gl_freevalue.valuecode into accode,vcode from fts_voucher_b, gl_freevalue, bd_accid where gl_freevalue.freevalueid=:new.pk_ass and bd_accid.pk_accid=:new.pk_account and length(gl_freevalue.valuecode) = '6' and substr(gl_freevalue.valuecode, 0, 1) = '0'; /* else return;*/ end if; if accode<>vcode then raise_application_error(-20001,'次结算凭证账户'||accode||'和客商'||vcode|| '不一致,请修改!'); end if; exception when no_data_found then return; end FTS_V_B;
into 必须找导致