2011-05-16 13:51 苏飞 阅读(15377) 评论(21) 编辑 收藏 举报导读部分
我们先来看看 DrawControl(Graphics g)方法。
if (!Visible)
//Rectangle TabControlArea = new Rectangle(2, 2, this.Width - 3, this.Height - 2);
Rectangle TabControlArea = this.ClientRectangle;
Rectangle TabArea = new Rectangle(3, 24, this.ClientRectangle.Width - 7, this.ClientRectangle.Height - 28);// this.DisplayRectangle;
// 控件内部颜色
Brush br = new SolidBrush(Color.Transparent);
g.FillRectangle(br, TabControlArea);
// draw border
int nDelta = SystemInformation.Border3DSize.Width;
Pen border = new Pen(SkinHelp.Defalutborder);
g.DrawRectangle(border, TabArea);
// clip region for drawing tabs
Region rsaved = g.Clip;
Rectangle rreg;
int nWidth = TabArea.Width + nMargin;
if (bUpDown)
// exclude updown control for painting
if (Win32.IsWindowVisible(scUpDown.Handle))
Rectangle rupdown = new Rectangle();
Win32.GetWindowRect(scUpDown.Handle, ref rupdown);
Rectangle rupdown2 = this.RectangleToClient(rupdown);
nWidth = rupdown2.X;
rreg = new Rectangle(TabArea.Left, TabControlArea.Top, nWidth - nMargin, TabControlArea.Height);
// draw tabs
for (int i = 0; i < this.TabCount; i++)
DrawTab(g, this.TabPages[i], i);
g.Clip = rsaved;
// draw background to cover flat border areas
if (this.SelectedTab != null)
TabPage tabPage = this.SelectedTab;
Color color = tabPage.BackColor;
//border = new Pen(color);
border = new Pen(Color.Green);
TabArea.Offset(1, 1);
TabArea.Width -= 2;
TabArea.Height -= 2;
//g.DrawRectangle(border, TabArea);
TabArea.Width -= 1;
TabArea.Height -= 1;
// g.DrawRectangle(border, TabArea);
Rectangle recBounds = this.GetTabRect(nIndex);
RectangleF tabTextArea = (RectangleF)this.GetTabRect(nIndex);
bool bSelected = (this.SelectedIndex == nIndex);
Point[] pt = new Point[7];
if (this.Alignment == TabAlignment.Top)
pt[0] = new Point(recBounds.Left, recBounds.Bottom);
pt[1] = new Point(recBounds.Left, recBounds.Top + 3);
pt[2] = new Point(recBounds.Left + 3, recBounds.Top);
pt[3] = new Point(recBounds.Right - 3, recBounds.Top);
pt[4] = new Point(recBounds.Right, recBounds.Top + 3);
pt[5] = new Point(recBounds.Right, recBounds.Bottom);
pt[6] = new Point(recBounds.Left, recBounds.Bottom);
pt[0] = new Point(recBounds.Left, recBounds.Top);
pt[1] = new Point(recBounds.Right, recBounds.Top);
pt[2] = new Point(recBounds.Right, recBounds.Bottom - 3);
pt[3] = new Point(recBounds.Right - 3, recBounds.Bottom);
pt[4] = new Point(recBounds.Left + 3, recBounds.Bottom);
pt[5] = new Point(recBounds.Left, recBounds.Bottom - 3);
pt[6] = new Point(recBounds.Left, recBounds.Top);
// fill this tab with background color
//Brush br = new SolidBrush(tabPage.BackColor);
Brush br = new SolidBrush(Color.White);
// draw border
//g.DrawRectangle(SystemPens.ControlDark, recBounds);
// g.DrawPolygon(SystemPens.ControlDark, pt);
g.DrawPolygon(new Pen(SkinHelp.ControlBorderBackColor), pt);
if (bSelected)
// clear bottom lines
Pen pen = new Pen(tabPage.BackColor);
switch (this.Alignment)
case TabAlignment.Top:
g.DrawLine(pen, recBounds.Left + 1, recBounds.Bottom, recBounds.Right - 1, recBounds.Bottom);
g.DrawLine(pen, recBounds.Left + 1, recBounds.Bottom + 1, recBounds.Right - 1, recBounds.Bottom + 1);
case TabAlignment.Bottom:
g.DrawLine(pen, recBounds.Left + 1, recBounds.Top, recBounds.Right - 1, recBounds.Top);
g.DrawLine(pen, recBounds.Left + 1, recBounds.Top - 1, recBounds.Right - 1, recBounds.Top - 1);
g.DrawLine(pen, recBounds.Left + 1, recBounds.Top - 2, recBounds.Right - 1, recBounds.Top - 2);
g.FillPolygon(br, pt);
g.DrawPolygon(new Pen(Color.Red), pt);
g.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.White, 2f), recBounds.Left + 1, recBounds.Bottom + 1, recBounds.Right - 1, recBounds.Bottom + 1);
g.DrawLine(new Pen(SkinHelp.ControlBorderBackColor), recBounds.Left + 1, recBounds.Bottom, recBounds.Right - 1, recBounds.Bottom);
if ((tabPage.ImageIndex >= 0) && (ImageList != null) && (ImageList.Images[tabPage.ImageIndex] != null))
int nLeftMargin = 8;
int nRightMargin = 2;
Image img = ImageList.Images[tabPage.ImageIndex];
Rectangle rimage = new Rectangle(recBounds.X + nLeftMargin, recBounds.Y + 1, img.Width, img.Height);
// adjust rectangles
float nAdj = (float)(nLeftMargin + img.Width + nRightMargin);
rimage.Y += (recBounds.Height - img.Height) / 2;
tabTextArea.X += nAdj;
tabTextArea.Width -= nAdj;
// draw icon
g.DrawImage(img, rimage);
// draw string
StringFormat stringFormat = new StringFormat();
stringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
stringFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
br = new SolidBrush(SkinHelp.FontColor);
g.DrawString(tabPage.Text, Font, br, tabTextArea, stringFormat);
if (nIndex == 0)
Pen pen = new Pen(SkinHelp.ControlBorderBackColor);
g.DrawLine(pen, 3, 5, 3, recBounds.Height + 3);
接下来我们还要对上面的ICON进行处理处理访求 如下
if ((leftRightImages == null) || (leftRightImages.Images.Count != 4))
// calc positions
Rectangle TabControlArea = this.ClientRectangle;
Rectangle r0 = new Rectangle();
Win32.GetClientRect(scUpDown.Handle, ref r0);
// 当Tab多时背景颜色
Brush br = new SolidBrush(Color.Transparent);
g.FillRectangle(br, r0);
Pen border = new Pen(SkinHelp.ControlBorderBackColor);
Rectangle rborder = new Rectangle(1, 1, 36, 19);
rborder.Inflate(-1, -1);
g.DrawRectangle(border, rborder);
int nMiddle = (r0.Width / 2);
int nTop = (r0.Height - 16) / 2;
int nLeft = (nMiddle - 16) / 2;
Rectangle r1 = new Rectangle(nLeft, nTop, 16, 16);
Rectangle r2 = new Rectangle(nMiddle + nLeft, nTop, 16, 16);
// draw buttons
Image img = leftRightImages.Images[1];
if (img != null)
if (this.TabCount > 0)
Rectangle r3 = this.GetTabRect(0);
if (r3.Left < TabControlArea.Left)
g.DrawImage(img, r1);
img = leftRightImages.Images[3];
if (img != null)
g.DrawImage(img, r1);
img = leftRightImages.Images[0];
if (img != null)
if (this.TabCount > 0)
Rectangle r3 = this.GetTabRect(this.TabCount - 1);
if (r3.Right > (TabControlArea.Width - r0.Width))
g.DrawImage(img, r2);
img = leftRightImages.Images[2];
if (img != null)
g.DrawImage(img, r2);
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Data;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing.Design;
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using bxyztSkin.Properties;
namespace bxyztSkin.CControls
public partial class CTabControl : System.Windows.Forms.TabControl
private System.ComponentModel.Container components = null;
private SubClass scUpDown = null;
private bool bUpDown;
private ImageList leftRightImages = null;
private const int nMargin = 5;
private Color mBackColor = SystemColors.Control;
public CTabControl()
// This call is required by the Windows.Forms Form Designer.
// double buffering
this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);
this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true);
this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true);
this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, true);
// this.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
bUpDown = false;
this.ControlAdded += new ControlEventHandler(FlatTabControl_ControlAdded);
this.ControlRemoved += new ControlEventHandler(FlatTabControl_ControlRemoved);
this.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(FlatTabControl_SelectedIndexChanged);
leftRightImages = new ImageList();
//leftRightImages.ImageSize = new Size(16, 16); // default
Bitmap updownImage = new Bitmap(Resources.TabIcons);
if (updownImage != null)
public void ChangeSkinColor()
IntPtr hDC = Win32.GetWindowDC(this.Handle);
Graphics gdc = Graphics.FromHdc(hDC);
for (int i = 0; i < this.TabCount; i++)
DrawTab(gdc, this.TabPages[i], i);
Win32.ReleaseDC(this.Handle, hDC);
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
if (components != null)
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
protected override void OnResize(EventArgs e)
GraphicsPath g = new GraphicsPath();
g.AddRectangle(new Rectangle(3, 2, this.Width - 6, this.Height - 5));
this.Region = new Region(g);
if (!Visible)
//Rectangle TabControlArea = new Rectangle(2, 2, this.Width - 3, this.Height - 2);
Rectangle TabControlArea = this.ClientRectangle;
Rectangle TabArea = new Rectangle(3, 24, this.ClientRectangle.Width - 7, this.ClientRectangle.Height - 28);// this.DisplayRectangle;
// 控件内部颜色
Brush br = new SolidBrush(Color.Transparent);
g.FillRectangle(br, TabControlArea);
// draw border
int nDelta = SystemInformation.Border3DSize.Width;
Pen border = new Pen(SkinHelp.Defalutborder);
g.DrawRectangle(border, TabArea);
// clip region for drawing tabs
Region rsaved = g.Clip;
Rectangle rreg;
int nWidth = TabArea.Width + nMargin;
if (bUpDown)
// exclude updown control for painting
if (Win32.IsWindowVisible(scUpDown.Handle))
Rectangle rupdown = new Rectangle();
Win32.GetWindowRect(scUpDown.Handle, ref rupdown);
Rectangle rupdown2 = this.RectangleToClient(rupdown);
nWidth = rupdown2.X;
rreg = new Rectangle(TabArea.Left, TabControlArea.Top, nWidth - nMargin, TabControlArea.Height);
// draw tabs
for (int i = 0; i < this.TabCount; i++)
DrawTab(g, this.TabPages[i], i);
g.Clip = rsaved;
// draw background to cover flat border areas
if (this.SelectedTab != null)
TabPage tabPage = this.SelectedTab;
Color color = tabPage.BackColor;
//border = new Pen(color);
border = new Pen(Color.Green);
TabArea.Offset(1, 1);
TabArea.Width -= 2;
TabArea.Height -= 2;
//g.DrawRectangle(border, TabArea);
TabArea.Width -= 1;
TabArea.Height -= 1;
// g.DrawRectangle(border, TabArea);
internal void DrawTab(Graphics g, TabPage tabPage, int nIndex)
Rectangle recBounds = this.GetTabRect(nIndex);
RectangleF tabTextArea = (RectangleF)this.GetTabRect(nIndex);
bool bSelected = (this.SelectedIndex == nIndex);
Point[] pt = new Point[7];
if (this.Alignment == TabAlignment.Top)
pt[0] = new Point(recBounds.Left, recBounds.Bottom);
pt[1] = new Point(recBounds.Left, recBounds.Top + 3);
pt[2] = new Point(recBounds.Left + 3, recBounds.Top);
pt[3] = new Point(recBounds.Right - 3, recBounds.Top);
pt[4] = new Point(recBounds.Right, recBounds.Top + 3);
pt[5] = new Point(recBounds.Right, recBounds.Bottom);
pt[6] = new Point(recBounds.Left, recBounds.Bottom);
pt[0] = new Point(recBounds.Left, recBounds.Top);
pt[1] = new Point(recBounds.Right, recBounds.Top);
pt[2] = new Point(recBounds.Right, recBounds.Bottom - 3);
pt[3] = new Point(recBounds.Right - 3, recBounds.Bottom);
pt[4] = new Point(recBounds.Left + 3, recBounds.Bottom);
pt[5] = new Point(recBounds.Left, recBounds.Bottom - 3);
pt[6] = new Point(recBounds.Left, recBounds.Top);
// fill this tab with background color
//Brush br = new SolidBrush(tabPage.BackColor);
Brush br = new SolidBrush(Color.White);
// draw border
//g.DrawRectangle(SystemPens.ControlDark, recBounds);
// g.DrawPolygon(SystemPens.ControlDark, pt);
g.DrawPolygon(new Pen(SkinHelp.ControlBorderBackColor), pt);
if (bSelected)
// clear bottom lines
Pen pen = new Pen(tabPage.BackColor);
switch (this.Alignment)
case TabAlignment.Top:
g.DrawLine(pen, recBounds.Left + 1, recBounds.Bottom, recBounds.Right - 1, recBounds.Bottom);
g.DrawLine(pen, recBounds.Left + 1, recBounds.Bottom + 1, recBounds.Right - 1, recBounds.Bottom + 1);
case TabAlignment.Bottom:
g.DrawLine(pen, recBounds.Left + 1, recBounds.Top, recBounds.Right - 1, recBounds.Top);
g.DrawLine(pen, recBounds.Left + 1, recBounds.Top - 1, recBounds.Right - 1, recBounds.Top - 1);
g.DrawLine(pen, recBounds.Left + 1, recBounds.Top - 2, recBounds.Right - 1, recBounds.Top - 2);
g.FillPolygon(br, pt);
g.DrawPolygon(new Pen(Color.Red), pt);
g.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.White, 2f), recBounds.Left + 1, recBounds.Bottom + 1, recBounds.Right - 1, recBounds.Bottom + 1);
g.DrawLine(new Pen(SkinHelp.ControlBorderBackColor), recBounds.Left + 1, recBounds.Bottom, recBounds.Right - 1, recBounds.Bottom);
if ((tabPage.ImageIndex >= 0) && (ImageList != null) && (ImageList.Images[tabPage.ImageIndex] != null))
int nLeftMargin = 8;
int nRightMargin = 2;
Image img = ImageList.Images[tabPage.ImageIndex];
Rectangle rimage = new Rectangle(recBounds.X + nLeftMargin, recBounds.Y + 1, img.Width, img.Height);
// adjust rectangles
float nAdj = (float)(nLeftMargin + img.Width + nRightMargin);
rimage.Y += (recBounds.Height - img.Height) / 2;
tabTextArea.X += nAdj;
tabTextArea.Width -= nAdj;
// draw icon
g.DrawImage(img, rimage);
// draw string
StringFormat stringFormat = new StringFormat();
stringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
stringFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
br = new SolidBrush(SkinHelp.FontColor);
g.DrawString(tabPage.Text, Font, br, tabTextArea, stringFormat);
if (nIndex == 0)
Pen pen = new Pen(SkinHelp.ControlBorderBackColor);
g.DrawLine(pen, 3, 5, 3, recBounds.Height + 3);
internal void DrawIcons(Graphics g)
if ((leftRightImages == null) || (leftRightImages.Images.Count != 4))
// calc positions
Rectangle TabControlArea = this.ClientRectangle;
Rectangle r0 = new Rectangle();
Win32.GetClientRect(scUpDown.Handle, ref r0);
// 当Tab多时背景颜色
Brush br = new SolidBrush(Color.Transparent);
g.FillRectangle(br, r0);
Pen border = new Pen(SkinHelp.ControlBorderBackColor);
Rectangle rborder = new Rectangle(1, 1, 36, 19);
rborder.Inflate(-1, -1);
g.DrawRectangle(border, rborder);
int nMiddle = (r0.Width / 2);
int nTop = (r0.Height - 16) / 2;
int nLeft = (nMiddle - 16) / 2;
Rectangle r1 = new Rectangle(nLeft, nTop, 16, 16);
Rectangle r2 = new Rectangle(nMiddle + nLeft, nTop, 16, 16);
// draw buttons
Image img = leftRightImages.Images[1];
if (img != null)
if (this.TabCount > 0)
Rectangle r3 = this.GetTabRect(0);
if (r3.Left < TabControlArea.Left)
g.DrawImage(img, r1);
img = leftRightImages.Images[3];
if (img != null)
g.DrawImage(img, r1);
img = leftRightImages.Images[0];
if (img != null)
if (this.TabCount > 0)
Rectangle r3 = this.GetTabRect(this.TabCount - 1);
if (r3.Right > (TabControlArea.Width - r0.Width))
g.DrawImage(img, r2);
img = leftRightImages.Images[2];
if (img != null)
g.DrawImage(img, r2);
protected override void OnCreateControl()
foreach (TabPage page in this.TabPages)
page.BackColor = Color.White;
private void FlatTabControl_ControlAdded(object sender, ControlEventArgs e)
private void FlatTabControl_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Invalidate(); // we need to update border and background colors
private void FindUpDown()
bool bFound = false;
// find the UpDown control
IntPtr pWnd = Win32.GetWindow(this.Handle, Win32.GW_CHILD);
while (pWnd != IntPtr.Zero)
// Get the window class name
char[] className = new char[33];
int length = Win32.GetClassName(pWnd, className, 32);
string s = new string(className, 0, length);
if (s == "msctls_updown32")
bFound = true;
if (!bUpDown)
// Subclass it
this.scUpDown = new SubClass(pWnd, true);
this.scUpDown.SubClassedWndProc += new SubClass.SubClassWndProcEventHandler(scUpDown_SubClassedWndProc);
bUpDown = true;
pWnd = Win32.GetWindow(pWnd, Win32.GW_HWNDNEXT);
if ((!bFound) && (bUpDown))
bUpDown = false;
private void UpdateUpDown()
if (bUpDown)
if (Win32.IsWindowVisible(scUpDown.Handle))
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();
Win32.GetClientRect(scUpDown.Handle, ref rect);
Win32.InvalidateRect(scUpDown.Handle, ref rect, true);
#region scUpDown_SubClassedWndProc Event Handler
private int scUpDown_SubClassedWndProc(ref Message m)
switch (m.Msg)
case Win32.WM_PAINT:
// redraw
IntPtr hDC = Win32.GetWindowDC(scUpDown.Handle);
Graphics g = Graphics.FromHdc(hDC);
Win32.ReleaseDC(scUpDown.Handle, hDC);
// return 0 (processed)
m.Result = IntPtr.Zero;
// validate current rect
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();
Win32.GetClientRect(scUpDown.Handle, ref rect);
Win32.ValidateRect(scUpDown.Handle, ref rect);
return 1;
return 0;
/// <summary>
/// 重新设置边框
/// </summary>
/// <param name="m">当前的Windows消息</param>
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
base.WndProc(ref m);
if (m.Msg == 0xf || m.Msg == 0x133)
SkinHelp.ResetBorderColor(m, this, 1, SkinHelp.Defalutborder);
#region Component Designer generated code
/// <summary>
/// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
/// the contents of this method with the code editor.
/// </summary>
private void InitializeComponent()
components = new System.ComponentModel.Container();
#region Properties
[Editor(typeof(TabpageExCollectionEditor), typeof(UITypeEditor))]
public new TabPageCollection TabPages
return base.TabPages;
new public TabAlignment Alignment
get { return base.Alignment; }
TabAlignment ta = value;
if ((ta != TabAlignment.Top) && (ta != TabAlignment.Bottom))
ta = TabAlignment.Top;
base.Alignment = ta;
new public bool Multiline
get { return base.Multiline; }
set { base.Multiline = false; }
new public Color myBackColor
get { return mBackColor; }
set { mBackColor = value; this.Invalidate(); }
#region TabpageExCollectionEditor
internal class TabpageExCollectionEditor : CollectionEditor
public TabpageExCollectionEditor(System.Type type)
: base(type)
protected override Type CreateCollectionItemType()
return typeof(TabPage);
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