WITH TAOBAO_WORDS AS ---淘宝体广告关键字集合表(可以任意添加) (SELECT '亲' AS WORD FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT '赚' AS WORD FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT '钱' AS WORD FROM DUAL) SELECT * from (SELECT SUM(REGEXP_COUNT('亲,还在淘宝购物,赚钱', WORD)) 限度--这里的'亲,还在淘宝购物,赚钱'在实际中为后台数据库的评论字段 FROM dual JOIN TAOBAO_WORDS ON INSTR('亲,还在淘宝购物,赚钱', WORD) > 0)--同上 其中WORD为上面淘宝体广告关键字集合 WHERE 限度 >= 2 --外层嵌套了一个SELECT,可以对淘宝体广告文字出现次数进行控制
2013-04-15 23:08:22 更新
select * from taobao_ad
select * from mz_soft
3,sql如下,这里需要用group by 才能得到每行评论的广告字数量(newkid的话:你的里层应该带GROUP BY M.ID
select * from (SELECT m.users, m.comments, sum(REGEXP_COUNT(m.comments, t.words)) 限度 FROM mz_soft m JOIN taobao_ad t ON INSTR(m.comments, t.words) > 0 group by m.users, m.comments) where 限度 >=4
这里正常评论1和2没有出现,1没有出现是因为它的INSTR(m.comments, t.words) > 0就不满足,没有一个广告语,2是因为它的淘宝体数量才有3个(电,脑,电脑),不满足‘限度 >=4’。
create or replace trigger ad before insert on mz_soft for each row declare -- local variables here counts integer; begin select sum(REGEXP_COUNT(:new.comments, t.words)) into counts FROM mz_soft m JOIN taobao_ad t ON INSTR(:new.comments, t.words) > 0; if counts>=4 then raise_application_error(-20001,'用户:' ||:new.users||'你的评论含有大量广告用户,不能发布 ,再次发布将会封ID!'); end if; end ad;
select * from (select b.interestdate, a.accidcode, a.accidname, b.summary, trunc(b.debitamount,2)debit, --round(b.debitamount,2)debit, trunc(b.creditamount,2)credit,-- to_char(debitamount,'999,999,999.00')debit, b.pk_account, b.pk_voucher, count(distinct b.pk_account) over(partition by b.pk_voucher, b.interestdate) rn from fts_voucher_b b, bd_accid a where b.pk_account = a.pk_accid and b.summary not like '%0.4%' --去除外进证0.4% and b.summary not like '%科技创新%' --去除科技创新风险 and substr(interestdate,1,4)>='2012' --信息化扣款从2012年开始 and b.pk_account <> '1162N51000000000032B') -- 结算中心 '1162N51000000000032B' 总部 '1162N51000000000032C' where pk_voucher in(select pk_voucher from fts_voucher_b where pk_account='1162N51000000000032C') and debit =200000 and rn >= 2 order by substr(interestdate,1,4), accidcode -- to_char(to_date(interestdate,'yyyy-mm-dd'),'yyyy')