page3 Three Dimensions(三维) 1:The loca

Three Dimensions(三维)
1:The locations in the scene graph are defined using X, Y and Z coordinates(场景图中位置定义用XYZ)
2:Y is upwards, X is right and Z is towards you(比较适合左手定则,手心对着自己就是z轴,大拇指是y轴,四指指向x轴)
a spatial with a zero location and rotation(一个空间有0点坐标和旋转)

you can move the spatial using e.g.
spatial.move(1, 1, 0);

the spatial has moved (translated) along the  x and y axes

you can rotate the spatial around the z axis by using e.g.
spatial.rotate(0, 0, FastMath.HALF_PI);好像是轴旋转半π

you can scale the spatial by using e.g. 缩放效果

posted on 2011-08-12 10:38  苏桓(osbert)  阅读(303)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报
