


        3.NET编译器生成一个包含包含标准PE头(PE header)的EXE文件,其中MSIL代码和清单(mainfest)做为EXE文件的只读部分。(到目前为止,术语(term)清单是能充分理解的。它所引用的信息保存在NET二进制代码中。清单描述了二进制代码的内容和运行时的需求。【For now, its enough to understand that the term manifest refers to the information stored in a .NET binary that describes that binarys contents and runtime requirements.

        4、当编译器在创建输出文件的同时,也从 .NET运行时中引入函数_CoreExeMain。这是重要部分。


        6、操作系统加载PE之后,跳转到.NET编译器指定的入口地址。Windows按照相同的方式加载并运行其他PE 7、因为操作系统能明确地(obviously)运行MSIL代码,从入口点跳转到mscoree.dll只消耗很短暂的时间。(Because the operating system obviously cant execute the MSIL code, the entry point is just a small stub that jumps to the _CorExeMain function in mscoree.dll.


       9MSIL代码只所以不能直接运行,是因为MSIL没有采用机器运行格式(machine-excutable format)。因此,通用语言运行时(the common language runtime 采用just-in-time compilerJITter)把MSIL编译为本地CPU指令。JIT编译技术以方法的形式在程序中调用。编译后的可执行代码被缓存在机器中,直到部分源代码改变时,才重新编译。(MSIL code cant be executed directly because its not in a machine-executable format. Therefore, the common language runtime compiles the MSILby using a just-in-time compiler (or JITter)into native CPU instructions as it processes the MSIL. JIT compiling occurs only as methods in the program are called. The compiled executable code is cached on the machine and recompiled only if theres some change to the source code.

       上述内容的英文资料来源《Inside C#》(Sencond Edition eBook) 
posted @ 2005-08-18 09:01  清香的工夫茶  阅读(837)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报