Linux0.11 bootsect.s
# # BIOS系统调用 # 80386在实模式下虽然是16位的地址,但是经过段映射后可以形成20位的地址共寻址1MB的地址空间 # BOIS会在地址0处建立1KB字节的中断向量表,每个中断向量使用4个字节的空间, # 前两个字节为段地址,后两个字节为偏移地址,因此一共256个中断向量 # BIOS启动后会建立后中断向量表用于提供一些基本的功能 # 所谓BIOS调用就是使用BIOS的中断功能来执行一些用户想要的操作 # # 在AT汇编里,EAX表示32位寄存器,AX表示16位寄存器,AH,AL表示8位寄存器 # # .code16 表示后面是16位的汇编代码 # # .code16 # # rewrite with AT&T syntax by falcon <> at 081012 # # SYS_SIZE is the number of clicks (16 bytes) to be loaded. # 0x3000 is 0x30000 bytes = 196kB, more than enough for current # versions of linux # # SYSSIZE是要加载的节数(16个字节为1节)0x3000*16也就是192KB的大小, # 对于当前的内核来说已经足够了 # .equ SYSSIZE, 0x3000 # # bootsect.s (C) 1991 Linus Torvalds # # 编译系统编译的镜像存放格式为: # | 512 bootsect | 512*4 setup | system(head,kernel} | # # BOIS会将启动设备的前512字节拷贝至内存的0x7c00处,并跳转到此处运行, # bootsect程序主要将自己(512个字节)搬移到0x90000(576K)处, # 从启动设备继续读取setup模块,存放在自己后面,也就是0x90200地址处(576.5K)处 # 此时bootsect和setup的结尾地址为0x90a00 # bootsect和setup模块一共占用2.5KB的空间,其中bootsect占用0.5KB,setup占用2KB # # 以上的数据读取都使用了BIOS调用 # # # # bootsect.s is loaded at 0x7c00 by the bios-startup routines, and moves # iself out of the way to address 0x90000, and jumps there. # # It then loads 'setup' directly after itself (0x90200), and the system # at 0x10000, using BIOS interrupts. # # NOTE! currently system is at most 8*65536 bytes long. This should be no # problem, even in the future. I want to keep it simple. This 512 kB # kernel size should be enough, especially as this doesn't contain the # buffer cache as in minix # # The loader has been made as simple as possible, and continuos # read errors will result in a unbreakable loop. Reboot by hand. It # loads pretty fast by getting whole sectors at a time whenever possible. # # .global _start, begtext, begdata, begbss, endtext, enddata, endbss .text begtext: .data begdata: .bss begbss: .text # # SETUPLEN 表示setup模块占用sectors的数量,一个sectors为512字节 # BOOTSEG 表示bootsect模块的原始运行地址 # INITSEG 表示bootsect模块搬移后的运行地址 # SETUPSEG 表示setup模块的运行地址 # SYSEG 表示system模块的运行地址,system最终会被搬移到0地址 # ENDSEG 表示system模块的结束地址 # .equ SETUPLEN, 4 # nr of setup-sectors .equ BOOTSEG, 0x07c0 # original address of boot-sector .equ INITSEG, 0x9000 # we move boot here - out of the way .equ SETUPSEG, 0x9020 # setup starts here .equ SYSSEG, 0x1000 # system loaded at 0x10000 (65536). .equ ENDSEG, SYSSEG + SYSSIZE # where to stop loading # ROOT_DEV: 0x000 - same type of floppy as boot. # 0x301 - first partition on first drive etc # 0x301 表示硬盘的第一个分区 # 0x21D 表示软盘的第一个分区 # .equ ROOT_DEV, 0x301 # .equ ROOT_DEV, 0x21D # # # 系统启动后,BIOS会将启动设备的前512字节拷贝至0x7c00处并运行 # 在编译bootsect模块中,我们发现了链接参数-Ttext 0 -e _start表示起始地址为0,程序入口为_start # # 设置DS为0x07c0,设置ES为0x9000 # 将SI和DI清零 # movsw将DS:SI地址处的数据拷贝到ES:DI处,SI和DI会自动递增,拷贝的次数存放在CX寄存器中 # 因此下面的代码意思是, # 将0x7c00的数据拷贝至0x90000(576K)处, 每次拷贝2个字节,共拷贝256次,512个字节 # 也就是将bootsect从0x07c00拷贝到0x90000(576K)处 # # 为什么要拷贝到0x90000(576K)处,这是因为system会被拷贝到0x10000(64K)处 # 而Linus在写这个版本的Linux的时候假设内核的大小为512K,这个可以在后面的注释里看到 # 64K+512K就是576K # 那为什么system要拷贝到0x10000而不是直接拷贝到0x00000地址呢, # 这是因为在setup模块中需要用到BIOS掉用获取一些硬件参数,而BIOS可能占用了64K的地址 # 这就是为什么在setup的最后又将system模块拷贝到0x00000地址的原因 # _start: mov $BOOTSEG, %ax # BOOTSEG 0x07c0 mov %ax, %ds # DS = 0x07c0 mov $INITSEG, %ax # INITSEC 0x9000 mov %ax, %es # ES = 0x9000 mov $256, %cx # CX = 256 sub %si, %si # SI = 0 sub %di, %di # DI = 0 rep # execute repeat util CX == 0, total 512 bytes movsw # copy 2Bytes from DS:SI(0x07c00) to ES:DI(0x90000) 512 bytes # # 跳转至$INITSEC:go处运行,INITSEG定义为0x9000 # 因此也就是跳转至下面的标号“go”的地方开始运行,这条语句会将CS设置为INITSEG # # ljmp $INITSEG, $go # jump 0x9000:go go: mov %cs, %ax # CS = 0x9000 mov %ax, %ds # DS = 0x9000 mov %ax, %es # ES = 0x9000 mov %ax, %ss # SS = 0x9000, put stack top at 0x9ff00 # # 此处设置栈顶地址为0x9ff00 # 因为bootsec占用512字节,setup占用512*4个字节,从0x90000开始存放bootsect和setup,末尾地址为0x90a00 # 而x86的栈为FD栈,满减栈,因此从0x90a00到0x9ff00的空间都是可以用,栈顶指针初始值为0x9ff00 # mov $0xff00, %sp # x86 FD stack [full decrease stack] # we will copy 4 sectors(2048) form boot device # code in 0x90000->0x90a00 and stack top 0x9ff00 # load the setup-sectors directly after the bootblock. # Note that 'es' is already set up. # # 下面一段代码使用BOIS系统调用从第二个扇区读,共读取4个扇区,2048个字节,我们 # 通过前面的注释可是直到setup模块,刚好占用4个扇区,下面代码的左右就是从第二个 # 扇区开始读取数据,存放在当前数据段的0x200处,也就是0x90200处,读取成功后挑战至 # ok_load_setup处开始运行,读取失败后继续进行尝试读取 # 目前我们只需知道其含义即可,具体可参考<Linux内核完全注释的讲解> # load_setup: mov $0x0000, %dx # drive 0, head 0 mov $0x0002, %cx # sector 2, track 0 mov $0x0200, %bx # address = 512, in INITSEG mov $0x200+SETUPLEN, %ax # service 2, nr of sectors, SETUPLEN is 4 int $0x13 # read it jnc ok_load_setup # ok - continue mov $0x0000, %dx mov $0x0000, %ax # reset the diskette int $0x13 jmp load_setup ok_load_setup: # # Get disk drive parameters, specifically nr of sectors/track # 获取当前软盘驱动的参数放在sectors处 # mov $0x00, %dl mov $0x0800, %ax # AH=8 is get drive parameters int $0x13 mov $0x00, %ch mov %cx, %cs:sectors+0 # %cs means sectors is in %cs mov $INITSEG, %ax mov %ax, %es # restore ES # # 使用系统调用打印:Loading system ... # Print some inane message # mov $0x03, %ah # read cursor pos xor %bh, %bh int $0x10 mov $24, %cx mov $0x0007, %bx # page 0, attribute 7 (normal) mov $msg1, %bp mov $0x1301, %ax # write string, move cursor int $0x10 # # 读取SYS模块,存放在地址0x10000(64K)开始的地方, # 根据前面的SYSSIZE定义我们知道一共读取0x3000*16个字节也就是192KB的内容 # 对于我们来说已经够了,我们可以计算出当前的最大地址为64 + 192 = 256KB, # 不能覆盖到bootsect和setup模块的起始地址 # ok, we've written the message, now # we want to load the system (at 0x10000) # mov $SYSSEG, %ax # AX = 0x1000 mov %ax, %es # ES = 0x1000 segment of 0x010000 call read_it # 读取system模块到0x10000处,知道就行,暂时不关注 call kill_motor # 关闭驱动 # # After that we check which root-device to use. If the device is # defined (#= 0), nothing is done and the given device is used. # Otherwise, either /dev/PS0 (2,28) or /dev/at0 (2,8), depending # on the number of sectors that the BIOS reports currently. # mov %cs:root_dev+0, %ax # 获取root_dev的参数 cmp $0, %ax # 和0进行对比 jne root_defined # 如果不为0说明,root_dev已经定义,跳转到root_defined处,root_dev的值存放在ax寄存器中 mov %cs:sectors+0, %bx # 否则获取sectors处的数据,根据sectors的数据判断是1.2M还是1.44M的软盘 mov $0x0208, %ax # /dev/ps0 - 1.2Mb cmp $15, %bx # 1.2M的sectors数目是15个 je root_defined # 如果相等跳转到root_defined处 mov $0x021c, %ax # /dev/PS0 - 1.44Mb cmp $18, %bx # 1.44M的sectors的数目是18个 je root_defined # 如果相等跳转到root_defined处 undef_root: jmp undef_root root_defined: mov %ax, %cs:root_dev+0 # 将ax的值存放在root_dev处 # # 当所有的模块都加载完成后,跳转到0x09200地址处运行,我们知道此处是setup的地址 # 跳转到 SETUPSEG的 0 偏移开始运行,SETUPSEG为0x9020,即地址0x90200, # # 目前, # bootsect在0x90000地址处共512字节 # setup在0x90200地址处共2KB # system模块在0x10000(64KB)地址处共192KB字节 # 以上都在实模式的1MB访问空间内 # # after that (everyting loaded), we jump to # the setup-routine loaded directly after # the bootblock: # ljmp $SETUPSEG, $0 # setup code # # This routine loads the system at address 0x10000, making sure # no 64kB boundaries are crossed. We try to load it as fast as # possible, loading whole tracks whenever we can. # # in: es - starting address segment (normally 0x1000) # sread: .word 1+ SETUPLEN # sectors read of current track head: .word 0 # current head track: .word 0 # current track read_it: mov %es, %ax # AX = 0x1000 test $0x0fff, %ax # ES must be 64KB boundary die: jne die # es must be at 64kB boundary xor %bx, %bx # bx is starting address within segment rp_read: mov %es, %ax cmp $ENDSEG, %ax # have we loaded all yet? jb ok1_read ret ok1_read: #seg cs mov %cs:sectors+0, %ax sub sread, %ax mov %ax, %cx shl $9, %cx add %bx, %cx jnc ok2_read je ok2_read xor %ax, %ax sub %bx, %ax shr $9, %ax ok2_read: call read_track mov %ax, %cx add sread, %ax #seg cs cmp %cs:sectors+0, %ax jne ok3_read mov $1, %ax sub head, %ax jne ok4_read incw track ok4_read: mov %ax, head xor %ax, %ax ok3_read: mov %ax, sread shl $9, %cx add %cx, %bx jnc rp_read mov %es, %ax add $0x1000, %ax mov %ax, %es xor %bx, %bx jmp rp_read read_track: push %ax push %bx push %cx push %dx mov track, %dx mov sread, %cx inc %cx mov %dl, %ch mov head, %dx mov %dl, %dh mov $0, %dl and $0x0100, %dx mov $2, %ah int $0x13 jc bad_rt pop %dx pop %cx pop %bx pop %ax ret bad_rt: mov $0, %ax mov $0, %dx int $0x13 pop %dx pop %cx pop %bx pop %ax jmp read_track # # This procedure turns off the floppy drive motor, so # that we enter the kernel in a known state, and # don't have to worry about it later. # kill_motor: push %dx mov $0x3f2, %dx mov $0, %al outsb pop %dx ret sectors: .word 0 msg1: .byte 13,10 .ascii "Loading system ..." .byte 13,10,13,10 .org 508 root_dev: .word ROOT_DEV boot_flag: .word 0xAA55 .text endtext: .data enddata: .bss endbss:
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