第一种算是比较常见了,通过闭包Store Value从而实现accessor,适用于所有浏览器.
function Sandy(val){ var value = val; this.getValue = function(){ return value; }; this.setValue = function(val){ value = val; }; } //usage var sandy = new Sandy("test"); sandy.value // => undefined sandy.setValue("test2") sandy.getValue
function makeProperty(o, name, predicate) { var value; //This is property value; //The setter method simply returns the value o['get' + name] = function() { return value;}; //The getter method stores the value or throws an exception if //the predicate rejects the value o['set' + name] = function(v) { if (predicate && !predicate(v) { throw 'set' + name + ': invalid value ' + v; } else { value = y; } } } //The following code demenstrates the makeProperty() method var o = {}; // Here is an empty object //Add property accessor methods getName and setName //Ensure that only string values are allowed makeProperty(o, 'Name', function(x) { return typeof x == 'string'; }); o.setName('Frank'); //Set the property value; print(o.getName()); //Get the property value o.setName(0); //Try to set a value of the wrong type
第二种方法是使用__defineSetter__与__defineGetter__来实现accessor,看下划线就知道它们并非标准,适用于Firefox 2.0+, Safari 3.0+, Google Chrome 1.0+ 和 Opera 9.5+ ,方法使用见MDN.
function Sandy(val){ var value = val, _watch = function(newVal) { console.log('val is Changed to : ' + newVal); } this.__defineGetter__("value", function(){ return value; }); this.__defineSetter__("value", function(val){ value = val; _watch(val); }); } var sandy = new Sandy("test"); sandy.value // => test sandy.value = "test2"; // => 'val is Changed to : test2' sandy.value // => "test2"
除了__defineG/Setter__外, 你还可以使用'set'、'get'关键字在在原型对象上定义accessor,对于单个对象同样适用, 适用于Firefox 2.0+, Safari 3.0+, Google Chrome 1.0+ 和 Opera 9.5+.
function Sandy(val){ this.value = val; } Sandy.prototype = { get value(){ return this._value; }, set value(val){ this._value = val; } }; //Or var sandy = { '_value' : 'sandy', get value() { return this._value; }, set value(val) { this._value = val; } }
最后一种方法,用到了Object的静态方法defineProperty,作用于单个对象,该方法应该属于ES5的范畴了,目前似乎只有Chrome 支持这种方法,其实Ie8也支持,但操作对象仅限于Dom节点(Dom node),见IEBlog,该方法的使用见MDN.
var sandy = {}, rValue; Object.defineProperty(sandy, 'value' , { 'set' : function(val) { rValue = val; }, 'get' : function() { return rValue; }, 'enumerable' : true, 'configurable' : true } ) //Ie8+ Object.defineProperty(document.body, "description", { get : function () { return this.desc; }, set : function (val) { this.desc = val; } }); document.body.description = "Content container"; // document.body.description will now return "Content container"
‘enumerable','configuralbe' 属于ES5规范中的Property Attributes(属性特性),在这里就不做讨论了,有兴趣的Google或者直接去看ES5的文档. ^ ^