
package com.hello;


import com.jme3.material.Material;

import com.jme3.renderer.Camera;

import com.jme3.terrain.geomipmap.TerrainLodControl;

import com.jme3.terrain.heightmap.AbstractHeightMap;

import com.jme3.terrain.geomipmap.TerrainQuad;

import com.jme3.terrain.heightmap.HillHeightMap; // is used in example 2

import com.jme3.terrain.heightmap.ImageBasedHeightMap;

import com.jme3.texture.Texture;

import com.jme3.texture.Texture.WrapMode;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.List;

import jme3tools.converters.ImageToAwt;


public class HelloTerrain extends SimpleApplication {


  private TerrainQuad terrain;

  Material mat_terrain;


  public static void main(String[] args) {

    HelloTerrain app = new HelloTerrain();





  public void simpleInitApp() {



    /** 1. Create terrain material and load four textures into it. */


    mat_terrain = new Material(assetManager, "Common/MatDefs/Terrain/Terrain.j3md");


    /** 1.1) Add ALPHA map (for red-blue-green coded splat textures) */





    /** 1.2) Add GRASS texture into the red layer (m_Tex1). */


    Texture grass = assetManager.loadTexture("Textures/Terrain/splat/grass.jpg");


    mat_terrain.setTexture("m_Tex1", grass);

    mat_terrain.setFloat("m_Tex1Scale", 64f);


    /** 1.3) Add DIRT texture into the green layer (m_Tex2) */


    Texture dirt = assetManager.loadTexture("Textures/Terrain/splat/dirt.jpg");


    mat_terrain.setTexture("m_Tex2", dirt);

    mat_terrain.setFloat("m_Tex2Scale", 32f);


    /** 1.4) Add ROAD texture into the blue layer (m_Tex3) */


    Texture rock = assetManager.loadTexture("Textures/Terrain/splat/road.jpg");


    mat_terrain.setTexture("m_Tex3", rock);

    mat_terrain.setFloat("m_Tex3Scale", 128f);


    /** 2. Create the height map */


    final Texture heightMapImage =



    final AbstractHeightMap heightmap =

        new ImageBasedHeightMap(


                heightMapImage.getImage(), false, true, 0));



    /** 3. We have prepared material and heightmap. Now we create the actual terrain:

     * 3.1) We create a TerrainQuad and name it "my terrain".

     * 每片地形是64x64 提供65

     * 3.2) A good value for terrain tiles is 64x64 -- so we supply 64+1=65.

     * 高度图尺寸是512x512, 提供513

     * 3.3) We prepared a heightmap of size 512x512 -- so we supply 512+1=513.

     * 每步层次细节提供Vector3f(1,1,1)

     * 3.4) As LOD step scale we supply Vector3f(1,1,1).

     * 3.5) At last, we supply the prepared heightmap itself.


    terrain = new TerrainQuad("my terrain", 65, 513, heightmap.getHeightMap());


    /** 4. We give the terrain its material, position & scale it, and attach it. */



    terrain.setLocalTranslation(0, -100, 0);

    terrain.setLocalScale(2f, 1f, 2f);



    /** 5. The LOD (level of detail) depends on were the camera is: */


    List<Camera> cameras = new ArrayList<Camera>();


    TerrainLodControl control = new TerrainLodControl(terrain, cameras);





posted on 2011-08-12 11:30  苏桓(osbert)  阅读(399)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
