初始化存储一个空的用户账号字典,保存到文件 user.pkl。执行如下代码,即可初始化完成。
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # Version:Python3.5.0 import pickle def init_user(): ''' 构造一个空的用户字典,格式:{'用户名':['密码',账号被锁状态,余额]} :return:None ''' # 先构造一个空字典,存储用户信息的文件 user.pkl user_dict = {} with open('user.pkl','wb') as f: pickle.dump(user_dict,f) print('init user info finish!') return None if __name__ == '__main__': init_user()
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # Version:Python3.5.0 import pickle def unlock_user(): ''' 输入解锁的账号,即可解锁 :return: None ''' while True: # 输入解锁的账号 user = input('Please input unlock the user: ').strip() # 判断该账号是否存在 if user in user_dict: # 把锁状态标志3 修改为 0 user_dict[user][1] = 0 with open('user.pkl','wb') as f: # 更新解锁后的账号信息,保存到user.pkl文件中 pickle.dump(user_dict,f) print('The %s unlock successfully!' % user) break else: print('Account does not exist, try again!') continue return None def change_pwd(): ''' 输入要修改密码的账号,然后更新密码 :return: None ''' while True: # 输入解锁的账号 user = input('Please input the user of change password: ').strip() # 判断该账号是否存在 if user in user_dict: # 输入新的密码 new_pwd = input('Please input the %s new password: ' % user).strip() user_dict[user][0] = new_pwd with open('user.pkl','wb') as f: # 更新密码后的账号信息,保存到user.pkl文件中 pickle.dump(user_dict,f) print('The %s change password successfully!' % user) break else: print('Account does not exist, try again!') continue return None if __name__ == '__main__': # 设置界面功能选项列表 choose = [['1','unlock user'], ['2','change password'], ['3', 'exit']] # 读取账号文件 user.pkl with open('user.pkl','rb') as f: user_dict = pickle.load(f) while True: # 打印界面功能选项 print('=' * 50) for i in choose: for j in i: print(j, end= ' ') print('') input_choose = input('Please choose the index: ').strip() # 选择解锁功能 if input_choose == '1': unlock_user() # 选择修改密码 elif input_choose == '2': change_pwd() # 选择退出界面 elif input_choose == '3': break else: print('You input error, try again!') print('-' * 30) continue
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # Version:Python3.5.0 import pickle def product_info(): ''' 商品信息,返回一个商品信息的字典 :return:product_list 和 product_list_index ''' # 初始化商品列表 product_dict = {'bike': 688, 'iphone6s': 5088, 'coffee': 35, 'car':88888, 'iPad Air': 3500, 'jacket': 300, 'MacBook pro': 12345, 'hamburger': 80} # 给商品添加索引 product_list_index = [(index+1, key, product_dict[key]) for index, key in enumerate(product_dict)] return product_dict,product_list_index def register(): ''' 注册新用户 :return: None ''' while True: # 输入注册账号 username = input('Please input registered account: ').strip() # 输入为空,重新输入 if username == '':continue if username in user_dict: print('Account already exists, please input again!') continue else: pwd = input('Please input password: ') user_dict[username] = [pwd, 0, 0] print('Registered successfully!') # 把更新后的账号字典保存到文件 user.pkl with open('user.pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(user_dict, f) break def login(): ''' 用户登录,验证账号密码是否正确,密码输入3次则锁定账号 :return: None ''' flag = False # 初始化尝试的次数 try_count = 0 while True: username = input('Please input the user: ').strip() # 输入为空,重新输入 if username == '': continue # 如果账号存在 if username in user_dict: # 读取用户字典里面账号输错次数,count为输错次数 count = user_dict[username][1] while True: if count < 3: pwd = input('Please input password: ') # 验证密码是否正确 if user_dict[username][0] == pwd: print('Login successfully!') # 进入二级菜单选项界面 flag = login_module(username) if flag: break else: # 密码错误次数 count 加 1 count += 1 print('Password error! You have %s times,try again!' % (3-count)) continue else: # 输错3次后,账号被锁定 print('the %s is locked!' % username) # 把该账号的错误次数更新到用户字典中 user_dict[username][1] = 3 with open('user.pkl', 'wb') as f: # 重新写入到文件user.pkl pickle.dump(user_dict, f) # 账号被锁定后,返回上级菜单 break else: try_count += 1 # 若果尝试3次后,则返回上级菜单 if try_count == 3: break else: # 账号不存在,则重新输入,有3次机会 print('Account does not have %s times,try again!' %(3-try_count)) continue # 返回上级菜单 if flag: break def shopping(user): ''' 显示商品信息,选择商品索引号,即可加入购物车 :param user: 登录账号 :return: ''' # 调用商品信息函数,获取商品信息字典以及索引 product, product_index = product_info() # 读取user_dict字典,记录登录的账号拥有的余额 money = user_dict[user][2] print('Your own %s YUAN'.center(35) % money) print('-' * 35) # 初始化一个空商品列表,记录购买的商品 shopping_list = [] # 初始化购买商品总件数 total_number = 0 # 初始化花费金额 total_cost = 0 # 记录商品最低价格 mix_price = min(product.values()) while True: for i in product_index: # 打印索引号,添加两个空格显示 print(i[0],end=' ') # 设置商品名称长度13,左对齐显示 print(i[1].ljust(13),end='') # 打印商品价格 print(i[2]) choose = input('Please choose the index of the product: ').strip() if choose.isdigit(): # 判断输入的索引是否正确,设置索引从1开始 if int(choose) in range(1, len(product_index)+1): # 记录购买商品名称,choose-1 为 该商品在product_index 列表中的索引 choose_product = product_index[int(choose)-1][1] # 判断余额是否大于等于产品的价格 if money >= product[choose_product]: # 把商品加入购买清单 shopping_list.append(choose_product) # 计算花费的金额 total_cost += product[choose_product] # 余额可以购买最低价的商品 elif money >= mix_price: print('Your own %s YUAN, please choose other product.' % money) else: print('Your own money can not pay for any product,bye bye!') break else: print('Input the index error,try again!') continue # 标记退出 flag = False while True: print('Your rest money is %s.' % (money-total_cost)) continue_shopping = input('Continue shopping?y or n: ').strip() if continue_shopping == 'y': break elif continue_shopping == 'n': flag = True break else: continue if flag: break else: print('Input error,try again!') continue product_set = set(shopping_list) print('*' * 35) # 打印购物单表头信息 print('Your shopping list'.center(35)) print('Product'.ljust(15),'Price'.ljust(7),'Number'.ljust(5),'cost'.ljust(7)) print('-' * 35) for i in product_set: number = shopping_list.count(i) total_number += number cost = product[i] * number print('%s %s %s %s' % (i.ljust(15),str(product[i]).ljust(7), str(number).ljust(5), str(cost).ljust(7))) print('-' * 35) print('''All number: %s All cost: %s''' % (str(total_number).ljust(7), str(total_cost).ljust(7))) print('Your rest money is %s.' % (money-total_cost)) with open('user.pkl','wb') as f: # 更新账号的余额,保存到文件user.pkl user_dict[user][2] = money-total_cost pickle.dump(user_dict, f) def rechange(user): ''' 新注册的账号默认余额都是0元,登录系统后需要进行充值才可以购买商品 :param user: 登录账号 :return: None ''' # 获取参数user input_money = input('Please input the money of yourself: ').strip() while True: if input_money.isdigit(): user_dict[user][2] = int(input_money) with open('user.pkl','wb') as f: # 更新账号的余额,保存到文件user.pkl pickle.dump(user_dict, f) print('Rechange successfully!') break else: print('Input error,try again!') continue def query_balance(user): ''' 查询自己的余额 :param user: 登录账号 :return: None ''' # 打印余额 print('Your own money %s YUAN.'% user_dict[user][2]) def login_module(user): ''' 显示登录成功后的界面 :param user: 登录账号 :return: True ''' # 登录后显示界面的选项信息 second_menu = [['1', 'rechange'], ['2','query_balance'], ['3', 'shopping'], ['4', 'return'], ['5', 'exit']] while True: print('*' * 35) # 打印二级菜单选项 for i in second_menu: for j in i: print(j, end=' ') print('') choose = input('Please input the index: ').strip() if choose == '': continue # 选择充值索引,执行充值函数 if choose == '1': rechange(user) # 选择查询余额索引,执行查询余额函数 elif choose == '2': query_balance(user) # 选择购物索引,执行购物函数 elif choose == '3': shopping(user) # 返回上级菜单 elif choose == '4': break # 结束程序 elif choose == '5': exit() # 输入不匹配,重新输入 else: print('Input error, try again!') continue return True if __name__ == '__main__': # 预读取账号信息文件 user.pkl,给函数调用 with open('user.pkl', 'rb') as f: # 读取用户信息 user_dict = pickle.load(f) # 构造主菜单列表选项 main_menu = [['1', 'register'], ['2','login'], ['3', 'exit']] while True: print('**** Welcome to mall ****') # 打印主菜单选项 for i in main_menu: for j in i: print(j, end=' ') print('') choose = input('Please input the index: ').strip() if choose == '': continue # 选择注册索引,执行注册函数 if choose == '1': register() # 选择登录索引,执行登录函数 elif choose == '2': login() # 选择退出,则程序运行结束 elif choose == '3': print('Good bye!') break # 输入不匹配,重新输入 else: print('Input error, try again!') continue