QT学习-核心类列表-39、QtX11Extras 40、QtXml
39 - QtX11Extras模块提供类便于在X11平台进行开发
40 - QtXml模块为XML提供了基于SAX和DOM标准的C++实现
QDomAttr - Represents one attribute of a QDomElement
QDomCDATASection - Represents an XML CDATA section
QDomCharacterData - Represents a generic string in the DOM
QDomComment - Represents an XML comment
QDomDocument - Represents an XML document
QDomDocumentFragment - Tree of QDomNodes which is not usually a complete QDomDocument
QDomDocumentType - The representation of the DTD in the document tree
QDomElement - Represents one element in the DOM tree
QDomEntity - Represents an XML entity
QDomEntityReference - Represents an XML entity reference
QDomImplementation - Information about the features of the DOM implementation
QDomNamedNodeMap - Contains a collection of nodes that can be accessed by name
QDomNode - The base class for all the nodes in a DOM tree
QDomNodeList - List of QDomNode objects
QDomNotation - Represents an XML notation
QDomProcessingInstruction - Represents an XML processing instruction
QDomText - Represents text data in the parsed XML document
QXmlAttributes - XML attributes
QXmlContentHandler - Interface to report the logical content of XML data
QXmlDTDHandler - Interface to report DTD content of XML data
QXmlDeclHandler - Interface to report declaration content of XML data
QXmlDefaultHandler - Default implementation of all the XML handler classes
QXmlEntityResolver - Interface to resolve external entities contained in XML data
QXmlErrorHandler - Interface to report errors in XML data
QXmlInputSource - The input data for the QXmlReader subclasses
QXmlLexicalHandler - Interface to report the lexical content of XML data
QXmlLocator - The XML handler classes with information about the parsing position within a file
QXmlNamespaceSupport - Helper class for XML readers which want to include namespace support
QXmlParseException - Used to report errors with the QXmlErrorHandler interface
QXmlReader - Interface for XML readers (i.e. parsers)
QXmlSimpleReader - Implementation of a simple XML parser