
class miband(Peripheral):
    _send_rnd_cmd = struct.pack('<2s', b'\x02\x00')
    _send_enc_key = struct.pack('<2s', b'\x03\x00')
    def __init__(self, mac_address,key=None, timeout=0.5, debug=False):
        FORMAT = '%(asctime)-15s %(name)s (%(levelname)s) > %(message)s'
        log_level = logging.WARNING if not debug else logging.DEBUG
        self._log = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)

        self._log.info('Connecting to ' + mac_address)
        Peripheral.__init__(self, mac_address, addrType=ADDR_TYPE_PUBLIC)
        if not key:
            self.setSecurityLevel(level = "medium")
        self.timeout = timeout
        self.mac_address = mac_address
        self.state = None
        self.heart_measure_callback = None
        self.heart_raw_callback = None
        self.accel_raw_callback = None
        self.auth_key = key
        self.queue = Queue()
        self.svc_1 = self.getServiceByUUID(UUIDS.SERVICE_MIBAND1)
        self.svc_2 = self.getServiceByUUID(UUIDS.SERVICE_MIBAND2)
        self.svc_heart = self.getServiceByUUID(UUIDS.SERVICE_HEART_RATE)

        self._char_auth = self.svc_2.getCharacteristics(UUIDS.CHARACTERISTIC_AUTH)[0]
        self._desc_auth = self._char_auth.getDescriptors(forUUID=UUIDS.NOTIFICATION_DESCRIPTOR)[0]

        self._char_heart_ctrl = self.svc_heart.getCharacteristics(UUIDS.CHARACTERISTIC_HEART_RATE_CONTROL)[0]
        self._char_heart_measure = self.svc_heart.getCharacteristics(UUIDS.CHARACTERISTIC_HEART_RATE_MEASURE)[0]

        # Recorded information
        self._char_fetch = self.getCharacteristics(uuid=UUIDS.CHARACTERISTIC_FETCH)[0]
        self._desc_fetch = self._char_fetch.getDescriptors(forUUID=UUIDS.NOTIFICATION_DESCRIPTOR)[0]
        self._char_activity = self.getCharacteristics(uuid=UUIDS.CHARACTERISTIC_ACTIVITY_DATA)[0]
        self._desc_activity = self._char_activity.getDescriptors(forUUID=UUIDS.NOTIFICATION_DESCRIPTOR)[0]

        #chunked transfer and music
        self._char_chunked = self.svc_1.getCharacteristics(UUIDS.CHARACTERISTIC_CHUNKED_TRANSFER)[0]
        self._char_music_notif= self.svc_1.getCharacteristics(UUIDS.CHARACTERISTIC_MUSIC_NOTIFICATION)[0]
        self._desc_music_notif = self._char_music_notif.getDescriptors(forUUID=UUIDS.NOTIFICATION_DESCRIPTOR)[0]

        self.activity_notif_enabled = False

        # set fallback callbacks before delegate starts

        # start delegate
        self.setDelegate( Delegate(self) )

    def init_empty_callbacks(self):
        def fallback():
        self._default_music_play = fallback
        self._default_music_pause = fallback
        self._default_music_forward = fallback
        self._default_music_back = fallback
        self._default_music_vdown = fallback
        self._default_music_vup = fallback
        self._default_music_focus_in = fallback
        self._default_music_focus_out = fallback

        self._default_lost_device = fallback
        self._default_found_device = fallback

    def generateAuthKey(self):
            return struct.pack('<18s',b'\x01\x00'+ self.auth_key)

    def _send_key(self):
        self._log.info("Sending Key...")

    def _auth_notif(self, enabled):
        if enabled:
            self._log.info("Enabling Auth Service notifications status...")
            self._desc_auth.write(b"\x01\x00", True)
        elif not enabled:
            self._log.info("Disabling Auth Service notifications status...")
            self._desc_auth.write(b"\x00\x00", True)
            self._log.error("Something went wrong while changing the Auth Service notifications status...")

    def _auth_previews_data_notif(self, enabled):
        if enabled:
            self._log.info("Enabling Fetch Char notifications status...")
            self._desc_fetch.write(b"\x01\x00", True)
            self._log.info("Enabling Activity Char notifications status...")
            self._desc_activity.write(b"\x01\x00", True)
            self.activity_notif_enabled = True
            self._log.info("Disabling Fetch Char notifications status...")
            self._desc_fetch.write(b"\x00\x00", True)
            self._log.info("Disabling Activity Char notifications status...")
            self._desc_activity.write(b"\x00\x00", True)
            self.activity_notif_enabled = False

    def initialize(self):

        while True:
            if self.state == AUTH_STATES.AUTH_OK:
                return True
            elif self.state is None:

            return False

    def _req_rdn(self):
        self._log.info("Requesting random number...")

    def _send_enc_rdn(self, data):
        self._log.info("Sending encrypted random number")
        cmd = self._send_enc_key + self._encrypt(data)
        send_cmd = struct.pack('<18s', cmd)

    def _encrypt(self, message):
        aes = AES.new(self.auth_key, AES.MODE_ECB)
        return aes.encrypt(message)

    def _get_from_queue(self, _type):
            res = self.queue.get(False)
        except Empty:
            return None
        if res[0] != _type:
            return None
        return res[1]

    def _parse_queue(self):
        while True:
                res = self.queue.get(False)
                _type = res[0]
                if self.heart_measure_callback and _type == QUEUE_TYPES.HEART:
                    self.heart_measure_callback(struct.unpack('bb', res[1])[1])
                elif self.heart_raw_callback and _type == QUEUE_TYPES.RAW_HEART:
                elif self.accel_raw_callback and _type == QUEUE_TYPES.RAW_ACCEL:
            except Empty:

    def send_custom_alert(self, type, phone, msg):
        if type == 5:
            base_value = '\x05\x01'
        elif type == 4:
            base_value = '\x04\x01'
        elif type == 3:
                base_value = '\x03\x01'
        elif type == 1:
            base_value = '\x01\x01'
        char = svc.getCharacteristics(UUIDS.CHARACTERISTIC_CUSTOM_ALERT)[0]
        # 3 new lines: space for the icon, two spaces for the time HH:MM
        text = base_value+phone+'\x0a\x0a\x0a'+msg.replace('\\n','\n')
        char.write(bytes(text,'utf-8'), withResponse=True)

    def get_steps(self):
        char = self.svc_1.getCharacteristics(UUIDS.CHARACTERISTIC_STEPS)[0]
        a = char.read()
        steps = struct.unpack('h', a[1:3])[0] if len(a) >= 3 else None
        meters = struct.unpack('h', a[5:7])[0] if len(a) >= 7 else None
        fat_burned = struct.unpack('h', a[2:4])[0] if len(a) >= 4 else None
        # why only 1 byte??
        calories = struct.unpack('b', a[9:10])[0] if len(a) >= 10 else None
        return {
            "steps": steps,
            "meters": meters,
            "fat_burned": fat_burned,
            "calories": calories
    def _parse_raw_accel(self, bytes):
        res = []
        for i in xrange(3):
            g = struct.unpack('hhh', bytes[2 + i * 6:8 + i * 6])
            res.append({'x': g[0], 'y': g[1], 'wtf': g[2]})
        return res

    def _parse_raw_heart(self, bytes):
        res = struct.unpack('HHHHHHH', bytes[2:])
        return res

    def _parse_date(bytes):
        year = struct.unpack('h', bytes[0:2])[0] if len(bytes) >= 2 else None
        month = struct.unpack('b', bytes[2:3])[0] if len(bytes) >= 3 else None
        day = struct.unpack('b', bytes[3:4])[0] if len(bytes) >= 4 else None
        hours = struct.unpack('b', bytes[4:5])[0] if len(bytes) >= 5 else None
        minutes = struct.unpack('b', bytes[5:6])[0] if len(bytes) >= 6 else None
        seconds = struct.unpack('b', bytes[6:7])[0] if len(bytes) >= 7 else None
        day_of_week = struct.unpack('b', bytes[7:8])[0] if len(bytes) >= 8 else None
        fractions256 = struct.unpack('b', bytes[8:9])[0] if len(bytes) >= 9 else None

        return {"date": datetime(*(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds)), "day_of_week": day_of_week, "fractions256": fractions256}

    def create_date_data(date):
        data = struct.pack( 'hbbbbbbbxx', date.year, date.month, date.day, date.hour, date.minute, date.second, date.isoweekday(), 0 )
        return data

    def _parse_battery_response(self, bytes):
        level = struct.unpack('b', bytes[1:2])[0] if len(bytes) >= 2 else None
        last_level = struct.unpack('b', bytes[19:20])[0] if len(bytes) >= 20 else None
        status = 'normal' if struct.unpack('b', bytes[2:3])[0] == 0x0 else "charging"
        datetime_last_charge = self._parse_date(bytes[11:18])
        datetime_last_off = self._parse_date(bytes[3:10])

        res = {
            "status": status,
            "level": level,
            "last_level": last_level,
            "last_level": last_level,
            "last_charge": datetime_last_charge,
            "last_off": datetime_last_off
        return res

    def get_battery_info(self):
        char = self.svc_1.getCharacteristics(UUIDS.CHARACTERISTIC_BATTERY)[0]
        return self._parse_battery_response(char.read())

    def get_current_time(self):
        char = self.svc_1.getCharacteristics(UUIDS.CHARACTERISTIC_CURRENT_TIME)[0]
        return self._parse_date(char.read()[0:9])

    def get_revision(self):
        svc = self.getServiceByUUID(UUIDS.SERVICE_DEVICE_INFO)
        char = svc.getCharacteristics(UUIDS.CHARACTERISTIC_REVISION)[0]
        data = char.read()
        return data.decode('utf-8')

    def get_hrdw_revision(self):
        svc = self.getServiceByUUID(UUIDS.SERVICE_DEVICE_INFO)
        char = svc.getCharacteristics(UUIDS.CHARACTERISTIC_HRDW_REVISION)[0]
        data = char.read()
        return data.decode('utf-8')

    def set_encoding(self, encoding="en_US"):
        char = self.svc_1.getCharacteristics(UUIDS.CHARACTERISTIC_CONFIGURATION)[0]
        packet = struct.pack('5s', encoding)
        packet = b'\x06\x17\x00' + packet
        return char.write(packet)

    def set_heart_monitor_sleep_support(self, enabled=True, measure_minute_interval=1):
        char_m = self.svc_heart.getCharacteristics(UUIDS.CHARACTERISTIC_HEART_RATE_MEASURE)[0]
        char_d = char_m.getDescriptors(forUUID=UUIDS.NOTIFICATION_DESCRIPTOR)[0]
        char_d.write(b'\x01\x00', True)
        self._char_heart_ctrl.write(b'\x15\x00\x00', True)
        # measure interval set to off
        self._char_heart_ctrl.write(b'\x14\x00', True)
        if enabled:
            self._char_heart_ctrl.write(b'\x15\x00\x01', True)
            # measure interval set
            self._char_heart_ctrl.write(b'\x14' + str(measure_minute_interval).encode(), True)
        char_d.write(b'\x00\x00', True)

    def _enable_fw_notification(self):
        svc = self.getServiceByUUID(UUIDS.SERVICE_DFU_FIRMWARE)
        char = svc.getCharacteristics(UUIDS.CHARACTERISTIC_DFU_FIRMWARE)[0]
        des = char.getDescriptors(forUUID = UUIDS.NOTIFICATION_DESCRIPTOR)[0]
        des.write(b"\x01\x00", True)

    def get_serial(self):
        svc = self.getServiceByUUID(UUIDS.SERVICE_DEVICE_INFO)
        char = svc.getCharacteristics(UUIDS.CHARACTERISTIC_SERIAL)[0]
        data = char.read()
        serial = struct.unpack('12s', data[-12:])[0] if len(data) == 12 else None
        return serial.decode('utf-8')

    def send_alert(self, _type):
        svc = self.getServiceByUUID(UUIDS.SERVICE_ALERT)
        char = svc.getCharacteristics(UUIDS.CHARACTERISTIC_ALERT)[0]

    def set_current_time(self, date):
        char = self.svc_1.getCharacteristics(UUIDS.CHARACTERISTIC_CURRENT_TIME)[0]
        return char.write(self.create_date_data(date), True)

    def set_heart_monitor_sleep_support(self, enabled=True, measure_minute_interval=1):
        char_m = self.svc_heart.getCharacteristics(UUIDS.CHARACTERISTIC_HEART_RATE_MEASURE)[0]
        char_d = char_m.getDescriptors(forUUID=UUIDS.NOTIFICATION_DESCRIPTOR)[0]
        char_d.write(b'\x01\x00', True)
        self._char_heart_ctrl.write(b'\x15\x00\x00', True)
        # measure interval set to off
        self._char_heart_ctrl.write(b'\x14\x00', True)
        if enabled:
            self._char_heart_ctrl.write(b'\x15\x00\x01', True)
            # measure interval set
            self._char_heart_ctrl.write(b'\x14' + str(measure_minute_interval).encode(), True)
        char_d.write(b'\x00\x00', True)

    def dfuUpdate(self,fileName):
        print('Update Watchface/Firmware')
        svc = self.getServiceByUUID(UUIDS.SERVICE_DFU_FIRMWARE)
        char = svc.getCharacteristics(UUIDS.CHARACTERISTIC_DFU_FIRMWARE)[0]
        char_write = svc.getCharacteristics(UUIDS.CHARACTERISTIC_DFU_FIRMWARE_WRITE)[0]
        # self._enable_fw_notification()
        # self.setDelegate(TestDelegate(self))
        extension = os.path.splitext(fileName)[1][1:]
        fileSize = os.path.getsize(fileName)
        # calculating crc checksum of firmware
        with open(fileName,"rb") as f:
            crc = zlib.crc32(f.read())
        print('CRC32 Value is-->', crc)
        # input('Press Enter to Continue')
        payload = b'\x01\x08'+struct.pack("<I",fileSize)[:-1]+b'\x00'+struct.pack("<I",crc)
        with open(fileName,"rb") as f:
            while True:
                c = f.read(20) #takes 20 bytes 
                if not c:
                    print ("Bytes written successfully. Wait till sync finishes")
        # # after update is done send these values
        char.write(b'\x00', withResponse=True)
        char.write(b'\x04', withResponse=True)
        if extension.lower() == "fw":
            char.write(b'\x05', withResponse=True)
        print('Update Complete')
        input('Press Enter to Continue')

    def get_heart_rate_one_time(self):
        # stop continous
        self._char_heart_ctrl.write(b'\x15\x01\x00', True)
        # stop manual
        self._char_heart_ctrl.write(b'\x15\x02\x00', True)
        # start manual
        self._char_heart_ctrl.write(b'\x15\x02\x01', True)
        res = None
        while not res:
            res = self._get_from_queue(QUEUE_TYPES.HEART)

        rate = struct.unpack('bb', res)[1]
        return rate

    def start_heart_rate_realtime(self, heart_measure_callback):
        char_m = self.svc_heart.getCharacteristics(UUIDS.CHARACTERISTIC_HEART_RATE_MEASURE)[0]
        char_d = char_m.getDescriptors(forUUID=UUIDS.NOTIFICATION_DESCRIPTOR)[0]
        char_ctrl = self.svc_heart.getCharacteristics(UUIDS.CHARACTERISTIC_HEART_RATE_CONTROL)[0]

        self.heart_measure_callback = heart_measure_callback

        # stop heart monitor continues & manual
        char_ctrl.write(b'\x15\x02\x00', True)
        char_ctrl.write(b'\x15\x01\x00', True)
        # enable heart monitor notifications
        char_d.write(b'\x01\x00', True)
        # start hear monitor continues
        char_ctrl.write(b'\x15\x01\x01', True)
        t = time.time()
        while True:
            # send ping request every 12 sec
            if (time.time() - t) >= 12:
                char_ctrl.write(b'\x16', True)
                t = time.time()

    def stop_realtime(self):
        char_m = self.svc_heart.getCharacteristics(UUIDS.CHARACTERISTIC_HEART_RATE_MEASURE)[0]
        char_d = char_m.getDescriptors(forUUID=UUIDS.NOTIFICATION_DESCRIPTOR)[0]
        char_ctrl = self.svc_heart.getCharacteristics(UUIDS.CHARACTERISTIC_HEART_RATE_CONTROL)[0]

        char_sensor1 = self.svc_1.getCharacteristics(UUIDS.CHARACTERISTIC_HZ)[0]
        char_sens_d1 = char_sensor1.getDescriptors(forUUID=UUIDS.NOTIFICATION_DESCRIPTOR)[0]

        char_sensor2 = self.svc_1.getCharacteristics(UUIDS.CHARACTERISTIC_SENSOR)[0]

        # stop heart monitor continues
        char_ctrl.write(b'\x15\x01\x00', True)
        char_ctrl.write(b'\x15\x01\x00', True)
        # IMO: stop heart monitor notifications
        char_d.write(b'\x00\x00', True)
        # WTF
        # IMO: stop notifications from sensors
        char_sens_d1.write(b'\x00\x00', True)

        self.heart_measure_callback = None
        self.heart_raw_callback = None
        self.accel_raw_callback = None

    def start_get_previews_data(self, start_timestamp):
        if not self.activity_notif_enabled:
        print("Trigger activity communication")
        year = struct.pack("<H", start_timestamp.year)
        month = struct.pack("b", start_timestamp.month)
        day = struct.pack("b", start_timestamp.day)
        hour = struct.pack("b", start_timestamp.hour)
        minute = struct.pack("b", start_timestamp.minute)
        ts = year + month + day + hour + minute
        char = self.svc_1.getCharacteristics(UUIDS.CHARACTERISTIC_CURRENT_TIME)[0]
        utc_offset = char.read()[9:11]
        trigger = b'\x01\x01' + ts + utc_offset
        self._char_fetch.write(trigger, False)
        self.active = True
    def get_activity_betwn_intervals(self,start_timestamp, end_timestamp, callback ):
        self.end_timestamp = end_timestamp
        self.activity_callback = callback

    def enable_music(self):

    def writeChunked(self,type,data):
        MAX_CHUNKLENGTH = 17
        remaining = len(data)
        count =0
        while(remaining > 0):
            copybytes = min(remaining,MAX_CHUNKLENGTH)
            flag = 0
            if(remaining <= MAX_CHUNKLENGTH):
                flag |= 0x80
                if(count == 0):
                    flag |= 0x40
                flag |= 0x40

            chunk+= bytes([flag|type])
            chunk+= bytes([count & 0xff])
            chunk+= data[(count * MAX_CHUNKLENGTH):(count * MAX_CHUNKLENGTH)+copybytes]

    def writeDisplayCommand(self, cmd):
        '''Many display-related commands write to this endpoint.  This is a
        simple helper used by those function.'''

        char = self.svc_1.getCharacteristics(UUIDS.CHARACTERISTIC_CONFIGURATION)[0]
        endpoint = b'\x06'
        char.write(endpoint + bytes(cmd))

    def setTrack(self, state, artist=None, album=None, track=None,
                 position=None, duration=None):
        self.pp_state = state
        self.artist = artist
        self.album = album
        self.track = track
        self.position = position
        self.duration = duration
        self.volume = volume

    def setMusicCallback(self,play=None,pause=None,forward=None,backward=None,volumeup=None,volumedown=None,focusin=None,focusout=None):
        if play is not None:
            self._default_music_play = play
        if pause is not None:
            self._default_music_pause = pause
        if forward is not None:
            self._default_music_forward = forward
        if backward is not None:
            self._default_music_back = backward
        if volumedown is not None:
            self._default_music_vdown = volumedown
        if volumeup is not None:
            self._default_music_vup = volumeup
        if focusin is not None:
            self._default_music_focus_in = focusin
        if focusout is not None:
            self._default_music_focus_out = focusout

    def setLostDeviceCallback(self, lost=None, found=None):
        if lost is not None:
            self._default_lost_device = lost
        if found is not None:
            self._default_found_device = found

    def setAlarm(self, hour, minute, days=(), enabled=True, snooze=True,
        '''Set an alarm at HOUR and MINUTE, on DAYS days.  Up to 3 alarms can be set.
        ENABLED can be used to remove an alarm.
        When SNOOZE is True, the alarm band will display a snooze button.'''
        char = self.svc_1.getCharacteristics(UUIDS.CHARACTERISTIC_CONFIGURATION)[0]

        alarm_tag = alarm_id
        if enabled:
            alarm_tag |= 0x80
            if not snooze:
                alarm_tag |= 0x40

        repetition_mask = 0x00
        for day in days:
            repetition_mask |= day

        packet = struct.pack("5B", 2, alarm_tag, hour, minute, repetition_mask)
        val = char.write(packet)
        return val

    def setMusic(self):
        flag = 0x00
        flag |= 0x01

        buf = b''
        null = b'\x00'
        if self.artist is not None:
            flag |= 0x02
            buf += self.artist.encode('utf-8') + null
        if self.album is not None:
            flag |= 0x04
            buf += self.album.encode('utf-8') + null
        if self.track is not None:
            flag |= 0x08
            buf += self.track.encode('utf-8') + null
        if self.duration is not None:
            flag |= 0x10
            val = struct.pack('<H', self.duration)
            buf += val
        if self.volume is not None:
            # volume goes from 0 to 100
            flag |= 0x40
            val = bytes([self.volume])
            buf += val + null

        if self.position is not None:
            position = struct.pack('<H', self.position)
            position = null + null

        buf = bytes([flag, self.pp_state, 0x00]) + position + buf
        self.writeChunked(3, buf)
posted @ 2023-05-17 23:48  satou_matsuzaka  阅读(13)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

This is a Test

メイドノココロハ アヤツリドール