[姓名] [学科] [成绩]
张三 语文 80
张三 数学 86
张三 英语 75
李四 语文 78
李四 数学 85
李四 英语 78
[成绩] [人数]
0<成绩<60 0
60<成绩<80 3
80<成绩<100 3
with w as (select 'zhang' name, 'chinese' subject,80 score from dual
union all
select 'zhang' name, 'math' subject,86 score from dual
union all
select 'zhang' name, 'english' subject,75 score from dual
union all
select 'li' name, 'english' subject,78 score from dual
union all
select 'li' name, 'math' subject,85 score from dual
union all
select 'li' name, 'chinese' subject,78 score from dual
select w.* from w
with w as (select 'zhang' name, 'chinese' subject,80 score from dual union all select 'zhang' name, 'math' subject,86 score from dual union all select 'zhang' name, 'english' subject,75 score from dual union all select 'li' name, 'english' subject,78 score from dual union all select 'li' name, 'math' subject,85 score from dual union all select 'li' name, 'chinese' subject,78 score from dual ) select w.* from w
select w.*, decode( score, score >=0 and score<60 ,'0-60',
score>=60 and score<80, '60-80', score>=80 and score<100 , '80-100', else) from w
select dj,count(*) rs from(select xm,xk,case when cj>=0 and cj<60 then 'c' when cj>=60 and cj<80 then 'b' when cj>=80 and cj<=100 then 'a' end dj from cjb) group by dj